SOLAR_PLUGIN - Plug-In f�r Anbindung des Solution Architect

The following messages are stored in message class SOLAR_PLUGIN: Plug-In f�r Anbindung des Solution Architect.
It is part of development package SOLAR_APPL_PLUGIN in software component SV-SMG-IMP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Plug-In for Solution Architect Connection".
Message Nr
Message Text
001You have no authorization for transaction &1 in system &2
002There is no transaction &1 in system &2
003Selection canceled
004Transaction &1 will be started in a new session in &2
005IMG for Project &1 will be started in a new session in &2
006You can maintain BC Set &1 in a new session in &2
007BC Set &1 will be displayed in a new session in &2
008Message &1 does not exist
009Transaction &1 is not in system &2(&3)
010Program &1 is not in system &2(&3)
011IMG object &1 is not in system &2(&3)
012BC Set &1 is not in system &2(&3)
013Transport request &1 is not in system &2(&3)
014Test case &1 is not in system &2(&3)
015eCATT test configuration &1 is not in system &2(&3)
016Object &1 is not in system &2(&3)
017Object type &1 is not supported in system &2(&3)
019No variants exist for &1
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