SMTTOOLS - Multi Tenancy tools

The following messages are stored in message class SMTTOOLS: Multi Tenancy tools.
It is part of development package SOI_MT in software component BC-UPG-SOI-MT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Mutli Tenancy Split".
Message Nr
Message Text
010Fill PAT03_SH and E07*_SH tables from PAT03
011Generate Create table statements for & from &
012Runtime object source & cannot be read
013DDFIELDS for table & cannot be generated
014Table &: Error during statement generation
015Table &: Primary Key statements cannot be generated
016Table &: Secondary indexes could not be read
017Rename table from & to & failed
018&: Statements could not be executed
019&: Execute Statements
020&: Statements successfully executed
021Generate Primary Key Statements for table & from &
022Primary Key Statements for table & successfully generated
023Generate secondary index statements for table & from &
024Secondary index statements for table & successfully generated
025Create table statements for & successfully generated
026Generate statement for union view &
027Statement for union view & successfully generated
028Generate drop statement for primary key of table &
029Drop Statement Primary Key table & successfully generated
030Error generating drop statement for Primary Key table &
031Primary Key table & already dropped from database
032Generate drop statements for secondary indexes of table &
033Error generating drop statements for secondary indexes table &
034Error executing drop statements for secondary indexes table &
035Primary Key table & already dropped from database
036Secondary index &-& already dropped from database
037Drop statements for secondary indexes table & successfully generated
038Table &: Primary Key statements cannot be executed
039Primary Key Statements for table & successfully executed
040Create secondary indexes for table & from &
041Problems generating statements for secondary index &-&
042Secondary index &-& not created
043Built read/write scenario for table &
044Read/write scenario successfully created (Table &/Table &/Union View &)
045Table & could not be transfered to simulated scenario
046Newest Nametab & could not be read
047Create inactive Nametab entry for table &
048Inactive Nametab for table & entry created successfully
049Creation of inactive Nametab entry for table & failed
050Generate statements for rename table & to &
051Table & successfully renamed to &
052Inactive Nametab entry table & does already exist
053Rename table from & to & already done
054Check table &
055Check table & was successful
056Generate rename index statements of table &
057Rename indexes of table &
058Execution of rename index & for table & failed
059Statements for rename index & of table & not generated
060Indexes of table & successfully handled
061Generate statement for projection View & on &
062Fill CVERS_SH from table CVERS
063Inactive Nametab entries already exist and are reset (see Longtext)
064Generate statement for view & joining & with &
065Build read scenario for table &
066Read scenario successfully created (Table &/ Projection View &)
067Execute drop statement for primary key of table &
068Drop Statement Primary Key table & successfully executed
069Execute drop statements for secondary indexes of table &
070Drop statements for secondary indexes table & successfully executed
071Execute statements for rename table & to &
072Generation of statements for rename table & to & successfully generated
073Create Primary Key for table & from &
074Generate create table statements for & from &
075Table & successfully created
076Create union view &
077Built shared read scenario for table &
078& is missing in table MTSHCONTAINER
079MTSHCONTAINER: Information with state & is missing
080Shared read scenario successfully created (Table &/Projection View &)
081Built shared read/write scenario for table &
082Shared read/write scenario created (Table &/Table &/Union View &)
083Statement for projection View & successfully generated
084Renamed tables are not dropped
085Non supported system state
086Built read/write scenario in simulated mode for table &
087Read/write scenario in simulated mode for table & successfully created
088Table & can only be changed in 'inactive mode'
089Statements table & successfully generated
090Currently only table(s) & make(s) a specific handling necessary
091Tables with returncodes to check:
092Table &: No copy of data executed
093Table &: Undefined state
094Table &: Error during copy of data
095Check table & (sharingtype &)
096View & does not exist
097Local writable table & does not exist
098Shared read only table & does not exist
099Table & checked with errors
100Table & is consistent due to sharing type &
101Statement for View & successfully generated
102Nametab & could not be read -> Error, no further action
103&: Sharingtype & only valid for transp. tables (TABTYPE/TABFORM: &/&)
104&: Sharingtype & only valid for transp. tables and database views
105&: Views with sharingtype T can only have one base table
106&: Sharingtype T for views only valid if basetable & has T or S (here &)
107Handle dependent views for table & (Sharingtype T)
108HANDLE_T_VIEW: Unknown action & (valid are DROP/CREATE)
109Execute action & on dependent view &
110Dependent view & could not be dropped
111Dependent view & could not be recreated
112Dependent views for table & successfully handled (action &)
113Action & for dependent views of & failed
114Dependent View & (Sharingtype &) with inconsistencies -> ignored
115Original View & metadata: (A-version) could not be read
116Generation of statements for projection View & failed
117Drop Statements View & could not be generated/executed
118Error generating drop statements for secondary index &-&
119Error executing drop statements for secondary index &-&
120Rebuild read scenario for table &
121Rebuild read scenario successful (Table &)
122Rebuild read write scenario for table &
123Rebuild read write scenario successfully (Table &)
124Drop Statements Table & could not be generated
125Table & could not be reset from simulated scenario
126Drop Statements Table & generated
127Drop Statements View & generated
128Generate and write data for MTSHTABS_VERS
129ERROR generating data for MTSHTABS_VERS
130Data for MTSHTABS_VERS successfully generated
