T8 - Analysis system evaluations
The following messages are stored in message class T8: Analysis system evaluations.
It is part of development package FTD in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 Application development for Treasury foreign exchange".
It is part of development package FTD in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 Application development for Treasury foreign exchange".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Enter complete transaction |
002 | Evaluation type & not defined |
003 | Volatilities not maintained for vol.type &1 for ref.int. &2, scenario &3 |
004 | No data for vola. interpolation, scenario &1, vol.type &2, ref.int. &3 |
005 | Product type & cannot be evaluated at present |
006 | For transaction &1 ( &2 ), amount could not be translated from &3 into &4 |
007 | Transaction &: ref.interest rate sign is not maintained (it is set as +) |
008 | Specify a scenario |
009 | Scenario & already exists |
010 | Scenario & does not exist |
011 | Scenario & is already included in the analysis |
012 | Volatilities for vol.type &1, ref. int. &2 not uptodate |
013 | Trans. &: Flow excluded from valuation due to missing int. rate adjust. |
014 | Transaction &: variable reference interest rate cannot be determined |
015 | Error in calculation of transaction & |
016 | Error in calculation of transaction & (fictitious 1) |
017 | Error in calculation of transaction & (fictitious 2) |
018 | Underlying in & could not be discounted; default curve is missing |
019 | Error in calculating security position, sec.acct. &1, class &2 |
020 | Product type & not permitted |
021 | Discounting factor is missing for curve type &1 in currency &2 |
022 | Reference interest rate not found |
023 | Scenario: &1 Exchange rate &2 / &3 missing |
024 | Bond &: Error in flow data; too many currencies |
025 | NPV could not be calculated |
026 | Interest day rule & is unknown |
027 | Security ID number &1; translation &2 into &3 contains errors |
028 | Error in calculation of loan & |
029 | Effective interest rate 'REAL' scenario: & cannot be calculated |
030 | Effective interest rate FIKTIV1 for scenario; cannot calculate & |
031 | Effective interest rate FIKTIV2 for scenario; cannot calculate & |
032 | NPV calculation option: negative term |
033 | NPV calculation option: domestic interest rate & is negative |
034 | NPV calculation option : foreign interest rate & is negative |
035 | NPV calculation option : no (incorrect) ID for in / out |
036 | NPV calculation option no. & : no (incorrect) ID for put / call |
037 | NPV calculation option no. & : no (incorrect) ID for up/down |
038 | NPV calculation, option no. &1 : spot rate &2 is less than/equal to 0 |
039 | NPV calc. option no. &1 : exercise/strike price &2 is less than/equal to |
040 | NPV calculation, option no. &1 : volatility &2 is less than/equal to 0 |
041 | Effective rate calculation option no. & : negative barrier value |
042 | Effective rate calculation, option number & : negative term |
043 | Effect.rate calculation option no. &1: domestic interest rate &2 negative |
044 | Eff. rate calculation option no. &1: foreign interest rate &2 is negative |
045 | Effective rate calculation option no. & : no (incorrect) ID for in/out |
046 | Effective rate calculation option no. & : no (incorrect) ID for put/call |
047 | Effective rate calculation option no. & : no (incorrect) ID for up/down |
048 | Effective rate calc. option no. &1 : spot rate &2 is less than/equal to 0 |
049 | Eff. rate calc. option no. &1 : ex./strike price &2 less than/equal to 0 |
050 | Effective rate calc. option number &1: volatility &2 less than/equal to 0 |
051 | Effective rate calculation option no. &: error while converting currency |
052 | Valuation option no. &1: OOSIGN (&2) or SFGTYP (&3) incorrect. maintained |
053 | Flow type &1 not defined for contract type &2 |
054 | Flow type &1 not defined for contract type &2 |
055 | Transaction & contains formula, cannot be evaluated at present |
056 | Loan & contains formula, cannot be evaluated at present |
057 | No price found for security &1 price type &2 stock exchange &3 |
058 | Price quotation not up-to-date for class ID &1, exchange &2, rate type &3 |
059 | Option no. & valued as standard option, since barrier <= 0 |
060 | Option no. &1: Option category &2 cannot be valued as an American option |
061 | No volatilities for scenario &1, curve &2 in currency &3 |
062 | No data for vola interpolation, scenario &1, curve &2 in currency &3 |
