SWF_EXP_001 - Meldungen des Ausdrucks-Service
The following messages are stored in message class SWF_EXP_001: Meldungen des Ausdrucks-Service.
It is part of development package SWM in software component BC-BMT-WFM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Workflow: Error Messages".
It is part of development package SWM in software component BC-BMT-WFM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Business Workflow: Error Messages".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Expression is syntactically correct |
002 | Expression &1 is syntactically correct |
005 | Syntax error in expression '&1' |
006 | Syntax error in expression '&1' at position &2 |
008 | System expression expected (expression '&1', position &2) |
009 | Container element expected (expression '&1', position &2) |
010 | Partial expression expected (expression '&1', position &2) |
011 | System element expected (expression '&1', position &2) |
012 | Parameter value expected (expression '&1', position &2) |
013 | '&1' is not a valid system element |
014 | Parameter name expected (expression '&1', position &2) |
015 | Constant expected (expression '&1', position &2) |
021 | Symbol '&2' expected at position &1 in expression '&3' |
022 | Closing symbol '&2' expected (position &1) in expression '&3' |
023 | Unexpected symbol '&2' in expression '&3' at position &1 |
024 | Unexpected character(s) '&2' at end of expression '&3' at position &1 |
025 | Syntax error at pos. &1: Symbol '&2' cannot be used here |
035 | Container element '&1' does not exist |
036 | '&2' is not a component of data object '&1' |
037 | Data object '&1' is elementary (component '&2' does not exist) |
050 | Constant cannot be interpreted: &1 |
051 | Invalid object type category in constant: &1 |
052 | Invalid object type in constant: &1 |
053 | Object instance &1 does not exist |
069 | An object with IF_SWF_CNT_CONTAINER is required for this function |
070 | Internal error: &1 |
071 | Container not available |
072 | Error in the evaluation of expression '&1' for item '&2' |
073 | Unable to determine the value of component '&2' |
074 | In expression '&1' a table was expected for component '&2' |
075 | Expression '&1': A one-line value was expected for component '&2' |
076 | ESI reference expected in expression '&1' for component '&2' |
101 | Invalid data type '&2' (pos. &1) |
102 | Invalid data type '&2', length '&3' (pos. &1) |
103 | Invalid data type '&2', length = &3, decimal places = &4 (pos. &1) |
104 | Data type '&1' cannot be used for numeric values |
105 | Scientific number notation cannot be used for data type '&1' |
106 | Object category '&3' not supported ('&1', Pos. '&2') |
107 | Object type '&3' invalid ('&1', Pos. '&2') |
108 | Object key '&3' invalid ('&1', Pos. '&2') |
109 | Object reference '&3' invalid ('&1', Pos. '&2') |
110 | Conversion error in analysis of expression '&1' to item &2 |
111 | Date '&1' is invalid |
112 | Time specification '&1' is invalid |
113 | Expression '&1' cannot be interpreted as a number |
114 | Conversion error while assigning '&2' to expression '&1' |
120 | Invalid additional specification '&1' |
121 | Argument '&2' of additional specification '&1' is invalid |
122 | Additional specification '&1' cannot be used for numbers |
123 | Additional specification '&1' cannot be used for time specifications |
150 | Write access not supported |
151 | Write access to constants not possible |
152 | Write access to BOR object attributes not possible |
160 | Error when determining attribute '&1' of object instance '&2' |
161 | Error when determining the object type of component '&1' |
170 | Error when calling method '&1' |
171 | Unable to read result parameter '&1' of method '&2' |
179 | '&1' is an instance method. Call-up only possible using object instance |
180 | Parameter list missing for method &1 |
181 | Mandatory parameter missing |
182 | Mandatory parameter not provided with values |
183 | Parameter names must be specified as constants |
184 | Parameter values must be specified as constants |
185 | Parameter name must be specified |
186 | Only one actual parameter allowed |
188 | Error when passing the import parameters, method &1 |
189 | Error in acceptance of the export parameter, method &1 |
190 | Component '&1' is not a method, parameter list '( )' not allowed |
191 | Method not found: '&1' |
192 | Method '&1' does not have any export parameters |
193 | Method '&1' has too many export parameters |
194 | Too many position parameters for method '&1' |
195 | Parameter '&2' of method &1 not found |
196 | Value missing for mandatory import parameter '&2' (method &1) |
197 | Invalid value for parameter '&2' (method &1) |
198 | Export parameter '&2' must not be filled (method &1) |
199 | Parameter '&2' was already passed (method &1) |
200 | Inconsistent byte code &1 |
201 | Byte code &1 cannot be executed |
202 | Byte code &1 not supported |
203 | Byte code contains invalid type specification '&1' |
204 | Byte code contains invalid unit '&1' |
205 | Byte code contains invalid argument '&1' |
206 | Byte code contains invalid access command '&1' |
210 | '&2' is not an export parameter (method &1) |
211 | '&2' cannot be used as a return value for method &1n |
220 | Token list is invalid (index '&1') |
221 | Reference element missing for token with index '&1' |
230 | Assignment not possible, data types '&1' and '&2' not compatible |
231 | Constant '&1' does not correspond to the data type '&2' |
249 | Data object '&1' is not a table - index access not possible |
250 | Table index &1 is invalid |
251 | Table index &1 is too big (number of table rows = &2) |
252 | Table index &1 is not whole number |
253 | Table '&1' of type 'HASHED' does not allow index access |
254 | Value access using index '&1' not possible |
255 | The row structure cannot be determined for table type '&1' |
256 | Multiple unspecified index access '[][]...' not supported |
257 | Cannot create table type for element '&1' |
300 | The expression &1 was added to the test catalog |
301 | Expression &1 already exists in the test catalog |
302 | Error when saving test expression &1 |
303 | The test catalog has not been changed - saving not necessary |
304 | Test catalog entries (&1 new, &2 changed, &3 deleted) |
305 | Error when deleting |
306 | Error when changing existing entries |
307 | Error when adding entries |
308 | The test catalog was not changed |
309 | Errors occurred when updating - test the catalog |
310 | &1 test cases were deleted |
311 | No test cases were selected |
312 | Test Case Deleted |
401 | Error during currency conversion |
450 | Error when serializing (&2) in class &3 |
451 | Error when deserializing (&2) in class &3 |
500 | Operator '&1' not supported |
501 | Operator '&1': left operand missing |
502 | Operator '&1': right operand missing |
503 | Operator '&1': result expression missing |
504 | Operator '&1': invalid data type for expression '&2' |
505 | Operator '&1': division by 0 (expression '&2') |
510 | Operator '&1': error when checking expression '&2' |
520 | No operator entered |
600 | Invalid data type &1 for the result of the XPath expression &2 |