The following messages are stored in message class S_LEGAL_HOLD_ARC_PRP: Nachrichtenklasse f�r Paket S_LEGAL_HOLD_ARC_PROPAGATION.
It is part of development package S_LEGAL_HOLD_ARC_PROPAGATION in software component BC-ILM-LCM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Propagation of Legal Hold Information to Archive Files".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Table &1 is inconsistent (no entry for case GUID &2 and archive key &3)
001No data for processing in table LHM_PROPAGATE
002Resource with archive key &1 not stored yet
003An exception was raised for case GUID &1 and archive key &2
004An exception was raised in method &1; for details, see application log
005Application log could not be saved to DB (reference initial)
006Propagation canceled; application log could not be created
007Update/delete failed in table &1 (case GUID: &2, archive key: &3)
008#&1 legal holds propagated successfully
009Errors occurred while propagating #&1 legal holds
010Legal hold was propagated: to-do &1, case GUID &2, archive key &3
011Legal hold propagation possible: Todo &1, case GUID &2, archive key &3
012#&1 legal holds can be propagated
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