The following messages are stored in message class SRM_REFGEN: .
It is part of development package SRM_RECORD_FACILITIES in software component BC-SRV-RM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Tools and Add-Ons for Records Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Enter a text for the query
002Default values can be saved by entering a name
003Choose a record plan
004Rule does not exist
005Enter a valid name for the new rule.
006Generation rule already exists. Enter another rule.
007Enter a valid name for the rule element
008Element name may not contain the following character: &
009Choose a number range
010Generation rule does not exist
011Rule link is not possible. Linked rule contains the edited rule.
012Specified generation rule is identical to the edited rule
013The first assigned number does not conform to the maximum length
015The start or end marker for the context counter is missing
016The end mark is before the start mark
017Error occurred when changing counter name; &1&2&3&4
018Parts of the unique ID already saved for rule &1
019Enter a maximum length
020The input format does not conform to the specified maximum length
021Enter an output format
022A rule element already exists with this name
023Placeholder missing for context counter
024Placeholder only used if selected
025End mark for context counter must be before counter
026Placeholder for context counter must be before counter
027Transport entry not written
028Transport entry written
029Specify a valid rule type
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