TA - Erweitertes Tabellenwesen (Auswertg, Customizg, clientcopy)

The following messages are stored in message class TA: Erweitertes Tabellenwesen (Auswertg, Customizg, clientcopy).
It is part of development package STRM in software component BC-CTS-CCO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Client Copy & Adjustment Tools".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Start in background............. .....&
001Enter the name of the command file
002Enter the table specification
003Only A/C/T allowed for All/Command file/Table: &
004No client-specific tables or transportable tables found
005Command file does not contain any client-specific tables: &
006No table entries in client & for table &
007Specify the source client
008Source client does not exist: &
009Source client is same as logon client
010No canceled run exists to be restarted
011Client 000 is protected and may not be overwritten
012Parameter changed after last run
013Table & is not client-specific
014No restart possible - no tables copied before termination
015No authorization for client copy
016Client copy locked by other client copy job
017You are not authorized to maintain user master data (S_USER_GRP)
018You are not authorized to maintain authorization profiles (S_USER_PRO)
019Client export from & &
020Without number range reset........... &
021Selected objects : &
022Edited objects : &
023Source client : &
024Target client : &
025Objects to be edited : &
026Storage required (KB) : &
027Runtime (seconds) : &
028Client copy from & &
029System ID............................ &
030R/3 Release.......................... &
031Host................................. &
032User................................. &
034Source client........................ &
035Restart.............................. &
036Table selection
037With application data................ &
038With user masters.................... &
039Without HR data (Human Resources).... &
040Test mode (without database update).. &
041Command file......................... &
042Table list........................... &
043Target client........................ &
044Log file............................. &
045Log directory........................ &
046Determine and copy matchcodes.........&
047Client import from & &
048Internal error: Mode cannot be used, only C/E/I are allowed
049No client copy log entry found for client: &
050No errors found in tables for client copy: & &
051Internal error: Phase & is unknown
052Cannot change table CCCFLOW (&1 in &2)
054Invalid CCFTYPE in CCCFINI: &
055CCFTYPE in CCCFINI differs from NAMETAB from: & <<>> &(&)
056Table & is inactive in SAP System and thus ignored
057WARNING: Canceled more than once
058WARNING: Complete run after cancelation
059Error: Key for table &1 is not client-specific: &2
060Only insertions.......................&
061Copy confirmation
062Objects to be edited:
063Do you want to continue?
064WARNING: Invalid runtime specification
065>>> Phase & <<<
066Selection list generated
067Error in GET_TABLE &
068Error in MOD_TABLE &
069Error in FIELD_INIT &
070DDIC and CCC info loaded
071FLOW info updated
072Exit program & successfully executed &
073Dialog box texts not found
074Cannot open log: &
075Cannot write log (Server &1 ; RC = &2)
076Next correction number for log not received: &
078Error when deleting command file &
079Gravity of error........: &
080Error number............: &
081Name of routine.........: &
082Message ID..............: &
083Message number..........: &
084Command file............: &
085Already exists (will be overwritten)
086Created on..............: &
087By......................: &
088Status..................: &
089Error occurred writing transport request &
090Command file for & is written under: & &
091For client transport, & entries entered in command file
092With cross-client tables..............&
093Client export system data:
094No fields initialized in table &
095No entries in table &
096& tables entered in command file
097Command file name & already exists
098Following tables included in command file:
099No command file written for &
100No transport number found
102ERROR: Type "F" user exit with SYS_ERROR: &
103ERROR: No access to table for user exit: &
104WARNING: Open correction for table: & & &
105ERROR: Exit program & not found or not executable
106ERROR: Report contains syntax errors: &
107ERROR: Invalid E071 OBJFUNC entry for table: & &
108& executed &(&) entries added
109Error in &2: &1 table keys rejected because of incorrect source client
110WARNING: No entries found with component &
111WARNING: No entries copied/transported with component &
112& executed. & entries found
113& executed. & entries copied.
