The following messages are stored in message class SVRS_VRS_COPY: .
It is part of development package SVRS_VRS_COPY in software component BC-UPG-NA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for Version Copy Tool".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Triggering of Version Copy is failed, please try later
001Process completed please check the job log '&' for details.
002Background Job '&' is INPROCESS.
003Background Job '&' is completed.
004Objects with problem (already existing in current system): &
005Objects identified for copying: &
006Objects identified for Overwriting the Versions: &
007Background Job '&' FAILED.
008Processed 1000 objects - last has been & & &
009Number of Succesfully Processed objects : &
010Number of failed objects for processing : &
011No object found for Version Copy
012Please enter Software Component or Transport Request
013RFC doesnot exist
014Error in RFC connection
015Set up for Version Copy is not ready in Source System
016Processed 500 piece lists - last has been & &
017You can not delete a woklist with current status.
018Unknown componet SAP_BASIS in remote system
019Unknown componet SAP_BASIS
020SAP_BASIS versions between the system is not compatable for version Copy
021Job scheduled succesfully. Click on Refresh button for latest status.
022No Worklist exist with name &
023Inconsistent object & & :Reprocess with overwrite option
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