SOR_FRM_EXT_SRCE_MSG - Message class for create SOR from external source

The following messages are stored in message class SOR_FRM_EXT_SRCE_MSG: Message class for create SOR from external source.
It is part of development package RAP_SD_SLS_AUTOEXTRN in software component SD-SLS-IMP-DOX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SD Restful ABAP Programming(Creat SO - Automatic Extraction)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Could not convert extracted country/region "&1" into internal key.
002Extracted delivery date "&1" was invalid.
003Data extraction service failed to create client.
004Data extraction service is temporarily unavailable.
005Country/Region not proposed
009Cannot get extraction result for the file due to parameter error.
010Exact match of "&1" in &2
011Fuzzy match of "&1" for &2
023Sales order request number for the extracted file is &1.
024Line item &2: Cannot convert extracted crcy (ISO) "&1" into internal crcy
025Item &1: Could not convert extracted UoM "&2" into internal key.
027Enterprise search error: Cannot determine sold-to party.
028Enterprise search error: Cannot determine ship-to party.
029Sold-to party &1 was determined with reference to order creation history.
030Ship-to party &1 was determined with reference to order creation history.
031Sold-to party &1 has not been defined for sales area &2/&3/&4.
032Sold-to party &1 has been determined via &2.
033Ship-to party &1 has been determined via &2.
034Product &1 has been determined via &2.
035For numeric header field &1, extracted value "&2" is invalid.
036For numeric field &2 in line item &1, extracted value "&3" is invalid.
037In line items &1, extracted item number "&2" exists more than once.
038Header:Cannot convert extracted currency (ISO) "&" into internal currency
039Header: Cannot convert extracted UoM (ISO) "&" into internal UoM
040Data extraction service has started to extract data for the retry request
041Data extraction service could not upload file: invalid file content.
042Data extraction service could not upload file: malware detected.
043Data extraction service could not upload file: file pages exceeding 50.
044A technical error occurred. Contact your system administrator.
045The requested operation is invalid.
047Sold-to party not determined
048Ship-to party not determined
049No product can be determined for item &1.
050Contact your system admin to set up the required communication scenario.
051Archiving failed. The customer is used in a sales order request.
052Sold-to party &1 was determined via exact search.
053Sold-to party &1 was determined via fuzzy search.
054Ship-to party &1 has been determined via exact search.
055Ship-to party &1 was determined via fuzzy search.
056Item &1: Product &2 was determined via exact search.
057Item &1: Product &2 was determined via fuzzy search.
060Product determination: Exact match of "&1" in product master
061Product determination: Exact match of "&1" in customer material master
062Product detn: Exact match of "&1" in additional customer material master
070Failed to connect to data extraction service.
071Data extraction has started.
072Retry extraction: Failed to connect to data extraction service.&
073Retry extraction: Data extraction has started.
074Data extraction was completed.
075Data extraction failed.
076Document currency proposed from company code &1
077Sales order type defaulted to standard order (OR)
078Requested delivery date set to first valid date in extracted item data
079Item &1: UoM not proposed. System cleared UoM and requested quantity.
080Could not convert extracted currency "&2" into internal key.
081Extracted currency was missing.
095BAdI call: Could not propose "&1" for requested delivery date.
096BAdI call: Item number &1 exists more than once.
097BAdI call: Could not create an item for item number &1.
099BAdI call: Could not propose "&1" for UoM.
100BAdI call: Sales order request items were overwritten.
101BAdI call: Sales order request header was overwritten.
103Sales area &1/&2/&3 was determined from sold-to party &4.
104Ship-to party &1 from master data determination invalid for sales area
105Sales area &1/&2/&3 was determined from ship-to party &4.
106Sold-to party determination: Fuzzy match of "&1" for &2
107Ship-to party determination: Fuzzy match of "&1" for &2
108Could not determine a unique sales area from sold-to or ship-to party.
109Sales area &1/&2/&3 from ship-to party &4 and valid for sold-to party
111Product determination: Fuzzy match of "&1" for &2
112Sold-to party determination: Exact match of "&1" for &2
113Sold-to party determination: Retrieved from sales order request &1
114Ship-to party determination: Retrieved from sales order request &1
115Item &1: Extracted UoM was missing.
116UoM proposed
117Item &1: UoM was proposed based on extracted UoM "&2".
118Item &1: Requested quantity not proposed
119Item &1: Extracted quantity "&2" is not a numeric value.
120Item &1: Extracted quantity was missing.
121Requested quantity proposed
122Item &1: Requested quantity was copied from extracted quantity "&2".
123Customer reference not proposed
124Extracted purchase order number was missing or invalid.
125Customer reference proposed
126Customer reference was copied from extracted purchase order number "&1".
127Requested delivery date not proposed
128Extracted delivery date was missing.
129Requested delivery date proposed
130Requested delivery date was copied from extracted delivery date "&1".
131Sold-to party determined
132Ship-to party determined
133Ship-to party &1 is valid for sales area &2/&3/&4.
134Sales area not determined
135Sales area determined
136Item &1: Product determined
137Item &1: Product &2 determined with reference to order creation history
138Product determination: Retrieved from item &1, sales order request &2
139Item &1: Product not determined
140BAdI call: &1 was overwritten.
141BAdI call: In item &1, &2 was overwritten.
142Item &1: Product &2 returned via fuzzy search, but invalid for sales area
143Controlled document type: Report an incident to component CA-ML-DOX.
144Input limit exceeded for trial account. Please retry next week.
145Extraction service unavailable. Ask administrator to check OAuth setup.
146Check your oAuth 2.0 client settings in the communication system.
147Item &1: Could not convert extracted delivery date "&2" into a date.
149Extraction service unavailable. Ask administrator to check RFC connection
150Check your host name in the communication system.
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