T1 - Financial instruments
The following messages are stored in message class T1: Financial instruments.
It is part of development package FTT in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading".
It is part of development package FTT in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 application development for Treasury forward trading".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ******************** Messages for Derivatives *************************** |
001 | Financial product &1 with no. &2 already exists |
002 | Financial product &1 with no. &2 does not exist |
003 | The combination of the selected entries is not useful |
004 | Transaction & does not exist in table T180 |
005 | Partner selected |
006 | Contact person already exists |
007 | Contact person does not exist |
008 | Bank details do not exist |
009 | Contact person changed |
010 | Partner does not exist |
011 | Role does not exist |
012 | No partner selected |
013 | Partner is a required field |
014 | Contact person deleted |
015 | Contact person created |
016 | Counterparty does not exist |
017 | Swap & edited |
018 | Transaction type & does not exist |
019 | You must specify either a payment amount or a percentage |
020 | Premium amount adjusted |
021 | Currency of premium taken from nominal amount |
022 | A main flow was selected as another flow |
023 | Premium amount and currency adjusted |
024 | Nominal amount changed; check premium amount |
025 | Premium currency adjusted |
026 | Select at least one flow |
027 | This flow type is not assigned to activity category & |
028 | Term from is greater than term until |
029 | Due date must be after start of term |
030 | Enter interest rate limitation |
031 | Lower limit must be smaller than upper limit |
032 | Status does not exist |
033 | Financial transaction saved under number & |
034 | Product type &1 does not belong to product category &2 &3 |
035 | No activity exists for financial transaction & (data inconsistency) |
036 | Transaction not yet fully entered |
037 | Only enter either fixed or ref. int. rate and either markup or markdown |
038 | Enter currency |
039 | Enter term |
040 | Enter interest rate |
041 | Due date is greater than end of term |
042 | 'Effective from' must be between 'Term from' and 'Term until' |
043 | One condition already exists with this 'effective from' |
044 | Due date must be after 'valid from' |
045 | Enter first due date |
046 | Enter 'valid from' for interest rate condition |
047 | No conditions selected |
048 | You cannot delete all conditions |
049 | Enter a valid other flow |
050 | Transaction does not exist or has been archived |
051 | Enter payment amount |
052 | Enter payment date |
053 | Enter end of first interest period |
054 | End of period must be after start of term |
055 | End of period must be after 'valid from' (&) |
056 | Enter EITHER a monthly OR a daily frequency |
057 | Enter direction of payment |
058 | 'TERM FROM' must be before first 'VALID FROM' |
059 | 'TERM UNTIL' must be after last 'VALID FROM' |
060 | Enter an amount |
061 | No interest condition type assigned to the transaction type |
062 | Transaction cannot be created without interest condition type |
063 | Choose a condition type for the interest |
064 | Enter direction of payment |
065 | Main flows for transaction not correctly maintained |
066 | No contract condition allocated to transaction |
067 | Choose contract condition type |
068 | Transaction cannot be created without contract condition type |
069 | Warning: Reference interest rate changes without int.rate adjustment date |
070 | Enter an amount |
071 | Same currencies, different amounts |
072 | Move cursor to INCOMING or OUTGOING INTEREST |
073 | No interest rate adjustment defined for the transaction |
074 | Settlement saved under number & |
075 | Activity does not exist |
076 | Function not possible for this transaction |
077 | Activity has the wrong category |
078 | Create transaction in activity category & |
079 | Transaction belongs to activity category & |
080 | Activity category & not defined for this transaction |
081 | The CAP/FLOOR indicator is not maintained for this product type |
082 | No premium condition type assigned to the transaction type |
083 | Choose premium condition type |
084 | Transaction cannot be created without premium condition type |
085 | Assign a processing category to transaction type & |
086 | Assign a transaction category to transaction type & |
087 | No int. rate adjustment condition type assigned to the transaction type |
088 | Choose interest rate adjustment condition type |
089 | Transaction cannot be created without int. rate adjustment condition type |
090 | No nominal flow type is assigned to the outgoing side |
091 | Choose flow type for nominal amount of outgoing interest |
092 | Transaction cannot be created without flow type for nominal amount |
093 | No nominal flow type is assigned to the incoming side |
094 | Choose flow type for nominal amount of incoming interest |
095 | Flow type not defined |
096 | Flow type not assigned to transaction type |
097 | Flow type not allowed here |
098 | Flow type may not be used on this side of transaction |
099 | Contract date is after current date |
100 | &! |
101 | Enter a time that is smaller than & |
102 | No interest condition type is assigned to outgoing interest |
103 | Choose condition type for outgoing interest |
104 | No interest condition type is assigned to incoming interest |