063 | Security pos sec.acct. &1, class &2 contains formula, not yet evaluated |
064 | Go to calculated NPV in area headed Real, Fictitious1 or Fictitious2! |
065 | No substitute volatility found for option on security number & |
066 | Result for transaction &1 per date &2 taken from price table |
067 | Result for sec. ID no.&1, sec. acct &2 per date &3 taken from price table |
068 | Specify a scenario type |
069 | Horizon must be greater than start date |
070 | &1 and &2 are not defined in the leading currency table |
071 | Enter a bid rate |
072 | Enter an ask rate |
073 | Yield curve type & has already been entered |
074 | Currency & has already been entered |
075 | Enter a currency |
076 | Specify a term or expiration date |
077 | Specify a volatility |
078 | Specify a volatility (ask rate) |
079 | Volatilities will also be deleted |
080 | There are no volatilities maintained for currencies &1/&2 |
081 | Selection invalid |
082 | Yield curve &1 is not maintained for currency &2 |
083 | There is no evaluation method maintained for yield curve & |
084 | Reference currency changed, data will be inconsistent! |
085 | Specify a barrier |
086 | No bid curve is maintained for the evaluation type |
087 | No ask curve is maintained for the evaluation type |
088 | Choose a yield curve |
089 | Scenario &1 is already being edited by user &2 |
090 | System error while blocking scenario & |
091 | No interest rate volatilities are maintained for scenario & |
092 | Place cursor on yield curve |
093 | You cannot specify volatilities for the reference currency |
094 | The system was unable to select any transactions |
095 | Currency &1 is not maintained in scenario &2 |
096 | Specify a yield curve type |
097 | Yield curve &1 &2 has already been entered |
098 | Horizon &1 is later than hedge date &2 |
099 | Calculation is not possible; enter the fixed side |
100 | Specify a volitility type |
101 | Indicator for cap/floor is not maintained in prod. table; set to cap |
102 | Volatility &1 &2 &3 has already been entered |
103 | Specify a reference interest rate |
104 | Horizon &1 is greater than end of underlying period &2 |
105 | Select a maximum of 16 yield curves |
106 | Error occurred for the interest shift with ID & |
107 | Specify a percentage rate |
108 | Shift could not be executed for rule ID & |
109 | Reference date must be between from-date and to-date |
110 | Specify the horizon and evaluation date |
111 | Horizon must be greater than or equal to date of evaluation |
112 | Horizon must be before or the same as the "date to" ( & ) |
113 | Horizon must be after or the same as the "evaluation as at" date ( & ) |
114 | "Date from" must be after or the same as the "evaluation as at" ( & ) |
115 | "Date to" must be after or the same as the "date from" ( & ) |
116 | No evaluation category is maintained for scenario type & |
117 | Security ID number: & Error in accrued interest calculation |
118 | "Evaluation as at" must be before or the same as the current date ( & ) |
119 | Error in & in underlying calculation |
120 | Enter a price/rate type |
121 | Method &1 not available for option &2 on underlying |
122 | Method &1 is currently not available for product type &2 |
123 | Negative interest rates occurred due to shift for curve &1 currency &2 |
124 | Price/NPV of underlying is not available |
125 | Enter the nominal amount of the underlying |
126 | Enter the number of units for the underlying |
127 | Enter the reference interest rate |
128 | Swaptions on non-standard swaps cannot be calculated at present |
129 | American-style option cannot be valued |
130 | Ref.int.rate &1 is referred to several times, yield curve &2 is used |
131 | Flow data of the underlying contains different currencies |
132 | Flow data of the underlying contains different reference interest rates |
133 | Flow data of the underlying has different nominal amounts |
134 | Specify an index |
135 | Scenario type & is not available |
136 | Scenario type & is not included |
137 | You have no authorization for scenario type & |
138 | You have no authorization for scenario type & |
139 | You are not authorized for scenario &1 (authorization group &2) |
140 | Incomplete master record for security & |
141 | There are no curve parameters for curve type &1 and currency &2 |
142 | Error in PV calculation |
143 | Specify display currency |
144 | Specify an index value |
145 | Index & has already been entered |
146 | No indices have been maintained for scenario & |
