SEEF_BASE - Nachrichtenklasse zu Paket SEEF_BASE
The following messages are stored in message class SEEF_BASE: Nachrichtenklasse zu Paket SEEF_BASE.
It is part of development package SEEF_BASE in software component BC-DWB-TOO-ENH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Enhancement Base Functions".
It is part of development package SEEF_BASE in software component BC-DWB-TOO-ENH. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Enhancement Base Functions".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Internal Error |
001 | No authorization for the creation of enhancement implementation |
002 | Enhancement implementation &1 already exists |
003 | Internal error: Enhancement tool &1 not found |
004 | Internal error: Error when creating enhancement implementation |
005 | No authorization for creating enhancement implementation objects |
006 | Object already locked |
007 | Action was canceled |
008 | Enhancement implementation &1 already exists |
009 | No authorization for the creation of enhancement implementation |
010 | Select an enhancement implementation |
011 | Internal error: Enhancement spot tool &1 not found |
012 | Internal error: Enhancement spot tool &1 not found |
013 | No authorization for creating an enhancement spot |
014 | Enhancement spot &1 already exists |
015 | Enhancement implementation saved |
016 | Enhancement implementation saved |
017 | Enhancement spot saved |
018 | Enhancement spot saved |
019 | Enhancement implementation &1 still has inactive versions |
020 | Enhancement spot &1 does not exist |
021 | Enhancement implementation &1 does not exist |
022 | Enhancement spot &1 already exists |
023 | Enhancement implementations &1 and &2 have the same name |
024 | Enhancement implementation &1 does not exist |
025 | Deletion of enhancement implementation &1 not allowed |
026 | Check for enhancement implementation &1: Without errors |
027 | Check for enhancement spot &1: Without errors |
028 | Enhancement implementation &1 cannot be copied |
029 | Enhancement implementation &1 cannot be deleted |
030 | Copying enhancement spots is not supported |
031 | Enhancement spot &1 cannot be deleted |
032 | Composite enhancement implementation &1 does not exist |
033 | Composite enhancement implementation &1 already exists |
034 | Composite enhancement implementation &1 cannot be deleted. |
035 | New name for composite enhancement implementation missing |
036 | Composite enhancement spot &1 does not exist |
037 | Composite enhancement spot &1 already exists |
038 | Composite enhancement spot &1 cannot be deleted |
039 | New name for enhancement spot missing |
040 | Contract data cannot be displayed for object type &1 |
041 | Specify an enhancement implementaion |
042 | Specify an enhancement spot |
043 | Enter a short text |
044 | Subordinate objects for enhancement implementation &1 exist |
045 | Subordinate objects for enhancement spot &1 exist |
046 | Enhancement implementation &1 cannot be renamed due to inactive versions |
047 | Enhancement spot &1 cannot be renamed due to inactive versions |
048 | Enhancement implementation &1 is locked |
049 | Enhancement spot &1 does not have a superordinate enhancement spot |
050 | Enhancement implementation &1 does not have superordinate enh. implement. |
051 | New assignment is not possible |
052 | Error at &1 &2 &3 |
053 | New assignment is not possible |
054 | Spot &1 cannot be deleted due to the implementations it contains |
055 | Enhancement spot &1 cannot be copied due to inactive versions |
056 | Enhancement spot &1 still has inactive versions |
057 | Enhancement spots &1 and &2 have the same name |
058 | Enhancement implementation &1 does not have an actively saved version |
059 | Activation error for &1 &2 : &3 |
060 | Enhancement implementation &1 does not exist; assignment not possible |
061 | Current assignment is identical to new assignment |
062 | Composite enhancement spot &1 has an inactive version |
063 | Enhancement implementation &1 cannot be copied due to inactive versions |
064 | Enh. implementation &1 was removed from composite enh. implementation &2 |
065 | Enhancement spot &1 was removed from composite enhancement spot &2 |
066 | Dependent enhancement spot &1 will be deleted |
067 | Dependent enhancement implementation &1 will be deleted |
068 | Error during check &1 : &2 &3 &4 |
069 | Error when creating enhancement implementation &1 |
