STC_SC_TASKS - System Copy Task Messages
The following messages are stored in message class STC_SC_TASKS: System Copy Task Messages.
It is part of development package S_LMCFG_SC_TASKS in software component BC-INS-TC-CNT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "System Copy Tasks".
It is part of development package S_LMCFG_SC_TASKS in software component BC-INS-TC-CNT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "System Copy Tasks".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1&2&3&4 |
001 | Single job execution not possible for multiple conversion pairs |
002 | Switch to program RBDLSMAP |
003 | No errors found |
004 | Invalid logical system name mapping; check conversion pairs |
005 | No logical system names provided for conversion |
006 | Check transaction SM37 for running jobs starting with SAP_SCTC* |
007 | Check transaction SM37 for planned jobs starting with SAP_SCTC* |
008 | Enter the logon group |
009 | Enter the operation mode |
010 | Data export file does not exist |
011 | Not determinable: &1&2&3&4 |
012 | Export file status not yet determined |
013 | Enter the directory |
014 | Enter the file name |
015 | Parameter &1 = &2 |
016 | Component &1 will be executed |
017 | Component &1 executed |
018 | Enter data as required |
019 | Inbound or outbound qRFCs are considered when RFC is selected |
020 | Processing component &1 (&2 of &3) |
021 | System PSE must not be empty |
022 | SAP Cryptolib must not be empty |
023 | SSL server must not be empty |
024 | SSL client (anonymous) must not be empty |
025 | SSL client (standard) must not be empty |
026 | Directory must not be empty |
027 | Component &1 cannot be imported |
028 | Component &1 can be imported; timestamp = &2 |
029 | Enter the source system ID |
030 | Enter the source system installation number |
031 | Enter the secure store migration key |
032 | Operation mode deleted |
033 | Could not delete operation mode |
034 | Data export from &1 |
035 | &1 jobs changed from released to scheduled |
036 | Table Component &1 exported |
037 | Table Component &1 imported |
038 | Component &1 will be exported |
039 | Component &1 will be imported with export from &2 |
040 | Export from &1 will be used; currently not changeable |
041 | No export timestamp for component &1 defined |
042 | Export log: &1&2&3 |
043 | Import log: &1&2&3 |
044 | Logon group &1 created |
045 | Existing logon groups removed |
046 | Operation mode &1 created |
047 | System profiles loaded |
048 | Could not create operation mode &1 |
049 | Enter the license file name |
050 | Enter the high availability license file name |
051 | Standard license &1 installed |
052 | High availability license &1 installed |
053 | Product is not enabled for this system; see SAP Note 1912110. |
054 | Cleanup successful |
055 | Check successful |
056 | Configuration successful |
057 | Export from previous task '&1' in same task list run will be used |
058 | Transport domain must not be empty |
059 | Standard jobs for DBA planning calendar created |
060 | Job RDDIMPDP scheduled |
061 | Configuration of MS SQL server successful |
062 | Objects for ABAP load generation prepared; start with transaction SGEN |
063 | ABAP load generation started; check job RSPARGENER8 |
064 | SID must have 3 characters |
065 | Installation number must have 10 characters |
066 | Secure store migration key must have 32 characters |
067 | TMS is not properly configured and will be redefined |
068 | TMS is already configured, will be overwritten |
069 | System is already domain controller; TMS will be redefined |
070 | TMS is not configured |
071 | &1 task list runs found to be deleted |
072 | &1 task list runs deleted |
073 | Could not delete task list runs; return code = &1 |
074 | Cleanup of task list runs finished |
075 | &1 task list variants found to be deleted |
076 | &1 task list variants deleted |
077 | Could not delete task list variants; return code = &1 |
078 | Cleanup of task list variants finished |