114Runtime & seconds
115A client copy run is currently active
116ERROR: Table is not active: &
117ERROR: Table does not exist in database: &
118ERROR: Copying customizing data requires re-initialization
119ERROR: SQL for inserting in table & produces error: &
120ERROR: SQL for deleting table & produces error: &
121ERROR: Internal error when inserting in table: &
122ERROR: Internal error when deleting table: &
123See documentation
124ERROR: Internal error when counting table entries (generation)
125ERROR: Maximum number of errors exceeded
126Table & has no fields, it is ignored
127ERROR: Incorrect mode specified, C/E/I permitted only
129Table & is client-specific
130Select a profile with customizing data for the export
131User masters require user profiles
132During deletion the profile "DELETE" is automatically generated
133Target client is a production client and protected against client copy
134Report RSCLXCOP cannot be started directly, only batch scheduling
135No authorization for generating transport requests for client export
136No authorization for cross-system transport
137Transport program tp could not be started (RC=&)
138Language transport program RSTXR3TR could not be started
139Error when determining code page ID
140Table & not copied. More than 500,000 entries
141Table & (&) is the same and has thus not been copied
142ERROR: Read error in client: & table &
143ERROR: Write error in client: & & table &
144ERROR: Cannot delete in client: & table &
145WARNING: Table entries exceed &2 bytes: &1
146Program ended with error or warning, return code: &
147ERROR: Table & inconsistent in database, see ABAP Dictionary
148Table Ins. Del. Upd. Func. kByte Time[sec] Time
150Tables with field initialization
151Program ran successfully
152End of processing: &
153ERROR: Table & is not defined in ABAP Dictionary
154Copied table: & SQL execution: &
155Initialize and recreate......... &
156Table copied using ABAP Native SQL: &
157Remote connection cannot be set up
158Error in remote system &1 (&2), see SYSLOG in remote system
159You have not specified a remote system
160Statistics that were not output cannot be determined in test run
161Tables compared: &
162Was excluded from copying: &
163Table & not edited due to excessive number of errors
164Table & not copied due to internal errors
165Process & canceled because of missing authorization
166Select a different profile name (name range for customers = Z*)
167Enter a profile name
168Application data can only be copied with initialize and recreate
169Restart option sets the restart profile
170Deletion of profiles only possible in display mode
171Enter a profile name
172Tables deleted : &
173Tables for deletion : &
174Background job was successfully scheduled; log is displayed in SCC3
175The background job could not be scheduled correctly. Error no.: &
176Choose a valid source system
177Customizing data .....................&
178Recopy errors of & &
179No variants copied from client 000
180Table & already selected
181Table & does not exist
182Function for SAP use only
183Database & already selected
184A restart is not possible with a test run, start a complete run
185Copier profile:.......................&
186Package Tables Entries Sec
187The profile could not be included in the transport request
188Source client user masters............&
189Table &: Key: & added to object list
190Run canceled
191Program ended abnormally
192 & & incorrectly specified
193No export entry found for command file &
194Releases of export and import systems have to be identical
195Releases of export and import systems have to be identical
196Client comparison of & &
197Table Devcl Class Trgt Diff Source Entries Sec
198Different tables
199Identical tables
200File & not found
201File cannot be under &
202System entry for & not found in TSYST
203Empty file under &
204No write authorization for &
205Table & is not active
206No text found for table &
207Table & has no fields
208File & incomplete
209Generic key is too big
210Profile & does not exist
211Copy of Customizing data and user masters required
212No table entries found for table &
213Database error when reading table &
214Profile was not saved; stored as TMP
215Double key when inserting in table &
216Key to be changed in table & not found
217Key to be deleted in table & not found
218Database error when writing in table &
219Specify an RFC Connection
220Profile & already exists
221Profile & cannot be stored.
222SQL error & when editing table &
223Endian value not allowed
224Invalid number conversion requested
225Central user administration is active. User master data is not copied
226Client has not yet been generated by a data import
227Target client already contains data
228Cross-client data is protected
229Client is in import mode, start tp-import or processing after import
230Log output will be exited, user master data will be deleted
231RFC error. System: & Table: & RC: &
232No RFC authorization in target system for process &
233Read or conversion error system: & table: &
234Processing after import not yet completed
235System error - termination
236View & is not client-specific
237Profile value has already been saved
238Only numeric clients are allowed
239Time stamp: &
240Copy made more than a week ago
241Logical systems are identical
242You do not have authorization S_CLNT_IMP
243You are not authorized to create the log
244Users with names with '*' cannot create transport requests
245Enter a source client
246Entry in client table was deleted
247Table & is copied with cluster &, not explicitly
248RFC login was performed in the incorrect target client
249With cross-client Customizing.&
250There are & non-critical differences in the table structures
251& Tables cannot be converted
252Non-critical differences: Convertible tables: &
253Non-critical differences: Extended tables in this system: &
254Critical differences: Missing tables: &
255Differing tables: &
256 Dev. deliv. entries only data only
257Table class class total & diff. &
258User master records not compared
259The import of cross-client data into production systems is not allowed
260Source client & is protected against data export by client copy
261Table has new columns in target system: &
262Table has convertible differences: &
263The client is locked for data import by client copy
264Changing the profile during a restart is not permitted
265Client copy is now continued in parallel processes
266Copy error for the table has been corrected
267Copy process & was terminated after user cancelation
268You are using a profile that has not been released by SAP
269You cannot use the RFC/server group &
270Database area analysis status: & &
271Area Free(KB) Required(KB)
272& &
273Only & processes of RFC server group & are used
274Process & ended due to problems with lock management
275Profile SAP_CUST recommended for copying from client 000
276Terminated run cannot be restarted
277User SAP* deleted
278Inclusive tasks of request......&
279& processes of RFC/server group & used
280Table & only exists locally
281Length change
282Table & is convertible to the local system, field missing in RFC
283Table & is convertible to the RFC system, field missing locally
284Table & is incompatible, the fields are incompatible
285Table & is incompatible, fields are missing in both systems
286Table & is completely convertible
287Table & is only convertible from the local system to the RFC system
288Table & is only convertible from the RFC system to the local system
289Table & only exists remotely
290Data element & is incompatible
291Domain & is incompatible
292Profile SAP_RECO not allowed: Source client <> target client
293Caution: Change documents and local tables are being copied
294Change documents are not copied
295Test copy (partly without transaction data)
296& tables in exception list
297Error: Error in table & in DDIC; check the table with SE14
298Copied data in kBytes : &
299Deleted data in kBytes : &
300Non-critical differences
301& non-critical differences found
302Do you want to make the copy?
