SKWS_ERROR - Statusverwaltung: Fehlermeldungen
The following messages are stored in message class SKWS_ERROR: Statusverwaltung: Fehlermeldungen.
It is part of development package SKWS in software component BC-SRV-KPR-DMF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CM Status Management".
It is part of development package SKWS in software component BC-SRV-KPR-DMF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CM Status Management".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Status profile &1 does not exist |
001 | Status &1 does not exist |
002 | Status &1 already exists |
003 | Status profile &1 already exists |
004 | Transition from initial state does not exist |
005 | Transition already exists |
006 | You are working in the incorrect namespace |
007 | There are no incoming transitions |
008 | There are no outgoing transitions |
009 | Status profile &1 has no status |
010 | There are no status profiles |
011 | Target status has not been entered |
012 | Initial status has not been entered |
013 | Incorrect initial status |
014 | Status &1 is used in the definition of status &2 |
015 | No transitions exist |
016 | No descriptions are available in this language |
017 | Entries in the text table &1 are missing |
018 | Action does not exist |
019 | This action is not prohibited |
020 | Incorrect target status |
021 | Condition does not exist |
022 | Status &1 is the initial status of the status profile |
023 | Status &1 is the status of the new versions |
024 | Action &1 does not exist |
025 | Action &1 already exists |
026 | Attribute &1 does not exist |
027 | Attribute value &1 is invalid |
028 | Status profile does not have an initial state |
029 | Prohibition is not supported |
030 | Event does not exist |
031 | Class &1 does not have the component &2 |
032 | Interface &1 does not have the component &2 |
033 | Function module does not exist |
034 | Error when checking conditions |
035 | Object of class &1 could not be instantiated |
036 | Error triggering BOR event &1 |
037 | This BOR object is not valid |
038 | The class does not support interface &1 |
039 | The BOR object specification is missing |
040 | The BOR events specifications are missing |
041 | Result is not supported |
042 | Choose a type |
043 | Incorrect subtype |
046 | The status transfer is not allowed |
047 | The attribute specification is missing |
048 | Info object(s) have other attribute values |
049 | Incorrect type entry |
050 | The info objects cannot be locked |
051 | This prohibition already exists |
052 | The context menu option is missing |
053 | Error when calling actions |
054 | There are info objects with the status &1. You may not delete them. |