SLS_LORD - Lean Order Prozess

The following messages are stored in message class SLS_LORD: Lean Order Prozess.
It is part of development package ERP_SALES_LORD in software component SD-SLS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ERP Sales Lean Order".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Enter the transaction activity
002Transaction activity & is not supported
003Enter a processing mode
004Invalid processing mode '&'
005Document type &1 (&2) does not belong to group '&3' and is not supported.
006You must use a reference document. Please use the SAP GUI for HTML app.
007Enter a text ID
008Text &1 already exists in language &2
009Document is incomplete
010External document category reference '&' is not supported
011Data change for object &1 not accepted
012Data change for object &1 of item &2 not accepted
013Address data of one-time customer & is incomplete
014Text with ID &1 cannot be edited due to format &2
015Enter an order type
016Order type &1 not found
017There are open quotations for material &
018Field '&' is mandatory
019Pricing has been carried out
020Availability check has been carried out
021Availability check has been carried out for item &
022Pricing was carried out for item &
024No change of address data for initial partner number
025Field & is not an input field
026Item &1 does not exist in reference document
027Item &1 cannot be copied
028Item &1 copied due to complete reference
029Referencing of value contract items is not supported
030Referencing of scheduling agreements is not supported
031Sales document ID '&1' is not supported
032Value entry for amount field has errors
033The document &1 cannot be saved.
034Item selection for & is not supported
035Action '&1' with parameter '&2' is not defined for object '&3'
036Document type &1 does not support any contract data
037Document type &1 does not support any texts
038Item category &1 does not support any texts
039Item category &1 does not support any schedule lines
040Document type &1 does not support user status
041Item category &1 does not support user status
042Document type &1 does not support any payment cards
043Item &1 does not exist in sales document &2
044Sales document &1 is not assigned to transaction activity &2
045Order type & is locked
046Sold-to party & does not exist
047Sold-to party &1 and sales area &2 (for &3) are incompatible
048Enter a sales document number
049Sales document number &1 does not exist in the database
050Enter an authorization number
051Field &1 for object &2 is inactive
052Lean Order functionality cannot be used
053Lean Order application is not active and cannot be used
054Lean Order application can only be used in the portal environment
055No data was changed
056Object cannot be deleted
057Object cannot be created
058Enter a reference document
059Enter a sales document type
060Configuration for subitem not possible
061Item & does not have a configuration
062The sold-to party is copied from the reference document
063The sales area is copied from the reference document
064Sales document number &1 does not exist in the database or archive
065Sales document &1 is archived and can only be displayed
066Scenario ID &1 is invalid
067Reference document &1 does not contain any relevant items
068Sold-to party cannot be changed
069Conversion error: field &1 ignored
070Character &1 is unknown
071Enter a characteristic value
072Characteristic &1 cannot be valuated more than once
073No characterisitc specified
074Value &1 is already assigned to characteristic &2
075Configuration with possible bill of material explosion not supported
076Characteristic &1 does not exist
077Characteristic &1: &2
078Field & does not permit any negative values
079Instance does not exist
080No material exists for EAN/UPC &1
081More than one material exists for EAN/UPC &1
082EAN/UPC &1 of material &2 is not a unique main EAN/UPC
083EAN/UPC &1 does not point to a material or unit
084EAN/UPC &1 is incompatible with material &2 and unit &3
085EAN/UPC &1 cannot be deleted for material &2/unit &3
086EAN/UPC &1 is incompatible with material &2
087EAN/UPC &1 is incompatible with unit &2
088Action '&1' for object '&2' not possible in display mode
090Text ID &1 has format &2; text cannot be edited using text string
091Text ID &1 has format SCR; text cannot be edited using XSTRING
092Text for text ID &1 does not exist in language &2
093Text &1/&2 is not in DOC format: No processing in Office Control
095Select a Text ID
096Select a text type
097&1 (&2) is not a valid sales document type for SD document category &3.
098In simulation mode, the document must not be saved.
