SWF_RLS_001 - Bedingungs- und Regelauswertung

The following messages are stored in message class SWF_RLS_001: Bedingungs- und Regelauswertung.
It is part of development package SWF_RLS in software component BC-BMT-WFM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Rules - Workflow Rules and Rule Systems".
Message Nr
Message Text
008Condition contains errors. Choose 'Check'
010Error when evaluating operator '&1'
011Operator '&1': left expression '&2' cannot be evaluated
012Operator '&1': Right expression '&3' cannot be evaluated
030Constant invalid - &1&2
100Invalid Element Definition for Component '&1'
101Operator '&1': The value of the left operand cannot be determined
102Operator '&1': The value of the right operand cannot be determined
103Invalid element definition for component '&1' - value not available
111Operator '&1': Unit of the left operand cannot be determined
112Operator '&1': Unit of the right operand cannot be determined
120Operator '&1' cannot compare one-line and multiline values
121Operator '&1': Expressions '&2' and '&3' cannot be compared
122Operator '&1' cannot be used for expression '&2'
130The operator '&1' needs two operands but only one exists
131The operator '&1' requires two operands but none exist
132The operator '&1' requires one operand but two exist
133The operator '&1' requires one operand but none exist
140The specification of operator '&1' is inconsistent
141Operator '&1' cannot be instantiated
142Operator '&1' is not supported
150Operator '&1' expects an internal table for expression '&2'
151Operator '&1' expects a structure for expression '&2'
152Operator '&1' expects an object reference for expression '&2'
153Operator '&1' expects an elementary type for expression '&2'
154Operator '&1' expects a structure type for expression '&2'
160The left operand of operator '&1' must not be a table
161The left operand of the operator '&1' must be character-like
162The left operand of operator '&1' must be interpretable as a number
170The right operand of operator '&1' must not be a table
171The right operand of the operator '&1' must be character-like
172The right operand of operator '&1' must be interpretable as a number
180Line &1: Left expression '&2' contains syntax errors
181Line &1: Right expression '&2' contains syntax errors
201This method call can only be inserted in 'traditional mode'
301Error when compiling conditon &1
302Invalid compiler version '&1'
400Start condition returns 'FALSE' for object &2
401Attempt to evaluate start condition for object &1 failed
500Results expression for outcome '&1' contains errors
501Error in the logical condition in line &1
510Error during evaluation of rule '&1' (&2)
520Outcome '&2': Error during evaluation of results expression '&1'
898Container of work item &1 cannot be read
899Error when processing data of work item &1
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