SRF_RUNTIME - Statutory Reporting Framework Runtime Messages
The following messages are stored in message class SRF_RUNTIME: Statutory Reporting Framework Runtime Messages.
It is part of development package GLO_GEN_SRF_RUNTIME in software component FI-LOC-SRF-RUN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Statutory Reporting Framework Runtime".
It is part of development package GLO_GEN_SRF_RUNTIME in software component FI-LOC-SRF-RUN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Statutory Reporting Framework Runtime".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Internal error: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | Generated data isn't consistent. Changes can't be saved to the database. |
002 | Parameter string has the wrong format and can't be parsed. |
003 | No report category is assigned (Report: '&', Company Code: '&'). |
004 | Sorry, you aren't authorized to submit document ('&', '&', '&'). |
005 | An unknown error occurred during the uploading of document '&' |
006 | You aren't authorized to change category '&' for '&' and company code '&' |
007 | An entry for document definition can't be created. |
008 | You aren't authorized to delete category '&' for '&' and company code '&' |
009 | No report run found for &1/&2/&3 |
010 | Attachments from the attachment server cannot be deleted. |
011 | You aren't authorized to add notes for Rep '&', Cntry/Reg '&', CoCd '&'. |
012 | Sorry, but file submission has not been configured in this system. |
013 | Document generation started. |
014 | '&' document created. Check the Documents list. |
015 | Generation finished. |
016 | Report submitted. Acknowledgement of successful submission: ID '&'. |
017 | Report submission failed to pass government gateway. Please resubmit. |
018 | Report content accepted (follow-on response for acknowledgement '&'). |
019 | Report content not accepted (follow-on response for acknowledgement '&'). |
020 | Content check in process (follow-on response for acknowledgement '&'). |
021 | No data for property &-& in mpc_ext=>get_internal_property_name( ) |
022 | No submission found for report run. |
023 | No correlation ID found for report run. |
024 | Status of report run was changed manually |
025 | Runtime error occurred during generation of document &. |
026 | Value not found |
027 | Verification was successful. |
028 | Report content verified (follow-on response for acknowledgement '&'). |
029 | Report content verification has failed.&1&2&3&4 |
030 | No value found for '&1' mandatory report parameter in '&2' report run. |
031 | Document '&' generation failed |
032 | Document '&' is ready for submission to government |
033 | Report submitted for verification. Acknowledgement of submission: ID '&'. |
034 | Report submission for verification failed. Please resubmit. |
035 | Report content verification failed. Response for acknowledgement ID: & |
036 | File submission failed. Unable to connect to government gateway. |
037 | HCI submission failed. Technical error information: &1&2&3&4 |
038 | Unable to load Analyze Data. Error details: &1&2&3&4 |
039 | Correspondence '&' could not be generated. |
040 | Correspondence '&' created |
041 | No documents to generate. |
042 | Document generation process cancelled. Contact key user. |
043 | Unit ID in Background RFC is empty for Report Run Key &1 |
044 | Report submission failed. &1&2&3&4 |
045 | Report content not accepted. Check response file for details. &1&2&3&4 |
046 | Submission failed. Outbound service inactive. Check communication setup. |
047 | Submission failed. Inbound service inactive. Check communication setup. |
048 | &1, &2 &3 &4 |
049 | Document '&' generation not required. |
050 | Revelant data not found for correspondence '&' item generation. |
051 | Correspondence '&' item updation to table : SRF_CORRSP_PAR failed. |
052 | Default output device not maintained for user. Print Queue not updated. |
053 | Document Id '&' not defined in report definition '&'. |
054 | File content of document id '&' is empty. |
055 | Form content of document id '&' is empty. |
056 | SRF reporting task id is invalid. |
057 | Valid report definition not found for SRF reporting task id. |
058 | SRF report run creation failed. |
059 | Status update failed for Reporting task. |
060 | Error while processing code page '&'. |
061 | Error while converting file content to xstring with code page '&'. |
062 | Error while converting file content to xstring. |
063 | Report generation process aborted. Contact SAP support. |
064 | Report generation aborted. |
065 | RFC destination not maintained. Contact administrator. |
066 | Report generation process aborted. |
067 | Document '&' generation not required. Analyze Data option enabled. |
068 | Communication System and Arrangement not maintained.Contact administrator |
069 | Error in HTTP client creation. Verify your configuration. |
070 | Attachment already exists with same name. |
071 | Enter a new name. Attachment already exists with the same name. |
072 | Polling request to Tax Authorities by Correlation ID &1 |
073 | Report run key &1 is invalid. |
074 | Cannot determine periods. BADI has errors |
075 | Document &1 is not open |
076 | Document &1 is already open |
077 | The file &1 cannot be opened. |
078 | The file &1 is not open. |
079 | Unable to communicate with communication service server. Contact admin. |
080 | Unable to generate a run. Please try again. |
081 | Event handler error: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
082 | File &1 content is empty |
083 | Total digits in value &1 exceed the max. limit of &2 digits |
084 | Fraction digits in value &1 exceed the max. limit of &2 |
085 | &1 is not a valid value for type &2 |
086 | Optional document '&' is removed from generation. |
087 | Query Id '&' not defined in report definition '&'. |
088 | Task for &1&2&3&4 |
089 | Sorry, you aren't authorised to execute the program. |
090 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
091 | Error while generating PDF document &2 |
092 | Value is missing for manadatory parameter &1. |
093 | Document IDs are empty |
094 | Status of document cascaded from run status |
095 | &1 not supplied. |
096 | Invalid document format. |