105 | Choose condition type for incoming interest |
106 | No contract condition type is assigned to outgoing interest |
107 | Choose contract condition type for outgoing interest |
108 | No contract condition type is assigned to incoming interest |
109 | Choose contract condition type for incoming interest |
110 | No int. rate adjustment condition type assigned for outgoing interest |
111 | Choose int. rate adjustment condition type for outgoing interest |
112 | No int. rate adjustment condition type assigned for incoming interest |
113 | Choose int. rate adjustment condition type for incoming interest |
114 | No flow type for premium |
115 | Choose flow type for the premium |
116 | Transaction cannot be created without flow type for premium |
117 | No flow type for nominal amount |
118 | Choose flow type for nominal amount |
119 | Transaction cannot be created without flow type for nominal amount |
120 | No contract condition type is assigned to the transaction type |
121 | Choose one condition type for the contract data |
122 | Unable to create transaction without contract condition type |
123 | No discount condition type assigned to the transaction type |
124 | Choose discount condition type |
125 | Transaction cannot be created without discount terms type |
126 | Currency entered does not correspond to the reference interest rate (&) |
127 | Interest calculation method entered does not match the ref. int. rate |
128 | No calendar entered for reference interest rate |
129 | No interest calculation method entered for reference interest rate |
130 | Currency swap indicator not set |
131 | Enter different currencies |
132 | No flow type for forex purchase |
133 | Choose flow type for forex purchase |
134 | Transaction cannot be created without flow type for forex purchase |
135 | No flow type for forex sale |
136 | Choose flow type for forex sale |
137 | Transaction cannot be created without flow type for forex sale |
138 | End of term too small (already posted/released flows exist) |
139 | Nominal amount changes only possible after & |
140 | No flows to be released for the transaction |
141 | No account assignment reference assigned to the transaction |
142 | You are entered as the last editor of the transaction |
143 | No nominal flow type is assigned to the transaction type |
144 | Choose a flow type for the nominal amount |
145 | No flow type for option premium |
146 | Choose flow type for option premium |
147 | Transaction cannot be created without flow type for option premium |
148 | Move cursor to corresponding area |
149 | No flow type for cash settlement |
150 | Choose flow type for cash settlement |
151 | Transaction cannot be edited without flow type for cash settlement |
152 | No flow type for position change |
153 | Choose flow type for position change |
154 | Transaction cannot be created without flow type for position change |
155 | No flows can be blocked for transaction |
156 | Exercise date not yet reached |
157 | Exercise date exceeded |
158 | No underlying assigned to transaction |
159 | Internal number assignment necessary for underlying transaction number |
160 | No need to save; no changes made |
161 | Transaction no longer active |
162 | Error when updating calendar |
163 | Activity reversed! Can only be displayed |
164 | An exercise transaction still exists |
165 | Interest settlement activities are still active |
166 | Error when generating ALV field catalog |
167 | Activity already reversed |
168 | Interest settlements already exist for this transaction |
169 | Not all selected flows could be deleted |
170 | No history exists |
171 | No flow type for purchase/sale flow |
172 | Choose flow type for purchase/sale flow |
173 | Transaction cannot be created without flow type for purchase/sale flow |
174 | Option already exercised |
175 | Option already expired |
176 | Saving transaction & was not completed |
177 | Interest rate adjustment date must be after 'valid from' (&) |
178 | Interest fixing date must be after 'valid from' (&) |
179 | Error in net present value calculation (&) |
180 | Not all interest calculations have been made |
181 | No knock-in level entered yet |
182 | No knock-out level entered yet |
183 | Enter a reference interest rate |
184 | Transaction is not a forex transaction |
185 | No transaction was found for the selection criteria |
186 | Product category & is not supported as an underlying |
187 | Evaluation type & does not exist |
188 | Evaluation type &1 is not assigned to product type &2 |
189 | Product type & is not assigned to any evaluation type |
190 | No. of days for fixing do not match reference interest rate (&) |
191 | Calendars entered do not match reference interest rate (&) |
192 | No items have been selected |
193 | With activity & transaction is complete |
194 | Transaction has already been terminated |
195 | Transition from &1 to &2 is not permitted for this transaction |
196 | Enter premuium currency and amount |
197 | At least one order position must exist |
198 | There are only &2 positions in security account &1 |
199 | The are no positions in security account &1 |
200 | Flow type for chosen status type not permitted |
201 | Flow type is main flow |
202 | No status created for this request |
203 | Define settlement before exercising |
204 | Calendar &1 has only been maintained up to year &2 |
205 | Activity reversed; transaction no longer active |
206 | Financial transaction &1 saved with underlying &2 |
207 | End of exercise period not yet reached |
