STC_TASK - Task related Messages

The following messages are stored in message class STC_TASK: Task related Messages.
It is part of development package STC_TASK in software component BC-INS-TC-RT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Technical Configuration Task Definition".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Error in technical configuration task
002<Task object &1 does not exist in system>
003No documentation available for task '&1'
004You are not authorized to start program &1
005Execution started -------------------------------------------------------
006Check started -----------------------------------------------------------
007Value &1 invalid to be used in Secure Store ABAP
008No value provided for Secure Store ABAP
009Parameters not changed
010Interface combination for task class &1 is not supported
011Task class &1 does not implement required interfaces
012Task '&1' is defined without documentation
013Error reading task documentation
014<Task object &1 could not be created>
015<Task &1 is a dummy task>
016<Task &1 is inconsistent>
017ABAP class &1 does not exist
018ABAP report &1 does not exist
019ABAP class &1 contains syntax errors
020ABAP report &1 contains syntax errors
021Task type &1 is unknown
022Background job &1/&2 does not exist anymore
023Attributes for ABAP class &1 have changed incompatibly
024Task provided by event '&3'
025Task &1 replaces task &2 in event &3
026Selection screen for ABAP report &1 has changed incompatibly
027User interface parameter for task &1 has changed incompatibly
028Parameter &1 not definied in user interface
029Type of parameter &1 not definied in user interface
030Event task class &1 is not valid (&2)
031Event task class &1 must not be abstract
032Value for parameter &1 contains invalid characters
033Value for parameter &1 is longer than expected
034Value for parameter &1 is shorter than expected
035<Could not create event &1>
036Task &1 is not an event task
037User interface parameter &1 is invalid; '&2' not allowed for field &3
038User interface parameter &1 is invalid; '&2' not allowed for single field
039Parameter &1 is definied with different kind; '&1' expected
040Value '&2' for parameter &1 must contain wildcard '*' or '+'
041For parameter &1 with 'BT' operation specify minimum and maximum values
042For parameter &1 index number in squared brackets is missing
043For parameter &1 index number between squared brackets is not numerical
044For parameter &1 -SIGN, -OPTION, -LOW or -HIGH is missing
045Parameter &1 with index &2 has been provided more than 4 times
046Parameter &1 has been passed several times; pass parameter &1 only once
047Parameter &1 is a checkbox or radiobutton; only 'X' and ' ' allowed
048For radiobutton group &1 too many options are set; choose only one option
049<Task &1 is a dummy event>
050Event task interface missing
051Event for event task &1 does not exist
052Task &1 is used in multiple events
053Event for event task &1 is not part of task list &2
054Invalid parameter combination when calling the method; check your coding
055Error when testing a technical configuration task
056Task '&1' is obsolete; check task documentation
057Task &1 could not be configured
058Attributes for report based user interfaces not supported by task manager
059Task &1 belongs to different event &3
060Task &1 belongs to different events
061Event task not declared to be used as standalone task
062ABAP class &1 contains syntax error in include &3, line &4
063ABAP report &1 contains syntax error in include &3, line &4
064Task method &1->&2 raises exception &3
065Task has been skipped by task '&1'
066Task has been set in scope by task '&1'
067Task check status changed from '&2' to '&3' by task '&1'
068Task execution status changed from '&2' to '&3' by task '&3'
069Task configuration changed by task '&1'
070Task is completed; Status changes performed by task '&1' rejected
071Task is completed; Configuration changes performed by task '&1' rejected
072Task '&1' already completed; Status changes not possible anymore
073Task '&1' already completed; Configuration changes not possible anymore
074No value provided for mandatory parameter &1
075Invalid parameters provided; check parameter
076For radiobutton group &1 no option is set; choose one option
077No value provided for mandatory parameter &1 (&2)
078Formerly inconsistent task has been recovered
079Task object exists and is syntax error free now
080Parameter &1 is read-only; value not copied
081For parameter &1 the lower limit is greater than upper limit
082For parameter &1 value &3 in field HIGH is ignored for operation &2
083Interface combination for task class &1 is supported with restrictions
084<Task &1 could not be configured>
085Value for parameter &1 has been removed from Secure Store ABAP
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