SOI1 - Safe Online Import/Upgrade Messages continued
The following messages are stored in message class SOI1: Safe Online Import/Upgrade Messages continued.
It is part of development package SOI_TOOLBOX in software component BC-UPG-SOI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Safe Online Import Toolbox".
It is part of development package SOI_TOOLBOX in software component BC-UPG-SOI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Safe Online Import Toolbox".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ========================= General and Misc ============================== |
001 | Customizing/client locks could not be set for all clients |
002 | Connection object cannot be created |
003 | Update statement (&1) could not be executed |
004 | Error resetting Customizing/Client locks to Original |
005 | Customizing/Client locks sucessfully reset to Original |
006 | Error handling system locks |
007 | Resetting Customizing/Client locks to Original: No saved values |
008 | Setting customizing locks was sucessful |
009 | Call tp to lock system &1 |
010 | System &1 sucessfully locked |
011 | Locking system &1 failed |
012 | Invalid tp command &1 |
013 | Call tp to unlock system &1 |
014 | System &1 sucessfully unlocked |
015 | Unlocking system &1 failed |
016 | Call tp to lock EU in system &1 |
017 | EU in system &1 sucessfully locked |
018 | Unlocking EU in system &1 failed |
019 | Call tp to unlock Development environment in system &1 |
020 | EU in system &1 sucessfully unlocked |
021 | Locking EU in system &1 failed |
022 | &1: &2 |
023 | Deployment is running |
024 | No Deployment is running currently |
025 | Primary key &1-&2 should exist on Db |
026 | Primary key &1-&2 should not exist on Db |
027 | Table locks on Target system could not be created successfully |
028 | No unallowed access found for XPRAs and AIMs found |
029 | AIM &1 (Objectname &2, Objecttype &3): Unallowed accesses were found: |
030 | XPRA &1: Unallowed accesses were found: |
031 | Tabelle &1 occurs with operation &2 (access kind &3) at: |
032 | Classname &1, &2 &3, Line &4 |
033 | Programname &1, Include &2, Line &3 |
034 | Unallowed table accesses are found during AIM/XPRA execution |
035 | Tables should be copied to target release but release is not set |
036 | No relevant Transport requests for step &1 found |
037 | No entries from AIM Repository selected for current step R |
038 | Access of production during deployment: Is table accessible and how: |
039 | Production does not write any data |
040 | Write access to the relevant key ranges is blocked |
041 | Write access not blocked. Upgrade data wins |
042 | Write access not blocked. AIM accesses only imported data |
043 | Write access not blocked. Upgrade data wins. Create table empty |
044 | Unknown access type &1 |
045 | How table is accessed by AIM/XPRA: |
046 | Read and write access, table will be cloned |
047 | Read and write access, cloning table is not necessary |
048 | Read access only |
049 | Unknown access type &1 from AIM/XPRA |
050 | ======================== Statement Generation =========================== |
051 | Cached View &1: CREATE Statements are persisted |
052 | Cached View &1: DROP Statements are persisted |
053 | Rename Index statement &1 to &2 for table &3 successfully generated |
054 | Data schema cannot be retrieved |
055 | No secondary indexes to rename for classified tables (Cl types &1) found |
056 | Rename Index (from &1 to &2) statements for table &3 persisted |
057 | Index &1-&2 not on DB, rename not necessary |
058 | DB Indexname for Index &1-&2 cannot be retrieved |
059 | Error handling indexes after classify with rename and drop/create |
060 | &1 statements deleted |
061 | Statements table &1,Task Id &2 could not be deleted |
062 | At least one index rename statement could not be generated |
063 | DB Index name for &1-&2 is correct (&3). No further actions necessary |
064 | Alias &1 for table &2: Drop statement generated |
065 | Db indexname for &1-&2 not retrieved, index may be new or dropped |
066 | Alias &1 for table &2: Drop statement generated |
