SPXN - Proxy Generation

The following messages are stored in message class SPXN: Proxy Generation.
It is part of development package SAI_PROXY_GENTIME_MDR in software component BC-DWB-PRX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Proxy Generation: Meta Data Repository".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Data is invalid, &1 is no valid value for &2.
002Object is invalid or inconsistent
003Object &1 &2 is invalid
004Object &1 &2 &3 is invalid
005Object cannot be locked
006Node is inconsistent
007ABAP name is not set
008Type is not set (xsd type or type reference)
009Type reference is not set
010Access to obsolete node was rejected
011Read only data, cannot be changed
012Switch not possible
013Node cannot be deleted
014Error occurred
015Call of &1 not allowed for this object
016Generating application &1 for namespace &2 not allowed
017'&1' is not valid for '&2'. Expected values: &3
018Required operation with pattern &1 missing for interface with pattern &2
019Request missing
020Response missing
021No response allowed
022Asynchronous operation must not have any faults
023Obligatory attribute &1 missing for representation term &2
024Attribute &1 unknown for representation term &2
025Wrong type &1 for attribute &2/ type of representation term &3
026Idempotency only allowed for synchronous method in non-TUCC interface
027Wrong representation term &1 for attribute &2 of representation term &3
028Value '&1' for facet &2 for type/attribute &3 not allowed (repterm &4)
029First character '&1' of '&2' is invalid; only a(A)-z(Z) permitted
030'&1' contains invalid character '&2'; only a(A)-z(Z), 0-9, "_" permitted
031Qualified name '&1' is invalid; contains not permitted characters
032Qualified name invalid; '&1' too long
033Object has a warning
034Method &1 of class &2 is not a method of a consumer proxy
035Source method not set within mapping
036Mapping must either contain synchronous or asynchronous methods
037Asynchronous mapping must have at least one target method
038Synchronous mapping must have exactly one target method
039ABAP name '&1' is too long, max. &2 characters allowed
040Consumer Mapping has no source class
041Source method does not exist
042Mapping target &1 inconsistent
043Mapping missing for method &1
044Inline objects not supported: &1
045Ambiguous mapping for method &1
046Consumer class &1 does not exist
047Append is dynamic, enhanced type isn't
048Qualified name '&1' is invalid; namespace is initial
049Enumeration value provider class only for data elements
050Object has no target method &1 &2
051Elements and Attributes of Enhancements must be optional
052Base has different representation term &1
053Base has different xsd facets than restriction (check schema)
054Activation of proxy not possible
055Name &1 already used
056Object &1 &2 already used
057Request message &1 &2 occurs twice in interface
058Attribute &1 of repr.term &2 must refer a global repr.term type
059Facet &1 for type/attribute &2 not allowed (repterm &3)
060You can't assign Service Consumer and RFC Consumer to the same mapping
061Abap Length must be greater than xsd length
062PortType {&2}&1 not found in WSDL
063PortType must be specified
064Change may result in inconsistent existing enhancements
065Error reading WSDL from &1
066This action is not allowed for an inactive object
067Object must be saved and activated
068Qname of table and linetype are identical
069A default value can only be set for simple content elements
070Referred type &1 &2 not found
071Consumer Mapping is a single target mapping, but has targets &1 and &2
072Mapping is used in Consumer Mapping &1, this change is not possible
073No direct mappings allowed for single target Consumer mappings
074Can not use Package &1.
075Mode of source consumer different from mode of operation mapping
076Invalid xpath &1: &2 at pos &3
077Invalid Split Path
078Invalid data; see previous error for further information
079New value same as old value
080The Processing Type Domain must have at least one processing type
081This type is a helper type, change impossible
082The Semantic Contract must have exactly two actors
083Wrong scope
084Contract has inconsistent message scope
085Parameter error when calling &1(&2)
086Contract operations &1 and &2 have the same request but diff. response
087Contract operations &1 and &2 have the same request but diff. fault(s)
088Object &1 &2 does not exist or has no active version
089Contract actor name &1 has to be changed to &2
090Contract operation &1 is missing in actor &2
091Contract operation &1 in actor &2 has to be deleted
092Contract operation &1 has to be moved to actor &2
093Request message is missing in operation &1
094Actors name is already used
095Implementation invalid: &1 does not match contract data (&2 &3)
096Request &1 of consumer &2 not found or not implemented by this consumer
097Consumer Mapping &1 is not a single target mapping
098Eliminate Direct Mapping Classes: There are no direct mapping methods
099Contract &1 has no actor &2
100Contract &1 has no request message &2
101No communication type assigned
102CommunicationType must not be initial
103Request qname &1 &2 occurs more than once
104No semantic contract is set
105No consumer is set
106Receiver determination filter structure not set
107Sender determination filter structure not set
108Schema defined external can not be changed
109&1 mode not set
110Could not find the referenced Actor &1 within the Contract &2
111Message &1 in Contract &2 is missing in current Contract Implementation
112Message &1 in current Contract Implementation is missing in Contract &2
113Receiver determination filter structure must not be set
114Sender determination filter structure must not be set
115Reference to base structure &1 was adjusted
116The name of the referenced actor was changed to &1
117Reference to context type &1 was adjusted
118Reference to type &1 was adjusted
119The actor's name has been changed to &1
120Consumer /Provider message type &1 has been deleted
121Message type &1 added. Assign a new Consumer / Provider Implementation
122Operation &1 has been deleted
123Operation &1 has been added.
