SQADB - Nachrichten f�r Fragen- und Antwortendatenbank

The following messages are stored in message class SQADB: Nachrichten f�r Fragen- und Antwortendatenbank.
It is part of development package SQADB in software component SV-ASA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Question and Answer Database".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No assignment is yet maintained for this tab page
002No entry found
003No suitable answer type found
004No validity context maintained
005No short text maintained for context &
006No validity found for context &
007Select one entry
008Validity is unrestricted
009Context added to question
010The specified question was not found
011A question with the specified ID already exists
012Select a row
013Question saved
014Context & does not exist
015Category & does not exist
016Question ID & for context & is incorrect
017Question ID & for category & is incorrect
018Question ID & for context value & & is incorrect
019Question ID & is incorrect for answer &
020Add-on & is incorrect for answer &
021Language & is incorrect for answer &
022Answer & does not exist for reaction
023Field symbol & is not assigned in dynpro &
024Category & is still used
025Context & is still used
026Dialog canceled
027The specified question exists
028The specified question does not exist
029Question & deleted
030Answers found for Yes/No question
031Context & values missing
032Validity not restricted, but context & values specified
033Answer ID not found
034No IDs generated for the specified answer type
035Next ID creation error
036Specify a question
037The specified context could not be found
038Value &1 not valid for &2 &3
039No number generated
040The question already has an externally assigned number
041Question &1 long text save error
042No table field specified for the selections
043The action was canceled
044No long text for question &1
045The specified function & is not supported here
046No values found for the specified table field
047No values selected
048Question & read error
049Change to Display switch error
050Text edit control cancel error
051Control flush error &
052The text edit control could not be created
053Edit control set read only mode error
054Edit control could not be created on the platform
055Read next screen error
056Put the cursor on a possible selection
057Make a selection
058Insert empty line error
059Answer and dependent reactions deleted
060Double entry deleted
061Error when reading dynpro values
062Configuration group & is incorrect for group contents
063Configuration group & not found
064Configuration group & could not be saved
065Configuration group & does not exist
066Configuration group & already exists
067Configuration group & is not used
068Enter a short text
069Configuration group & deleted
070Configuration group & already exists
071recursive insertion of the configuration group
072Object list read error
073Specify a type for object &
074Object type & is not supported
075Object & not found
076No short text found for question &
077Question & could not be read. Check your entry.
078Specify a configuration group
079This question type is not yet supported
080The data have changed since they were last saved
081Table control initialization error
082The configuration group &1 is used recursively
083Project & does not exist
084Answer cannot be given occurrence-specifically
085Answer to question &1, project &2, occurrence &3 exists with another ID
086Answer ID &1 already exists. New answer ID is &2
087The selected answer ID does not correspond with the answer
088The selection ID & does not correspond to the possible answers
089The question answer type does not correspond to the answer given &1
090Edit control creation error. Inform SAP
091No edit control is required for the question type
092More than one choice made for single choice question
093No single choice made
094Possible selection "No selection" not found
095Text answer &1 save error
096Edit control text delete error
097Error in access to edit control
098Edit control error
099The question ID is initial
100Internal error: Wrong stucture in info system call
101Select an entry
102Time stamp conversion error
103You have no change authorization
104Specified selection not found
105Question & not found. Create?
106Search term & is invalid
107Specify a selection text
108Put the cursor in the table
109Object insertion error
110You can only save search terms for one question
111Only contexts for one question can be saved
112Search term & does not exist
113Internal error: No control exists for documentation
114Enter a question text
115The specified question text is too long (max. 255 chars)
116Internal: No possible answers exist to be selected
117Specify project or template
118Template & does not exist
119Question &1 already exists. Change?
120Enter a selection text
121The number &1 is not intended for external number assignment
122The internal number could not be assigned. Question already exists
123The question cannot be deleted. It is still used.
124The answer you provide applies for all instances of this question
125Document class & does not exist
126Unable to set dominant/subordinate indicator
127Dominant/subordinate indicator saved
128There is no dominant occurrence within the software module
129Displaying the answer for the dominant structure item
500You did not select a question
501Internal: & error
502Select a question
503The question was not found
504Unable to delete; question is currently being edited
505The question cannot be deleted. It is still used.
506This function is not possible here
507Unable to lock the question
508You are not authorized to display the review structures
509You are not authorized to edit the review structures
510You have no authorization for review questions
511Select a structure item
512Save the the current question
513You cannot add here
514Select only one structure item
515Enter a text
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