067 | Db table name for &1 could not be retrieved |
068 | Drop Index statement for table &1, Index &2 successfully generated |
069 | Drop/Create Index statements for table &1 sucessfully saved |
070 | Error generating Drop/Create Index statements for table &1 |
071 | Table &: Existence on DB could not be retrieved |
072 | Table &1: Operations start with name &2 on DB: Name saved |
073 | Table &1: Actual names (start/target) on database could not be saved |
074 | Table &1: Rename db table statement &2 to &3 successfully generated |
075 | Table &1 has classification type &2 and has sharingtype 'read-only': |
076 | Table will not be cloned |
077 | No View layer system, rename back functionality not necessary |
078 | No tables found which have to be renamed |
079 | &1 rename table statements persisted |
080 | Table &1: Rename to original name and proj. view statements are persisted |
081 | Table &1, sharingtype &2: View Statements are generated |
082 | Table &1: Invalid sharingtype &2 |
083 | View &1: Switch statement is persisted |
084 | Customizing set successfully for all clients |
085 | Development environment successfully locked (system &1) |
086 | System sucessfully unlocked |
087 | Development environment successfully unlocked (system &1) |
088 | System sucessfully locked |
089 | Statements for view switch/container change could not be generated |
090 | Table &1: View Statement could not be generated or persisted |
091 | Statement for Container Switch to &1 generated and persisted |
092 | Target Containername &1, vers. &2, state &3: statement generated + saved |
093 | Error generating statement for target container name |
094 | Adjust nametab alignment for &1 |
095 | Remove includes from nametab for &1 |
096 | Generate nametab for alias &1 for table &2 |
097 | Table &1: Target name on Db is &2: Name saved |
098 | Table &1: DDTENANTKEYS entry copied to alias &2 |
099 | Table &1: DDTENANTKEYS entry could not be copied to alias &2 |
100 | ========================= HDI Deploy ============================== |
101 | Error selecting phys. container names from _SYS_DI#<CONTGRP>.M_CONTAINERS |
102 | Create table like with insert from select: Source &1, Target &2 |
103 | At least one profile parameter is not correctly set |
104 | Postprocessing HDI container started |
105 | Postprocessing HDI container completed |
106 | Start: Dropping HDI-container (phys. name: &1) |
107 | Error: Dropping HDI-container (phys. name: &1) |
108 | Finished: Dropping HDI-container (phys. name: &1) |
112 | Error: Setting container &1 (phys. name: &2) to read-only |
113 | Start: Locking dev. environment for container &1 (phys. name &2) |
114 | Error: Locking dev. environment for container &1 (phys. name &2) |
115 | Finished: Locking dev. environment for container &1 (phys. name &2) |
116 | Error: Locking dev. environment for container &1 (phys. name &2) |
117 | Finished: Locking dev. environment for container &1 (phys. name &2) |
118 | Error writing statements for table &1 |
121 | Start: Setting container &1 (phys. name: &2) writable |
122 | Finished: Setting container &1 (phys. name: &2) writable |
123 | Start: Saving objects of container &1 (phys. name &2) |
124 | Finished: Saving objects of container &1 (phys. name &2) |
125 | Invalid message: &1 |
126 | Error: Dropping HDI-container (phys. name: &1) |
127 | Error: Redeployment of HDI API Containers to green schema |
128 | Start: Undeploying objects of container &1 (phys. name &2) |
129 | Error: Undeploying objects of container &1 (phys. name &2) |
130 | Finished: Undeploying objects of container &1 (phys. name &2) |
131 | HDI Schema Deployment failed for container &1 (phys. name &2) |
132 | HDI Schema Deployment successful for all containers |
200 | ======================== Statement Execution ============================ |
201 | Table &1: New task-Id for DROP statements is: &2 |
203 | Table &1: No indexes with Drop or Convert statements found |
204 | Table &1 has no indexes, ignore existing TBATG entries |
205 | Handle index &1-&2 with &3 request |