124Semantic Contract &1 or its Actor &2 does not exist
125Consumer &1 does not exist
126Filter structure &1 of &2 is not valid
127Current Scope &1 does not match Scope &2 of its referenced object
128All external message types must belong to the same package
129Role &1 is not valid.
130Actor &1 not found for Semantic Contract &2.
131Semantic Contract &1 is not valid.
132No Role assigned for Actor &1 in Semantic Contract &2.
133Role &1 is already assigned and cannot be deleted.
134Semantic Contract actor name &1 has been changed.
135No implementation assigned for request &1
136Multiple classifications for life cycle status are not allowed
137Referred object &1 &2 has release status '&3'
138No WSDL in cache
139Wrong Message type - XML QName of Message must be &1{&2}
140Object must be saved
141Object with generating application '&1' cannot be regenerated
142Actor &1 not found
143WSDL does not match Semantic Contract &1
144WSDL invalid. &1 has to be filled
145WSDL invalid. Name for processing type is missing
146WSDL invalid. Only one processing type can be set as default
147WSDL invalid. &1 names must be unique in same Proxy Object
148WSDL invalid. There must be at least one processing type
149WSDL invalid. &1 name has to be set
150Parameter changed: Operation &1 Parameter &2 Old: &3 New: &4
151Operation &1: New Exception &2
152WSDL invalid. Request Message Type has to be set
153WSDL invalid. Response Message Type needs name and namespace
154WSDL invalid. Valid Semantic Contract has to be set
155Error loading object &1 &2
156WSDL invald. Cmmunication type '&1' not supported
157Usage of &1 &2 is not permitted (&3) - check package interface
158Datatype &1 is not a code - &2 cannot be set
159Specify Source Consumer and Method before adding a Target Consumer
160ABAP name &1 is invalid, name must start with &2
161ABAP name &1 is in customer namespace, use name from SAP namespace
162ABAP name &1 is in SAP namespace, use name from customer namespace
163Package '&1' not found
164ACO Metadata is invalid
165Function name in ACO metadata (&1) does not match expected name (&2)
166Mapping '&1' does not exist
167Class &1 is an Event Provider, not a Consumer
168RFC Consumer must have at least one method
169Message type has to be assigned
170Only one implementation object may be assigned per communication type
171A valid interface pattern must be assigned
172Comm. type of operation &3 (&1) does not match that of contract (&2)
173WSDL invalid. Initial communication type not supported
174Could not find the RFC Consumer '&1'
175Could not find the operation '&2' at RFC Consumer '&1'
176Name &1 is not valid ( for package &2 or in itself)
177No RFC operation assigned to operation &1
178Parameter name &1 is used more than once
179Object must be maintained in it's own context
180There is no matching consumer in the service group for request &1
181More than one match for request message &1 in service group
182Service Consumer &1 in Service Group &2 not assigned
183RFC consumer operation incompatible: used function modules do not match
184RFC consumer operation incompatible: sync / async flag does not match
185RFC consumer operation incompatible: defined parameter &1 not found
186RFC consumer operation incompatible: request parameter &1 not found
187RFC consumer operation incompatible: response parameter &1 not found
188A mapping mode has to be assigned
189No implementation assigned for RFC operation &1
190Operation &1 of RFC consumer &2 not assigned to contract implementation
191Signature is incompatible (parameter mismatch)
192Signature is incompatible (different synchronicity)
193Signature is incompatible (different RFC function name)
194Target consumer &1 of consumer mapping &2 is no RFC consumer
195RFC operation &1 has been deleted
196RFC operation &1 has been added
197Object not valid
198Property is defined by external schema
199anyAttribute not supported; attribute is ignored
200File does not contain a valid NPM definition
201Signature is incompatible
202Event operation &1 must not have any response type
203Event operation &1 must not have any fault message type
204Communication type of implementation doesn't match with contract
205Service Group not possible - only Event Providers may be assigned
206Contract op. &1 and &2 have the same request but diff. communication type
207Communication Type has been adjusted
208Entry with name &1 namespace &2 already exists
209Entry with name &1 namespace &2 not found
210Failed to create transformation &1
211Failed to delete transformation &1
212Failed to read transformation &1
213Failed to activate transformation &1
214Invalid name for business feature &1
215Invalid WSDL: Unexpected element &1:&2
216Invalid WSDL: Unexpected attribute &1:&2
217Invalid leading BO. Multiple classification values.
218Invalid semantic version. Multiple classification values.
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