208 | Exercise date not yet exceeded |
209 | Expiration period is exceeded |
210 | Premium has no payment date |
211 | 'Start of lead time' later than 'End of hedging period' |
212 | 'Start of lead time' same as 'Start of hedging period' |
213 | 'Start of hedging period' later than/same as 'End of hedging period' |
214 | 'Start of lead time' later than 'Start of hedging period' |
215 | No premium percentage rate or amount determined |
216 | Fixing date cannot fall after start of hedging period |
217 | Termination date falls after or at end of contract term (&) |
218 | Termination date falls before or on contract start date (&) |
219 | Flows exist that were posted after & |
220 | Order execution is outside validity period &1 to &2 |
221 | Activity does not allow a termination |
222 | There are interest rate adjustments after termination date |
223 | Termination date is later than start of hedging period |
224 | Inconsistency for interest rate adjustment date &1 of transaction &2 |
225 | There are no interest rate adjustment dates for the given selections |
226 | Error when generating the dynamic field selection for & |
227 | Contract date must lie between start and end of term of the order |
228 | Product type & does not belong to OTC interest rate instruments |
229 | Transaction is not an OTC interest rate instrument |
230 | Activity is not defined for the transaction |
231 | No currency entered for the reference interest rate |
232 | Termination only possible after & |
233 | Enter a flow type |
234 | Enter the currency |
235 | Changes to the nominal amount only possible before & |
236 | Transaction &1 has already been replaced |
237 | There are no interest adjustment details |
238 | No calendar is assigned to the currency |
239 | Premium has no 'effective from' date |
240 | Error when calling up correspondence |
241 | Interest rate adjustment exists |
242 | No notice planned for this product category |
243 | Subsequent interest settlements still exist |
244 | Total nominal amount is 0 or less |
245 | Accrual/deferral flows already exist for a later date |
246 | More than one int. rate adj. condition type assigned to the trans. type |
247 | Inconsistent default settings of reference interest data for &1 and &2 |
248 | More than one nominal flow type assigned to the transaction type |
249 | Transaction already settled |
250 | Enter exercise period that is later/same as the contract date |
251 | Exercise date must be later/same as the contract date |
252 | Enter an exercise date that is earlier/same as exercise period |
253 | Unable to reverse corporate action & for OTC underlyings |
254 | Interest formulas are not supported |
255 | Non-variable interest calculated for transaction |
256 | Unable to find any open interest rate adjustments |
257 | Unable to find any interest rate adjustments |
258 | Transaction not supported for this product category |
259 | Interest rate adjustments already exist |
260 | No incoming contract condition type is assigned to the transaction type |
261 | No outgoing contract condition type is assigned to the transaction type |
262 | Choose a condition type for the incoming contract data |
263 | Choose a condition type for the outgoing contract data |
264 | Change to nominal amount greater or equal to term end is not permitted |
265 | Data not converted or not fully converted |
266 | No flows exist that are relevant for accrual/deferral |
267 | The premium is not posted yet |
268 | No additional data exists for product type &1 |
269 | Changes to the first interest rate condition were not transferred |
270 | No previous price found |
271 | An average fixing plan has not yet been entered |
272 | An underlying already exists with currency USD |
273 | Financial transaction &1 saved with underlyings &2 and &3 |
274 | Transaction &1/&2: Last fixing date was not on option expiry date |
275 | No flow type for commodity forward purchase |
276 | Choose flow type for commodity forward purchase |
277 | Transaction cannot be created without flow type for commod. fwd purchase |
278 | No flow type for commodity forward sale |
279 | Choose flow type for commodity forward sale |
280 | Price unit &1 is not assigned to currency &2 |
281 | There are different price units for the cash settlement and commodity |
282 | Transaction cannot be created without flow type for commodity fwd sale |
283 | Transaction not in activity Order |
284 | Transaction does not allow / require a settlement |
285 | Termination date falls after contract term (&) |
286 | No Fixing Reference ID exists for currency pair &1/&2. |
287 | Settlement is still open with Due Date &1 |
288 | Release open since & |
289 | Posting release open (due date &) |
290 | Financial Transaction &1 is part of a hedging relationship &2 |
291 | Fixing is still open (due date &) |
292 | Termination missing (&1/&2); termination date: &3 |
293 | Settlement is still open with Contract Date &1 |
294 | Transaction release is open (start of term &) |
295 | Using option "Open Days After Start of Term" for transaction release |
296 | FX rate fixings already exist |
297 | Using option "Open Days Before Contract Date" for settlement |
298 | Product type &1 is not supported or supported as an underlying |
299 | Function is only supported for Swaps using new FiMa (parallel conditions) |
301 | Error when transferring fields table T056R to AT56R (Update) |
302 | Transfer fields T056R to At56R successfully implemented |
303 | Error when transferring fields table T056R to AT56R (INSERT) |