206 | Table &1: Index statements successfully generated and saved |
207 | Table &1: Create Index statements successfully generated |
208 | Table &1 has no indexes |
209 | Direct SQL executor not intantiated, take SLC_SQL_STMTS writer instead |
210 | Direct statements execution failed |
250 | ====================== Statement Generation ============================= |
251 | Table &1: Runtime object does not exist |
252 | Table &1: Runtime object fields not mapped, Create stmt not generated |
253 | Table &1: Indexes could not be read |
254 | Table &1: Error during Create statement generation: &2 |
255 | Table &1: Create Statement generated for DB table &2 |
256 | Drop statement for index &1-&2 persisted |
257 | Index &1-&2 does not exist on DB, drop of index not necessary |
258 | At least one index drop statement could not be generated |
259 | Error initializing statement executor |
260 | Statements for task id &1 are successfully executed |
261 | Execute Statement from statement table for task id &1 |
262 | Table &1: Index &2 with action &3 found |
300 | ============================ Classify =================================== |
301 | Table &1: Shared Read Only, requested imports delivered with Shared Cont. |
302 | Table &1: Sharingtype could not be retrieved (check runtime object) |
303 | Table &1: Sharingtype changed from &2 to &3, conversion will be executed |
304 | Table &1: Sharingtype changes from &2 to &3: Conversion is not supported |
305 | Table &1: Sharingtype &2: Conversion is not supported |
306 | Target release cannot be set, input data &1 too long, limit is 4 chars |
307 | Target Release initialized with &1 |
308 | Start Release initialized with &1 |
309 | Table &1 has sharingtype Read Only: Classification changed from &2 to &3 |
310 | &1 entries select from SSOI_PUTTBX for release &2 |
311 | &1 entries written to SSOI_PUTTBX for release &2 |
312 | Not all entries saved tp SSOI_PUTTBX with target release: Action rollback |
313 | All entries from SSOI_PUTTBX saved to target release &1: Action completed |
314 | Entries with new release &1 are already generated |
315 | Error handling static classification |
316 | (TBATG entries may be necessary during handling of classify actions) |
317 | System properties could not be retrieved: Abort classify phase &1 |
318 | System properties could not be retrieved: Abort Shared Container handling |
319 | System is no Multi Tenancy system: No actions necessary |
320 | No Actions necessary |
321 | Lock tables as result of AIM/XPRA classify |
322 | Table &1 is classified in PUTTBX only: Result is &2 |
323 | Table &1 is classified in PUTTBX_ZDM with value &2 |
324 | Static classification completed without errors |
325 | Table &1: Current classification &2 not overwritten by PUTTBX_ZDM value |
326 | System properties could not be retrieved: Abort check classify |
327 | Table &1: Sharingtype is &2, conversion will be executed |
328 | Table &1: Conversion allows classification types clone only (U or C) |
329 | Classification type retrieved from current classify is &1 |
330 | Table &1: Conversion via alter table: classification type set to &2 |
331 | Table &1, sharingtype &2: Real Conversion, classification type remains &3 |
332 | At least one error occured during AIM Repository object retrieval |
333 | &1 tables with XCLA retrieved: |
334 | Table &1: XCLA has to be executed from class &2 |
335 | Table &1: XCLA has to be executed from class &2 (DDCNVEXIT entry exists) |
336 | Retrieve tasks for task lists |
337 | Task list &1 contains the following tasks: |
338 | Task name &1 (Task type &2) |
339 | Lockmode and access type information retrieval finished with errors |
340 | --- Execute actions for table &1 |
341 | No classify phase given: End of procedure test for selected tables |
342 | System properties could not be retrieved: Abort create aliases after &1 |
343 | Changes of table &1 can be hidden using view due to table delta |
344 | Index &1-&2 should not exist on Db, CREATE statement not generated |
345 | Columns are dropped from table &1 |
346 | Table &1: Check if sharing is possible due to table changes |
