S_CMI_CCV - CCV Messages

The following messages are stored in message class S_CMI_CCV: CCV Messages.
It is part of development package S_CMI_CCV in software component BC-INS-TC-CMI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Cross-Client Validation (CCV)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001RFC Communication failure; &1 &2 &3 &4
002RFC System failure; &1 &2 &3 &4
003Call function exception; &1
004validation completed successful
005No authorization for execution of cross-client validation check &1
011There are no Messages for validation results to be stored
012Validation results saved successfully
013Validation results could not be saved
014Transport is ready to release
015Exception in getting the table content. Transport object not found
016Exception in getting the table content.Read error
017Exception in getting the table content.Other Error
018Exception while getting interface implementations. Interface not exists
019Exception while getting interface implementations.Other Error
020Transport has errors, kindly validate
021No authorization for activity &2 of authorization object &1
022No entries found in table &1 for transport &2
023Error while fetching the transport content
024Invalid E071k values
025Unexpected error while accessing function module SRTT_TABLE_GET_BY_KEYLIS
026Error while reading E071k entries
027Check was successful.
028Check was not successful.
029Either content or transport number is mandatory
030No validation content specified
031No validation unique identifier specified
032No validation class name specified
033Error during communication with the target client
034Exception raised while connecting to P System: &1
035Exception during validation &1 for class &2 in client &3 of system &4
037Q system check class name is mandatory
039No logical port maintained in target configuration
100Validation of &1 keys against &2 targets was successful
101Error during validation
102Test error message for key &1
103Action cancelled because &1 targets have reported problems
104Action cancelled because target &1 - "&2" has reported problems
105Action cancelled because the current client has reported problems
106Target &1 of type &2 returned &3 messages
110Target type not specified
111Invalid target type &1
112Target of type "Current Client" but not have an ID
113Target of type &1 must have an ID
130Outbound service not found
150Error locking target table
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