303Table extensions
304& table extensions found.
305Missing tables
306& tables missing in the source system.
307Table definitions are missing in the target system
308Table definition & missing in the target system
309Table definition & is missing in the target system, but can be generated
310Source system & does not exist.
311Process & started on server & (time: &)
312Process & has copied data & &
313Start: Synchronization and correction of log in file system &
314Start: Recopy errors & &
315Cancel because of error in address table &
316Active Option: &
317No password is maintained for RFC destination &
318Copy client-specific data from & to & ?
319Type of Table & is not Identical
320Domain & could not be generated
321Data element & could not be generated
322Could not generate table &
323Condition table & could not be generated
324Domain & is generated
325Data element & is generated
326Table & is generated
327Condition table & is generated
328View & could not be generated
329View & generated
330The cross-client import is not yet in the transport buffer
331Domain & already exists
332Data element & already exists
333Table & already exists
334View & already exists
335Start of post-processing by application exits &
336Create generated Dictionary objects
337&1 tables can be generated
338Table &1 is deleted, not copied
339No authorization for &1 -> only test mode possible
340Code page conversion error for table &1 from &2
341& code page: &
342No authorization to maintain roles (S_USER_AGR)
343Function module &1 has excluded &2 tables from copy
344Table &1 is not copied because it belongs to another client
345Table &1 is copied in individual copy mode by process &2
347Warning: Source client has logical system, target client does not
348Table &1 is copied in copy mode &2
349Copy canceled; restart required
350Source destination......................&
351 Source system.........................&
352 Client in source system..............&
353 Users in source system..............&
354 Basis Support Package...............&
355Processed tables : &
356Tables to be processed : &
357Selected tables : &
358Remote connection cannot be made: &1&2
359Tables in the source system excluded from the copy
360Error in object &1 &2 &3
361Package excluded in source system: &
362Client &1 is already the source client of a client copy (note 562628)
363Source client &1 is currently the target of a client copy
364RFC error(&3): &1&2
365Option IGNORE_CON: Table &1 is copied field-wise if possible
366Table &1 has been assigned to the main process
367Start analysis of system &
368Styles are not copied from client 000 - Use SE72
369Forms are not copied from client 000 - Use SE71
370You cannot change the source client at restart
371Correct RFC destination and restart transaction
372Table key not convertible for &1 rows from &2
373Conversion errors in &1 rows from &2
374Post-processing required for &1
375Transport program TP started successfully for &1 &2
376Transport program TP successfully completed for &1 &2
377Error exporting request &1 &2
379Time: &1 phase &2; table &3
382No active options set
383Tables excluded from copying (Exit &1)
384Tables excluded (via expert setting or due to errors)
385Caution: Exit &1 uses the obsolete function module TR_APPEND_LOG
386No tables copied
387Phase &1
388Phase &1/Exit &2
389Client copy process run by &1
390At least 2 exits are trying to change table &1; action terminated
391The release category of &1 is not currently supported by client copy
392An attempt was made to change table &1 manually
393Error during running of before export method. Check SE01.