304 | Implementation of end of term for OTC options successful |
305 | Error in implementation of end of term for OTC options |
306 | Implementation of end of term for forex transactions successful |
307 | Error in implementation of end of term for forex transactions |
308 | Transaction not permitted |
309 | Case not permitted |
310 | Reading data for transaction &1, company code &2 |
311 | Recording cash settlement for transaction &1, company code &2 |
312 | *** Processing transaction &1, company code &2 *** |
313 | >>> Start of mass cash settlement run <<< |
314 | >>> End of mass cash settlement run <<< |
315 | DCS missing in master data of commodity &1 |
316 | No price found for DCS &1, MIC &2, time to mat. &3, pr. type &4 |
317 | No price found for price date &1 |
318 | Price type not found for company &1, bus. partner &2, commodity &3 |
319 | Time to maturity not found for company &1, bus. partner &2, commodity &3 |
320 | Price must be unique for DCS &1, MIC &2, time to mat. &3, pr. type &4 |
321 | Currency &1 of market price must be identical with contract currency &2 |
322 | Existing cash settlement will be overwritten |
323 | Processing transaction &1, company code &2, was successful |
324 | Transaction &1, company code &2, was not updated due to errors |
325 | &1 is not a valid ISIN Code |
326 | &1 is not a valid CFI Code |
327 | Derived CFI Code &1 differs from current CFI Code &2 |
350 | 'Effective from' must be before 'term up to' |
351 | 'Effective from' < 'term from' is not assigned to a non-rel. nominal flow |
352 | Transaction type is not assigned to a capitalized interest payment flow |
353 | Enter a rounding unit for this calculation type |
354 | Interest payment date & does not correspond with cap. int. payment date |
355 | Calendar is required for this interest calculation method |
356 | No new condition can be added (no valid day for a new condition exists) |
357 | Condition type could not be determined; check the Customizing settings |
358 | Not possible to use both fix and var. interest in first condition |
359 | No new condition can be added (no more valid calc. basis for this cond.) |
400 | "Interest Rate" empty; interest rate 0 will be applied |
412 | Contract conclusion date is different to limit date |
413 | Contract conclusion date is not before limit date |
450 | Financial transaction has no variable commodity prices |
451 | Unable to find any open commodity price adjustments |
452 | Unable to find any commodity price adjustments |
460 | Financial transaction has no variable securities prices |
461 | Unable to find any open securities price adjustments |
462 | Unable to find any securities price adjustments |
463 | Financial transaction has no foreign exchange rates |
464 | Unable to find any foreign exchange rate adjustments |
465 | Unable to find any open foreign exchange rate adjustments |
500 | *********** Hierarchy maintenance tools (500 - 549) ******************** |
501 | Select a valid function |
502 | Error while deleting hierarchy; activity canceled |
503 | Unable to delete risk hierarchy & |
504 | Risk hierarchy & successfully deleted |
505 | Error while creating hierarchy; activity canceled |
506 | Unable to create risk hierarchy & |
507 | Risk hierarchy & successfully created |
508 | Maintain texts before creating hierarchy |
509 | Risk hierarchy & does not exist |
510 | Error while saving hierarchy; activity canceled |
511 | Unable to save risk hierarchy & |
512 | Risk hierarchy & successfully saved |
513 | Risk hierarchy maintenance exited without saving |
514 | Only display possible; edit function is blocked by another user |
515 | Enter risk type |
516 | Risk type does not exist; enter it again |
517 | Choose risk node |
518 | Maintain texts before saving hierarchy |
519 | Error: Risk hierarchy cannot be edited |
520 | Risk hierarchy locked by another user; save not possible |
521 | Risk hierarchy & already exists |
522 | Tree structure for risk hierarchy & does not exist; choose "Create" |
523 | Deleting root node destroys tree structure; deletion not permitted |
524 | Error when copying the hierarchy; activity canceled |
525 | Risk hierarchy &1 successfully copied to &2 |
526 | Action canceled |
527 | Risk hierarchies successfully transferred to new structures |
528 | Hierarchy tree contains no root nodes; tree will be determined again |
529 | Hierarchy tree contains no root nodes; display not possible |
530 | Risk hierarchy & not saved |
531 | Risk hierarchy maintenance is currently locked by another user |
532 | Risk hierarchy & is consistent |
533 | Risk hierarchy & is inconsistent |
534 | Error occurred during hierarchy check |
535 | Cap strike smaller/same as floor strike |
536 | Enter a reference interest rate |
537 | No interest condition type assigned to the transaction type |
538 | More than one interest condition type assigned to the transaction type |
579 | No entries available |
700 | Error when reading the relevant activity for activity & |
701 | Error when reading the conditions for transaction & |
702 | Error when reading the nominal flows for transaction & |
703 | Error when generating the interest formula for transaction & |
705 | Internal error |
802 | No convertible data exists |
803 | FRA &1 &2 &3 has no financial mathematical flow |
804 | Error when converting database |
805 | Database update error occurred |
806 | In client &1, company codes &2, &3 FRAs were successfully converted |
807 | No data was converted |