099Consider the subsequent documents
100There is no message with output type &2 for sales document &1
101Output type &1 is not active or has been deleted
102Output type &1 does not support the medium 'print output'
103Output type &1 does not contain any PDF form types
104Sales document &1 has already been changed: Printing not possible
105Unable to print output type &1
106Output type &1 printed successfully
107Output type &1 does not exist
108No output device defined: Printing not possible
109Output device &1 does not exist
110No authorization for output device &1
111No output type defined: Printing not possible
112Output type &1 not suitable for order type &2 (&3)
113No output types for printing exist for sales document &1
114Printing output type &1 is already in the list
115No output type specified: Print preview not possible
116Print preview for output type &1 could not be generated
117No PDF file could be created for sales document &1
118PDF file for output type &1 has been created successfully
119No PDL type found for output device &1
120No XML device configuration found for output device &1
121Output type &1 does not contain a valid and active PDF form type
122Output type &1 does not contain a SAPScript form type/PDF form type
123Output type &1 does not contain a valid, active SAPScript/PDF form type
124Output type &1 does not contain a valid, active form type
125Object &1 does not exist
126No authorization for object &1
127Document type &1 does not support a billing plan on header level
128Reference document can only be transferred when document is created
129Only one reference document can be transferred
130New subitem generated
131A subitem was deleted
132Billing plan dates have been generated
133Billing plan dates cannot be generated
134Billing plan dates cannot be deleted
135Transportation zone was reset
136Billing plan template is not type 'milestone billing'
137Billing plan template is not type 'periodic billing'
138Output type &1 does not contain a form type
140Value entered is not in list of permitted values
143Sales and distribution document & not yet updated
145Sales document ID is missing
146Complete subsequent sales and billing docs before you close the project
150Serial numbers cannot be assigned for repair item &1
151Serial numbers cannot be assigned in display mode
152Not all serial numbers were assigned
153Not all serial numbers were deselected
154Document is not a repair order
155Repair data is only available for repair requests
160Deviating sold-to partys &1 vs. &2 (ref. doc. &3)
161Deviating currencies &1 vs. &2 (ref. doc. &3)
162Deviating sales organizations &1 vs. &2 (ref. doc. &3)
163Deviating distribution channels &1 vs. &2 (ref. doc. &3)
164Deviating divisions &1 vs. &2 (ref. doc. &3)
165Reference doc. &1 has already been fully copied or cancelled
166Reference doc. &1 is incomplete and cannot be referenced
167Referencing on subitem level is not possible
168Material ID cannot be changed due to reference document
170Not all items are copied from reference document &1.
171Item &1 of document &2 is already supplied
172Enter a valid end date for the JIT horizon.
173Data &1 is missing in document.
174Data &1 is missing in item &2.
175Item &1 does not exist in reference document &2
180Field '&1' cannot be set for any item
181Field '&1' can be set only for some items
182Rejection reason '&1' cannot be set for all items
185You can't delete schedule lines for item &1.
186You can't delete schedule lines for free goods subitem &1.
190Technical problems (common part)
200Select at least one entry
201Select at least one item
202Select at least one schedule line
203Select at least one payment card
204Select at least one condition
205Select at least one partner
206Select at least one text
207Select at least one authorization
208Select at least one incompleteness
209Select at least one billing plan date
220Forward navigation is not supported for object of type '&1'
221No items exist: No navigation to 'Item Details'
222No payment cards exist: No navigation to 'Detail'
223There are no items with a WBS element for sales document &1
224No related items exist
225List only contains items from documents with authorization
230&1: Processing of incompleteness '&2'
231&1: Display of incompleteness '&2'
240Item selection is not possible for a loaded sales document
249Address GUID is initial
250Address with GUID &1 is not assigned to Partner &2 and Function &3
251Address GUID can't be used
252External address cannot be used.
253External address is initial.
254External address &1 is not assigned to partner &2 and function &3.
300Enter an alternative order type
301Alternative order type &1 does not exist
302Alternative order type &1 is locked
303Sales document &1 is not loaded
304Sales document &1 is only loaded in display mode
305Order type &1 is already active
306Number range number &1 of alt. order type &2 is different than &3
307Sales area &1 (w/new key assign.from &2) does not allow order type &3
308Check of alternative order type &1 resulted in no errors
309Alternative order type &1 has been set successfully
310Application in error status: No alternative order type possible
311Current order type &1 does not allow alternative order type &2
350Error while inserting entries in table LORD_MAPPING
351Error while changing entries in table LORD_MAPPING
352Error while deleting entries from table LORD_MAPPING
801Item &1: Pricing Error (Mandatory Condition &2 Missing)
802Item &1: Pricing Error (Field Overflow)
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