347 | Current changes allow sharing for table &1 |
348 | Table &1: Check if current table changes can be hidden by view |
349 | Table &1: Check if current table changes allow live clone |
350 | Table &1 has sharingtype Read Only, classifcation type &2 is preserved |
351 | Table &1: Due to Table Delta classification is retrieved as &2 |
352 | Table &1: Computing reset statements fails |
353 | Reset statement generation or saving failed for at least one table |
354 | Table &1: Reset statements successfully generated |
355 | Result from distribution is error (Modeflag &1) -> No further actions |
356 | Table &1: Reset statements could not be saved |
357 | Transp. table &1 changed to GTT, table will be dropped as late operation |
358 | GTT &1 changed to transparent table, no special actions necessary |
359 | Table &1: Information about GTT cannot be retrieved from runtime object |
360 | Table &1 is and remains GTT, no special actions necessary |
361 | Table &1: isGtt property could not be retrieved (check runtime object) |
362 | Table &1: Action is: Set table to Clone read only |
363 | Table &1: No action necessary due AIM/XPRA classification |
364 | Table &1: Modeflag is Drop/create and Sharing Type &2: Ignore Modeflag |
365 | "--- Merge TABCHANGE and DATAIMP classify table for &1 (Modeflag &2) |
366 | Table &1: Classification changes from &2 to &3 because of MODEFLAG M |
367 | Global temporary Table &1 exists on DB (schema &2) with identical name |
368 | Global temporary Table &1 missing on DB (schema &2) with identical name |
369 | Table &1 is new: Original runtime object does not exist |
370 | Table &1 is not new and original runtime object does not exist |
371 | Retrieve tables for Level C classification |
372 | &1: Not retrievable if table is cloned yet -> add table to observed set |
373 | &1: Not retrievable if log table needs to be created or already exists |
374 | &1: Not retrievable if unlock has already been done -> unlock |
375 | &1: Not retrievable if lock has already been done -> lock |
376 | &1: Not retrievable if alias needs to be created or already exists |
377 | AIM &1 for &2 &3 is not zero downtime enabled |
378 | XPRA &1 is not zero downtime enabled |
379 | Table &1: Prior classifcation type to phase &2 could not be retrieved |
380 | Level C: Lockmode and access type info retrieval finished with errors |
381 | Level C: Lockmode and access type info retrieval completed |
382 | Reset statements calculated for &1 tables |
400 | =============================== General & Misc ========================== |
401 | Tables classification type(s) &1 could not be retrieved |
402 | Error unlocking all tables |
403 | Unlocking all tables was successful |
404 | Tables are sucessfully unlocked |
405 | Authorization error unlocking all tables |
406 | Error merging data back to tables STXH and STXL |
407 | Source schema is unknown, check for table lock on Orig. not possible |
408 | Unlocking tables is done using schema &1 |
409 | Unlock tables on current schema if not already unlocked |
410 | No tables with classification type K, L found. New aliases not necessary |
411 | Current schema name is unknown, table locks cannot be removed |
412 | No more tables to lock |
413 | Start release not retrieved from stack.xml. Take fallback value |
414 | Target release not retrieved from stack.xml. Take fallback value |
415 | Parameter &1 has value &2 |
416 | Value for parameter &1 could not be retrieved |
417 | Generate SSOI_DEPLOYPARAM stmt for source access schema &1 with value &2 |
418 | Generate SSOI_DEPLOYPARAM stmt for target access schema &1 with value &2 |
419 | Generate SSOI_DEPLOYPARAM stmt for data schema &1 with value &2 |
420 | Statements with task Id &1 successfully saved |
421 | Locking tables is done using schema &1 |
422 | Table &1 is locked on Original system |
423 | Table &1: Indexes could not be retrieved |
424 | Index &1-&2: Create statements could not be generated |
425 | Change task Id of DROP Statements from &1 to postprocessing &2 |
426 | Change task Id of TBATG DROP/CONVERT Statements to postprocessing |
