SGT_01 -

The following messages are stored in message class SGT_01: .
It is part of development package LO_SGT in software component LO-RFM-SGT-MD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Segmentation (categories)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Batch management is activated for plant &1
001Segmentation strategy &1 already exists
002Segmentation scope cannot be changed; values exist
003Segmentation value &1 cannot be deleted in &2; it does not exist
004Stock segment &1 can only be maintained for non-blank requirement segment
005Value &1 is invalid for domain &2
006Accounting data for &1 &2 &3 not maintained. Costing not possible.
007Segmentation strategy &1 not valid for segmentation structure group &2
008Enter requirement segment for &1
009Invalid requirement segment for material &1
010Stock segment &1 not valid for plant &2, segmentation strategy &3
011Requirement segment &1 not valid for plant &2, segmentation strategy &3
012Segmentation not possible for material &1, &2; see long text
013Material &1 not relevant for segmentation
014Batch not relevant for requirement segment for item &1
015Proposed batch not relevant for requirement segment
016Segmentation cannot be changed as item already ordered; create new item
017Material &1 not relevant for segmentation in plant &2
018Batch not relevant for the requirement segments for item &1
019Batch &1 is not relevant for the stock segment &2
020Blank is not a valid segmentation value
021only BLANK seg. check level permitted for a BLANK pool segment
022Enter segmentation strategy for selected segmentation structure
023Datatype not allowed or is too long for segmentation field; use character
024Segmentation strategy not valid for segmentation structure
026Cannot add another field to segmentation structure; not enough space
027Availability check not valid for segmentation strategy
028Invalid strategy group for segmentation strategy
029Segmentation strategy &1 not valid for plant &2
030Enter both segmentation structure and segmentation strategy
031Combination already exists
032Stock Segment exists
033You cannot maintain different Seg. Check Level for a pool segment
034Change in stock segment needs re-reading of master data, see long text
035Fields in the structure overlap; check field offsets and lengths
036Do not enter the same rank twice in a segmentation application
037Cannot unlock structure; segmentation strategy created for the structure
038Posting not possible - See Long Text
039Batch level is automatically selected on entering stock segment
040Classical list cannot be used to view batch level stock
041Define segmentation strategy for requirement segment &
042Cannot map stock seg. &1 and req. seg &2 based on Customizing settings
043Cannot change stock segment; BOM is already fixed
044Batch is not possible for material &1
045Cannot save; OB ref. material and material have different seg. structure
046Cannot save; OB ref. material and material have different seg. strategy
047Blank segment is not allowed
048Segmentation strategy does not exist
049No characteristic exists for the given rank &1
050Elementary field &1 already used for segmentation group &2
051Charact. can only be inserted when creating a segmentation structure
052Invalid segmentation value
053For segmentation strategy BLANK, only segmentation BLANK is permitted
054Cannot change valuation type; batch already exists for stock segment &1
055Reference fields can only be used for segmentation group &1
056Preference segment value cannot be set for two seg. with same val.type
057&1-&2 is already assigned to elementary field &3
058Enter a valid characteristic
059Error while opening maintenance view
060Cannot extend material; see long text
061Cannot copy ATP fixable segment allocation
062You can only assign segmentation-relevant characteristics
063Batch management is mandatory for the material
064Configurable segmentation cannot be assigned to a locked structure
065Characteristic &1 must be unique within segmentation structure &2
066Only procurement type 'F' is allowed when scope of seg. strategy is 1
067Characteristic &1 is in not released status
068Segmentation strategy &1 not valid for material &2
069Only BLANK is permitted for functionality &1; field not relevant
070Segmentation structure &1 already used by segment strategy &2, plant &3
071Structures of stock segment and requirement segment are not identical
072Segmentation strategies for structure &1 only exist at the plant level
073# is not valid for conversions and has been replaced by *
074Define valid combinations of stock and requirement segment
075Batch management is mandatory when scope of segmentation strategy is 1
076Cannot change segmentation valuation data; stock in transit
077BLANK is not a valid requirement segment
078Cannot enter seg. dependent valuation data; segmentation not fixed for &1
079Cannot enter seg. dependent valuation data; segmentation scope is not 1
080Cannot enter seg. dependent valuation data; seg. is not VAL relevant
081Stock seg. &1 is not allocated to any req. seg. in seg. strategy &2
082Invalid data type; only &1 can be used for seg. relevant characteristics
083Cannot enter segmentation relevant data; material is not segment relevant
084Material is segmentation relevant; enter segmentation structure
085Invalid segmentation structure
086Cannot change segmentation relevance in change mode
087Cannot change segmentation structure; segmentation fixed for material
088Cannot change segmentation strategy; segmentation fixed for material
089Segmentation strategy &1 is not valid
090Cannot change segmentation status; status already set
091You have entered an invalid segmentation value &1
092You cannot set the Stock Protection Indicator for material &1, plant &2
093No Segmentation rules to display
094Cannot update and delete charact. &1 in sgt struct. &2 simultaneously
095Segment check level changes to &1 for stock segment with value &2
096Segmentation rules are not generated for the segment strategy &1.
