The following messages are stored in message class SMI_GENERAL: .
It is part of development package BS_SOMI_DATA_MODELS in software component CA-EPT-SMI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Datta Models for Social Media Intelligence".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No Authorization
001Record does not exist
002Table does not exist
003Exception occured
004No record exists
005Record already exists
006Record not found
007Table is empty
008Record is marked for deletion. Cannot perform the specified operation
009Updation failed
010Deletion failed
011Object is already locked
012Record cannot be locked due to system failure
013Record cannot be locked
014Enter the missing keys of the record
015Mandatory parameter is not entered or is empty
016Invalid request to generate surrogate social user ID
017Operation failed
018Profile Link is already linked to a social user
019Social media user profile already exists
020Social user account already exists for the social media channel
021Social media user with user account and channel specified already exists
022Delete failed for user
023The given user is not a surrogate
024Enter a Valid Number
025Enter a Valid Field Name
026You cannot apply multiple filter for the same field
027Text Analysis Index (INDEXVOICEOFCUST) is generated
028Database is not SAP HANA DB(HDB)
029Invalid Entry
030Index table is altered successfully on delete cascade
031CREATEDAT field cannot be modified
032ISUSERIDSURROGATE field cannot be modified
033&3 (&4) does not exist in &1 (&2)
034&1 and &2 are mandatory
035Enter social media group
036Enter social media channel description
037Enter Social media group description
038Enter search term text
039Select language
040Data with social post (&1) is anonymized
041Social Post &1 cannot be anonymized
042Invalid social media data request
043Invalid rule set definition
044Enter Social media data retrieval mode description
045Social user (&1) in social media channel (&2) is deleted
046Select the language
047Enter language description
048No suitable records found for anonymization
049Enter search field description
050Application Log cannot be created for &1
051Enter data provider description
052Message cannot be added to log
053Log not saved into the database
054Enter table field value
055Delete cascade failed
056Text analysis index (INDEXVOICEOFCUST) already exists
057Delete cascade is already enabled
058Operation failed
060Update failed for &1 &2
061&1 is mandatory
062No record with &1 set as Anonymous found in SOCIALDATA
063Messages in Application log cannot be displayed
064Update failed for social post (&1) and country (&2)
065Processing started in test mode
066Processing started in production mode
067Message cannot be added in application log
068Social data with UUID (&1) for country (&2) updated with country key (&3)
069Social posts not found for country (&1)
070Social data with UUID (&1) for (&2) can be updated with country key (&3)
071Social posts can be updated for country (&1) with country key (&3)
072Social posts for country (&1) are updated with country key (&2)
073Enter the Wait Time and Action on Post
074Enter the wait time
075Enter the action on Post
076Enter a valid schema name
077Mandatory parameters channel(&1),post(&2),term(&3) or mode(&4) missing
078No duplicate social data posts exist
079Insert operation was incomplete
080No social posts for create
081No social posts for update
082Social posts update successful
083Not all social posts were updated
084Mandatory parameters channel(&1) or soccial user(&2) are missing
085Create operation of social user failed
086Profile link(&1) or soicialuseraccount(&2) exists for channel(&3)
087No records found for the input parameter
088Consent Based Action Post parameter must be set to 0 or 1 or 2
089Input parameters, social user and social media channel are mandatory
090Post with chnl(&1),sclpost(&2),srchtrmtxt(&3) and scl ret.mode(&4) exists
091For &1:&2, &3 should be mentioned
092Incomplete input parameters to fetch records from socialdata
093The user &1 in channel &2 is deleted
094Post with uuid(&1), channel(&2) and post(&3) does not exist
095User with social user(&1) and channel(&2) exists
096No social users for create
097No social users for update
098Update of social user failed
099User with social user(&1) and channel(&2) does not exist
100You cannot save the social post anonymously for type Consent Required
101Enter the data provider name or the social media user ID
102Record created
103Mandatory parameters page ID or post ID
104Start time stamp is greater than end time stamp
110Report SMI_SENTIMENT_ASSIGNMENT cannot run in parallel
111&1 records have been created
112Enter the Country
113Inconsistent data, duplicate records exist
114Database connection failed
115Enter the schema name
116Enter Country Key
117User &1 in channel &2 is missing in SOCIALUSERINFO
118Enter a valid value
119Error retrieving job list
120An active job is already scheduled for this report
121Error creating job
122Error when submitting job
123Error closing job
124Job &1 for assigning sentiments to entities released
125Enter data in at least one of the first four fields
126Enter a valid Social User
127Job &1 for consent handling released
128&1 records created
129Social user (&1) and channel (&2) is blacklisted
130Social post (&1) is missing in social data table
131Enter data in the API Key and Secret Key fields
132A record already exists. Do you wish to overwrite?
133Gigya keys updated
134A record with UUID (&1) already exists
135A record with UUID (&1) does not exist
136You cannot update hash key generated directly from DataSift
137Switch SOMI_SFWS_GIGYA is not active
138JSON Parse Error in GET_TOKEN method
139JSON Parse Error in method ACCOUNTS_SEARCH
140Gigya API key/Secret key could not be read
141You do not have display authorization for SMI_AUTH
142Number of user records received from Gigya: 0
143Error in data maintenance method
144Error in INTEGRATE_USER_DETAILS method (&1)
145Access token is empty
146Job &1 for Gigya data synchronization released
147Illegal caller to function CL_SMI_SECURE=>READ_ENTRY
148Illegal caller to function CL_SMI_SECURE=>CREATE_ENTRY
149Illegal caller to function CL_SMI_SECURE=>DELETE_ENTRY
150Illegal caller to function CL_SMI_SECURE_WRAPPER=>READ_ENTRY
151Illegal caller to function CL_SMI_SECURE_WRAPPER=>CREATE_ENTRY
152Illegal caller to function CL_SMI_SECURE_WRAPPER=>DELETE_ENTRY
153HTTPS request error: (&1)
154Gigya request error: (&1) (&2) (&3)
155JSON Parse Error in method GET USERIDS IN GIGYA
156Error in Get userIDs in Gigya method
157No record maintained for site (&1) in blacklist mapping
158The site is not configured. Please configure the site.
159The keys are already configured for the selected site.
160Please select a data provider.
161The keys are not configured for the selected site.
162The API and Secret keys are deleted successfully.
163Select at least one record.
164Secret key updated successfully
165The API and Secret keys are created successfully.
166Please enter API and Secret key values.
167Secret key is empty. Please enter a value.
168Data harvesting is enabled.
169Data harvesting is disabled.
170Delete the existing post.
171SearchGroup and SearchTerm cannot have same ID.SearchGroup &1-&2 exists.
172Invalid Associated Item.Associated item cannot be blank.
173Associated Item &1 should be either a search term or search group.
174Searchterm &1 cannot be deleted as it is assigned to &2 SearchGroup(s).
175Data for insertion not matching to the searchgroup &1 mentioned.
176Searchgroup &1 does not exist. Cannot maintain association.
177SearchTerm &1 does not exist. Cannot maintain association.
178Choose atleast one row to be deleted.
179Select A Search Group first and then click on save.
180All records should have the same Search Group.
181Associated item cannot be blank.
182Change(s) saved successfully.
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