147 | IRG can only be calculated if fixing <= end of option |
148 | Contract type & cannot be evaluated at present |
149 | No index volatilities have been maintained for scenario & |
150 | Always enter a target currency for exchange rate shift |
151 | Always enter a reference currency for yield curve shift |
152 | Specify up to four grid points maximum for each axis |
153 | Bid rate &1 / &2 from &3 is missing |
154 | Ask rate &1 / &2 from &3 is missing |
155 | Convexity adjustment calc. for ref. IR &1: term &2 days are too short |
156 | No market data is available for index &1 (index type &2) |
157 | Enter an increment |
158 | Error while translating currency &1 into currency &2 |
159 | Standard yield curve(s) has been changed |
160 | Error while calculating cash flows (Cash Management) |
161 | NPV for & is zero so there are no sensitivities |
162 | Bond option &1: Underlying (Sec.ID &2) unit-quoted, no. of units 0 |
163 | No market data is available for volatility type &1 for index &2 |
164 | End of period is in the future |
165 | Transaction &1: Fixing entered though fixing date &2 is after current &3 |
166 | Index &1 is not defined for scenario &2 |
167 | No volatilities maintained for index & |
168 | Stock option &1: Underlying (Sec.ID No. &2) Units 0 |
169 | No data for vola interpolation, scenario &1, volatility type &2 |
170 | Interest calculation method is missing |
171 | Effective-from date for result must be greater than/same as starting date |
172 | 'Term to' must be after 'valid from' date |
173 | Currency and/or curve type missing |
174 | Select only one yield curve |
175 | No interest; Current date, condition date and horizon are not valid |
176 | No market data available for rate &1 / &2 |
177 | Market data is not available for volatility of rate &1 / &2 |
178 | Market data is not available for volatility of reference interest rate & |
179 | Exch.rate categories &1 and &2 are not defined consistently |
180 | No security prices have been maintained for scenario & |
181 | Enter an ID number |
182 | Enter a price/rate type |
183 | Specify all the data |
184 | No volatilities have been maintained for this security price |
185 | This change will affect other yield curves in the graphic |
186 | Double-click on a bar to choose a turning point |
187 | Security price with the same parameters already exists |
188 | Security price volatility with same parameters already exists |
189 | Error during selection of money market transactions ( &1 &2 &3 ) |
190 | Error during selection of forex transactions ( &1 &2 &3 ) |
191 | Error during selection of derivative transactions ( &1 &2 &3 ) |
192 | No market data is available for security &1 ( &2 ) |
193 | Market data isn't available for security price volatility &1 (&2 &3 &4) |
194 | Specify a contract type |
195 | Enter a rate/price |
196 | Forward yield curve not defined for reference interest rate & |
197 | Exchange rate &1/&2 at &3 does not exist |
198 | Description of authorization group & is not maintained |
199 | This function is not supported |
200 | Field rkondgr is initial; the system cannot determine the duration |
201 | VaR calculation method is not permitted |
202 | No calendar for currency & maintained |
203 | Error while generating profitability segment |
204 | Specify a valid price/rate type |
205 | There is no direct quotation for security ID & |
206 | Mapping for quotation name was not found for commodity & |
207 | Calendar & used for rates when determining spot price |
208 | Tick value not specified for security ID & |
209 | Tick value not specified for security & |
210 | Forward Loan contract End Term is already over. NPV becomes Zero. |
211 | Loan contract is used in a forward loan purchase. NPV becomes zero. |
212 | Key figure & currently not supported for Fiduciary. |
213 | Unexpected product category &1 of security: &2 |
214 | Could not find current Price for underlying security &1. |
215 | Could not find dividend conditions for security &1 |
216 | Quotation Name Mapping to Logistics Quotation Name Maintenance is missing |
217 | Could not find dividend condition for security &1 and period &2 to &3 |
218 | Security &1 not found |
219 | Cash flows have different payment dates |
220 | Enter a commodity |
221 | Enter a quotation price |
222 | Price already exists for the same commodity and parameters |
223 | Enter a quotation type |
224 | Enter a quotation currency |
225 | Error converting trans. UoM to quot. UoM for commodity &1(&2 to &3) |