097Cannot delete the same charact. &1 in segmentation struct. &2 twice.
098Invalid segmentation status
099Material is locked
100Variant of an article is not a valid input
101Invalid segmentation strategy at plant level
102Enter a valid material
103Enter a valid plant
104Material &1 not maintained in the plant &2
105Material &1 not subject to split valuation
106Material &1 is statistical item; not relevant for requirement segment
107Cannot enter segment relevant data
108Segmentation relevance is updated
109Cannot update seg. relevancy; seg. relevancy already exists
110No records to update
111Characteristic &1 is being processed by &2
112You are not authorized to use this transaction
113Error in creating log
114Business switch is not activated for the selected relevancy field
115You must enter segment values in the "Segment Combinations" node
117Segment value &1 is not correct for EAN &2
118Enter an EAN category for segment value &1
119Batch management is mandatory for material &1
120Batch management is mandatory for material &1, plant &2
121Batch management is mandatory for material &1, distribution channel &2
122Either dynamic or default segmentation are allowed for &1, application &2
123You can�t generate segmentation rules for segment strategy &1.
124Select a selection rule on the selection screen of the report
125Segmentation strategy &1 does not exist
126Batch management is mandatory if the scope of segmentation strategy is 1
127Cannot change Stock segmention for an account assigned item.
128Invalid table/field selection &1-&2 for application &3
129Dynamic sgt. in use, cannot be inserted again for appl. &1
130Duplicates would be generated for appl. &1, representative fields &2
131Valid segment &1 already exists for appl. &2 and logical key fields &3
132Maintain at least one of default, valid, or dynamic sgt. for appl. &1
133Dynamic segmentation is not allowed for application 'Safety Stock'
134Valid segments cannot be maintained for application 'Safety Stock'
135Appl. 'Safety Stock' requires a default segment to be passed
136Characteristic &1 is invalid for segmentation structure &2
137Either constant &1 or table-field combination &2 can be maintained
138You must enter the batch number when a new line is added
139Stock segment for batch &1 can�t be changed. See long text.
140Stock segment will be reset to &1.
141Segmentation is not supported for the selected component
150Seg. strategy &1 for matl &2 doesn't have any 'DIM' relevance char.
151Segmentation rules are generated for segmentation strategy &1
160Advanced Planning isn't supported with segmentation. See long text.
