The following messages are stored in message class SRT_LOGGING: .
It is part of development package SOAP_UTIL in software component BC-ESI-WS-ABA-RT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SOAP Runtime Utilities".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Started Session SystemId "&" on Host "&" for User "&" Program "&"
001Deletion started from Consumer to Provider records
002Deletion only of Provider records
003&1 Consumer record(s) has/ve been deleted from header table
004&1 Provider record(s) has/ve been deleted from header table
005Parameters: Created before "&" User "&" SeqProcState "&"
006Parameters: Sequence ID "&"
007bgRFC no authority for deletion at client "&" destination "&"
008bgRFC empty queue list at client "&" destination "&"
009bgRFC invalid destination at client "&" destination "&"
010System failure in remote call to client "&1" destination "&2": &3
011Communication failure in remote call to client "&1" destination "&2": &3
012bgRFC missing destination at client "&"
013Not all bgRFC queues could be deleted. See Application log for details
014Delete of queue names for table 'SRT_SEQ_QUE' failed
015Unknown error calling 'SRT_SEQ_DELETE_BGRFC_QUEUES'. Dest: &1, Client: &2
018Message ID &1 is started with debugging
019Sequence ID &1 is (re)started with debugging
020Logical sequence with ID &1 is closed (soft terminated)
021Logical sequence with ID &1 is manually restarted
022Logical sequence with ID &1 is deleted (hard terminated)
023Persist ID &1 is cancelled because of Logical sequence hard termination
024Message ID &1 at pipeline ID &2 is manually restarted
025Message ID &1 at pipeline ID &2 is manually cancelled
026Message ID &1 at pipeline ID &2 is manually set to "Finish"
027Payload of message ID &1 at pipeline ID &2 is changed
028Message ID &1 at pipeline ID &2 is cancelled via clean-up tool
029Persist ID &1
030Logical sequence ID &1
031SEQ = &1
032MSG = &1 and SEQ = &2
033&1 &2 &3 &4
034MSG = &1 MSG_PID = &2
035MSG = &1
036Sequence status manually changed from & to & by forwarded error handling
037Message &1 at pipeline &2 is manually reconciled via clean-up tool.
038Logical sequence with ID &1 with WSRM gaps is deleted (terminated)
039Persist ID &1 is cancelled because of sequence termination with WSRM gaps
040Event with Event ID &1 is manually restarted
041WS-RM event handler is started
042WS-RM event handler is stopped
043Change of number for maximum permitted allowed processes from <&> to <&>
044Task watcher is started
045Task watcher is stopped
046Change of time period for task watcher from <&> seconds to <&> seconds
047Technical Setup started
048Technical Reset started
049User &1 created for web service service destination in client: &2
050User &1 deleted for web service service destination in client: &2
051RFC Destination &1 created as service destination in client: &2
052RFC Destination & deleted as service destination in client: &
053RFC Destination &1 registered as service destination in client: &2
054RFC Destination &1 deregistered as service destination in client: &2
055Inbound destination &1 registered at bgrfc for prefixes
056Inbound destination &1 registered at global properties
057Inbound destination &1 deregistered from bgrfc for prefixes
058Inbound destination &1 deregistered from global properties
059Change time period for IDP switch area &1 from &2 to &3 min
060Compensate ID &1 was restarted for client &2 by user &3
061Compensate ID &1 was cancelled/deleted for client &2 by user &3
062Compensate ID &1 Status was manually changed for client &2 by user &3
063Compensate ID &1 is related to sequence ID &2
064Compensate ID &1 has no relation to any sequence
065Compensate ID &1 is related to Persist ID &2
066SEQ = &1 and TECH_SEQ = &2
067IDOC sequence was created again, predecessor date: &1
068IDoc reconciliation request initiated by application on consumer side
069IDoc reconciliation request sent on consumer side
070IDoc reconciliation request received on provider side
071Message ID: &1
072Message ID: &1, Message number: &2
073IDoc message discarded due to reconciliation message with higher number
074Error terminating WSRM sequence &1
075Queue unlock error: &1
076Missing End of Performance Trace: &1 &2
077Mass message cancelling finished
078&1 message(s) have been cancelled.
079Mass message cancelling started
080Cancelling starts for & message(s).
081&3 trace level for &1 &2 was set to &4
082Trace configuration for &1 &2 was created
083Trace configuration for &1 &2 was removed
084Configuration for &1 was changed to "&2"
085Logical Port &1 of of event is manually cancelled
086Parent Event ID &1
087Event with Event ID &1 is manually cancelled
088Operation: &1, &2, &3
089Replay of message &1
100Message not restarted due to too many failed attempts to restart
110'To' timestamp &1 is older than 'From' timestamp &2
111Invalid parameter combination of 'message_id' and 'transaction_id'
112Invalid paremeter combination: of 'transaction_id' and 'timestamp'
113Invalid paremeter combination: of 'messages_id' and 'timestamp'
114Error parsing error context: &1
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