SGT_MAIN - Message Class for Article Master Data
The following messages are stored in message class SGT_MAIN: Message Class for Article Master Data.
It is part of development package FSH_ARTICLE in software component LO-RFM-SGT-MD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Article Master".
It is part of development package FSH_ARTICLE in software component LO-RFM-SGT-MD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Article Master".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Segmentation structure & does not exist |
001 | Segmentation strategy & not valid for segmentation structure & |
002 | Segmentation strategy & does not exist |
003 | Inconsistent data; batch mgmt is mandatory if scope = 1 or if IM flag = X |
004 | Segmentation strategy can be maintained only if seg. relevant is checked |
005 | Segmentation is fixed for plant &1; seg. strategy cannot be changed |
006 | Price control has to be maintained for posting entry |
007 | Cannot populate data; maintain selection parameters |
008 | Cannot delete or change data; maintain selection parameters |
009 | Volume units is mandatory |
010 | Cannot change price control &1; fixed in configuration |
011 | Cannot update data; selected data does not match valuation data |
012 | Cannot save valuation data in material valuation database table |
013 | Cannot update data; data already exists in the valuation table |
014 | Invalid price control |
015 | Segmentation status is set; seg. structure and strategy cannot be changed |
016 | Segmentation structure &1 is not valid |
017 | Cannot change segmentation strategy; segmentation fixed for plant &1 |
018 | Segmentation related data from client and plant will be deleted on save |
019 | Material not valid for segmentation relevant sales status |
020 | Material not valid for segmentation relevant valuation types |
021 | Segmentation strategy &1 is not valid |
022 | Batch management is mandatory for the material |
023 | Material is not segmentation relevant |
024 | Segmentation relevance cannot be changed |
025 | Volume unit is mandatory |
026 | Database exception occurred |
027 | Maintenance allowed only for segmentation strategy with scope = 1 |
028 | Net weight is greater than the gross weight |
029 | Segmentation strategy &1 not valid for Material &2 plant &3 |
030 | Enter both segmentation structure and segmentation strategy |
031 | Seg. strategy is changed; segmentation-based data will be deleted |
032 | Cannot change unit of weight/volume here |
033 | The Valid From field for Req. Seg. &1 for SOrg. &2 and DChl &3 is blank. |
034 | Please enter a sales status for Req. Seg. &1 for SOrg. &2 and DChl &3. |
035 | Inconsistent data; batch mgmt is mandatory if scope = 1 or if IM flag = X |
036 | Weights and volumes not relevant for segmentation structure |
037 | Valid from date lies in the past |
038 | Sales status can be maintained for seg. only if distri. chain is entered |
039 | Blank is not a valid segment |
040 | Invalid stock segment &1 |
041 | Invalid requirement segment &1 |
042 | Material not valid for segmentation relevant weights and volumes |
043 | Error while posting during update of segmentation tables; DB exception |
044 | Segmentation dependent data for material &1 was successfully changed |
045 | Segmentation data cannot be changed for a variant |
046 | Segmentation structure or strategy for variant &1 is incorrect |
047 | Enter segmentation strategy for selected segmentation structure &1 |
048 | Segmentation status at the client will be automatically determined |
049 | Scope will be determined from the segmentation strategy |
050 | Fast entry data successfully updated |
051 | Material &1 already in use |
052 | Sales status not relevant for segmentation structure |
053 | Cannot maintain consumption priority; DC &1 is not segment relevant |
054 | Cannot maintain discrete batch no.; DC &1 is not segment relevant |
055 | Cannot maintain stock protection indicator; DC &1 is not segment relevant |
056 | Material valuation relevancy not set for segmentation structure |
057 | Batch Management flag is set for material &1, distribution channel &2 |
058 | Batch Management flag is set for the selected distribution channels |
059 | Cannot enter segmentation relevant data; article is not segment relevant |
060 | Cannot enter segment relevant data |