174New valuation type created; see log
175Valuation type not created; see log
176Batch updated; see log
177Batch update failed; see log
200Retail Fashion Management - Process Order Enhancements for Segmentation
201Retail Fashion Management - Handling Unit Enhancements for Segmentation
207Cannot change segmentation strategy
210Document exists for material &1; please see the long text
211Enter a valid segmentation strategy for material &1, plant &2
212Enter a valid segmentation strategy &1 for material &2
213Enter a valid stock segment &1 for matl &2 and distr. channel &3
214Enter a valid segmentation strategy for material &1, distr. channel &2
215Document exists for matl &1 and distr. channel &2; see the long text
216Can not maintian sort stk based on seg field for material &1 and plant &2
217Can not maintian sort stk based on seg field for material &1 and plant &2
236No rqmt conversion found for stock segment &3(plant &1, seg. strategy &2)
237Requirement conversion not found for stock segment &2, seg. strategy &1
250Valuation type could not be determined for the stock segment &1
251Valuation type &1 does not exist
252Valuation type &1 cannot be used for the stock segment &2
253Valuation type &1 determined for the stock segment &2
254Segmentation related data from client and plant will be deleted on save
255You are not authorized to create or change the data in SGT_DEFAULT
256You are not authorized to perform this activity
300Enter a valid value
302A combination with the same start/end date already exists or overlaps
303You have already set values for the Value-Based field
304You have already set values for the Field-Based field
305Enter a start date
306Enter an end date
307A new row is added, but a record number hasn't been generated
310The records have been saved
311Errors in records. Click the red traffic light to check error messages.
313Enter a value for either the Field-Based or the Value-Based field
314There are no records for the valid segmentation combination
315There are no records for the segmentation strategy
316There are no characteristics for the strategies
317You have not maintained the validation check for user-defined fields
319The end date cannot be earlier than the start date
320Table and field combination does not exist
322Cannot generate number range; maintain number range interval for SGT_RNUM
323The records have not been saved to the database
324You have entered an invalid order type &1
325You have entered an invalid planned order type &1
326You have entered an invalid procurement indicator &1
327You have entered an invalid customer number &1
328You must enter a value for the Dynamic Segmentation field
329No records have been changed
330Enter a value for the Value-Based field
331There are no errors in the records
332You are not authorized to execute the transaction SGT_DEFAULT
333You have entered an invalid plant &1
334You have entered an invalid material group &1
335You have entered an invalid product group &1
336You have entered an invalid supplier number &1
337No data conversion required in could systems
338No data relevant for conversion found in the client &1
339Starting migration from table SGT_CATDYN to table SGT_DYNCAT at &1 &2
340Data conversion for field based data finished at &1 &2
341No data relevant for conversion found in table SGT_CATDYN
342Starting migration from table SGT_SEGVAL to table SGT_DYNCAT at &1 &2
343Data conversion for value based data finished at &1 &2
344No data relevant for conversion found in table SGT_SEGVAL
345Data conversion finished at &1 &2
346Action not possible; unsaved changes exist
347Invalid start date format; enter the date in the format DD.MM.YYYY
348Invalid end date format; enter the date in the format DD.MM.YYYY
400ATP-fix invalid; other entries with segmentation &1 exist
401ATP-fix entry exists with the same key
402ATP-fix invalid; rule entries exist
405No changes are allowed for BLANK segmentation strategy
406No changes are allowed; segmentation structure is locked
407No changes possible
408Cannot unlock seg. structure &1; structure already used by materials
409Only one MRP module allowed for each level; &1 entries corrected
456No segmentation structure exists
471Select either include or exclude checkbox for segment value
472Field &1 too long; segmentation &2 has only &3 characters
475Enter a planning level and a consecutive number
478No input permitted; structure is not locked
479Invalid input; &1
480Segmentation or season relevant material can�t be marked as configurable
481Segmentation or season relevant material can�t have configurable material
490Action cancelled
494Data type &2 of referred field &1 not allowed
496Referred fields &1-&2 do not exist; enter valid fields
499Do not enter the same field name twice in a segmentation application
500No valid segmentation combination for application relevance &1
501************** Messages for WM related dev (501 to 550)
502Enter stock segment value for material &1
503No variants for material &1
504Check table &1 entry &2 does not exist
505Stock Segment &1 do not match with Batch &2
506Batch &1 does not exist
507Enter material
508Error in displaying header section
509Enter batch number in outbound delivery
510You cannot enter &1 as the segment value
511X-Structure missing for numeric link &1 for segmentation application &2.