131ERROR writing data to MTSHTABS_VERS
133Only handle Original View & for table &
134Dd09l entry misiing for MTSHADMIN table &, take value from MTSHADMIN
135Save table & to &
136Table &: No columns on Db found, no further actions for this table
137Creation of table & should be from template or structure
138Table &: Nametab inconsistency during dbtabpos handling (set_dbtabpos)
139Table &: Field & not found in DBTABPOS metadata
140MTSHTABS entry for & could not be deleted
141MTSHTABS entries could not be deleted
142Index &-& already dropped from database
143Error generating drop statements for secondary index &
144Error executing drop statements for secondary index &
145Check and generate drop statements for additional indexes
146Check and execute drop statements for additional indexes
147Drop statements for additional indexes table & successfully generated
148Drop statements for addtitional indexes table & successfully executed
150& additional indexes handled
151Primary Key does not exist or has already been dropped
152Upgrade piecelists cannot be retrieved
153Table & does not exist on database
154System is not of type SIMULATED
155No single test table available -> Get tabled from Technical Settings
156Table & is not a shared table
157Check table &
158Table & was checked with warnings
159Table & is inconsistent
160Table & is consistent
161Table &: Header data could not be retrieved
162Table &: Column data could not be retrieved
163Missing packages (e.g. &)
164System has to be changed to SIMULATED first
165Checks can only be executed on HANA
166Check DB existence of view &
167Check DB existence of table &
168Check consistency DD - DB of tables & - &
169View &: Generated statement is not consistent to Db version
170View statement for & cannot be generated -> No check possible
171View &: Generated statement is consistent to Db version
172Statement of view & cannot be retrieved from Db
173Check view &
174View & does not exist on database
175Check consistency DD - DB of view &
176View & is consistent
177View & was checked with warnings
178View & is inconsistent
179Check &
180Table &: Sharingtype is &
181Table & is not shared -> No further checks
182All shared tables from
183Database <> HDB Statements
184Rebuild read scenario from shared for table &
185Metadata for table & cannot be retrieved: No reset possible
186Create Statements table & could not be generated
187Create Statements table & generated
188Drop Statements View & could not be generated
189Rebuild read/write scenario from shared for table &
190Rebuild read/write scenario with dep. views from shared for table &
191&: Sharingtype of DD09L and MTSHADMIN differs -> Take DD09L value
192System is not of type SHARED
193Index &-& does not exist in Dictionary
194Index &-&: Storage-Parameter do not exist
195Error generating statements for index &-&
196Error executing statements for index &-&
197Index &-& could not be created on database
198Create Statement table &: Index statements could not be generated
199Tablename too long to participate in MT sharing
200Index &-&: Index existence could not be checked
201Index existence check: Tablename or indexname is missing
202Index &-& does not exist on database
203Index & already exists on database
204Index &1 does not exist on database
205Systemstate changed from & to &
206Create Statement table &: Primary key statements could not be generated
207Clean E07*_SH tables
208MT Mode changed to &
209Error writing MT Mode (value &)
210Current value for MT_MODE is &1
211No entry in table SSOISYSTEMSTATE found for system property &1
212MT_MODE value &1 is not valid. Allowed values are: &2
213System checked with returncode &1
214System checked, returncode &1 written to table MTSYSTEMSTATE
215System checked, returncode &1 could not be saved in MTSYSTEMSTATE
216Value to check &1 is not expected value, table contains &2
217Value to check is already correct: &1
218System is not of type STANDARD
219No log found using logname &1
220MTSHCONTAINER information cannot be retrieved
221Index &1 cannot be found on DB, may be a name inconsistency
222Table &1 does not exist on database. No further actions
223Statement for Join View & successfully generated
224Table &1: Statements not transferred from TATAF layout to raw structure
225Table &1: Statements not transferred from TATAF layout to new structure
226Table &1: Statements could not be saved to database
227Save statements of table &1 in &2
228Abortion during parallel execution of statement generation
229Primary Key does not exist on database
230Table &1: Primary Key should not exist on Db
231SQL Error &1: &2
232Definition of view &1 cannot be retrieved
233Table &1 could not be transfered to shared scenario
234Table &1 was transfered to shared scenario
235Shared Container information retrieved for state &1
236Shared Container information: Name: &1, Schema: &2, Shared Version: &3
237MTSHTABS information is selected natively
238Check Template Structure &1 against Db table &2
239Column &1 does not exist on database
240Check Template Structure &1 against Db table &2 was successful
241Check Template Structure &1 against Db table &2: Inconsistencies found
242Column &1 does not exist in ABAP Dictionary
243&1: Columns cannot be read from database
244Logname &1: Path for XPRA execution not found
245Log &1 could not be initialized
246Check value for MT_MODE in table SSOI_SYSTSTATE
247No entry for MT_MODE in SSOI_SYSTSTATE yet
248System has unknown Sharing type (not Standard, Simulated or Shared)
249System has current state &1
250No further actions necessary
251&1: Shared table name could not be retrieved
300================================ MT-VL ==================================
301Table &1 - sharing type &2: Generate Projection View CREATE statements
302Table &1 - sharing type &2: Projection View CREATE statements generated
303Table &1 - sharing type &2: Error generating Projection View statements
304Table &1 - sharing type &2: Generate Projection View DROP statements
305Table &1 - sharing type &2: Projection View DROP statements generated
306Table &1: name of local table cannot be retrieved
307Table &1 - sharing type &2: Generate Join view statements
308View &1 references table &2 in Shared Container &3
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