400Client & still contains & modifiable requests and tasks
401Request & does not exist in system &
402Specify Customizing request
403Transport object & & & is not a Customizing object
404Object & of type & is not a Customizing object
405Table/view & is not available active
406Inconsistent contents in & for table &
407Error during program instantiation for import of &, RC = &
408Remote access to table & not possible (record too long)
409Log file & could not be opened
410Post-import of incorrect objects
411Incorrect objects : &
412Source system : &
413Start date : &
414Start time : &
415End date : &
416End time : &
417Imported objects : &
418System : &
419User : &
420Source client : &
421Client : &
422Host : &
423SAP Release : &
424Remote connection : &
425DB update even with errors
426Test mode without DB update
427Customizing import cancelled, request not imported
428Customizing object &: & deleted, & added, & changed
429Foreign key &: & not in check table &
430Customizing object &: & incorrect entries not imported
431Customizing object type &: & deleted, & inserted or changed
432Customizing object &: No statistics due to generic keys
433Customizing object & has no key authorization for table &
434Customizing object type &: & incorrect objects not imported
435Request & is not a Customizing request
436Request & already imported (not with ASCOT)
437Request & can only be imported by owner &
438Request & already imported
439Could not set up remote connection &
440Client-independent object & not copied
441Program generation error for import of & in line &, RC = &
442Error when changing entry in table &
443Error when deleting entry in table &
444Error when inserting entry in table &
445Check table & does not exist
446Client & does not exist in system &
447No maintenance authorization (class &) for object & &
448No maintenance authorization for cross-client object & &
449You do not have the authorization &1 ID &2 FIELD &3
450Error at remote access to table & with destination &
451Error reading table &
452Starting import of Customizing object & of type &
453No maintenance tables exist for object & of type &
454Table & locked by another user
455Critical difference in table &: Key field &
456Critical difference in table &: Field &
457Customizing request & not imported
458Client-independent object & must not be imported
459Standard import with foreign key checks
460Target client of request & is &
461Error updating object import flags in request &
462Error during update of key import flags in request &
463Request & was not imported with ASCOT
464Customizing object & was imported successfully
465Choose an object
466& is not a remote connection for system &
467Incompatible table & in system &
468Error saving import directory for request &
469Invalid value entered
470User and company addresses deleted in target client
471Internal error importing request: &
472Reimport in other target clients
473Missing key entries for object & in request &
474Choose a line with a valid value
475Specify remote connection to source system &
476No authorization for request & in system &
477Customizing import not permitted in locked logon client
478Pleae select at least one status
479No requests found for specified selection
480User & unknown
481No ASCOT imports found for selection
482Position cursor on a request
483Client & does not exist in system &
484The ASCOT tool has not been released yet
485Request does not contain any SOBJ objects
486Request & does not come from system &
500& & & &
501No entries found for & in table &.
502Could not open file &
503Error reading file &
504Choose a valid function
505There are no objects to be adjusted, no actions necessary
506No versions exist
507Status cannot be changed
508Object is already being edited
509No revised version exists
510No active version exists
511Use "Mark for transport" function to copy into other systems
512"Returned to SAP standard" flag already set for object
513Selected transport request invalid, choose another request
514Not returned to SAP standard
515Mode not possible for program start
516Editing cannot be continued at present
517Return to SAP standard not canceled
518Choose an object
519Documentation missing: &
520Internal SAPSCRIPT error when displaying documentation
521There are still open corrections/repairs
522The transport does not contain any objects
523Object type is not supported by version management
524Internal error: & & &
525Function not possible for object &
526Report & may only be executed when upgrading to &
527Modification analysis (report RSUMOD01) not performed yet
528Object status reset for adjustment
529Process &1 still active in &2 of the canceled client copies of &3 &4
532& &
533& & &
534& & & &
680& tables have delivery class L
681& tables have delivery class A
682& table is excluded from client size determination
683Please enter a valid table name
700The client copy you started has terminated
701More than & tables were not copied or were copied incorrectly
702An exit program has terminated.
703The last copy run was terminated (poss. timeout or DB error)
704You do not have the necessary authorizations
705The Releases of the systems are not identical
706Parameter configuration chosen invalid
707No client import found
708No imported client export found
709The client copy was terminated by a user action
710A second client copy job is currently in progress
711Check success of export
712The copy run chosen was canceled (possible timeout or DB error)
713Client copy lock in client & was deleted
714The last run that was not successful is & days back
715The client copy was canceled during post-processing
716Client copy could not start because of repository differences
717Could not lock source client
718Exit &1 was carried out in phase &2
719System error occurred while carrying out exit &1 in phase &2
720The SELTAB was changed by exit &1 in the cleanup phase
721The processing of exit &1 was skipped in phase &2
722Exit &1 was not found in the system
723Syntax error in exit &1 in phase &2
724Client &1 does not exist; choose an existing client
725Locking of table &1 failed in client &2
726No authorization to make changes in client table T000
727&TABLE& could not be saved in client &CLIENT&
728Client &1 already exists
729You do not have authorization to change the data (only display)
730Table &2 could not be read in client &1
731Client &1 is not empty; at least one user still exists
732No authority to create client
733Locking client &1 failed
734No authority to lock/unlock client &1
735Client &1 unlock failed
736Semaphore for LM process of type &1 (ID &2) already exists
800Input value &1 for parameter &2 invalid
801Option: & Active: &
802Client &1 does not exist
803Error occurred during reset to local buffer: &
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