512Database entry missing for Operation:&1, Application &2, Numlink &3.
518X-structure missing for item at position &1 of input table &2.
519Updateflag &1 in input table &2 is invalid.
520Duplicate key values to be inserted for segmentation value &1.
521Segmentation value &1 cannot be deleted; it is missing in table SGT_VALS.
522Segmentation value &1 is to be deleted and cannot be updated.
523Entry &1 does not exist in table SGT_CMRP.
524Insert failed: There are already entries in table &1 for Seg. Stratey &2.
525Delete not allowed: There exists a default segmentation for strategy &1.
526Invalid value &1 for domain &2.
527For operation &1 on header level, only operat. &2 on item level allowed.
528Segment value &1 does not exist for record number &2.
529Operations on Segmentation Structure &1 executed successfully.
530Operations on Segmentation Strategy &1 executed successfully.
531Operations on Default segmentation for seg. strategy &1 successfull.
532You must select at least one segmentation rule
533Enter details for atleast one application to perform specified operation.
552Segmentation is not fixed for any distribution centre
600Enter a Document Type
601Supplying plant and receiving plant cannot be the same
602Cannot generate internal record number
603Data already exists
604Document exists for material &1 and plant &2. Please see long text.
605Enter a value that does not contain #.
606Cannot select "Show Segment Values Only" checkbox. Please see long text.
607The system cannot delete the segmentation combination.
609Requirement segment with same stock segment already exists
610Could not determine stock segment
611Segmentation conversion not found for &1 &2 &3 &4
612Default Segment value not maintained for Material & and Plant &2
613Action not possible; please select any segmentation strategy
614Create Segmentation structure with Characteristics as in source system
615Segmentation strategy cannot be changed as open documents or stocks exist
616Blank is not a valid value for entered segmentation strategy &1
643Stock segment &1 not valid for plant &2 and segmentation strategy &3
644Could not determine requirement segment
645Stock segment &1 not valid for segmentation strategy &2
646You need to enter a material value to save the stock segment.
648Select an item.
649Select only one item.
650Enter a plant or stock segment.
654Invalid segment &1
655Segmentation available only for standard item category
656You cannot maintain segment conditions for item &1 (see long text &2)
700Conflicting entries in ARun/MRP/ATP: Requirement/Stock Allocation Node
701Conflicting entries in Dependent Requirements/Stock Transfer Node
702Conflicting entries in Requirement to Stock Conversion Node
703Conflicting entries in Planned Ind. Requirements Consumption Node
705Plant-dependent structure not supported
706Data fetched successfully from table &1
707No records exist in table &1
708File successfully downloaded in the location &1
709Error while downloading file
710Records saved successfully in table &1
711Records deleted successfully from table &1
712Entered segmentation structure/strategy is not same as in File
713Segment Combinations cannot be generated
714You are automatically forwarded to the new transaction SGT_SETUP
715Segmentation structure &1 can�t have an existing segmentation strategy &2
716Enter the segmentation structure and segmentation strategy
717Records downloaded for segmentation strategy &1
718Records not downloaded for segmentation strategy &1. See long text
800You use segment & in the transaction Define Default Segment Values.
806De-select the "De-activate Requirements" option.
