SWDP_AUTHORING_MESS - Messages Authoring Environment ABAP Web Dynpro

The following messages are stored in message class SWDP_AUTHORING_MESS: Messages Authoring Environment ABAP Web Dynpro.
It is part of development package SWDP_AUTHORING in software component BC-HLP-ABA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "ABAP Web Dynpro Authoring Environment".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Enter a text
002The text must not be longer than 255
003Changes allowed in original language (&1) only
010Text contains forbidded characters
011Texts currently being processed
012Length set to maximum (255)
013Specified length is &1, but text is &2
014Texts were saved
015Could not release texts with errors
016Internal error & in &
017Text possibly used more than once; changes will be effective everywhere
020An error occurred while calling KW (application log &1)
023Error in RFC destination AIO_FOR_HELP_LINKS (see long text): & & & &
024The context resolution could not find any document content
025Name / password for RFC destination &1 not defined
026Function module &1 has caused an error (application log &2)
101Inactive version of &1 exists, change not possible
123No help links have been created for the window
124No help links have been created for the application
126View &1 could not be activated
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