SRT_CORE - Nachrichtenklasse f�r SOAP Runtime

The following messages are stored in message class SRT_CORE: Nachrichtenklasse f�r SOAP Runtime.
It is part of development package SOAP_CORE in software component BC-ESI-WS-ABA-RT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SOAP Runtime: Core SOAP Functionality".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Failure in SOAP processing occurred
001Failure in SOAP processing occurred
002Method not defined
003Data type not supported
004Not initialized
005Invalid state detected
006Invalid value detected
007Unsupported xstream found
008Wrong usage of SOAP Runtime classes
009ASSERT failed: object reference not bound
010ASSERT failed: object references not equal
011ASSERT failed: field is not initial
012ASSERT failed: field is initial
013ASSERT failed: field values are not equal
014ASSERT failed: field value not greater
015ASSERT failed: field value not greater or equal
016ASSERT failed: field value not a valid Boolean
017ASSERT failed: field value not a valid Boolean
018ASSERT failed: field value not a valid Boolean
019Unsupported session mechanism selected
020Unsupported session mode selected
021Session termination failed
022Processing error in Internet Communication Framework
023Couldn''t create Object
024Could not restore userinfo
025HTTP-Code 500 occurred
026Serialization / Deserialization failed
027Error when mapping Consumer and Provider structure
028Generation of Proxy Adapter failed
029Authorization denied. Wrong user or password
030Empty SOAP Message received
031Wrong Content-Type and empty HTTP-Body received
032Error in WSRM Soap Application
033Sequence is already terminated
034Authorization denied
035Internal WS-Sec error occurred
036Could not create security profile
037RBAM authorization denied
038RBAM internal error occurred
039SOAP application failed to initialize
040WSRM: no error
041WSRM Wrong argument for app_clone->execute_processing
042WSRM: ProviderFailure during operation
043WSRM: SoapFailure during operation
045Access to Message Persist Layer failed
046Write-Access to Message Persist Layer failed
047Read-Access to Message Persist Layer failed
048Creating of Message Persist Layer failed
049Read-Access to Message Persist Header failed
050Set-Access to Message Persist Header failed
051Parsing of persisted Message failed
052Serializing of Message failed
053Persist Layer Error
054Persist Layer move-cast Error
055Saving of Persist Message failed
056Application raised a fatal exception
057Process Agent Framework Exception occurred during application processing
058User restore or User preserve failed
059Invalid Argument passed
060An information item was not found
061A required parameter was not supplied
062A requested functionality is not supported
063End-of-stream reached unexpectedly
064Invalid feature name (URI) detected
065Invalid property name detected
066Invalid feature property value detected
067Invalid protocol name (URI) detected
068Invalid logical port name detected
070Request failed: &
071&1 is no valid xsd duration
072Arithmetic overflow (&1 + &2)
073Invalid time stamp &1
080No authorization (RC = &4) for &1: '&2' = '&3'
099&1: &2 contains invalid values (&3)
101Invalid HTTP connection parameters
102HTTP destination not found
103No authorization to use the specified HTTP destination
104Plug-in for HTTP/HTTPS communications is not active
105HTTP internal error
106Removal is not possible
107PSE not found
108PSE not distributed
109PSE error
111HTTP communication failure
112Invalid HTTP state
113HTTP processing failed
114HTTP processing timeout
115OAuth2 Token not set
116Missing OAuth2 authorization
117Invalid OAuth2 configuration
118Invalid OAuth2 parameter
119Invalid OAuth2 scope
120Invalid OAuth2 grant
122Internal Server Error
123HTTP Error
125Not Found
126Unsupported Media Type
127HTTP Code
128Details see in error log of transaction SRTUTIL
131Exception raised by Web Service application
141Failure in the SOAP Runtime
142SOAP Fault detected
143System error during SOAP processing
144Consumer is temporarily isolated. No processing is allowed
145Invalid SOAP Version
146PI error occurred while sending a message
147PI error occurred while receiving a message
148Instantiation of Web Service runtime failed.
149No support for a de-isolated consumer to re-use an isolated sequence
150Inconsistent message state
151Failure in the WS-RM processing
152Service not available
153Mapping failed
154BAdI for IDoc extensibility failed
155WSRM-configuration has been invalidated in the meantime
156Activation of authority tracing failed
157Setting action and action type of statistical record failed
170Service Ping ERROR
171Service Ping not supported on &1
172Service Ping not supported for &1 Adapter
173Service Ping ERROR: &1&2&3&4
175Service Ping: Insufficient parameters supplied for XI P2P ping
176Use method ping_xi() for xi configuration
201bgRFC Queue is empty or not found
202Invalid Sequence ID in Sequence Layer
203Compensate message failed
204bgRFC Unit is not found
205Wait for Update Task
206Unequal number of messages and bgRFC units
207Compensate message still in process
208Invalid compensate message in Task Watcher
209bgRFC Unit in other SAP client
210Update Task not found
211Sequence already closed
212Wait for WSRM but sequence is already closed
213Message processed but belonging queue unit still existent
214Message processed but corresponding queue failed
215Message "&1" has not sequence identifier.
216Sequence "&1" does not exist.
222Error occurred during Web Service Unit test
245WS Sequence Monitor - Fields description
246Status codes of BTM Task
247WS Message Monitor - Fields description
248Performance Analysis
249Status codes of Processing Agent Framework
250Status codes of Web Service Message Processing
251Message successfully delivered
252Message cancelled
253Processing by bgRFC
254Queue is locked
255Wait for Scheduler
256Wait for Update Task
257Wait for Compensate
259Fatal Error
260Wait for Acknowledgment
261Wait for Read
262Mapping successfully finished
263Message isolated
264Error in Update Task
265Compensate message failed
266Blocked because of gaps
267Application Error
268System Error
269Message is not the first one in message queue
270Wait for retry
271Compensate message annulled
272Wait for processing
273Application Error with BTM Task
274Message is split
275Blocked by retry
276Application Error with Incident
277Message is partly delivered
278Message obsolete
279Message discarded
300Eventing failed (Msg ID:&1); Reason:&2
301Already 3 failed trials to create child event message!
302No error information about failed children generation available
303&1 is a Mapping LP. A Mapping LP is not a valid event subscriber.
320Web service processing error
321Authorization missing for service "&1", operation "&2"
322Authorization role missing for service "&1", operation "&2"
323more details in the web service error log on provider side
324(UTC timestamp &1; Transaction ID &2)
325WARNING: Web Service Error Log is inactivate
326No messages with status "&1" selected.
327External application started
328No external application is available in this system
329The error log can be accessed by service provider from SAP backend
330More than one messages selected.
331Persistency type "&1" not supported.
332Can't not determine service URL: &1
333Adapter type "&1" not supported.
400Virus infection in message detected
401Virus infection in message detected, display aborted.
402Virus scan on message failed, display aborted.
403Virus infection in message detected, download can harm your computer.
404Virus scan on message failed, download can harm your computer.
405Virus infection in message detected, download aborted.
500Masked sensitive data
600No authorization to execute report "&1".
601No authorization to call transaction "&1".
700No data received in the IDoc inbound processing.
701No IDocs receiced in the IDoc inbound processing.
702No auhtorization to execute the IDoc inbound processing.
703Unknown error occured in the IDoc inbound processing.
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