061 | The Sales Status &1 for Req. Seg. &2 in SOrg. &3 and DChl &4 is invalid. |
062 | Enter a valid stock segment, valuation type, or price |
063 | Segmentation-based valuation data will be deleted for plant &1 |
064 | Entry invalid; enter only positive values |
065 | Invalid entry; enter standard (S) or moving average price (V) values only |
066 | Cannot maintain ATP MRP status; no seg. strategy maintained for DC &1 |
067 | Enter a valid ATP MRP status &1 |
068 | Segmentation "Valid From" date cannot be blank |
069 | ATP/MRP Status cannot be blank |
070 | Cannot maintain seg. based MRP data; segmentation not fixed for DC &1 |
071 | Cannot enter seg. dependent MRP genral data; segment is not MRM relevant |
072 | Cannot enter seg. dependent MRP qty data; segment is not MRQ relevant |
073 | You can't set seg. sales data for matl &1 S.Org. &2 DChan &3 seg. &4. |
074 | Cannot maintain seg. based weights and volumes data for material &1 |
075 | Segmentation dependent valuation data will be deleted for distr. chnl &1 |
076 | Invalid requirement segment &1 for Material &2 Unit Of Measure &3 |
077 | Cannot maintain segmentation-based sales data for material &1 |
078 | Cannot maintain segmentation-based valuation data for material &1 |
079 | Cannot maintain segmentation-based EAN data for material &1 |
080 | **********************WM Related (80 to 99)******************** |
081 | Entry &1 does not exist in &2 (check entry) |
082 | Maximum Bin Quantity cannot be less than or equal to Minimum Bin Quantity |
083 | Select at least one row from WM specific segmentation data |
084 | Enter a valid Warehouse number |
085 | Material &1, Stock Segment &2 was not saved for Storage Type &3 |
086 | Enter a valid Storage type |
087 | Material not valid for segmentation relevant MRP |
088 | Batch management flag is set for material &1 |
089 | Batch management flag is set for material &1, plant &2 |
090 | Segmentation strategy &1 is not valid for material &2, distr. channel &3 |
091 | Invalid stock segment &1 for material &2, warehouse number &3 |
092 | Segmentation Structure &1 already exists in the DB. |
093 | Text in language &1 for Sgt. Structure &2 does not exist in the DB. |
094 | Only value "L" and ""(Blank) allowed as locking parameter. |
100 | **********************Segmentation (0 to 100)**************************** |
101 | **********************Split Valuation (102 to 130)*********************** |
102 | Valuation data can only be maintained for the DC but not for a store |
103 | Variants of generic article &1 are not maintained in plant &2 |
104 | Segmentation is not fixed for the variants of the article &1 at site &2 |
105 | Segmentation scope is not '1' for variants of the article &1 at site &2 |
106 | Invalid valuation type &1; length of entered value exceeds 10 characters |
107 | Cannot change valuation type &1; batch exists for material &2, plant &3 |
108 | Invalid price control |
109 | Data is not saved in test mode |
110 | Mapping table SGT_MADKA successfully updated |
111 | No changes made |
112 | Material &1 is not subject to split valuation for site &2 |
113 | Segmentation is not fixed for article &1 at site &2 |
114 | Segmentation scope is not '1' for article &1 at site &2 |
115 | Cannot maintain segmentation based valuation data for article &2, DC &1 |
116 | Maintain variants of the generic article in a plant |
117 | Cannot extend matl if Val. Cat. is not set to "Automat.(Batch)"("X") |
118 | Cannot maintain segmentation based valuation data for generic article &1 |
119 | Cannot maintain segmentation based valuation data for matl &1, store &2 |
131 | Invalid variant characteristic &1 |
132 | Invalid segmentation characteristic string &1 |
133 | Cannot update data; valuation type &1 already exists |
134 | System settings do not allow you to perform this action |
135 | Invalid valuation type; &1 |
136 | Cannot maintain valuation type; batch exists for material &1, segment &2 |
137 | Only one row or column can be selected for copy |
138 | At least one row or column must be selected for copy |
139 | Select at least one row from the segmentation specific weights & volumes |
140 | Select at least one row from the segmentation specific sales data |
141 | Fashion switch not active |
142 | Articles cannot be extended; articles are not relevant to segmentation |
143 | Cannot extend articles to plants marked for listing |