079 | &1 task list variant texts deleted |
080 | Table &1; all records removed |
081 | Could not truncate table &1; return code = &2 |
082 | Table &1; could not modify record; return code = &2 |
083 | &1 task list runs transfered to table &2 |
084 | Export from &1 will be used |
085 | Export file not determinable: &1 |
086 | Export file not existing or accessible |
087 | Export from previous task '&1' will be used |
088 | Export from &1 has been used |
089 | Export file from &1 found |
090 | Passwords are not stored; re-enter in dialog |
091 | Could not import task list run &1; error when updating table &2 |
092 | &1 task list runs imported |
093 | &1 task list runs not imported due to authorization errors |
094 | &1 task list runs not imported; errors while updating table &2 |
095 | &1 task list runs not exported due to authorization errors |
096 | &1 task list runs not exported; errors while updating table &2 |
097 | &1 task list runs found to be exported |
098 | &1 task list runs found to be imported |
099 | &1 task list runs exported |
100 | This task list is not appropriate for this system (details below) |
101 | System is a BW system. It has following source systems: |
102 | System is connected to following BW systems: |
103 | Client &1 is connected to &2 |
104 | Cleanup of &1 |
105 | Export &1 |
106 | Import &1 |
107 | Configuration of &1 |
108 | &1; invalid username or password |
109 | &1 is not a CRM system |
110 | &1 is not an ERP system |
111 | &1 jobs processed for status switch released to scheduled |
112 | Transaction &1 is locked by user &2 |
113 | Transaction &1; system failure occured |
114 | &1 active jobs cancelled |
115 | System message added with number &1 |
116 | System message not added |
117 | Postprocessing of &1 |
118 | Component &1 is not considered |
119 | PCAI_ENT already installed |
120 | No logical system names provided to be converted |
121 | Single job execution not possible for multiple conversion pairs |
122 | Batch jobs will be created, released, and monitored until finished |
123 | Batch jobs will only be created and needs manual release in SM37 |
124 | BDLS conversion job created |
125 | Errors while checking logical system name mapping |
126 | Could not import default profile |
127 | The old logical system & has not yet been defined |
128 | The new logical system name & already exists |
129 | Conversion job finished |
130 | Conversion job &1 (ID &2) failed |
131 | Check transaction SM37 for planned jobs starting with SAP_SCTC* |
132 | Switch to concurrent jobs execution for multiple conversion pairs |
133 | Could not import instance profile |
134 | No profiles found; check profile directory in file system |
135 | Note down task list run ID &1 for manual import after system copy |
136 | Task list run &1 not exported automatically; perform manual export |
137 | Task list run &1 export file could not be deleted after system copy |
138 | &1 is not a SCM system |
139 | Cleanup of batch jobs with status 'Released' done |
140 | Cleanup of batch jobs with status 'Scheduled' done |
141 | Cleanup of batch jobs with status 'Finished' done |
142 | Cleanup of batch jobs with status 'Cancelled' done |
143 | Used variant &1 for task list &2 not deleted |
144 | &1 task list runs not deleted; See log for further details |
145 | &1 task list variants not deleted; See log for further details |
146 | Passwords remain in SecureStore ABAP |
147 | Profile parameter DIR_EPS_ROOT has no value |
148 | PCAI_ENT not installed |
149 | Transaction SAINT has not the minimum version; Minimum version is &1 |
150 | PCA License de-installed successfully |
151 | PCA License installed successfully |
152 | Make sure that you have read and understood SAP Note 1912110 |
153 | Make sure that you have read and understood SAP Note 2013455 |
154 | User &1 started &2 |
155 | User &1 cancelled &2 |
156 | New table found which was not analysed; &1 |
157 | Analysis will be performed for the new tables |
