SRT_CORE - Nachrichtenklasse f�r SOAP Runtime
The following messages are stored in message class SRT_CORE: Nachrichtenklasse f�r SOAP Runtime.
It is part of development package SOAP_CORE in software component BC-ESI-WS-ABA-RT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SOAP Runtime: Core SOAP Functionality".
It is part of development package SOAP_CORE in software component BC-ESI-WS-ABA-RT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SOAP Runtime: Core SOAP Functionality".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Failure in SOAP processing occurred |
001 | Failure in SOAP processing occurred |
002 | Method not defined |
003 | Data type not supported |
004 | Not initialized |
005 | Invalid state detected |
006 | Invalid value detected |
007 | Unsupported xstream found |
008 | Wrong usage of SOAP Runtime classes |
009 | ASSERT failed: object reference not bound |
010 | ASSERT failed: object references not equal |
011 | ASSERT failed: field is not initial |
012 | ASSERT failed: field is initial |
013 | ASSERT failed: field values are not equal |
014 | ASSERT failed: field value not greater |
015 | ASSERT failed: field value not greater or equal |
016 | ASSERT failed: field value not a valid Boolean |
017 | ASSERT failed: field value not a valid Boolean |
018 | ASSERT failed: field value not a valid Boolean |
019 | Unsupported session mechanism selected |
020 | Unsupported session mode selected |
021 | Session termination failed |
022 | Processing error in Internet Communication Framework |
023 | Couldn''t create Object |
024 | Could not restore userinfo |
025 | HTTP-Code 500 occurred |
026 | Serialization / Deserialization failed |
027 | Error when mapping Consumer and Provider structure |
028 | Generation of Proxy Adapter failed |
029 | Authorization denied. Wrong user or password |
030 | Empty SOAP Message received |
031 | Wrong Content-Type and empty HTTP-Body received |
032 | Error in WSRM Soap Application |
033 | Sequence is already terminated |
034 | Authorization denied |
035 | Internal WS-Sec error occurred |
036 | Could not create security profile |
037 | RBAM authorization denied |
038 | RBAM internal error occurred |
039 | SOAP application failed to initialize |
040 | WSRM: no error |
041 | WSRM Wrong argument for app_clone->execute_processing |
042 | WSRM: ProviderFailure during operation |
043 | WSRM: SoapFailure during operation |
045 | Access to Message Persist Layer failed |
046 | Write-Access to Message Persist Layer failed |
047 | Read-Access to Message Persist Layer failed |
048 | Creating of Message Persist Layer failed |
049 | Read-Access to Message Persist Header failed |
050 | Set-Access to Message Persist Header failed |
051 | Parsing of persisted Message failed |
052 | Serializing of Message failed |
053 | Persist Layer Error |
054 | Persist Layer move-cast Error |
055 | Saving of Persist Message failed |
056 | Application raised a fatal exception |
057 | Process Agent Framework Exception occurred during application processing |
058 | User restore or User preserve failed |
059 | Invalid Argument passed |
060 | An information item was not found |
061 | A required parameter was not supplied |
062 | A requested functionality is not supported |
063 | End-of-stream reached unexpectedly |
064 | Invalid feature name (URI) detected |
065 | Invalid property name detected |
066 | Invalid feature property value detected |
067 | Invalid protocol name (URI) detected |
068 | Invalid logical port name detected |
069 | &1 |
070 | Request failed: & |
071 | &1 is no valid xsd duration |
072 | Arithmetic overflow (&1 + &2) |
073 | Invalid time stamp &1 |
080 | No authorization (RC = &4) for &1: '&2' = '&3' |
099 | &1: &2 contains invalid values (&3) |
100 | &1&2 |
101 | Invalid HTTP connection parameters |
102 | HTTP destination not found |
103 | No authorization to use the specified HTTP destination |
104 | Plug-in for HTTP/HTTPS communications is not active |
105 | HTTP internal error |
106 | Removal is not possible |
107 | PSE not found |
108 | PSE not distributed |
109 | PSE error |
111 | HTTP communication failure |
112 | Invalid HTTP state |
113 | HTTP processing failed |
114 | HTTP processing timeout |
115 | OAuth2 Token not set |
116 | Missing OAuth2 authorization |
117 | Invalid OAuth2 configuration |
118 | Invalid OAuth2 parameter |
119 | Invalid OAuth2 scope |
120 | Invalid OAuth2 grant |
121 | Unauthorized |
122 | Internal Server Error |
123 | HTTP Error |
124 | Forbidden |
125 | Not Found |
126 | Unsupported Media Type |
127 | HTTP Code |
128 | Details see in error log of transaction SRTUTIL |
131 | Exception raised by Web Service application |