097 | Document belonging to a completed phase can not be cancelled |
098 | &1 &2 is not assigned to the reporting entity |
099 | Corrupted Response. Please check the Government Portal |
100 | Status Unknown. Response not received |
101 | Manually reverted the status of the report run from &1 to &2 |
102 | Error while executing query & |
103 | Sorry, You are not authorized to display the document. |
104 | Submission Type/Communication Scenario is not valid. Check with admin |
105 | Document not submitted as content was not found. Please submit again |
106 | Value &1 is not of the required data type for parameter &2 |
107 | Document content not found. Please submit again. |
108 | Status Check failed. Please try again or raise an incident. |
109 | No documents to be submitted. Please try again. |
110 | Submission in progress. &1 &2 &3 &4 |
111 | No filters found. Maintain valid Org. Units in the Reporting Entity. |
112 | No valid Integration Scenario found. Please maintain a valid entry. |
113 | BRFplus application not found. Please follow the steps in note-2947562 |
114 | &1&2&3&4 |
149 | Regeneration not possible for document '&1', no generated data available. |
150 | Invalid arguments combination. Check your entries for parameters & and &. |
151 | Pre-condition failed. Modification is not allowed without document. |
152 | Only batch operations are allowed on these entities. |
153 | Modifications are not allowed. |
154 | No changes available to discard. |
155 | Document '&1' regeneration started by user '&2'. |
156 | Regeneration completed for document '&'. |
157 | Document '&' changes discarded by user '&'. |
158 | Cannot perform this action as regeneration is in process for document- &1 |
159 | Run scheduled at &1 &2 &3 for job name &4 |
160 | Run cancelled by user &1 |
161 | Document &1 not generated. No split information provided. |
162 | Document &1 not generated, it's accepted by tax authority in previous run |
163 | Submission scheduled for job name &1 |
164 | Submission could not be scheduled. Please try again |
165 | Submission failed due to an inconsistency. Try again or raise an incident |
166 | Document and Reporting Compliance activation is needed for this feature |
200 | No authorization for the action |
201 | New Phase can not be started. Contact key user. |
202 | Run cannot be cancelled as it is already generated. |
404 | The requested entity is not available. |
405 | Run canceled using Application Jobs app or Simple Job Selection program |
410 | Status cannot be modified for ACR activity |
411 | Activity Key is empty. |
412 | No previous reporting task available. |
413 | No phase exists. Incorrect phase index. |
414 | No phase exists. |
415 | Invalid document ID &1 |
416 | Data preview not enabled for this document. |
417 | Report is sent for approval |
418 | Error while submitting report for approval |
419 | Report approval workflow is cancelled |
420 | Error while cancelling the approval workflow |
421 | No workflow configuration found for &1 &2 |
422 | Report run key is not supplied |
423 | Header File not generated. Please check the communication configuration. |
424 | Reverted the status of document to &1 |
425 | Manually changed the status of document from &1 to &2 |
426 | Report run is submitted to the government |
427 | Report run status changed due to change in document status |
428 | Selected Documents are cancelled successfully |
429 | Work item &1 in process for run id &2, new approval is not possible |
430 | Default Variants deleted for user &1 |
431 | Nothing to delete for user &1 |
432 | Workflow '&1&2' with work item &3 is sent for approval by &4 |
433 | Work item &1 is cancelled by &2 |
434 | Activty is completed, approval workflow is not allowed |
435 | Work item &1 cannot be cancelled due to the current status &2 |
436 | Workflow status details not found for the work items |
437 | File submitted for the run &1, new approval workflow is not possible |
438 | Clarification completed |
439 | Work item &1 is deleted successfully |
440 | Work item &1 is deleted by &2 |
441 | No approver(s) assigned for &1 |
442 | Parallel Generation Completed |
443 | Negative value & is not allowed for Number of rows per file. |
444 | Incorrect output indicator set for element &1 in event before element gen |
445 | Reporting activity key &1 is invalid. |
446 | Reporting task key &1 is invalid. |
447 | No reporting activity found for &1/&2/&3/&4 |
451 | No changes exists to reset |
452 | Column &1 has &2, hence the total value cannot be displayed |
453 | Invalid value supplied for an importing parameter : &1 |
454 | Rep. Entity &1 combined with Rep. Cat. &2 is not valid for ad hoc tasks. |
455 | Enter a valid Reporting Entity. The & Reporting Entity does not exist. |
456 | Enter a valid Reporting Category. The & Reporting Category does not exist |
457 | No schema present for the Report Definition : &1 and Document :&2 |
458 | The reporting period end date cannot occur before the beginning date. |
459 | Submission due date must be within or later than the reporting period. |
460 | Reporting year must be within the reporting period. |
461 | An error occured during Reporting Task creation. Check your data. |
462 | Status of the Reporting activity key is invalid. |
463 | Review the date/time/zone data or format of your scheduled run. |
464 | Cannot process this Reporting Activity key. Check your entries. |
466 | Country &1 can't be used with Reporting Entity &2 and Rep. Category &3. |
469 | Parameter &1 is not valid. Check your entries. |
470 | Document selection &1 is not valid. Check your entries. |
471 | Provide mandatory parameter &1. |
472 | Do not fill parameter &1. It is filled automatically. |
473 | Parameter &1 can be specified only once |
474 | Cannot process this Task key. Check your entries. |
475 | The report ID does not have a program associated with it. |
476 | The report has no input parameters. |
477 | There is no available phase for the respective Task Key. |
478 | The report ID &1 is not valid for the respective Task Key. |
480 | Invalid values supplied for header parameters &1 and &2 |
482 | Conversion to JSON format has failed. Check your data format. |
489 | Statutory Reporting Task API is unavailable for the country/region. |