226 | Exposure has expired (end date < eval. date); evaluation is not possible |
227 | Exposure Pricing Item on &1 is not fixed |
228 | Exposure Pricing Item: Payment Date is not set |
229 | Exposure Delivery Item: Delivery Date is not set |
230 | Transaction TXZI is obsolete, use transaction JBYCN instead |
231 | Option valuation: Normal model only supported for IR options |
232 | Option valuation: Normal model not available for American Style Options |
233 | No "fixed but not paid" cash settlement found |
234 | Enter a valid basis spread ID |
235 | Basis spread ID with the same quotation type already exists |
236 | Enter a valid quotation type |
237 | Basis spread value for &1 and &2 overwritten |
238 | No market data found for &1 and &2 on date &3 |
239 | Basis spread value unchanged for &1 and initial quotation type |
240 | Select basis spreads to be shifted |
241 | Enter a valid reference entity |
242 | Enter a valid credit spread ID |
243 | Credit spread value for the same key fields already exists |
244 | Select credit spreads to be shifted |
245 | Only initial quotation type permitted for initial credit spread ID |
246 | Credit spread value for &1, &2, and &3 overwritten |
247 | No market data found for &1, &2, and &3 on date &4 |
248 | Credit spread value unchanged for &1, &2, and &3 |
249 | Market data import for &1 ignores specified shift rule |
250 | Maintenance of OTC net present values is blocked by & |
251 | Corresponding entry for transaction & is already available |
252 | Specify a NPV type |
253 | NPV type & is not available |
254 | Volatility of currencies &1/&2, type &3 of &4 not maintained |
255 | Error in calculation of effective rate |
256 | Futures position with ID number & has already expired |
257 | Error when reading volatility of security &1 with volatility type &2 |
258 | Valuation of options: Error when reading volatility of index & |
259 | Valuation of options: Error when reading volatility of ref. int. rate & |
260 | No index values found for index & |
261 | Futures position with ID number & has already expired |
262 | Option position with ID number & has already expired |
263 | No class data found for underlying & of the future option |
264 | No class data found for underlying & of the stock option |
265 | No class data found for position object & |
266 | No commodity quotation type maintained in evaluation type |
267 | Imported market data for commodity is approximate |
268 | Price calculator: exposure approach category '1' is not supported |
269 | No commodity curve type maintained in evaluation type |
270 | The following evaluations are executed non-contract-value-based |
271 | Interest in First Currency set to 0 due to Negative Interest Rates |
272 | Calculation of NPV for financial transaction &1 is not fully supported |
273 | Specify an FX swap rate |
274 | Term &1 is not contained in curve structure of the currency pair &2 |
275 | Enter different currencies |
276 | FX swap rate for &1 already entered |
277 | Do you want the FX swap rate &1 to be deleted? |
293 | Only DCS-based commodity-related derivatives and flows supported |
294 | Nominal currency must match either incoming or outgoing currency |
295 | Spot rate is zero; NPV of FX future is not calculated |
296 | No price quotation for commodity &1, rate type &2, date &3 |
297 | No quotation source found for ID & |
298 | No quotation source found for ID & |
299 | No mapping found for quotation type & |
300 | ********** 300-399 reserved for selection ******************************* |
301 | Transaction &1 (company code &2) is not active |
302 | No rating maintained for partner &1 (transaction &2) |
303 | Transaction form allocation for transaction & not found |
304 | Allocation of flow type for transaction &1 flow type &2 not found |
305 | In Price Calculator: Price Currency &1 <> Tick Currency &2 |
310 | Specify a valuation date |
400 | Enter one increment only |
401 | Select one entry |
402 | Issue currency does not correspond to the quotation currency |
420 | Calc. of cash flow not possible: "Implied Options" set in val. rule &1 |
421 | Cash flow calc. w/ spot rates not supported for this type of transactions |
500 | Reference interest rate & has already been entered |
501 | Specify a reference currency |
502 | Scenario & was saved |
503 | Sceanrio & was deleted |
800 | ************************800-899: Reserved for TIS************************ |
801 | Form & contains an interval for the key date or the from/to date |