070 | Error when creating enhancement spot &1 |
071 | Table &1: Select a line and fill the required fields &2 |
072 | Enhancement name &1 already defined or used |
073 | Creation of enhancement spot currently not supported |
074 | Assignment could not be deleted |
075 | Enhancement names do not comply with conventions |
076 | Enhancement implementation &1 exists in multiple spots |
077 | Implementation &1 exists in multiple composite implementations |
078 | Enhancement implementation &1 exists in multiple composite spots |
079 | Internal error when creating enhancement tree |
080 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
081 | &1 &2 not found |
082 | Log processing currently not available |
083 | Fill all required entry fields |
084 | BAdI definition created |
085 | The PRE method for & was flagged to be added; save the method |
086 | The POST method for & was flagged to be added; save the method |
087 | The PRE method for & was flagged to be deleted; save the method |
088 | The POST method for & was flagged to be deleted; save the method |
089 | No PRE method exists for & |
090 | No POST method exists for & |
091 | PRE method already exists for & |
092 | POST method already exists for & |
093 | Enhancement implementation &1: Error during generation |
094 | Transaction SPAU_ENH for adjusting enhancement implementations |
095 | Error: Enhancement spot could not be reallocated |
096 | Error while deleting assignment &1 |
097 | Activation error |
098 | Error while reading composite enhancement implementation &1 |
099 | Data was saved |
100 | Activation of enhancement implementation: &1 - &2 |
101 | Start of after-import handling for enhancement spot &1 at &2 |
102 | Export enhancement implementation: &1 |
103 | Export enhancement spot: &1 |
104 | Error: &1 |
105 | Exception &1 program &2 include &3 line &4 |
106 | Enhancement spot &1 cannot be renamed because enh.impl. exists |
107 | Enhancement implementation deleted |
108 | Enhancement spot deleted |
109 | Enhancement spot locked |
110 | Internal error when writing enhancement implementation log file |
111 | Enhancement implementation &1 deleted |
112 | Enhancement spot &1 deleted |
113 | Renaming is not allowed |
114 | Enhancement implementations cannot be created on their own |
115 | Implementation &1 has its original in system &2. Migrate anyway? |
116 | Enh. spot &1 not inserted in combined enh. spot &2 |
117 | Enhancement implementation &1 object &2 &3 - set upgrade flag |
118 | Error reassigning enhancement spot &1 |
119 | No long text exists |
120 | Enhancement spot &1 is inactive; activate it |
121 | Object &1 &2 is inactive. Activate it. |
122 | ENHCROSS entry for enhancement spot &1 cannot be created |
123 | Enhancement implementation &1 must still be adjusted |
124 | Fallback is to be called, but no fallback class is defined |
125 | Contract for &1 cannot be created; error in &2 &3 |
126 | Navigation to this object is not supported |
127 | Composite enhancement implementation &1 deleted |
128 | Composite enhancement spot &1 deleted |
129 | Creation of objects not possible |
130 | Creating BAdI implementation for BAdI &1 of enhancement spot &2 |
131 | Comp. enhancem. implementn. &1 removed from comp. enhancem. implentn. &2 |
132 | Composite enhancement spot &1 removed from composite enhancement spot &2 |
133 | Deactivated enhancement object &1 will be ignored |
134 | Enhancement implementation &1 created |
135 | Import Dictionary enhancement implementation: &1 |
136 | Dictionary enhancement implementation &1 was deleted |
137 | Deactivated dictionary enhancement implementation &1 is ignored |
138 | Enhancement &1 not yet synchronized |
140 | Composite enhancement implementation repaired successfully |
141 | Composite enhancement spot repaired successfully |
142 | Composite enhancement implementation is error-free |
143 | Composite enhancement spot is error-free |
144 | Object locked, therefore switched to display mode |
145 | For BAdI &1 there are no &2 implementations &3 |
146 | Function call through RFC connection &1 not successful &3 |
147 | Implementation &1 created as copy of implementation of system &2 |
148 | Implementation &1 already exists for BAdI &2 in system &3 |
149 | Function call through RFC connection &1 not successful &3 |
150 | Inconsistency between Table GBADI_IMPL and GTADIR |
151 | Object directory change for enhancement spot &1 |
152 | Object directory change for enhancement implementation &1 |