427 | Table &1: Error retrieving index information |
428 | Entry for Index &1-&2 could not be deleted from TBATG |
429 | Entry Index &1-&2 deleted from TBATG |
430 | Get index Statements for execution after index rename |
431 | &1 statements are moved to execution after rename index |
432 | &1 entries selected from &2 |
433 | &1 entries deleted from &2 |
434 | &1 entries saved in &2 |
435 | Not all entries could be saved back to TBATG (&1, expected: &2) |
436 | Not all TBATG entries could be saved to SSOI_TBATG (&1, expected: &2) |
437 | Action input parameters are not correct |
438 | Error handling TBATG entries |
439 | Error dropping deployment artifacts |
440 | Table &1: Not all entries could be saved back to TBATG (&2, expected: &3) |
441 | &1 Index entries saved back to TBATG for table &2 |
442 | Save DROP Statements for potentially later processing with task id &1 |
443 | &1 ist primary key of table &2 |
444 | &1 is not the primary key of table &2 |
445 | TBATG entry deleted: Index &1-&2, action &3 |
446 | No longer needed entries are deleted from TBATG and SSOI_TBATG |
447 | SSOI_TBATG entry deleted: Index &1-&2, action &3 |
448 | Transport path cannot be retrieved |
449 | Transport path cannot be retrieved. No path set? |
450 | Drop log and log history tables |
451 | Errors dropping log and log history tables |
452 | Log and log history tables are successfully dropped |
453 | Error during adaptation of AMDPs to HDI |
454 | Wrong action &1 for table post processing |
455 | Table &1: Original name of table on database is unknown, no action |
456 | Action &1 is executed on original tables |
457 | Action &1 successfully executed on original tables |
458 | Action 'RENAME' (with suffix &1) successfully executed on original tables |
459 | Action &1 not sucessfully executed on original tables |
460 | Drop or rename original tables: &1 |
461 | Drop log and log history tables |
462 | Log and log history tables sucessfully dropped |
463 | Multi Tenancy system properties are not as expected |
464 | Table &1: Db Table name for locking could not be retrieved |
465 | Name Mapping handler could not be instantiated |
466 | &1 tables eliminated from locking as their sharing type is READ ONLY |
467 | &1 tables eliminated as their sharing type is READ ONLY |
468 | Table &1: |
469 | Delete/update control entries for deployed tables |
470 | Control table entries deleted |
471 | Type: &1, Indexname: &2, Function: &3, Execmode: &4 |
472 | Type: &1, Function: &2, Execmode: &3 |
473 | Table &1: The following entries are restored to TBATG |
474 | Buffer could not be reset for lock table (TRPUT) |
475 | All entries deleted from SOI_XTT and SOI_XTF |
476 | All entries deleted from SOI_AIMXTT and SOI_AIMXTF |
477 | All entries could be restored from SOI_AIMXTT and SOI_AIMXTF |
478 | Not all entries could be restored from SOI_AIMXTT and SOI_AIMXTF |
479 | Backup entry for &1 deleted from SSOI_AIMXTT/SSOI_AIMXTF |
480 | RFC connection to Original system could not be established |
481 | Entries are deleted from TBATG copy (table SSOI_TBATG) |
482 | &1 are deleted from SSOI_TBATG |
483 | Observe tables with open DDL/DML operations started till &1 &2 |
484 | There are still open DML/DDL operations on tables (classified with K/C/L) |
485 | No more tables with open DML/DDL operations (classified with K/C/L) exist |
486 | Tabname/hostname/lockmode/starttime of lock: &1/&2/&3/&4 |
487 | RFC connection to Original system sucessfully established |
488 | No TBATG and SSOI_TBATG entries for selection exist: No deletion |
489 | Table &1: No longer needed entries deleted from TBATG and SSOI_TBATG |
490 | No TBATG and SSOI_TBATG entries exist: No deletion necessary |
491 | Task-List &1: Unallowed accesses were found: |
492 | RFC usage, no further access analysis possible |
493 | Unallowed non Open SQL table accesses are found during AIM/XPRA execution |
494 | No unallowed table accesses found during AIM/XPRA execution |
495 | Persistent locks could not be released: No authorization |
496 | Drop table aliases |
