SHMA - Shared Objects: Meldungen der Verwaltung

The following messages are stored in message class SHMA: Shared Objects: Meldungen der Verwaltung.
It is part of development package SHARED_OBJECTS_TOOLS in software component BC-DWB-TOO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Shared Objects Editors & Tools (SHMM/SHMA)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Operation canceled
001The area attributes were not changed
002Access to area class is not possible
003Start the name of an area class with CL_ or /.../CL_
005Syntax error in area class &1: &2, line &3, include &4
006Area class & is consistent
010Specify the implementing class.
011Specify a root data class.
012Instances of the class &1 cannot be created in the shared memory.
013The constructor class &1 must implement the interface &2
015Root data class must not be the area class
019Specify an area class.
020The area class & does not exist.
021& is not a valid area class (does not inherit from CL_SHM_AREA).
022The class & already exists
023Error when reading the attributes of the class &.
024The class & does not exist
025The class & does not exist actively.
030Area attribute & has an invalid value &.
031Any number of versions is allowed without specification.
032Synchronization is only possible for transactional areas.
033The area attribute & does not exist.
034Value is deleted when selecting 'No Limit'.
035Enter a value or select 'No Limit'.
036Only one of the two times can be different from zero.
038The attributes were saved.
039The attributes were deleted.
040The area & was created.
041The area & was changed.
042The area class &1 was copied to &2.
045Error when reading &1 of the reference class &2.
046The area class cannot be created; error code &.
047The method implementations cannot be created; error code &.
050The transport request &1 was created.
051Change the entry for the area class and the attributes
052Change the object directory entry in transaction SHMA
054Global class &1 already existed with original in &2
055Class &1 exists with original in &2 (no area class)
056Area properties for &1 already exist with original system &2
057Inconsistent global TADIR entries (package) exist for area &1
058Inconsistent global TADIR entries (original) exist for area &1
060Instance &1 in client &2 is already defined in line &3 of the list
061&1 new instances of &2 were copied from the preassignment.
062Autostart is possible for specific clients only.
065The preassignment was copied to client &.
066The preassignment was copied.
070Error in call of function module/method &
075Generation version &1 is not up-to-date (&2)
080Autostart is only possible for binding to the application server.
081Activate automatic structuring when using displacement
082The area is not configured for automatic structuring.
083Entry is only possible for automatic area structuring.
084The root data class does not implement IF_SERIALIZABLE_OBJECT.
085One version cannot be larger than the whole area
086Can be specified explicitly only if versioning is active
087The number cannot be 1 for active versioning.
088Input requires at least constructor start if read
089The area is configured for automatic structuring.
090This change invalidates all active area instances and locks
091An area with this kind of binding must be client-specific
092A system user build requires an application server to be bound
093Autostart for server start is only permitted with a system user
094Area is configured only for constructor after server start
095RFC calls in the area constructor are not possible from Release 7.55
099The area attributes for area &1 are missing in table &2.
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