141 | Failure in the SOAP Runtime |
142 | SOAP Fault detected |
143 | System error during SOAP processing |
144 | Consumer is temporarily isolated. No processing is allowed |
145 | Invalid SOAP Version |
146 | PI error occurred while sending a message |
147 | PI error occurred while receiving a message |
148 | Instantiation of Web Service runtime failed. |
149 | No support for a de-isolated consumer to re-use an isolated sequence |
150 | Inconsistent message state |
151 | Failure in the WS-RM processing |
152 | Service not available |
153 | Mapping failed |
154 | BAdI for IDoc extensibility failed |
155 | WSRM-configuration has been invalidated in the meantime |
156 | Activation of authority tracing failed |
157 | Setting action and action type of statistical record failed |
170 | Service Ping ERROR |
171 | Service Ping not supported on &1 |
172 | Service Ping not supported for &1 Adapter |
173 | Service Ping ERROR: &1&2&3&4 |
175 | Service Ping: Insufficient parameters supplied for XI P2P ping |
176 | Use method ping_xi() for xi configuration |
201 | bgRFC Queue is empty or not found |
202 | Invalid Sequence ID in Sequence Layer |
203 | Compensate message failed |
204 | bgRFC Unit is not found |
205 | Wait for Update Task |
206 | Unequal number of messages and bgRFC units |
207 | Compensate message still in process |
208 | Invalid compensate message in Task Watcher |
209 | bgRFC Unit in other SAP client |
210 | Update Task not found |
211 | Sequence already closed |
212 | Wait for WSRM but sequence is already closed |
213 | Message processed but belonging queue unit still existent |
214 | Message processed but corresponding queue failed |
215 | Message "&1" has not sequence identifier. |
216 | Sequence "&1" does not exist. |
222 | Error occurred during Web Service Unit test |
245 | WS Sequence Monitor - Fields description |
246 | Status codes of BTM Task |
247 | WS Message Monitor - Fields description |
248 | Performance Analysis |
249 | Status codes of Processing Agent Framework |
250 | Status codes of Web Service Message Processing |
251 | Message successfully delivered |
252 | Message cancelled |
253 | Processing by bgRFC |
254 | Queue is locked |
255 | Wait for Scheduler |
256 | Wait for Update Task |
257 | Wait for Compensate |
259 | Fatal Error |
260 | Wait for Acknowledgment |
261 | Wait for Read |
262 | Mapping successfully finished |
263 | Message isolated |
264 | Error in Update Task |
265 | Compensate message failed |
266 | Blocked because of gaps |
267 | Application Error |
268 | System Error |
269 | Message is not the first one in message queue |
270 | Wait for retry |
271 | Compensate message annulled |
272 | Wait for processing |
273 | Application Error with BTM Task |
274 | Message is split |
275 | Blocked by retry |
276 | Application Error with Incident |
277 | Message is partly delivered |
278 | Message obsolete |
279 | Message discarded |
300 | Eventing failed (Msg ID:&1); Reason:&2 |
301 | Already 3 failed trials to create child event message! |
302 | No error information about failed children generation available |
303 | &1 is a Mapping LP. A Mapping LP is not a valid event subscriber. |
320 | Web service processing error |
321 | Authorization missing for service "&1", operation "&2" |
322 | Authorization role missing for service "&1", operation "&2" |
323 | more details in the web service error log on provider side |
324 | (UTC timestamp &1; Transaction ID &2) |
325 | WARNING: Web Service Error Log is inactivate |
326 | No messages with status "&1" selected. |
327 | External application started |
328 | No external application is available in this system |
329 | The error log can be accessed by service provider from SAP backend |
330 | More than one messages selected. |
331 | Persistency type "&1" not supported. |
332 | Can't not determine service URL: &1 |
333 | Adapter type "&1" not supported. |
400 | Virus infection in message detected |
401 | Virus infection in message detected, display aborted. |
402 | Virus scan on message failed, display aborted. |
403 | Virus infection in message detected, download can harm your computer. |
404 | Virus scan on message failed, download can harm your computer. |
405 | Virus infection in message detected, download aborted. |
500 | Masked sensitive data |
600 | No authorization to execute report "&1". |
601 | No authorization to call transaction "&1". |
700 | No data received in the IDoc inbound processing. |
701 | No IDocs receiced in the IDoc inbound processing. |
702 | No auhtorization to execute the IDoc inbound processing. |
703 | Unknown error occured in the IDoc inbound processing. |