T5 - SAPphone: Nachrichten f�r Telephony

The following messages are stored in message class T5: SAPphone: Nachrichten f�r Telephony.
It is part of development package SPHO in software component BC-SRV-COM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SAPphone: Telephone integration".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** Messages for SAPphone ***
001Specify a number
002Telephone/fax codes not defined for country/area code &1
003Telephone number could not be converted to canonical format
004Error while creating note (&1 - see long text)
005Call object could not be linked to note (&1 - see long text)
006Call initiated (number=&1, ID=&2, server=&3)
007System error: &1
008Communication error: Connection to telephone cannot be created
009Connection to &1 could not be created
010SAPphone &1: &2 (0x&3)
011Incompatible version of SAPphone work station programs (&1)
012Incompatible version of TAPI programs (&1)
013Invalid telephone number (&1)
014Function not supported at present (0x&1)
015No response received from telephone system (timeout)
016No suitable telephone software available (0x&1)
017TAPI initialization (work center) failed (0x&1)
018Call was terminated
019Function cannot be executed (for example, no call is currently active)
020Error while converting telephone number (Sy-Subrc=&1)
021Access to the telephone network failed (0x&1)
022The call could not be initialized (0x&1)
023SAPphone &1: OLE error (&2 (0x&3))
024Specify a valid RFC destination
025Line ID &1 entered is invalid
026Work center ID could not be determined
027Specify a valid country/area code
028No telephony server is assigned to work center &1
029No RFC destination is assigned to telephony server &1
030Telephone number &1 is not in canonical format
031Telephony server &1 is not active at present
032Extension &1 is not registered with telephony server
033Number &1 contains invalid special characters
034No telephone number entered
035No extension entered
036Area code and connection cannot be identified in &1
037The full length of the number (&1) is too big (> 30 places)
038Version &1 of ext. telephony server has incorrect format
039No work center with extension &2 exists for server &1
040A call already exists, you cannot therefore initiate a new call
041The RFC destination entered does not exist.
042RFC destination cannot be tested due to internal error
043There is no active call to which you can return
044No current calls found
045No call selected. This function can only be executed for active calls.
046Background server (&1) already exists
047No numbers for transfer w/o pick-up have been maintained for user &1
048No call center password or user has been maintained for user &1
049No server exists for batch operations
050This deflect number exists already
051You do not have authorization to change the settings
052Data could not be saved
053Telephone number could not be assigned
054Specify a work center ID
055Operation canceled by user
056Error writing telephony settings in table
057Data locked by another user
058No version specified for telephony server: Test connection (SPHB)
059Error deleting old work center settings
060Error creating new work center settings
061Work center settings could not be changed or created
062Settings entered successfully.
063Settings for work center &1 have not been maintained
064Specify telephone number and telephony server
065Settings for user &1 have not been maintained
066Selected work center ID exists already
067Processing of incoming calls for &1 could not be saved
068Error while deleting assignment of address areas to &1
069Error while saving assignment of address area &1 to &2
070Error while deleting assignment for application to &1 (ID &2)
071Error while creating assignment for application &1 to &2
072Application is already assigned to user.
073Settings were deleted.
074Settings could not be deleted.
075Telephony server &1 does not exist in system
076No setting created by &1 can be applied
077Settings already exist but they cannot be applied
078No settings exist
079Server already exists either in SAPphone or SAPconnect.
080Specify a server name
081More than one telephone number determined, see table
082Version changed
083Specify a task number
084Specify a language key
085Error while accessing telephony software: Test is not possible
086Connection test successful. Compatibility cannot be checked: No version
087Test can only be executed for current work center
088No work center has these settings
089No user has these settings
090Enter expiration time
091No tasks assigned to user &1
092ID &1 is already assigned to one work center
093Settings already exist for user &1
094Specify a user name
095No calls for this work center exist at present
096Telephone number is too long. Maximum: &1 digits.
097Error while exchanging data with external telephony software
098This function is not available for this node
099Server cannot be deleted - used in work center settings
100No area code can be selected - no telephony server maintained
101Call from &1, company &2, telephone (&3 ) &4
102No person or company found for address number &1
103No recipient could be determined for call to number &1
104Express message could not be sent to recipient &1
105No called telephone number entered for the incoming call
106Dialed number &1 could not be assigned to a telephony server
107No agent found currently working at work center &1
108Dialed telephone number &1 is not assigned to a work center
109The settings for &1 specify that incoming calls are not displayed
110No caller data found for telephone number &1
111No calls found which could not be assigned
112Work center &1 does not support processing of incoming calls
113Call from tel. no. &1 (caller unknown)
114Incoming call (caller unknown)
115Select an entry
116Data for this call is no longer available
117Unfinished call still exists for work center &1
118Application &1 cannot be selected by user &2
119Current version of SAPphone RFC interface: &1
120You cannot maintain this work center (user responsible: &1)
121Work center settings must be completed
122The selected pattern &1 does not exist
123You have not yet maintained your work center settings
124&1 is not a valid user name (does not exist in user administration)
125Error: No work center selected or determined by system
126Error: No user selected or determined by system
127No SAPphone settings exist for user &1
128&1 does not have authorization to execute task &2 specified in template
129Work center ID &1 could not be saved on terminal
130SAPphone is not supported on your PC platform (not WIN32)
131Connection test is required before status can be set to 'Ready'
132Selected application could not be started
133External program does not support this function (version < &1)
134A work center with telephone &1 and server &2 exists already
135Specified telephone number not allowed
136Select an entry
137Specify a group description
138This number group description already exists.
