STOBJ - Dictionary Strukturierte Objekte
The following messages are stored in message class STOBJ: Dictionary Strukturierte Objekte.
It is part of development package SDCBO in software component BC-DWB-DIC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RDL Artifacts".
It is part of development package SDCBO in software component BC-DWB-DIC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RDL Artifacts".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Table & for structured object &; node & could not be written |
001 | Table & for structured object &; node & could not be activated |
002 | Table & for structured object &; node & was activated with warnings |
003 | Table & for structured object &; node & was activated |
004 | Structured object & was activated successfully |
005 | Structured object & was activated with warning messages |
006 | Structured object & could not be activated |
007 | Runtime object for & could not be generated |
008 | Runtime object for & could not be written |
009 | Type information could not be updated |
010 | Incorrect object type &: name check not possible |
011 | Activating structured object & |
012 | Activating dependent structured object & |
013 | Activating structured object & (active version) |
014 | Activating DB objects for structured object & |
015 | Name of DB table for structured object &, node & cannot be determined |
016 | & & could not be entered in task & |
017 | Package missing. TADIR entry will not be written for table &. |
018 | Could not save append & for structured object &, node & |
019 | Package missing. TADIR entry will not be written for append & |
020 | Parent structure & information for append & could not be read |
021 | Parent structure & information for append & does not exist as active |
022 | Append & was not found (deleted or not yet active) |
023 | Activate & & |
024 | & & for structured object &, node & could not be activated |
025 | & & for structured object &, node & was activated with warning messages |
026 | & & for structured object &, node & was activated successfully |
027 | Node &: No attributes exist |
028 | Inconsistency in node source data, node &, append & |
029 | Table & is not client-specific |
030 | (Internal) node & was deleted; attributes still exist though |
031 | (Append) node & was deleted; attributes still exist though |
032 | No more attributes exist, but node & still exists |
033 | No more external attributes exist, but node & exists externally |
034 | Node & was removed from the structured object, DB table & will be deleted |
035 | Node & was removed from append &; DB table & will be deleted |
036 | Node &: Name of DB table (&->&) was changed. Deleting table &. |
037 | Node &: Alternative key & deleted; index & will be deleted from DB tab. & |
038 | Node &: External attribute & is deleted (append & will be deleted) |
039 | Node & changed from external to internal; old DB table & will be deleted |
040 | Append & for table & will be deleted |
041 | Index & of table & will be deleted |
042 | Node &: Append structure name (&->&) changed; deleting structure & |
043 | Node & changed from external to internal; deleting append structure &. |
044 | Object &1 &2 already locked for request/task &3 |
045 | Invalid read status: & |
046 | Metadata for & could not be read |
047 | Metadata (version 4) does not exist |
048 | Index &1-&2 already locked for request/task &3 |
049 | Object & & is a local object and was not entered in the transport |
050 | Index &-& is local and was not entered in the transport |
051 | Parent information & for append & could not be read |
052 | Metadata for structured object & (& version) does not exist |
053 | DCL target & for &: time stamps could not be updated |
055 | Table & for structured object & could not be activated |
056 | Table & for structured object & was activated with warnings |
057 | Table & for structured object & was activated successfully |
058 | Structured object &: includes could not be expanded |
059 | Structured object &: Includes could not be expanded (node &) |
060 | Could not write/update TADIR entry for append &. |
061 | Could not write/update TADIR entry for table &. |
062 | Error: Non-supported STOB object type &1 |
100 | ============= Messages for Checks of a Structured Object ================ |
101 | Incorrect object type &: name check not possible |
102 | At least one node must be specified |
103 | For each node, at least one attribute must be maintained |
104 | Checking structured object & |
105 | Structured object & has been checked successfully |
106 | Structured object & was checked and had warning messages |
107 | Structured object & is inconsistent |
108 | The structured object/entity has no fields |
109 | Node & has attributes and does not exist in the list of nodes |
110 | Invalid or unknown type & |
111 | & & does not exist or is not active |
112 | & is not a built-in type |
113 | Structured object: header is missing |
114 | Depth information is not correct or type & has no fields |
115 | No DB table name exists for node & -> will be generated |
116 | Value & is not allowed for & (allowed values &) |
117 | Name of database field missing for node attribute &-& |
118 | (Information for &-& is not consistent) |
119 | Attribute &-& applied in DB table; only scalar types possible |
120 | Attribute name & appears multiple times in node & |
121 | Association name & appears multiple times in node & |
122 | Association &: Field & does not exist in & and is not a valid value |
123 | Association &: & is neither a field of target object & nor a valid value |
124 | Node & association &: & not a node attribute (may exist in target object) |
125 | Assoc. & field &: Type properties source and target (&-&) are different |
126 | & is not a valid data type |
127 | Association &: target field & does not exist in the current source object |
128 | & & already exists globally as object of another type: |
129 | Node name & appears multiple times in structured object & |
130 | Node & comes from an append (&) |
131 | Append &: Node & deleted in structured object; modify the append |
132 | Node & deleted from structured object & (change the append) |
133 | Could not append information for structured object |
134 | Append information could not be added |
135 | Name of appender is missing |
136 | Node & is external in parent node &; was already defined in append <> & |
137 | Node & exists, parent &, was defined anew or replaced by other append |
138 | Append & node &: source is undefined. Check append. |
139 | Node source is inconsistent because only partially available (node &) |
140 | Field &, node &: No name found for Dictionary table/structure |
141 | Field name & for use in DB table exists multiple times in node & |
142 | Association & will be deleted |
143 | Node & was imported from append &; must be deleted in append |
144 | Node & is still being enhanced by append & |
145 | Data type information for target of an association cannot be read |
146 | Key must be contiguous and start at the first position |
147 | Association &-&: Comparison value has forbidden type & |
148 | Association &-&: Comparison value & cannot be used |
149 | Association &: Source and target fields cannot both contain literals |
150 | Ass. & field &: type source, target &, literal & are incompatible |
151 | Tables for RBAM checks must both be specified |
152 | No RBAM tables can be maintained for BO structure appends |
153 | RBAM check is either through ACL assoc. or through ACLROOT/ENTRY table |
154 | Type of database object (table or view) node & missing |
155 | Field name & for use in DB table or view exists multiple times |
156 | Attribute name & exists multiple times |
157 | Reference field & does not exist locally |
158 | Association &: The value & does not match the data type of field & |
159 | Expression type not yet implemented |
160 | Type information not found for field & |