SZDM_LOCK - To be used for messages due to read only locks
The following messages are stored in message class SZDM_LOCK: To be used for messages due to read only locks.
It is part of development package SRLFW in software component BC-CST-RL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Runlevel framework - system rl mapped to service runlevels".
It is part of development package SRLFW in software component BC-CST-RL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Runlevel framework - system rl mapped to service runlevels".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Function locked, software update running in parallel. |
002 | &1 |
170 | Action &1 is not supported by report &2. |
171 | Server &1 is assigned to group &2. |
172 | Communication error: &1; Server: &2 |
173 | Destination &1 does not exist. |
174 | You are not authorized to use &1. |
175 | Separation with action &1; version &2. |
176 | RFC_PING failed for destination &1. sy-subrc=&2. |
177 | Could not get list of servers (sy-subrc=&1) |
178 | Activation of system separation started. |
179 | Activation of system separation finished. |
180 | Deactivation of system separation started. |
181 | Deactivation of system separation finished. |
182 | RLFW_SET_SYSTEM_SEPARATION failed with sy-subrc=&1 |
183 | Validation of system separation started. |
184 | Validation of system separation finished. |
185 | Instance &1: &2=&3 |
186 | RLFW_SET_SYSTEM_SEPARATION finished with sy-subrc=&1. |
230 | Delete RLFW_PARAMETERS: &1 / &2 / &3. SY-SUBRC=&4. |
231 | Set parameter &1 to value &2 on server &3. Subrc &4. |
232 | Modify RLFW_PARAMETERS: &1 / &2 / &3 |
233 | Reconnect state could not be determined. |
234 | Reconnect state determined with value &1. |
235 | Start of reconnect failed with error message: |
236 | Reconnect started successfully. Max. runtime = &1. |
237 | Authorization check failed. Only user DDIC can use this feature. |
238 | List of server could not be determined. |
239 | No reconnect started (&1). |
240 | Reconnect already in progress. |
241 | Reconnect not started. Parameter handling failed. |
242 | RLFW logging could not be created. &1 failed with subrc &2. |
243 | RLFW logging could not be deleted. &1 failed with subrc &2. |
244 | RLFW logging deleted. Job: &1, jobcount: &2. |
245 | Dynamic call to &1 not possible. |
318 | Error generating UUID. |
331 | Illegal access in phase &1 on table &2 at &3 |
337 | Control: &1 &2 on &3 |
338 | RFC ping fails for &1 with rc &2 |
339 | Number of instances &1, parameters &2 |
340 | &1 returns with rc &2. |
341 | RFC ping successful for &1 |
342 | Parameter value &1 not supported for &2. |
344 | Instance &1: &2 |
345 | Parameter &1: &2=&3 |
346 | |
349 | Input parameter (instance or parameter name) is initial. |
400 | Check '&1' started |
401 | Check '&1' finished. |
402 | Current RKS level &1, new RKS level &2 |
403 | Couldn't retrieve number of instances. |
404 | At least 2 servers are required. &1 servers are available. |
405 | Update dispatching is active on instance &1. |
406 | Update dispatching is inactive on instance &1. |
407 | LIS queue is not processed with 'direct delta'. |
408 | LIS queue is not active. Check not required. |
409 | Check passed successfully. |
410 | Checked failed. |
411 | Couldn't get value of &1 on &2. rc=&3. |
500 | Schema check: schema &1 stored (&2, &3, &4) |
501 | Schema check: failed to store schema &1 |
502 | Schema check: failed to read schema from database (key &1). |
503 | Schema check: schema &1 read succesfully from database. |
504 | Schema check successful on instance &1 |
506 | Schema check: Couldnt get instance list, on &1 |
508 | |
509 | Couldn't get schema of instance &1 (RFC rc=&2) |
512 | |
513 | Schema check action &1: call direct from SOI. Logfile &2 |
514 | Schema check action &1: call indirect from Report. Logfile &2 |
515 | Schema check: action &1 is not defined. |
516 | Schema check failed for instance &1. rc=&2. |
517 | Wrong schema &2 for instance &1. |
518 | Schema check: name of schema was not supplied. |
521 | Schema check: Start action &1, schema &2 |
531 | Invalid type &1 passed to validation of server groups. |
534 | Work process type &1 is missing in server group. |
536 | Server group &1 has all relevant work process types. |
538 | Server group &1 has no instances. |
539 | Server list is initial. |
540 | Executing function &1. Log file: &2. |
560 | Successfully updated downtime schedule &1. |
561 | Failed to updated downtime schedule &1. |
808 | Deactivation of RKS compatibility check in message server. |
809 | Deactivation of RKS compatibility check finsihed successfully. |
810 | Deactivation of RKS compatibility check failed. rc=&1 |
811 | Activation of RKS compatibility check in message server. |
812 | Activation of RKS compatibility check finsihed successfully. |
813 | Activation of RKS compatibility check failed. rc=&1 |
814 | Test Logon to server &1 with version &2. |
815 | Unable to get MS subsystem state. Error &1 |
816 | Switch not possible. MS subsystem separation is inactive. |
817 | MS subsystem separation is still active. |
818 | MS subsytem separation is already active |
819 | MS subsystem separation couldn't be activated. rc=&1 |
820 | Activation of MS subsystem separation. |
821 | Switch of external visibility failed. rc=&1 |
822 | External visibility switched successfully. |
823 | MS subsystem separation was activated successfully. |
824 | Switch of external visibility of instances. |
825 | Subsystem separation for level C not possible |
826 | Server list cound not be retrieved |
827 | Unable to get value &1 for instance &2 |
828 | AS instance &1 has not enough work processes to be added to Bridge late |
829 | There is no AS instance with enough work processes for Bridge late |
830 | No configuration with BTC, UPD, SPO work proc. can be found for Read only |
831 | Impossible to change wp number for AS instance &1 |
832 | Currently AS instance &1 has 2 BTC, 2 UPD, 1 SPO, &2 DIA, &3 UPD2 wp |
833 | Number of wp will be dynamically changed for AS instance &1 |
834 | Subsystem satisfies all required conditions of Bridge late group |
835 | Unable to get dynamic value of WP for AS instance &1 |
836 | System separation is not active. |
837 | Values of parameter rlfw/subsystem_separation_active |
838 | Instance &1, Value &2 |
839 | Starting validation for server group &1. Instances: |
840 | Number of configurable work process is not sufficient. |
841 | Affected instance &1. Number of configurable processes &2. |
842 | Starting work process configuration for instances: |
843 | WP configuration changed for instance &1 |
844 | Change of WP configuration failed. Instance &1, rc=&2 |