TBA_PRICEQUOT - Messages related to Price Quotation Services

The following messages are stored in message class TBA_PRICEQUOT: Messages related to Price Quotation Services.
It is part of development package FTR_BASIS_DATA_ACCESS in software component CA-GTF-TRB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury Basis Objects - Data Access".
Message Nr
Message Text
000An exception occurred
001Insert into table &1 failed
002Derivative contract specification ID &1 not valid
003Market identification code &1 not valid
004Time to maturity &1 not valid
005Curve date &1 not valid
006Key date &1 not valid
007Price type &1 not valid
008Quotation date &1 not valid
009Price quotation &1 not valid
011Delete from table &1 failed
012Price quotations not provided
013Missing data for mandatory field
014Number of requested price quotations missing
015Price date range provided, but initial
016Price time range provided, but initial
017Price quotation not found
018Commodity master data for DCS ID &1 and MIC &2 not found
019Shifting price date &1 by time to maturity &2 failed
020Determination of forward price from commodity curve failed
021Price quotation unit of measure &1 not valid
022Price quotation currency &1 not valid
023Conversion from currency &1 to currency &2 failed
024Conversion from unit of measure &1 to unit of measure &2 failed
025Derivative contract specification ID &1 not released
026Market identifier code &1 not active
027Combination of derivative contract spec. ID &1 and MIC &2 not valid
028Unit of measure &1 not equal to quotation unit of measure &2 of DCS ID &3
029Currency &1 not equal to quotation currency &2 of DCS ID &3
030Key date &1 not valid for DCS ID &2 on price date &3
031Price quotation for derivative contract specification ID &1 inconsistent
032Key date and time to maturity not provided
033Price quotations not consistent
034Price quotation with time to maturity &1 already exists on price date &2
035Evaluation of calendar &1 assigned to MIC &2 failed
036Put/Call indicator &1 not valid
037Key date &1 of underlying derivative contract specification not valid
038Strike amount &1 not valid
039Maximum no. of rows &1 is invalid; it cannot be negative
040Determination of time to maturity for DCS ID &1 and price date &2 failed
041Time to maturity &1 not suitable for key date &2 on price date &3
042Commodity curve for commodity &1 and commodity curve type &2 not found
043Usage of time to maturity &1 (&2, &3) could not be determined
044Time to maturity &1 is not allowed for MIC &2 and price type &3
045Commodity forward index curve not supported for derivative category &1
046Timing &1 not valid
047Key date &1 and timing &2 not valid for DCS ID &4 on price date &3
048Price must be less than &1
049Evaluation of calendar &1 assigned to DCS ID &2 failed
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