The following messages are stored in message class S_LMCFG_CMI: .
It is part of development package S_LMCFG_CMI in software component BC-INS-TC-CMI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "System Client Management Tasks S/4HANA".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Task execution starts
002Task execution finished
003Authorization missing for execution; Object &1, ID &2
004Client &1 is not permitted
005Client Copy from &1 to &2 finished; see details (SCC3)
006Client Copy from &1 to &2 failed; see details (SCC3)
007Client copy profile &1 does not exist
008User &1: Copy in Target Client &2 finished
009Task execution failed
010Currency from source client set; &1
011Currency setting from source client not found
012Call to function &1 failed; RC &2
013Client type &1; all technical job is switched off, transaction SJOBREPO
014Client type &1; technical job setting unchanged
015Transport requests missing
016Target client missing
017&1 Addtobuffer successful
018&1 Import successful
019&1 already imported
020Client import post processing successful
021Client import post processing failed; details in SCC3
022Client profile missing
023&1 Import failed with rc:&2; check transaction STMS
024TMS secondary directory DIR_PUT enabled
025TMS secondary directory DIR_PUT disabled
026&1 Addtobuffer failed
027Profile parameter DIR_PUT missing
028Function module &1 does not exists
029Initialize Log file failed
030Transport log initialize for TP7; &1
031Delta Transport not found
032OLD or CLASSIC TP7 run found; task is skipped
033UI input is obsolete; transports are read from table scmi_buffer
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