The following messages are stored in message class START_MESSAGES: .
It is part of development package FRM_S4C_UTILITY in software component CA-CTT-S4C. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "S4C Package for reusable codes".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Connection error. Contact your System Administrator.
001Failed to update mapping of &1 and &2 in database.
002Failed to read mapping of &1 and &2.
003Failed to read &1 details. Try again later.
004Failed to read mappings of &1 and &2.
005Failed to read &1.
006Failed to read &1 count.
007Failed to insert &1 data into database.
008Failed to delete &1.
009Failed to update &1 details. Try again later.
010Failed to create Mapping between &1 and &2. Please refresh and try again
011Failed to delete &1 and &2 mapping data from database.
012Configuration issue. Contact your System Administrator.
013You cannot run test in Production system. Switch to Quality system.
014Failed to generate GUID for &1 id.
015An internal error occurred. Try again later.
016This test process is being edited by &1. Try again later.
017IO data provider error.
018Connection error. Contact your System Administrator.
019Test plan execution stopped.
020Unable to stop test execution. Try again later.
021Connection to SCP failed. Contact your System Administrator.
022Failed to read mapping of import and export parameter.
023Standard variant already exists for this Country/Region.
024Test process cannot be deleted; it is used in one or more test plans.
025Test plan not found for exeuction with id &1
026Scheduling of Job resulted in an error. Please try again later.
027Atleast one testplan should be selected for scheduling.
028Please provide a name for the Job.Job name can not be empty.
029Test plan &1 is already scheduled in job &2
030Test plan name already exists. Enter a different name.
031'&1' process step of '&2' process is blank. Please add actions.
032Test process name already exists. Enter a different name.
033Data variant name already exists. Enter a different name.
034Test plan is under execution in other instance.
035Resume is not possible. Test plan has been modified after execution.
036Destination is not maintained in SCP
037User name and password is not maintained in the SCP destination
038Process step does not contain any actions. Please add some actions.
039Test Tool is not configured for S4 Tenant, Upgrade Test not possible
040Test Tool User is not maintained, Upgrade Test not possible
041Process XML is corrupted. Please check and try again.
042Simplified Test Experience Integration (SAP_COM_1012) not configured
043Establishing connection to Test Automation Service failed.
044A Process with same name exists. Please change the filename and upload.
045Test User with DEFAULT role is not maintained.
046Either Variant Excel is Incorrect or it belongs to diffrent Test Plan
047Cannot delete data variant as it is scheduled for execution.
048Cannot delete test plan '&1' as it is scheduled for execution.
049Maximum of '&1' test plans can be scheduled.
050Role '&1' already exists for given process step
051Variant Id cannot be empty.
052Testplan does not exist.
054Cannot delete Role '&1' as it is referenced in one or more process steps
055Test Process '&1' is deleted
056Role does not exists.
057Scope Item name is not provided
058Scope Item Name exists for Country/Region. Please update and try again
059'&1' user is locked.
060'&1' user is not valid.
061'&1' user doesn't have roles to access Test Automation Tool.
062'&1' user doesn't have roles to access applications in Test Plan.
063Failed to receive data from the application. Refresh and try again.
064Test Process does not exists.
065Variant Excel is Incorrect, kindly correct it.
066No URL role or no Default role maintained for the current system
067Process Step doest not exist
068Test Plan already exist
069Variant not found for Testcase
070Invalid Test case ID
071No test case IDs found in the request
072You can execute a test plan only in a quality system
073No Variants found for the test case ids in the request
074Test Plan & is already scheduled with same variant,at same date and time
075Test plan is under execution in other instance with Log number &1
076No Job IDs found in the request
077Job ID not found in the database
078No data found for the Job ids in the request
079No data found for given &
080Exception in URL formation
081&1 already exists for given Process.
082&1 is already under execution for same variant with Job Id &2
083The &1 does not exist.
084Syntax error in request body
085URL lenght cannot exceed 2000 characters.
086Invalid URL.
087No authentication URL is maintained at the backend.
088Invalid &1.
089The URL must start with 'https://'.
090Entered URL is not found.
091User details not maintained for &1
092You cannot create authentication URL as one is already maintained in &1
093Error in processing execution pre-checks. Contact SAP Support.
094Some of the test processes or process steps in the test plan are missing.
095URL parameter length cannot exceed 1900 characters.
096An automated E2E test process does not exist for given scope item
097& & & &
098Report refreshed at &1
099Role already exists
100Role already deleted
101Error in reading password for the DEFAULT role user.
102Testplan creation failed, please try again
103Combination of Scope Item and Country/Region is not active.
105& is not supplied
106Mandatory input parameter(s): &1 cannot be empty.Please try again
107Test Case Name already Exists. Please Enter a different name.
108Invalid Country/Region Code
109Invalid URL Parameter(s): &1.
110URL Parameters are case-sensitve. Please input correct Parameter(s): &1
111Mandatory input parameter(s): &1 &2.Please try again
112Test Data Container name already exists. Enter a different name.
113Variant name already exists. Enter a different name.
114Standard Test Data Container cannot be deleted.
115Deletion not possible, Test Data Container is used in TYP app
116Deletion not possible, Variant is used in TYP app
117Standard Variants cannot be deleted.
118Test Data container is being currently edited by another user.
119Variant is currently edited by another user.
120Post Upgrade Test Triggered Successfully
121Customer Consent Missing
122Given Test Data Container is not associated with the Test Plan.
123Field not found in Test Data Container.
124Given Test Data Container does not exist.
125Feature Toggle STE_S4C_PUT_TASKLIST is not active
204& & &
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