The following messages are stored in message class SMOIWS: .
It is part of development package SMOI_WS in software component BC-CCM-MON. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "WS Interface to CCMS Agents as of Release 7.10".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Cannot delete an active WS connection
002Cannot access WS connection '&'
003WS connection '&' is locked by another user
004WS connection '&' has been deactivated
005WS connection '&' not found
006WS connection '&' has errors
007You do not have this authorization
008WS connection '&' is not supported
009Database error
010No default connection defined yet
011WS connection '&' not found
012WS connection '&' already exists
013Parameters for destination & are not correctly maintained
014Internal error when maintaining WS destination '&'
015Unknown port type '&'
016Unknown instance type '&'
017SID of instance not recognized
018Cannot access host name '&'
019Started configuration of logical ports...
020& connections found
021Connection test with destination '&' terminated due to timeout
022Error in WS-Framework (Connection '&'): '&'
023Error during Agent Registration &1: &2
024Taskhandler object &1 not supplied
025Registration profile &1 not found
026Configuration for taskhandler &1 not found
027Unknown Scope for logical port registration (&1)
028Start registering agent of segment &1 via &2
029Registration of segment &1 sucessfull
030Registration of segment &1 failed
031Invalid Taskconfiguration Reason: &1 &2 &3 &4
032Testing connection ... (&1)
033Error &1 &2 &3 secure store (Reason: &4)
034Error initializing &1. Parameter &2 missing
035Error calling &1. Reason: &2
036User &1 does not exist in client &2
037User &1 exists in client &2 but is locked. Locktype: &3
038User &1 is not locked and existing in client &2
039Host &1 could not be reached on port &2
040Destination &1 could not be reached. Error: &2
041Error during unregister system: &1 &2 &3 &4
042Error during unregister host: &1 &2 &3 &4
043Illegal caller &1 for &2 secstore
044No segments found managed by an integrated agent
045Deregistration of segment &1 sucessful
046Deregistration of segment &1 failed
047Destination &1 deleted
048Adding route entry for &1 &2 successful
049Adding route entry for &1 &2 failed
050Adding agent &1 to SCR successful
051Adding agent &1 to SCR failed
052&2 destination &3 &1 successfully
053&1 of &2 destination &3 failed
054Deletion of route entry for system &1 sucessful
055Deletion of route entry for system &1 failed
056Connection test to &1 successful
057Deletion of logical port &1 sucessful
058Logical Port &1 &2 in client &3
059Recreating logical port &1 in client &2
060Logical Port Synchronization job is active; job: &1, user: &2, client: &3
061Error when scheduling Logical Port Synchronization Job
062Activation of Logical Port Synchronization Job failed
063Raising Batch Event &1 sucessful
064Raising Batch Event &1 failed. Reason: &2
065Error when deleting Logical Port Synchronization Job
066The jobs for Logical Port Synchronization have been deleted
067Error getting SCR entries for namespace and local SAP System (Error: &1)
068Error creating SCR entry for sapstartsrv &1 (RC=&2)
069No logical port of type SAPDSR found for segment &1
070Error creating SCR entry for logical port &1 (RC=&2)
071Error creating SCR assosciation between sapstartsrv and LP (RC: &1)
072Adding agent &1 to SCR as DSR enabled component successful
073Error deleting SCR entry DSR enabled component &1 (RC=&2)
074Deletion of SCR entry DSR enabled component &1 sucessfull
075SCR entry for DSR enabled component &1 not found
076Unable to determine route for segment &1
077Deleting route entry and SCR entry for agent destination &1
078Username for &1 must not be empty
079Password for &1 must not be empty
080&1 for component must not be empty
081Client &1 does not exist in this system
082Either Logon-Group or instance must be selected
083&1 must not be empty
084Either RFC-Loadbalancing or not must be selected
085Host Agent on &1 not enabled for HTTPS-Communication
086File &1&2&3&4 successful uploaded
087Error when scheduling bulk registration job (Error &1)
088Bulk registration job successful scheduled (Job-ID: &1)
089Instance &1 not found
090RFC Logon data for system &1 not found
091RFC Logon data invalid (&1 &2 &3 &4)
092RFC Logon data for system &1 already maintained
093Connection-Test sucessful. RFC Logon data sucessfully updated
094Hostname &1 not found
095Could not create test RFC-Connection (RC: &1)
096Connection-Test failed
097Connection-Test sucessful
098Host &1 belongs to local system &2. Registration not allowed
099Please enter a hostname for registration
100Please choose a System ID
101Connection-Test failed. Logon Data not saved!
102Validation of taskconfiguration failed
103Logical Port Synchronization job is not active in client 000
104Please select at least one task to proceed
105Logical port for Porttype SAPCCMS must created to allow registration
106System &1 is not autodiscovery enabled
107No logical destination for system &1 of porttype SAPControl found
108No registration profiles selected. Nothing to do
109No filename for export selected
110Bulk template file successfully downloaded to &1&2&3&4
111New registration procedure available. Please read SAP Note 1304555
112Bulkregistration-filename &1 is not a valid filename
113Cannot generate bulkregistration-filename
114Error filling dropdown list (Field: &1)
115Could not delete test RFC-Connection (RC: &1)
750Could not create UI control (sy-subrc = &1)
751Could not display the UI control (sy-subrc = &1)
752No UI container specified
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