497 | Table alias drop statements successfully generated |
498 | Subsystem separation is &1 |
499 | RDDIMPDP, jobcount &1 scheduled at &2 &3: |
500 | TBTCCNTXT entry does not exist |
501 | TBTCCNTXT entry exists: CTXTTYPE = &1, CTXVAL = &2 |
502 | No released job for RDDIMPDP found |
503 | Error in DML observer after phase &1 |
504 | Delete entries from further control tables |
505 | Entries deleted from/updated in table &1 |
506 | No unallowed table accesses found during tasklist execution |
507 | Unallowed non Open SQL table accesses are found during tasklist execution |
508 | Unallowed table accesses are found during tasklist execution |
509 | No live clone Table detected: No need to create Alias drop statements |
510 | RFC connection &1 to Target system sucessfully established |
511 | RFC connection &1 to Target system could not be established |
512 | Current system is Blue system |
513 | Current system is Green system |
514 | Error when analyzing baseobjects of DdlSource &1 |
515 | Ddl source &1: No valid tabtype (&2) |
516 | No baseobjects found, reason may be parse error of Ddl Source |
517 | View &1 (Ddl source &2) is invalid, statement may be producible however |
518 | &1&2&3 |
519 | Delete/Update statements for entries in table &1 generated |
520 | ============================== Table Delta ============================== |
521 | Field &1 with type &2 cannot be added with NOT NULL as it has no Default |
522 | Alter &1 field &2 from &3 to &4 not possible as fulltext index exists |
523 | Sharingtype changed from &1 to &2 |
524 | DDTENANTKEYS entry has changed |
525 | Table &1: Error in table delta for MT relevant changes |
526 | Table &1: Not Null information cannot be retrieved from DB |
540 | ================================ Reset ================================== |
541 | Handle reset for point in time &1 |
542 | Error during reset of SOI artifacts |
543 | No reset prepare actions for phase &1 necessary |
544 | Shared/Default/Preferred Shared tables are not yet changed: |
545 | No further actions necessary |
546 | Reset live clones artifacts |
547 | Tables with clones are reset (clone with/without data, clone read only) |
548 | System properties could not be retrieved: Abort reset |
549 | Live clone reset statements are successfully generated and persisted |
550 | Reset clone artifacts |
551 | Table &1: Name of cloned table on database is unknown, no action |
552 | Drop statements for at least one cloned not generated or saved |
553 | Drop statements for cloned tables successfully generated and saved |
554 | Statement &1 is relevant for reset |
555 | Statement &1 is not relevant for reset -> ignore |
556 | Reset statements for table &1 are saved |
557 | Statements for table &1 not yet executed -> no reset necessary |
558 | Table &1: Name of live cloned table on database is unknown, no action |
559 | Table &1: Live clone and cloned table DROP Statements are saved |
560 | Table &1: Live clone and cloned table DROP Statements could not be saved |
561 | Live clone reset statements not generated or saved for at least one table |
562 | Final reset of Log and control tables, RFC connections and LM semaphore |
563 | Table &1: Target has sharing type 'Read Only': No action necessary |
564 | Log tables do not exist yet. No deletion necessary |
565 | Table &1: No relevant statements for reset |
566 | Table &1: Retrieve relevant statements for reset |
567 | Retrieve relevant index statements for reset: |
568 | Index: &1-&2 |
569 | &1 statements with task id &2 deleted for table &3 |
570 | Table &1 has current classification type &2, but was live clone before |
571 | Reset table &1 as live clone |
572 | Table &1: No action necessary |
573 | Drop copy of statement table: &1 |
574 | Copy of statement table &1 sucessfully dropped |
575 | Table &1: No action necessary, clone does not exist yet |
576 | Table &1 has sharing type 'Read Only': No action necessary |
577 | Table &1: Source or Target has sharing type 'Read Only': Drop table |
578 | &1: Add table for handling in reset |
579 | Table &1 successfully added to reset drop |
