The following messages are stored in message class SWDP_CONFIGURATION: .
It is part of development package SWDP_CONFIGURATION in software component BC-WD-ABA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Configuration for WD4A".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Value may only contain uppercase letters, numerals, and '_'
001No configuration selected
002Component configuration &1 imported
003Component customizing &1 imported
004Shared object for component configurations will be deleted
005Error: &1
006Exception &1 program &2 include &3 line &4
007Transfer parameter &1 for method &2 is invalid
009Version &1 of configuration &2 not found
010Version comparison for application configurations is not supported
011Invalid XML: &1
012Error when creating configuration from the version data
013The adaptation cannot be changed
014Configuration type &1 not permitted for application configurations
015Configuration type &1 for component configurations not permitted
016Configuration cannot be changed on the current personalization level
101You do not have authorization to change object &1 &2
102You do not have authorization to access object &1 &2
103Object &1 &2 cannot be created because it already exists
104Object &1 &2 cannot be used as a template because it does not exist
105Object &1 &2 has been saved
106Unable to save object &1 &2
107Object cannot be created without a package
108Object cannot be handled without a transport
109Transport query cannot be suppressed
110Object &1 &2 does not exist
111Component configuration &1 refers to nonexistent component &2
112Object &1 &2 has been locked by user &3
113Object &1 &2 has been created
114Component &1 cannot be configured because it does not exist
115Object &1 &2 has been deleted
116Application &1 cannot be configured because it does not exist
117Error when reading configuration &1
118Customizing &1 uses component &2 with configuration of the same name
119Error when reading component &1
120Invalid name; items 33 and 34 have no number
121No authorization to access adaptation object
122Invalid access key
123Hi, &1!
124The transportation of customizing with this API is not permitted.
150Enhancement &1 belongs to an object of type &2 (prerequisite would be &3)
151Enhancement &1 has not been created
201Browser started
202Access keys are OK
203Access key missing for configuration &1
301&1 '&2' has been deleted
302&1 will be permanently deleted
303Unexpected error during transport assignment of customizing &1
304Configuration cache has been reset
305You have no authority to view personalization of user &1
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