S_UNIFIED_CON_API - Messages for API for Unified Connectivity

The following messages are stored in message class S_UNIFIED_CON_API: Messages for API for Unified Connectivity.
It is part of development package S_UNIFIED_CON_API in software component BC-MID-UCO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
000HTTP Service already exists.
001HTTP Service doesn't exist.
002HTTP Service already locked for correction.
003Central workbench check failed when adding new HTTP Service.
004HTTP Service could not be deleted.
005Header data of HTTP Service could not be read.
006Invalid Handler &1
007Invalid HTTP Service Parent Definition.
008Invalid Profile Definition.
010Customizing &1 doesn't exist
011Customizing &1 could not be transported.
012Insufficient rights to handle customizing objects.
013HTTP Customizing &1 already exists.
014Central workbench check failed when adding new Customizing object.
015Canonical URL check failed
020HTTP Profile &1 already exists.
021HTTP Profile doesn't exist.
022Central workbench check failed when adding new HTTP Profile.
023HTTP Profile &1 could not be deleted.
024Header data of HTTP Profile could not be read.
025HTTP Profile already locked for correction.
030Canonical name can no longer be changed for active http services.
035Cyclic dependency detected.
040Canonical URL &1 contains wrong character.
041Canonical URL &1 is defined in uppercase.
042Canonical URL &1 contains double slashes.
043Illegal slash at the end of the canonical URL &1
044Missing starting slash of canonical URL &1
045Canonical URL &1 is too long.
046Canonical URL &1 is already defined
047URL &1 is already defined
048URL &1 is empty
049Unknown HTTP Service &1
050Unknown Communication Assembly &1
051Failing check for Canonical URL &1
052URL &1 is already defined at service &2 or assembly &3.
053Profile already set, use enforce to set profile again.
054RFM &1 does not match allowed pattern.
055Communication assembly &1 could not be saved
060RFC Service &1 does not exist.
061RFC Service &1 already exists.
070Virtual Host &1 does not exist.
071Virtual Host &1 already exists.
072Function module does not exist.
073Unassignment of RFC service &1 failed from communication assembly &2
074Could not delete RFC service &1
075Lock for virtual host &1 can not be released.
076Virtual Host &1 already added to a correction request
077Workbench check for virtual host &1 failed.
078Could not save header for virtual host &1.
079Could not save text for virtual host &1.
080Could not save rfc data for virtual host &1.
081Could not save http data for virtual host &1.
082No permission to create, change or delete virtual host &1.
083Shorttext can not be empty.
085Invalid ICF virtual host number &2 for virtual host &1
086ICF HTTP host &2 is already assigned to virtual host &1.
087Deletion of virtual host &1 failed.
088RFC Service &1 could not be added to correction request
089RFC Service &1 could not be added to workarea.
090Update of objectlist for RFC Service &1 failed.
100Could not save header data for customizing &1
101Could not save description for customizing &1
102Could not save logon order for customizing &1
103Could not save error page information for customizing &1
104Could not save RFC scope for customizing &1
105Could not save HTTP alias data for customizing &1
106Could not save HTTP URL data for customizing &1
107Could not save RFC service assignment for customizing &1
108Could not save application data for customizing &1
110Could not save header data.
111Could not save change document
112Could not save http host names.
120Communication Assembly &1 doesn't exist.
121TADIR Error &1 when deleting communciation assembly &2.
130RFC function module &1 doesn't exist.
140TADIR Error &1 when deleting profile &2.
150Communication Assembly &1 could not be added to correction request.
151Update of objectlist for communication assembly &1 failed.
152TADIR Error &1 when saving Communicaton Assembly.
153Communication Assembly &1 already exists.
160Workbench Error: Cancel in Correction for customizing &1
161Workbench Error: Enqueued by User for customizing &1
162Workbench Error: Enqueued by System for customizing &1
163Workbench Error: Invalid Values for customizing &1
164Workbench Error: Locked by author for customizing &1
165Workbench Error: No Modify Permission for customizing &1
166Workbench Error: No Display Permission for customizing &1
167Workbench Error: Permission Error for customizing &1
168Workbench Error: Language denied for customizing &1
169Workbench Error: Customizing &1 cannot be added to transport request
170Workbench Error: Cancel in Correction for virtual host &1
171Workbench Error: Enqueued by User for virtual host &1
172Workbench Error: Enqueued by System for virtual host &1
173Workbench Error: Invalid Values for virtual host &1
174Workbench Error: Locked by author for virtual host &1
175Workbench Error: No Modify Permission for virtual host &1
176Workbench Error: No Display Permission for virtual host &1
177Workbench Error: Permission Error for virtual host &1
178Workbench Error: Language denied for virtual host &1
179Workbench Error: Virtual Host &1 cannot be added to transport request
180Workbench Error: Cancel in Correction for communication assembly &1
181Workbench Error: Enqueued by User for communication assembly &1
182Workbench Error: Enqueued by System for communication assembly &1
183Workbench Error: Invalid Values for communication assembly &1
184Workbench Error: Locked by author for communication assembly &1
185Workbench Error: No Modify Permission for communication assembly &1
186Workbench Error: No Display Permission for communication assembly &1
187Workbench Error: Permission Error for communication assembly &1
188Workbench Error: Language denied for communication assembly &1
189Workbench Check failed for communication assembly &1
190Unknown host name &1
200Invalid PARGUID.
201Invalid ICF Name.
202Alias for PARGUID &1 and ICFNAME &2 not found.
203Invalid Alias
204Deletion failed for PARGUID &1, ICF Name &2 and Alias &3
205Invalid data
206Saving Alias &1 for PARGUID &2 and ICF Name &3 failed.
220Auhorization check failed
247Insufficient authorization.
248No authorization to delete http service.
249No authorization to display communication assembly &1
250No authorization to delete communication assembly &1
251No authorization to delete profile &1.
252No authorization to create communication assembly &1.s
254No authorization to change communication assembly &1.
255Including CA must be unique
256Current CA is already included by CA &1
258Current CA is already included by CA &1
270Invalid name, allowed characters are [0-9a-zA-Z_/]
271Invalid name, allowed characters are [0-9a-zA-Z_]
300Invalid node name &1 or parguid &2.
301Activation for ICF service &1 failed.
302Deactivation for ICF Service &1 failed.
303Assignment of ICF service (&1/&2) to CA &3 failed.
304Unassignment of ICF service (&1/&2) to CA &3 failed.
305Creation of http state object failed for icf service (&1/&2).
400Function &1 does not exist or is not remote enabled.
401Functions &1 does not exists or are not remote enabled.
800Unknown ICF service &1 - &2
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