153 | Object directory change for dictionary enhancement implementation &1 |
154 | Repair/Check only possible for active, enhanced objects |
155 | Enhancement spot &1 is locked |
156 | No conflicts found |
157 | Enhancement spot &1 contains migrated BAdI; renaming not possible |
158 | Enhancement spots with source code plug-ins cannot be renamed |
160 | BAdI &1 is used in the IMG; adjust IMG after migration |
161 | Internal error: New transport request number could not be set |
163 | Internal error: object &1 could not be activated |
164 | &1 generated successfully |
166 | Enhancement spot &1 generated successfully |
168 | Internal error & in & |
170 | Deletion of enhancement spot &1 not possible due to inactive version |
171 | Deletion of enhancement spot &1 not possible due to enhancement options |
172 | UI reference is missing for &1 |
173 | Enhancement spot &1 contains migrated BAdI; deletion not possible |
175 | Automatic adjustment only useful in upgrade mode |
179 | Assignment exists already |
180 | &1 does not define any option &2 |
181 | Root for enhancement implementation &1 not found |
182 | Enhancement impl. & is already assigned to a composite enhancement impl. |
183 | Composite enh. impl. & is already assigned to a composite enh. impl. |
184 | Enhancement spot & is already assigned to a composite enhancement spot |
185 | Enhancement Spot &1 - Error While Opening: &2 |
186 | Composite enh. spot & is already assigned to a composite enh. spot |
187 | ENHO &: Method exits must be migrated (Note 1286805). |
188 | ENHO &: Behavior of POST exits changed (Note 1083387). |
189 | Enhancement object &1 &2 does not exist |
190 | Error converting the original language of the texts |
191 | Not all objects belonging to the object are translated |
192 | &1: Conflict determination for new behavior of POST-exits has failed |
193 | Inactive version can only be reset in change mode |
194 | No authorization to reset the inactive version. |
195 | Name length for type &1 exceeds 25 digits |
199 | Only LOG-type data can be reloaded |
200 | Select at least one LOG entry |
201 | Select exactly two lines for the comparison of two LOG entries. |
202 | Error reading the contents table of LOG entries |
203 | Error when reading the reference table of LOG entries. |
204 | Cannot compare the two selected lines |
205 | Choose exactly one line |
206 | Could not read LOG data |
207 | BAdI &1 was activated in Customizing |
208 | BAdI &1 deactivated in Customizing |
210 | No original language for object &1 &2 available |
211 | Syntax check for deactivated enhancement implementation &1 not possible |
212 | Check for composite enh. implementation *1: without errors |
213 | Check for composite enh. spot &1: without errors |
214 | It was not possible to perform the correction |
215 | Syntax check only possible for saved version of &1 |
216 | An inactive version exists for object &1 |
220 | BADI_SORTER implementation &1 deleted |
221 | Enh. ompl. &1 was regenerated (Note 1506967) |
222 | Enh. impl. &1 could not be regenerated (Note 1506967): &2 |
223 | Start of special postprocessing of &1 enhancement object at &2 |
224 | End of special postprocessing of &1 enh. obj. at &2 |
227 | LANG ENHO &1: Active version of ENHTEXT replaced with imported version |
228 | Enhancement implementation &1 was not marked as generated. |
229 | Enhancement does not exist, no further processing is necessary. |
230 | Inactive entries (N) exist. LANG is handled as R3TR. |
231 | LANG ENHS &1: Active ENHSPOTTEXT version replaced by imported version |
232 | Enhancement spot &1 flagged for generation |
233 | Enhancement spot &1 does not exist; no further processing required |
250 | Dependent enhancement objects must still be adjusted |
251 | Enhancement impl. &1 was adjusted automatically and successfully |
252 | Not possible to determine main program for enhancement implementation &1 |
253 | Operation &1 cannot be executed |
254 | No operation selected |
255 | Target method name not selected |
256 | Pre/Post method cannot be created because an override exists |
257 | Override method cannot be created because a PreMethod exists |
258 | Override method cannot be created because a PostMethod exists |
260 | Metadata for &1 method &2 missing in enhancement &3 |
261 | Entries in table ENHSORT for &1 could not be updated |
289 | XSTRING of enhancement &1 could not be read |