158 | Analysis will be done for the logical system name with warning status |
159 | Analysis for specified logical system name finished |
160 | Analysis for new tables finished |
161 | &1 New tables found which were not analysed; Analysis will be performed |
162 | ABAP load generation prepared; continue with transaction SGEN manually |
163 | ABAP load generation prepared |
164 | ABAP load generation finished |
165 | Select only lock TMS queues or only unlock TMS queues |
166 | Internal error from enqueue server occured |
167 | Job &1(&2) started for &3 objects |
168 | Job &1(&2) for machine type &3 have still &4 objekts to process |
169 | Job &1(&2) is aborted; generation not completed |
170 | Background job &1/&2 does not exist (anymore) |
171 | Error from job &1/&2 &3 message |
172 | Old logical system name &1 present in conversion task |
173 | Old logical system name &1 missing in conversion task |
174 | Analysis date found for logical system name &1; &2 |
175 | No Analysis date found for logical system name &1 |
176 | Outdated analysis found for logical system name &1; &2 |
177 | &1 of &2 batchjobs deleted |
178 | Batch Server Group &1 already existing |
179 | Batch Server Group &1 created |
180 | Enter Batch Server Group Name |
181 | Check finished with warnings |
182 | &1 - TMS ALOG not moved |
183 | &1 - TMS ALOG successfully moved |
184 | &1 - TMS ALOG not successfully moved |
185 | &1 - TMS ALOG successfully deleted |
186 | &1 - TMS ALOG not successfully deleted |
187 | &1 - TMS ALOG not deleted |
188 | &1 - TMS unlock not selected |
189 | &1 - TMS lock not selected |
190 | &1 - TMS concatenate import queues not selected |
191 | Source system should differ to target system |
192 | Lock or unlock TMS queues |
193 | Source system is not valid |
194 | Client &1 is locked against logon |
195 | Client &1 is not locked against logon; return code = &2 |
196 | Client &1 is unlocked for logon |
197 | Client &1 is not unlocked for logon; return code = &2 |
198 | BDLS pepare task finished |
199 | BDLS task must not run before dependent component &1 |
200 | Client &1 destination &2 is not possible; target client &3 |
201 | Client &1 destination &2 is not possible; target sid &3 and host &4 |
202 | Requirement check failure |
203 | Communication failure, &1&2&3 |
204 | System failure for destination &1, &2&3&4 |
205 | Job logs shortcut (SM37) |
206 | Requirement failure for destination &1, &2&3&4 |
207 | Conversion job finished for RFC destination &1 |
208 | Client RFC destination must be maintained; no conversion possible |
209 | Client &1 target RFC destination &2 (&3 &4) |
210 | Client &1 is set for conversion of client dep. and independent tables |
211 | Client &1 is set for conversion of client dependent tables |
212 | Export file from &1 found |
213 | Insert component name |
214 | Enter a valid instance name |
215 | Logon group &1 updated |
216 | RFC server group &1 updated |
217 | RFC server group &1 created |
218 | Enter a valid group type |
219 | Enter a valid favorite type |
220 | Cleanup of Logon and RFC server groups |
221 | Create Logon and RFC server groups |
222 | Table BDLSCOUNTALL; new records created |
223 | Table BDLSCOUNTALL; no new records created |
224 | BDLS relevant parameters set |
225 | Old logical system name &1; no entries found |
226 | Table name &1 added |
227 | Old logical system name &1 removed |
228 | Table name &1 removed; prepare task result is inconsistent |
229 | Execution mode not possible; no valid BDLS preparation task results |
230 | Old logical system name &1 already specified |
231 | TMS configuration must run in client 000 |
232 | Table name &1 added in exclude table |
233 | This task is obsolete; check task documentation |
234 | Failed jobs will be rescheduled, released and monitored until finished |
235 | Rescheduling job &1; copy failed (sy-subrc = &2) |
236 | Rescheduling job &1; release failed (sy-subrc = &2) |
237 | BDLS program &1 generated |
238 | BDLS conversion; &1 jobs created |