808Enter a single material
809Enter source material
810Total length of segmentation characteristic is greater than 40
811Check interrupted due to wrong input
812Error while opening maintenance view
813Enter a valid characteristic
814Error while opening value help
815No values for the characteristic group
816Material &1 not relevant for stock segment
817Cannot create PIR with segmentation for generic material &1
818Seg. relevant weights/volumes can only be used with std weights/volumes
819Requirement segment cannot be changed; subsequent document created
820Batch�exists�with stock segment &1
821Generic article &1 is not supported for display; enter individual variant
822Use segmentation for stock items only
823You have reached the last selected item in the list
824Database error in table &1, function &2
825You have reached the first selected item in the list
826No segmentation values available for &1
827Segment value not copied; mat. &1 has a different segmentation strategy
828No segmentation values saved
829SGT_MRP: &2 Segmentation MRP data quantity based record is archived
830SGT_MRP: &2 Segmentation MRP data quantity based records were deleted
831SGT_MRP_GN: &2 Segmentation MRP general data record is archived
832SGT_MRP_GN: &2 Segmentation MRP general data records were deleted
834Stock segment &1 not valid for segmentation strategy &2
835Select only one row to copy
836Select at least one row to copy
837Cannot copy column
838Valuation type & has no preference segment
839Valuation type & already has one preference segment
840Split valuation; only preference segments are permitted as default values
841Feature not available; business function &1 not active in the system
842No valuation data with preference segment found
843No Production Version maintained for Stock Segment &1
844Invalid selection of Segment value, No changes were made
845Valuation type & for article & has no preference segment
846Price determination can only be either 2 or 3
847Cannot select Compact View; enter a material
848Cannot select Compact View checkbox; enter a generic material
849Batch creation failed as the system is not able to lock batch master data
850SGT_MVKE: &2 Segmentation sales status record is archived
851SGT_MVKE: &2 Segmentation sales status records were deleted
852SGT_MARM: &3 Segmentation weights and volumes record is archived
853SGT_MARM: &3 Segmentation weights and volumes records were deleted
854SGT_MADKA: &2 Segmentation valuation data record is archived
855SGT_MADKA: &2 Segmentation valuation data records were deleted
856SGT_MLGN: &2 Seg. material data for each warehouse no. record is archived
857SGT_MLGN: &2 Seg. material data for warehouse number records were deleted
858SGT_MLGT: &2 &3 Seg. mat. data for each storage type record is archived
859SGT_MLGT: &2 &3 Seg. mat. data for each storage type records were deleted
860Cannot assign mat. &1; segmentation strategy is different for mat. &2
861Select &1 option for &2 &3 &4
864Enter a material at &
865Seg. strategy &1 for matl &2 doesn't have any 'SDS' relevance char.
866Enter a valid segment value for &1 &2 &3 &4
867Segment value should be either include or exclude for each group counter
868Segmentation Strategy of Materials should be same for a task list
869Seg.Chk Level changed to &1 for all Pool Segments of value &2
870Enter a valid requirement or stock segment for material &1
871Enter a material for task-list &1 and counter &2 to maintain segmentation
872Enter valid material; material not assigned in task-list &1, counter &2
873Segmentation value overwrites counter &1 and &2 if header is not changed
874No characteristic exists within the structure &1
875Feature not available; business func Seg./Fashion not active in system
876Cannot change price control &1; fixed in configuration
877Segmentation is not fixed for the variants of the article &1 at site &2
878Segmentation scope is not '1' for variants of the article &1 at site &2
879Variants of generic article &1 are not maintained in plant &2
880Invalid valuation type &1; length of entered value exceeds 10 characters
881Invalid price control
882Data is not saved in test mode
883Cannot populate data; maintain selection parameters
884Invalid variant characteristic &1
885Cannot update data; valuation type &1 already exists
886Invalid segmentation characteristic string &1
887Invalid valuation type; &1
888Price control has to be maintained for posting entry
889Cannot update data; selected data does not match valuation data
890Cannot update data; data already exists in the valuation table
891Fast entry data successfully updated
892Material valuation relevancy not set for segmentation structure
893Cannot create a variant BOM; seg. strategies of materials &1, &2 differ
894Cannot assign BOM to plant &1; seg. not fixed or seg. strategy varies
895Invalid value &1 entered for ATP/MRP status
896Cannot enter seg. dependent MRP &1 data; seg. is not &2 relevant
897Cannot enter seg. dependent MRP &1 data; see long text
898Cannot enter seg. dependent MRP general data; seg. not fixed for &1
899Enter a value for safety time indicator
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