STXT - Nachrichtenklasse f�r SAPscript Formular Baum

The following messages are stored in message class STXT: Nachrichtenklasse f�r SAPscript Formular Baum.
It is part of development package STXT in software component BC-SRV-SCR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAPscript: Form Tree".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Internal error
001Cannot delete root node
002User parameter &1 not found
003Form &1 not found in system
004Incorrect selection
005Tree cannot be switched as only one tree exists
006Deletion of tree terminated
007No action is assigned to the selected icon
009Not allowed to access client &1
010Form &1 is not in the current client or in client 000
011The selected tree is outside the current system (RFC tree)
012There is no package assigned to form &1 (according to TADIR)
013Form &1 is in the non-transportable package &2
014There is no description text for form &1 language &2
015This action is not allowed in change mode
016Package &1 does not exist in system
017Current system is not the original system for package &1
018Specified package &1 cannot be transported
019Tree &1 already exists
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