SZDM_LOCK - To be used for messages due to read only locks

The following messages are stored in message class SZDM_LOCK: To be used for messages due to read only locks.
It is part of development package SRLFW in software component BC-CST-RL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Runlevel framework - system rl mapped to service runlevels".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Function locked, software update running in parallel.
170Action &1 is not supported by report &2.
171Server &1 is assigned to group &2.
172Communication error: &1; Server: &2
173Destination &1 does not exist.
174You are not authorized to use &1.
175Separation with action &1; version &2.
176RFC_PING failed for destination &1. sy-subrc=&2.
177Could not get list of servers (sy-subrc=&1)
178Activation of system separation started.
179Activation of system separation finished.
180Deactivation of system separation started.
181Deactivation of system separation finished.
182RLFW_SET_SYSTEM_SEPARATION failed with sy-subrc=&1
183Validation of system separation started.
184Validation of system separation finished.
185Instance &1: &2=&3
186RLFW_SET_SYSTEM_SEPARATION finished with sy-subrc=&1.
230Delete RLFW_PARAMETERS: &1 / &2 / &3. SY-SUBRC=&4.
231Set parameter &1 to value &2 on server &3. Subrc &4.
232Modify RLFW_PARAMETERS: &1 / &2 / &3
233Reconnect state could not be determined.
234Reconnect state determined with value &1.
235Start of reconnect failed with error message:
236Reconnect started successfully. Max. runtime = &1.
237Authorization check failed. Only user DDIC can use this feature.
238List of server could not be determined.
239No reconnect started (&1).
240Reconnect already in progress.
241Reconnect not started. Parameter handling failed.
242RLFW logging could not be created. &1 failed with subrc &2.
243RLFW logging could not be deleted. &1 failed with subrc &2.
244RLFW logging deleted. Job: &1, jobcount: &2.
245Dynamic call to &1 not possible.
318Error generating UUID.
331Illegal access in phase &1 on table &2 at &3
337Control: &1 &2 on &3
338RFC ping fails for &1 with rc &2
339Number of instances &1, parameters &2
340&1 returns with rc &2.
341RFC ping successful for &1
342Parameter value &1 not supported for &2.
344Instance &1: &2
345Parameter &1: &2=&3
349Input parameter (instance or parameter name) is initial.
400Check '&1' started
401Check '&1' finished.
402Current RKS level &1, new RKS level &2
403Couldn't retrieve number of instances.
404At least 2 servers are required. &1 servers are available.
405Update dispatching is active on instance &1.
406Update dispatching is inactive on instance &1.
407LIS queue is not processed with 'direct delta'.
408LIS queue is not active. Check not required.
409Check passed successfully.
410Checked failed.
411Couldn't get value of &1 on &2. rc=&3.
500Schema check: schema &1 stored (&2, &3, &4)
501Schema check: failed to store schema &1
502Schema check: failed to read schema from database (key &1).
503Schema check: schema &1 read succesfully from database.
504Schema check successful on instance &1
506Schema check: Couldnt get instance list, on &1
509Couldn't get schema of instance &1 (RFC rc=&2)
513Schema check action &1: call direct from SOI. Logfile &2
514Schema check action &1: call indirect from Report. Logfile &2
515Schema check: action &1 is not defined.
516Schema check failed for instance &1. rc=&2.
517Wrong schema &2 for instance &1.
518Schema check: name of schema was not supplied.
521Schema check: Start action &1, schema &2
531Invalid type &1 passed to validation of server groups.
534Work process type &1 is missing in server group.
536Server group &1 has all relevant work process types.
538Server group &1 has no instances.
539Server list is initial.
540Executing function &1. Log file: &2.
560Successfully updated downtime schedule &1.
561Failed to updated downtime schedule &1.
808Deactivation of RKS compatibility check in message server.
809Deactivation of RKS compatibility check finsihed successfully.
810Deactivation of RKS compatibility check failed. rc=&1
811Activation of RKS compatibility check in message server.
812Activation of RKS compatibility check finsihed successfully.
813Activation of RKS compatibility check failed. rc=&1
814Test Logon to server &1 with version &2.
815Unable to get MS subsystem state. Error &1
816Switch not possible. MS subsystem separation is inactive.
817MS subsystem separation is still active.
818MS subsytem separation is already active
819MS subsystem separation couldn't be activated. rc=&1
820Activation of MS subsystem separation.
821Switch of external visibility failed. rc=&1
822External visibility switched successfully.
823MS subsystem separation was activated successfully.
824Switch of external visibility of instances.
825Subsystem separation for level C not possible
826Server list cound not be retrieved
827Unable to get value &1 for instance &2
828AS instance &1 has not enough work processes to be added to Bridge late
829There is no AS instance with enough work processes for Bridge late
830No configuration with BTC, UPD, SPO work proc. can be found for Read only
831Impossible to change wp number for AS instance &1
832Currently AS instance &1 has 2 BTC, 2 UPD, 1 SPO, &2 DIA, &3 UPD2 wp
833Number of wp will be dynamically changed for AS instance &1
834Subsystem satisfies all required conditions of Bridge late group
835Unable to get dynamic value of WP for AS instance &1
836System separation is not active.
837Values of parameter rlfw/subsystem_separation_active
838Instance &1, Value &2
839Starting validation for server group &1. Instances:
840Number of configurable work process is not sufficient.
841Affected instance &1. Number of configurable processes &2.
842Starting work process configuration for instances:
843WP configuration changed for instance &1
844Change of WP configuration failed. Instance &1, rc=&2
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