SRM_GENERIC_SP_ARC - Nachrichten im Kontext der GSP-Datenarchivierung

The following messages are stored in message class SRM_GENERIC_SP_ARC: Nachrichten im Kontext der GSP-Datenarchivierung.
It is part of development package SRM_GSP_ARCHIVE in software component BC-SRV-RM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Archiving for Generic SP".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Select one archiving run only for display
001No authorization for selected archiving run
002No authorization for this operation
003Error while accessing the archive
004Unexpected error
005Canceled due to error in user input
006Canceled due to missing authorizations of user
007Error during access to archived documents (display not possible)
008Error during initialization of the display for archived documents
009Error while reading archived documents (no display possible)
010The document cannot be displayed (problems loading the data)
011Attributes cannot be displayed (problems loading the data)
012Error while opening the document in the appropriate display component
013Attributes cannot be displayed (internal error)
014Due to missing information, no display is possible
015Problems during relocation of documents (number of documents: &)
016Error when accessing Knowledge Provider (KPro) functions
017Problems during selection (number of documents: &)
018Error while accessing the archiving interface (ADK)
019The selection table is locked by another archiving run
020Problems while accessing the specified memory category
021Problems while searching for the specified documents
022Problems during deletion process (number of documents: &)
023Problems during the write process (number of documents: &)
024Program terminated
025Action canceled by user
026The document has not been saved (problem loading the data)
027Action completed successfully
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