SWLT - Message Class for ... guess!

The following messages are stored in message class SWLT: Message Class for ... guess!.
It is part of development package SWLT in software component BC-DWB-TOO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SQL Performance Tuning Worklist".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Inspection "&1" Version "&2" (User "&3") does not exist
002Error during static check of &1 &2
003Problems connecting to RFC destination &1: &2&3&4
004Object &1 &2 is being checked in a new window (may take some time ...)
005Coverage evaluation for destination &1 failed: &2&3&4
006SQL Monitor data snapshot of system &1 doesn't exist
007RFC destination &1 does not exist
008No SQL Monitor data snapshots found in the system. Create or upload one
009Could not find SQL Monitor
010Not authorized for &1
011Cannot create snapshot: SQL Monitor data is initial
012No snapshots currently available
013Cannot create SQLM Snapshot list: container for snapshot list is initial
015Error during user prompt for file path
016Error during file upload: &1&2&3&4
017Non-zip file or broken file selected
018No file path specified
022No snapshots to delete within the specified time frame
023&1 Snapshots successfully deleted
024No snapshots found that fit the specification
025No snapshots selected
026Action canceled
027Snapshot selection error
030Cannot create data provider for snapshot creation
031Maximal Number of Records must be between 0 and &1
032Import only top records not supported by dest. syst. Loading all records.
080Measurment period: lower limit greater than upper limit
081Measurment period: Enter a valid time period or choose 'Current'
100There are no ATC results for run series &1
101There are no ATC results for run series &1 at destination &2
102ATC run series configuration &1 does not exist
103Static cache service: Too many round trips to &1
104Cannot access ATC repository: No authorization in remote system
105Cannot create ATC cache: Invalid state of bundle during data transfer
106Cannot create ATC cache: Error during data transfer
107Cannot create ATC cache: Provided ATC result ID is initial
108Cannot create ATC cache: Provided ATC run series is initial
109Cannot create ATC cache: Number of findings and extensions doesn't match
110Cache doesn't exist
111ATC result is being cached by another user. Try again later
112Cannot create ATC cache: Enqueue not possible. Check enqueue server
113Cannot create ATC cache: Requested ATC result is empty or incompatible
114Cannot access ATC repository: Current ATC result ID &1 is invalid
115ATC result is already being deleted by another user
116Cannot delete from ATC cache: Enqueue not possible. Check enqueue server
117Cannot create ATC cache: Result &1 contains no relevant findings
118Table &1 does not exist in the system
119Failure during UI initialization
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