139Entry &1 does not exist; use the F4 input help
140Data was saved
141Choose a valid line
142Change the language: Only one entry per language is permitted
143Deflect number group deleted
144Number group description is not maintained in the logon language
145Function terminated by user
146Enter country/area code
147Select at least one entry for the number group
148Only one replacement number can be specified for each number replaced
149Unknown error occurred (see long text)
150***Messages for XPRA report
151XPRA report &1 is not valid for original release &2
152XPRA report &1 executed successfully
153XPRA report &1 cannot be executed online
154XPRA report &1: Database error during &2 for table &3
155XPRA report &1 is not valid for original release &2
156No buffer for this call (maybe already released)
159Wait mode ended with unknown reason code: Inform vendor
160No further callers exist
161Enter password consistently
162Caution: This transaction is only released for test purposes.
163Wait session terminated for the following reason: &1
164Save settings first
165Function not possible: Internal error or database inconsistency
166Specified name does not exist
167The specified user does not exist
168Specify extension and user
169Settings for user &1 have been made
170Version from connection test is not used in display mode
171User &1: No authorization for extension &2 + server &3
172Server &: Corresponding alert monitor object could not be deleted
173Server &: Corresponding alert monitor object could not be deleted
174Extension group cannot be deleted because it is being used!
175Number group cannot be deleted because it is being used!
176Specify at least one language-dependent description
177Specify at least one language-dependent description
178Extension cannot be deleted because it is being used!
179No data exists
180Select a return code
181Select an active call and a call on hold
182Do not use an existing user name for a template
183Configuration error: Work center invalid for user &1 (long text)
184Internal error
185No telephone number is maintained for the address selected.
186A template already exists with the name &1
187There can only be one user responsible for each work center
188No telephone number has been maintained for ACD functions
189The specified call ID is not valid. Refresh call overview
190The function could not completely carried out (long text)
191Select the call for which the action is to be performed
192Select two calls only
193New session cannot be opened: User interface not started
194Telephone number cannot contain a country code; check the number
195The call has to be in status &1 for the action to be executed
196Communication error: Connection to external program cannot be established
197Last number deleted, connection to ANI cannot be saved
200*** Trace entries for predictive dialing *************
201PD list with &1 entries received
202Define RFC destination and server
203 RFC destination: &1
204 Server: &1 - &2
205 Terminal ID could not be determined from GUI
206 No work center information maintained in the SAP system
207 No server entered for work center
208 Specified server does not exist
209 No RFC destination maintained for server
210 No telephone number maintained for work center
211 Error while determining RFC destination or server
212Address: &1 &2 &3 not found
213Address: No telephone number found for &1 &2 &3
214Conversion error for telephone number &1
215 for address &1 &2 &3.
216Error in object link:
218&1 new call IDs created
219Call from: &1
220Return code for function &1: &2
221 ObjTyp: &1
222 ObjKey: &1
223 LogSys: &1
224Number of calls from 'BINARY_RELATION_CREATE' = &1.
225No dialer exists; enter a dialer in SAPphone system administration
226No dialer chosen
227A dialer has to be specified for processing in batch mode
228Planned call does not exist in a dialer and therefore cannot be deleted
229Dialer for planned call deletion (&1) deleted
230Dialer for planned call modification (&1) deleted
231Dialer (&1) for detemining assigned campaigns deleted
232Server cannot be renamed as it is still be actively used as a dialer
233Server cannot be deleted as it is still actively used as a dialer
234Dialer flag cannot be deleted as it is still actively used as a dialer
235Server/dialer &1 does not exist in the system
236The function could not completely carried out (long text)
237Only specify one object instance in CAD for this function
238Planned call does not exist in any dialer, no campaign can be determined
239Dialer function cannot be executed with server &1 as no dialer available
240Function cannot be executed with dialer &1 as this dialer is not active
241Cannot identify country code in telephone number &1
250Contact person has no telephone number; company number is displayed
300*** Trace entries for inbound calls ************
301Inbound call received:
302 REMOTE_PARTY: '&1'
303 DNIS: '&1'
305 SERVER_NAME: '&1'
306 HANDLE: '&1'
307 PROTOCOL: '&1'
308Entries in table EXTCALLS:
309Entries in table CALLDATA:
310Table EXTCALLS: No entries
311Table CALLDATA: No entries
312Inbound call ended:
500Specify a site name
501Site &1 already exists, enter a different name
502Select a valid object
503Select a site
504Site '&1' cannot be deleted because subobjects exist
505Function not available for selected object
506Select a server
507Select the entry 'Server' in the required site
508'&1' has been created as a template and cannot be maintained as a user
509'&1' has been created as a user and cannot be maintained as a template
510'&1' not found
511Site &1 does not exist
512No work center with number &1, server &2 found
513Inserting number range only possible with numbers
514Number/user group &1 already exists in site &2
515Number &1 already exists in a number/user group
516Number &1 already exists in 'All other numbers'
517The specified user &1 does not exist
518Specify site or server AND extension or user
519Server &1 does not exist
520RFC destination is initial, specify a new or existing RFC destination
521Specified RFC destination does not exist
522Internal error occurred when creating RFC destination &1
523Error text is also displayed here
524Configuration table does not contain data records
525Configuration table contains more than one data record
526Error occurred when accessing configuration database
527Mode saved
528Information text not found
529Registry read error
530Error when determining path of external program
531Error occurred during existence check of external software component
532No site or server passed
600Statistics module ---------------------------------
601Statistical data not uploaded from server &1 as server not active
602Statistical data not uploaded from server &1 as no stats. server exists
603No statistics server specified, function terminated
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