239 | BDLS conversion; &1 jobs rescheduled |
240 | The value of commit should be between 1000 and 32767 |
241 | No active server found |
242 | Batch Job deletion failed, check job SAP_SCTC_RSBTCDEL2 (see details) |
243 | Orphaned Job Logs deleted (RSTS0024) |
244 | Inconsistent TemSe Objects in storage location &1 deleted (RSTS0043) |
245 | Insufficient number of batch processes for cleanup batch (at least 2) |
246 | Repair SAPoffice Profile done |
247 | No target logical system name given for source logical system name &1 |
248 | Number of converted entries in liveCache table /SAPAPO/ORDMAP: &1 |
249 | No mapping entered for source logical system name &1 |
250 | Error when accessing liveCache table /SAPAPO/ORDMAP. |
251 | liveCache not installed |
252 | liveCache not available |
253 | Insufficient number of batch processes for &1 (at least &2) |
254 | Export of Secure Store Keys in File System: |
255 | Directory of parameter &1 copied, see longtext |
256 | File of parameter rsec/securestorage/keyfile copied, see longtext |
257 | Directory of parameter &1 is empty |
258 | Directory of parameter &1 does not exist |
259 | File of parameter &1 does not exist |
260 | File of parameter rsec/securestorage/keyfile restored, see longtext |
261 | Copy error for file or directory of parameter &1 |
262 | Restore directory &1&2 does not exist |
263 | More then one keyfile in directory &1&2 |
264 | Restore of Secure Store Keys in File System: |
265 | Restore error for file or directory of parameter &1 |
266 | Directory of parameter &1 restored, see longtext |
267 | Directory &1&2 creation failed |
268 | Restore directory &1&2 is empty or does not exist |
269 | Directory &1&2 deletion failed |
270 | Tables and batch job list |
271 | Passwords are not identical |
272 | Task exclusive lock failed |
273 | Parameter &1 missing |
274 | Function only valid for release &1 |
275 | Import of Secure Store Key with ID &1 failed |
276 | Secure Store Key with ID &1 imported |
277 | Secure Store Key &1 required, run import again |
278 | No missing keys in Secure Store |
279 | Secure Store Check: |
280 | Classic PCA refresh import processing enabled |
281 | Parallel PCA refresh import processing enabled |
282 | Global Reset of Number Range Buffer done |
283 | Global Reset of Number Range Buffer failed |
286 | Non-default RFC connections not found in table rfcdes |
287 | &1 non-default RFC connections deleted |
288 | &1 non-default RFC found for deletion |
289 | Standard SAP Connection &1 retained |
300 | CTS tables like &1 not defined |
301 | Job &1 released |
302 | Job &1 finished |
303 | Job open failed (RC &1) |
304 | Submit job failed |
305 | Job close failed (RC &1) |
306 | Read joblog failed (RC &1) |
307 | Spool No. not found |
319 | Secure store check all failed; resolve in transaction SECSTORE |
320 | Secure store error to be migrated; resolve in transaction SECSTORE |
321 | Secure store key missing; resolve in transaction SECSTORE |
322 | Secure store legacy key missing; resolve in transaction SECSTORE |
323 | Key not found in secure store |
324 | |
326 | New key generated and activated for all entries; backup is recommended |
337 | Task list run &1 export file deleted from file system |
338 | Task list run &1 export file remain in file system |
354 | Start backup of Secure Info Files to directory ..refresh/info_files |
355 | End backup of Secure Info Files to directory ..refresh/info_files |
356 | Start restore of Secure Info Files from directory ..refresh/info_files |
357 | End restore of Secure Info Files from directory ..refresh/info_files |
358 | Start backup of SECUDIR to directory ..refresh/secudir_&1 |
359 | End backup of SECUDIR to directory ..refresh/secudir_&1 |
360 | Start restore of SECUDIR from directory ..refresh/secudir_&1 |
361 | End restore of SECUDIR from directory ..refresh/secudir_&1 |
400 | SAP Workload NW Collector (SWNCCOLL) started in all instances |
401 | SAP Workload NW Collector (SWNCCOLL) started in local instance |