SIT2_DESIGN_TIME - Situation Handling Design Time Messages

The following messages are stored in message class SIT2_DESIGN_TIME: Situation Handling Design Time Messages.
It is part of development package CA_SIT2_DESIGN_TIME in software component CA-SIT-WB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Situation Handling: Design Time".
Message Nr
Message Text
001You need to enter a situation type ID.
002You need to enter a situation scenario.
003Choose a valid object from the value help.
004&1 is invalid. Select a parameter with the Insert Variable option.
005Parameter missing in situation description. Enter a valid parameter.
006Situation description is invalid. Please enter a valid description.
007You need to enter a situation description.
008Situation type ID already exists.
009Error in situation scenario. Responsibility context is empty.
010Error during system type detection.
011Event parameter structure isn't the same in all selected input structures
012Reference input structure doesn't exist in the situation scenario.
013You need to enter at least one run type.
014After-import started for situation type &1.
015Situation type ID cannot have spaces or special characters.
016Situation type ID exceeds the maximum length of &1 characters.
017You need to enter a situation template ID.
018You need to enter a situation scenario ID.
019You need to enter a situation name.
020You need to enter a situation description.
021Situation name exceeds the maximum length of 100 characters.
022Situation name cannot have parameters.
023Situation description exceeds the length of 255 characters.
024Situation description cannot have parameters.
025You need to enter a text for public channels.
026Public text cannot have parameters.
027Enter a valid URL.
028Parameter missing in situation title. Please enter a valid parameter.
029You need to enter a situation title.
030Please remove special characters from parameters.
031Please enter a parameter without spaces or special characters.
032Enter a situation title with up to 40 characters. A variable counts as 4.
033Enter a description with up to 255 characters. A variable counts as 4.
034You aren't authorized to change the status of situation types.
035You aren't authorized to copy the situation template or situation type.
036You aren't authorized to delete the situation template or situation type.
037You aren't authorized to create a situation template or situation type.
038You aren't authorized to edit the situation template or situation type.
039Open the parameter with '{' and close it with '}'.
040You need to enter a situation template ID.
041Enter a situation template ID without spaces or special characters.
042Situation template ID exceeds the maximum length of &1 characters.
043Situation template ID already exists.
044Situation template ID needs to start with &1.
045Situation type ID needs to start with &1.
046You need to enter a situation name for &1.
047Situation name for &1 cannot have parameters.
048You need to enter a situation description for &1.
049Situation description for &1 cannot have parameters.
050You need to enter a situation title for &1.
051Choose a valid &1 title parameter for &2 from the Insert Variable option.
052Enter a valid title parameter from Insert Variable option for &1.
053Enter a title parameter without spaces or special characters for &1.
054Title parameters need to open with '{' and close with '}' for &1.
055Enter a valid situation title for &1.
056Enter a title for &1 with up to 40 characters. Variables count as 4.
057You need to enter a situation text description for &1.
058Enter a valid &1 description parameter for &2 from Insert Variable option
059Enter a valid description parameter from Insert Variable option for &1.
060Enter a description parameter without spaces or special characters for &1
061Description parameters need to open with '{' and close with '}' for &1.
062Enter a valid situation text description for &1.
063Enter description for &1 with up to 255 characters. Variables count as 4.
064Enter a valid URL for &1.
065You can delete a general action only in the General Actions section.
066Select a valid repeat type in the Batch Job Scheduling section.
067Select a valid repeat interval in the Batch Job Scheduling section.
068Select a valid time zone in the Batch Job Scheduling section.
069You need to enter a start time in the Batch Job Scheduling section.
070Multiple start times are not allowed for the repeat interval &1.
071You need to enter at least one trigger object.
072You need to enter at least one event for event-based trigger object &1.
073Select different events if you use the same trigger object several times.
074You cannot enter batch-based trigger object &1 multiple times.
075You need to enter at least one condition for event trigger object &1.
076You need to enter at least one condition for batch trigger object &1.
077Select a valid situation display in the condition for order no. &1.
078Select a valid situation display in the condition for order no. &1.
079Select a valid notification behavior in the condition for order no. &1.
080Select a valid notification behavior in the condition for order no. &1.
081Select a valid trigger accumulation in the Situation Instances section.
082Select a valid closing behavior in the Situation Instances section.
083You cannot enter the same start time more than once.
084You can enter a maximum of four start times.
085Select a valid initial status for not. behavior &1, trans. no. &2.
086Select a valid activity for notification behavior &1, trans. no. &2.
087Select a valid target status for not. behavior &1, trans. no. &2.
088Select a valid notification recipient for not. behavior &1, trans. no. &2
089Please add at least one notification behavior for trigger object &1.
090Enter description for life cycle &1 with up to 255 characters.
091In order &1, filter &2, value &3 is invalid.
092Value &1 is incorrect. Enter a value that is &2 digits long.
093Value &1 is incorrect. Enter a value that is a max of &2 characters long.
094Value &1 is incorrect. Enter a &2-digit number with &3 decimal places.
095Value &1 is incorrect. Enter a value that is 1 digit long.
096Value &1 is incorrect. Enter a value that is 1 character long.
097Value &1 is incorrect. Enter a &2-digit number with 1 decimal place.
098In order &1, filter &2, &3 is invalid as pattern is not allowed in value.
099In order &1, filter &2, &3 doesn't match decimal format default settings.
100You need to add at least one Situation Display for trigger object &1.
101Enter Aggregation Type.
102Enter Valid Aggregation Type. Select from Value help.
103Select a valid initial status for not. behavior &1, trans. no. &2.
104Select a valid activity for not. behavior &1, trans. no. &2.
105Select a valid target status for not. behavior &1, trans. no. &2.
106Select a valid notification recipient for not. behavior &1, trans. no. &2
107Please add at least one notification behavior for trigger object &1.
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