SOAP_CCHECK - SOAP consistency check

The following messages are stored in message class SOAP_CCHECK: SOAP consistency check.
It is part of development package SOAP_RT_CHECK in software component BC-ESI-WS-ABA-RT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Consistency Checks for the SOAP Runtime".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Message &1 has no unit-id
001Message &1 has no sequence
002The corresponding sequence is terminated
003Message not found
004Sequence &1 not found
005Fail check
006Message is not repairable
007The corresponding Unit does not exist
008Repair failed
009One or more messages of this sequence are missing in SRT_SEQ_MSG_QUE
010No inconsistencies found
011No message with this persist id found
012No sequence with this id found
013No messages matching the criteria found
014No sequences matching the criteria found
015One or more messages of this sequence are missing in SRT_MASTER
016Message state "OPEN" but no corresponding messages in SRT_SEQ_MSG_QUE
017Sequence terminated but not entry in SRT_SEQ_REORG
018Messasge can be processed and sequence is in FEH state
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