The following messages are stored in message class START_MESSAGES: .
It is part of development package FRM_S4C_UTILITY in software component CA-CTT-S4C. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "S4C Package for reusable codes".
It is part of development package FRM_S4C_UTILITY in software component CA-CTT-S4C. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "S4C Package for reusable codes".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Connection error. Contact your System Administrator. |
001 | Failed to update mapping of &1 and &2 in database. |
002 | Failed to read mapping of &1 and &2. |
003 | Failed to read &1 details. Try again later. |
004 | Failed to read mappings of &1 and &2. |
005 | Failed to read &1. |
006 | Failed to read &1 count. |
007 | Failed to insert &1 data into database. |
008 | Failed to delete &1. |
009 | Failed to update &1 details. Try again later. |
010 | Failed to create Mapping between &1 and &2. Please refresh and try again |
011 | Failed to delete &1 and &2 mapping data from database. |
012 | Configuration issue. Contact your System Administrator. |
013 | You cannot run test in Production system. Switch to Quality system. |
014 | Failed to generate GUID for &1 id. |
015 | An internal error occurred. Try again later. |
016 | This test process is being edited by &1. Try again later. |
017 | IO data provider error. |
018 | Connection error. Contact your System Administrator. |
019 | Test plan execution stopped. |
020 | Unable to stop test execution. Try again later. |
021 | Connection to SCP failed. Contact your System Administrator. |
022 | Failed to read mapping of import and export parameter. |
023 | Standard variant already exists for this Country/Region. |
024 | Test process cannot be deleted; it is used in one or more test plans. |
025 | Test plan not found for exeuction with id &1 |
026 | Scheduling of Job resulted in an error. Please try again later. |
027 | Atleast one testplan should be selected for scheduling. |
028 | Please provide a name for the Job.Job name can not be empty. |
029 | Test plan &1 is already scheduled in job &2 |
030 | Test plan name already exists. Enter a different name. |
031 | '&1' process step of '&2' process is blank. Please add actions. |
032 | Test process name already exists. Enter a different name. |
033 | Data variant name already exists. Enter a different name. |
034 | Test plan is under execution in other instance. |
035 | Resume is not possible. Test plan has been modified after execution. |
036 | Destination is not maintained in SCP |
037 | User name and password is not maintained in the SCP destination |
038 | Process step does not contain any actions. Please add some actions. |
039 | Test Tool is not configured for S4 Tenant, Upgrade Test not possible |
040 | Test Tool User is not maintained, Upgrade Test not possible |
041 | Process XML is corrupted. Please check and try again. |
042 | Simplified Test Experience Integration (SAP_COM_1012) not configured |
043 | Establishing connection to Test Automation Service failed. |
044 | A Process with same name exists. Please change the filename and upload. |
045 | Test User with DEFAULT role is not maintained. |
046 | Either Variant Excel is Incorrect or it belongs to diffrent Test Plan |
047 | Cannot delete data variant as it is scheduled for execution. |
048 | Cannot delete test plan '&1' as it is scheduled for execution. |
049 | Maximum of '&1' test plans can be scheduled. |
050 | Role '&1' already exists for given process step |
051 | Variant Id cannot be empty. |
052 | Testplan does not exist. |
053 | &1 |
054 | Cannot delete Role '&1' as it is referenced in one or more process steps |
055 | Test Process '&1' is deleted |
056 | Role does not exists. |
057 | Scope Item name is not provided |
058 | Scope Item Name exists for Country/Region. Please update and try again |
059 | '&1' user is locked. |
060 | '&1' user is not valid. |
061 | '&1' user doesn't have roles to access Test Automation Tool. |
062 | '&1' user doesn't have roles to access applications in Test Plan. |
063 | Failed to receive data from the application. Refresh and try again. |
064 | Test Process does not exists. |
065 | Variant Excel is Incorrect, kindly correct it. |
066 | No URL role or no Default role maintained for the current system |
067 | Process Step doest not exist |
068 | Test Plan already exist |
069 | Variant not found for Testcase |
070 | Invalid Test case ID |
071 | No test case IDs found in the request |
072 | You can execute a test plan only in a quality system |
073 | No Variants found for the test case ids in the request |
074 | Test Plan & is already scheduled with same variant,at same date and time |
075 | Test plan is under execution in other instance with Log number &1 |
076 | No Job IDs found in the request |
077 | Job ID not found in the database |
078 | No data found for the Job ids in the request |
079 | No data found for given & |
080 | Exception in URL formation |
081 | &1 already exists for given Process. |
082 | &1 is already under execution for same variant with Job Id &2 |
083 | The &1 does not exist. |
084 | Syntax error in request body |
085 | URL lenght cannot exceed 2000 characters. |
086 | Invalid URL. |
087 | No authentication URL is maintained at the backend. |
088 | Invalid &1. |
089 | The URL must start with 'https://'. |
090 | Entered URL is not found. |
091 | User details not maintained for &1 |
092 | You cannot create authentication URL as one is already maintained in &1 |
093 | Error in processing execution pre-checks. Contact SAP Support. |
094 | Some of the test processes or process steps in the test plan are missing. |
095 | URL parameter length cannot exceed 1900 characters. |
096 | An automated E2E test process does not exist for given scope item |
097 | & & & & |
098 | Report refreshed at &1 |
099 | Role already exists |
100 | Role already deleted |
101 | Error in reading password for the DEFAULT role user. |
102 | Testplan creation failed, please try again |
103 | Combination of Scope Item and Country/Region is not active. |
104 | |
105 | & is not supplied |
106 | Mandatory input parameter(s): &1 cannot be empty.Please try again |
107 | Test Case Name already Exists. Please Enter a different name. |
108 | Invalid Country/Region Code |
109 | Invalid URL Parameter(s): &1. |
110 | URL Parameters are case-sensitve. Please input correct Parameter(s): &1 |
111 | Mandatory input parameter(s): &1 &2.Please try again |
112 | Test Data Container name already exists. Enter a different name. |
113 | Variant name already exists. Enter a different name. |
114 | Standard Test Data Container cannot be deleted. |
115 | Deletion not possible, Test Data Container is used in TYP app |
116 | Deletion not possible, Variant is used in TYP app |
117 | Standard Variants cannot be deleted. |
118 | Test Data container is being currently edited by another user. |
119 | Variant is currently edited by another user. |
120 | Post Upgrade Test Triggered Successfully |
121 | Customer Consent Missing |
122 | Given Test Data Container is not associated with the Test Plan. |
123 | Field not found in Test Data Container. |
124 | Given Test Data Container does not exist. |
125 | Feature Toggle STE_S4C_PUT_TASKLIST is not active |
204 | & & & |