300 | Enhancement spot &1 XPRA flag set |
301 | Enhancement implementation &1 XPRA flag set |
302 | Can only be executed in repository switch upgrade |
303 | Enhancement spot &1 - Generation flag cannot be deleted |
304 | Enhancement implementation &1 - Generation flag cannot be deleted |
305 | DWTREE set up for enhancement objects |
306 | Error: DWTREE for enhancement objects could not be set up |
310 | Enhancement object &1 inconsistent (n version exists) |
320 | BAdI definition &1 already exists |
350 | ---------- Messages for ABAP Unit Tests ------------------------ |
351 | Tests cannot be executed as software component SAP_BASIS not enhanceable |
500 | Start of mass activation for enh. objects at &1 (after-import call) |
501 | End of mass activation of &1 enhancement objects at &2 |
502 | Activation enhancement implementations (R3TR ENHO) at &1 |
503 | Activation enhancement spots (R3TR ENHS) at &1 |
504 | Internal error: N entry of ENHS &1 disappeared |
505 | Internal error: N entry of ENHO &1 disappeared |
506 | Log entry changed, field &1 old: &2 new: &3 |
507 | Activation of Dictionary enhancement impl. (R3TR ENHD) |
509 | N version of enhancement spot &1 found |
510 | N version of enhancement impl. &1 found |
511 | N version of Dictionary enhancement impl. &1 found |
512 | Internal error: N entry of ENHD &1 disappeared |
513 | Enhancement object &1 already generated |
514 | Dictionary enhancement impl. &1 already generated |
515 | Enhancement spot &1 already generated |
550 | ---------For Class Enhancements 550 - 599-------------------------------- |
551 | Enh. methods cannot be enhanced with pre/post/overwrite exits |
552 | Enh. methods cannot be enhanced with parameters of other enhancements |
553 | Enh. results cannot be enhanced with parameters of other enhancements |
567 | Class *1 already exists. Assign a new name |
600 | ---------For Enhancements 600 - 649------------------------------- |
601 | Include of method &1 of class &2 does not exist |
602 | Program &1 could not be analyzed due to errors |
603 | No valid contract found for enhancement implementation |
604 | Contract for enhancement implementation &1 has errors |
605 | Error during contract correction for enhancement implementation |
606 | Syntax check is not possible: &1 is a multiple-use include |
607 | Repair of enhancement implementation &1 was successful |
608 | Repair of enhancement implementation &1 was not successful |
609 | No active version exists |
610 | Error while resetting inactive version |
611 | No further details are available for this entry |
612 | Enhancement spot &1 was repaired |
613 | Enhancement spot &1 could not be repaired |
614 | Enhancement spot &1 has no active version |
615 | Enhancement spot &1 could not be reset |
616 | Function module &1 is inconsistent |
617 | Table &1 is not supported |
618 | Function module &1 does not exist |
619 | No further details are available for this entry |
620 | Recovery process has been canceled |
621 | Stored version is incomplete |
622 | Editing of object not allowed |
623 | Log record number &1 has been recovered |
624 | Implementation contains elements with undefined source positions |
625 | Use transaction SE20 for changes |
626 | Enhancement implementation cannot be created using transaction SE20 |
627 | BAdI definition cannot be created using transaction SE20 |
628 | Error when reading version &1 (&2) |
650 | ---------For AUnits 650 - 699------------------------------ |
651 | No complete name could be found for the test object |
800 | Start mass activation of enhancenment at &1 |
801 | End mass activation of enhancement at &1 |
804 | Start of after-import for enhancement objects of type &1 at &2 |
805 | Start of after-import of enhancement object &1 at &2 |
806 | Version 'A' of enh. object &1 was replaced with imported version 'N' |
807 | Specific AFTER_IMPORT_DELETE of enh. object &1 was exited |
808 | Error with specific AFTER_IMPORT_DELETE of enh. object &1 |
809 | Specific AFTER_IMPORT of enh. object &1 was exited |
810 | Error with specific AFTER_IMPORT of enh. object &1 |
811 | End of after-import of enh. object &1 at &2 |
812 | End of after-import of &1 enh. object of type &2 at &3 (duration &4 sec.) |
813 | Exception &1 occurred in program &2 in Include &3 in line &4 |
814 | Exception text: &1 |
815 | Check the enhancement (SE20/ADT) and correct the error |
840 | Error while creating temporary version for &1: &2 |