SRT_TW - Watcher Administration
The following messages are stored in message class SRT_TW: Watcher Administration.
It is part of development package SOAP_TASK_WATCH in software component BC-ESI-WS-ABA-RT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Watcher for LUW Lifecycle".
It is part of development package SOAP_TASK_WATCH in software component BC-ESI-WS-ABA-RT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Watcher for LUW Lifecycle".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | & & & & |
001 | No authorization |
002 | RFC destination not specified |
003 | Invalid mode for RFC |
004 | RFC destination cannot be specified in this mode |
005 | No RFC destination with this name or name is invalid |
006 | Service destination is not configured |
007 | No authorization: '&1' |
020 | A Job is already running with programname: '&1'. |
021 | Exception '&1' received from function module '&2' |
022 | Job '&1' with jobcount '&2' successfully scheduled |
023 | Retcode:'&1' function '&2' of Job '&3' with Count '&4' received |
040 | Task ID does not represent a WS sequence:& |
041 | Task ID identified as WS Sequence, but sequence does not exist! |
042 | Compensate Sequence has been terminated successfully |
043 | Compensate Sequence termination failed:& |
044 | Termination of Compensate Sequence failed because of technical problems! |
045 | Termination of Compensate failed because of abap runtime problems! |
046 | Task ID does not represent a WS Compensate Sequence:& |
047 | Task ID & represents a WS Compensate Sequence, but does not exist:& |
048 | Task ID can only be processed in client: & |
072 | (002) Task for client &1: no service destination for client found |
088 | Class & called with method if_task_service_callback~on_failure |
089 | Task watcher task ID:&1 |
090 | Error when processing CALLBACK mechanism by task watcher |