580 | Table &1: No reset statements required as no 'Deploy artifacts' exist yet |
581 | Table &1: No reset statements generated: SQL error for exists check |
582 | Target &1 for &2 does not yet exists -> No statement deletion necessary: |
583 | Statements for task Id &1 (created during Deployment) do not yet exist |
584 | Table REPOSRC_ADM added for index renaming (usage of table by REPOSRC) |
585 | Rename statement of &1 is prerequiste for other tables -> thus abort |
586 | Move nametab phase completed, check for relevant statements |
587 | Move nametab may be aborted, check for relevant statements |
588 | Conversion may be aborted, drop indexes with ignorable non exist error |
589 | Conversion completed, drop indexes will be executed |
590 | SQL Statement for tables cannot be retrieved |
591 | SQL Error &1: |
592 | Table &1: Delete runtime object written by distributor |
593 | Table &1: No reset statements generated: SQL error for exists check |
594 | No indexes without table change found for reset |
600 | ============================== Classify ================================= |
601 | &1 tables selected which are not locked on Green: EU lock is sufficient |
602 | Table &1: Table was already classified in phase TABIM or TABCHANGE as &2 |
603 | Check consistency of &1 &2 |
604 | Not all tables inserted into Lock exception table |
605 | &1 tables inserted to SSOI_TBCLDS which are not locked on Green |
606 | No tables with data import found |
607 | Trigger &1 &2 on &3 exists on database |
608 | Trigger &1 &2 for &3 is missing on database |
609 | Alias &1 exists for original table &2 |
610 | Alias &1 for original table &2 does not exist on database |
611 | Table &1 gets imports |
612 | Table &1: Action generation completed and statements saved |
613 | Table &1: No additional info found but is expected |
614 | Table &1: Unexpected value for comp. &2: (exp = &3/act = &4) |
615 | Additional info for test tables shows inconsistencies |
616 | Additional info for test tables checked without errors |
617 | No tables to classify found |
618 | Table &1: No more statements found, modeflag X leads to DDXTT deletion |
619 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
620 | &1 tables found for table change handling |
621 | Table &1 has DROP/CREATE request |
622 | Table &1: Modeflag is &2 |
623 | Table &1: No valid change information &2 from distribution |
624 | Checking additional results for tables after classification phase &1 |
625 | Table &1: No classifcation found but is expected |
626 | Table &1: Not all columns are used in VDAT/CDAT views: |
627 | Table is classified as clone read only |
628 | --- Retrieve tables with incomplete usage in VDAT/CDAT views |
629 | --- Tables with incomplete usage in VDAT/CDAT views retrieved |
630 | Table &1 is contained in &2 &3 |
631 | Tab. &1: Fields are missing in at least one &2 view (influences classify) |
632 | Table &1 is client independent G-table with imports |
633 | Table &1 G-table with imports, client dpendency not retrievable |
634 | Table &1: Classification &2 preserved due to AIM Repository |
635 | Table &1: Check table classification and runtime object |
636 | Table &1: Sharingtype could not be retrieved |
637 | &1 tables with with distribution result retrieved for TABCHANGE CLASSIFY |
638 | Table &1: Information such as Sharingtype, Gtt cannot be retrieved |
639 | Table &1: Information such as Sharingtype, Gtt retrieved from Ntab (&2) |
640 | Check consistency of &1 &2 for table with sharingtype &3 |
641 | Table &1: Live clone contradicts MODEFLAG M, wrong classification |
642 | Preserve live clone, change to Clone read only possible if imports exist |
700 | ============================== Version ================================= |
701 | Version is not maintained |
730 | ========================== Utilities and Helper ========================= |
731 | No classified objects to reset found |
732 | Table &1: Log table name could not be retrieved, no action |
733 | Table &1: Log history table name could not be retrieved, no action |
734 | Not all log and Log history tables could be handled for deletion |
