TAX_TXJCD - Steuerstandortcode

The following messages are stored in message class TAX_TXJCD: Steuerstandortcode.
It is part of development package VTAX_DET in software component CA-GTF-TS-TAX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Tools for External and Internal Determination of Jurisd.Code".
Message Nr
Message Text
000* All messages > 200 are copies from message class FS (ALR)
100No unique jurisdiction code can be determined
101No jurisdiction code could be determined
102Error in parameter passing
103Country/region &1 is not defined
104No calculation procedure assigned to country/region &1
105You are not allowed to enter a tax jurisdiction code for country/region &
106No entry found in table TTXD with calculation procedure &1
107Jurisdiction code & does not correspond to address entered
108No external system assigned to entry &1 in table TTXD
109System error when reading the dynpro values
110Postal code of juris. code &1 does not corresp. to postal code &2 entered
215Please enter the country/region.
763Jurisdiction code & is not defined
786Calculation procedure has not been specified
790Error in structure of tax jurisdiction &
791Error in length of tax jurisdiction &
792Tax jurisdiction & has incorrect length
861Error in external tax system: &1&2
863System error in the external tax system (&)
864Communication error with the external tax system (&)
866Function module & does not exist; create
890Tax event &1 has not been assigned an RFC function to for ext. system &2
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