144 | Activate the segmentation switch |
145 | work process not avaliable, try after sometime |
146 | You are not authorized to perform this operation |
147 | You can maintain only generic materials |
148 | Price change doc. posted for &1; new price updated for valuation type &2 |
149 | Cannot update price |
150 | Characteristic Values not maintained |
151 | Price control is set to &1 from &2 |
152 | Batch already exists for article &1 |
153 | The requirement segment &1 for SOrg. &2 and DChl &3 is invalid. |
155 | Feature not available; business function Seg. not active in the system |
172 | cannot maintain Sort Stk Method for plant &1 |
180 | Cannot maintain default stock segment value for plant &1 |
181 | Material can not be empty |
182 | Enter a valid value for Safety time indicator |
200 | Cannot delete unit of measure &; segment specific values exist |
201 | This transaction is not supported; use transaction SGT_MAINTAIN_VALN |
203 | Invalid value &1 entered for ATP/MRP status |
204 | Select at least one row from MRP specific segmentation data |
205 | Enter a valid value for field Safety time. |
206 | Purchasing group entry &1 does not exist in T024 (check entry) |
207 | Invalid value &1 entered for ATP/MRP status |
208 | Segmentation is not fixed for any distribution centre |
209 | This transaction is not supported |
210 | Gross weight exceeds net weight for matl &1, AUn &2, and seg. &3 |
211 | Cannot maintain segmentation based valuation data; see long text |
214 | Cannot maintain seg. based weights and vol. for matl &2, UoM &1, seg. &3 |
215 | Enter a valid stock segment &1 for material &2 and UoM &3 |
216 | Cannot maintain seg. based weights and volumes data for material &1 |
217 | Cannot maintain seg. based sales status data; &1 is not relevant to seg. |
218 | Cannot maintain seg. based valuation data; &1 is not relevant to seg. |
219 | Cannot maintain seg. based EAN data; &1 is not relevant to segmentation |
220 | Cannot maintain seg. based warehouse data; &1 is not relevant to seg. |
221 | Cannot maintain seg. based storage type data; &1 is not relevant to seg. |
222 | You are not authorized to execute the report &1 |
223 | You are not authorized to execute the transaction SGTS |
224 | You are not authorized to execute the transaction SGTC |
225 | You are not authorized to execute the report &1 |
226 | Cannot maintain segmentation based warehouse data for material &1 |
227 | Cannot maintain segmentation based storage data for material &1 |
228 | Cannot maintain segmentation based seasons data for material &1 |
229 | Cannot maintain segmentation based seasons data for material &1 |
231 | No record has been selected. |
232 | Cannot change strategy for Material &2 with Material Category &1. |
233 | Segmentation strategy &1 already in use and cannot be deleted. |
234 | Segmentation structure &1 already in use and cannot be deleted. |
235 | Selected entry has been deleted; records updated in the database. |
236 | Rules have been generated. |
237 | No segmentation strategy selected. |
238 | Please enter the value for &1. |
239 | No records found for the selection criteria. |
240 | Invalid Segmentation Scope &1 |
241 | Invalid Segmentation Strategy &1. |
242 | Rules can not be generated at segmentation structure level. |
243 | Rules can not be displayed at segmentation structure level. |
244 | Requirement Segment with same CoNoEquSeg already exists. |
245 | Requirement Seg,Stock Seg and CoNoEquSeg combination already exists. |
246 | Requirement Segment with same Stock Segment already exists. |
247 | Rules cannot be generated without saving the data. |
248 | Select a valid node. |
249 | No rules exists |
250 | Segmentation Strategy can be created only at Segmentation Structure level |
251 | Seg.Chk Level changed to &1 for all Pool Segments of value &2 |
252 | Rules can not be generated at ATP: Define Pool Segment and Check Level |
253 | Rules can not be displayed at ATP: Define Pool Segment and Check Level |
254 | Cannot maintain segmentation for selected material. |
255 | You are not authorized to access the characteristics management tool |
256 | Segmentation strategy &1 doesn't belong to structure &2 for plant &3 |
257 | Material &2 with segmentation strategy &1 is not assigned to a plant |
258 | To assign new strategy for material &1, unassign existing strategy &2 |