735 | No log or log history tables found, mass deletion not necessary |
751 | Log tables and log history tables are deleted, DROP statements generated |
752 | Delete log tables and log history tables |
753 | Generate DROP statements for projection views on Original system |
754 | &1: Original Nametab does not exist |
755 | &1: Nametab Extension (state = &2) does not exist |
756 | &1: Nametab Extension (state = &2): wrong where clause category |
757 | &1: Runtime object additional data field could not be read |
758 | Table &1: Active nametab saved in SSOI_XTT/SSOI_XTF |
759 | Security issue: &1 |
760 | Security issue, unknown classifcation types &1 |
761 | Security issue, unknown target access schema &1 |
762 | Security issue, method &1, check input variables |
763 | Security issue, method &1 |
764 | &1: Nametab fields are missing |
765 | Security issue, unknown classifcation phase &1 |
766 | No objects to check found |
767 | Table &1: Entry for Original nametab already exists, no action necessary |
768 | Table &1 does not exist on database |
769 | SQL Error &1: &2 |
770 | Error initializing statement executor (&1) |
771 | Table columns Dictionary - Database for table &1 are consistent |
772 | Projection view for table &1 success |
773 | Table &1 contains data |
774 | Table &1 does not contain data |
775 | Consistency needs to be restored for table &1 |
776 | Table &1: Error during data existence check |
777 | Table &1: data exists in access and data layer: No automatic correction |
778 | &1: Newest Nametab header extension does not exist |
779 | Table &1: Active nametab read from Backup tables &2 |
780 | Table &1: Copy into SSOI_AIMXTT and SSOI_AIMXTF from active nametab |
781 | Table &1: Active nametab header not written to SSOI_AIMXTT |
782 | Table &1: Active nametab fields not written to SSOI_AIMXTF |
783 | Table &1: Active nametab saved in SSOI_AIMXTT/SSOI_AIMXTF |
784 | Table &1: Active nametab could not be written from Backup tables &2 |
785 | Table &1: Active nametab written from Backup tables &2 |
786 | Table &1: MTSHTABS entry cannot be retrieved |
787 | Table &1: Active nametab could not be written from inactive nametab |
788 | Table &1: Entry for SSOI_AIMXTT already exists, no action necessary |
789 | Mass deletion finished with error (RC = &1) |
790 | Mass deletion successfully executed |
791 | &1: Role could not be retrieved from statement (logical statememt &2) |
792 | MTSHTABS entries from &1 cannot be retrieved |
793 | Table &1: Active nametab does not exist |
794 | Table &1: Generate SSOI_AIMXTT header with modeflag D |
795 | Table &1: SSOI_AIMXTT header with modeflag D written, no fields entry |
796 | Table &1: Active nametab does not exist |
797 | Table &1: Only header with modeflag D exists in SSOI_AIMXTT |
798 | Table &1: Active nametab deleted |
799 | Table &1 is new: Entry with modeflag D already exists in SSOI_AIMXTT |
800 | Table &1: Entries for SSOI_AIMXTT/XTF retrieved |
801 | &1: Unknown load unit value: &2 |
802 | Unlock tables on schema &1 |
803 | No entry for &1 generated to drop original/start table |
804 | Entries saved from ssoi_tbcldy_info to ssoi_cldyinf_end |
805 | Not all entries could be saved from ssoi_tbcldyinfo to ssoi_cldyinf_end |
806 | Active nametab ob &1 could not be deleted |
807 | Dependency Rule & does not exist on database |
850 | ========================= Utility programs ============================== |
851 | Table &1: Indexes could not be retrieved |
852 | Table &1: Drop Statements cannot be generated |
853 | Table &1: Create Statements cannot be generated |
854 | Error renaming table artifacts |
855 | Renaming table artifacts only possible in View Layer system |
856 | Start handling table &1 |
857 | Rename table statement generated, target table is &1 |
858 | Rename column statements generated |
859 | Table &1 already renamed to &2 |
860 | Statement Transfer to SLC_SQL_STMTS is not possible |
861 | DROP Statement Index &1-&2 generated |
862 | CREATE Statement Index &1-&2 generated |
863 | Renaming table artifacts in View Layer system fails |