TBA_PRICEQUOT - Messages related to Price Quotation Services
The following messages are stored in message class TBA_PRICEQUOT: Messages related to Price Quotation Services.
It is part of development package FTR_BASIS_DATA_ACCESS in software component CA-GTF-TRB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury Basis Objects - Data Access".
It is part of development package FTR_BASIS_DATA_ACCESS in software component CA-GTF-TRB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Treasury Basis Objects - Data Access".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | An exception occurred |
001 | Insert into table &1 failed |
002 | Derivative contract specification ID &1 not valid |
003 | Market identification code &1 not valid |
004 | Time to maturity &1 not valid |
005 | Curve date &1 not valid |
006 | Key date &1 not valid |
007 | Price type &1 not valid |
008 | Quotation date &1 not valid |
009 | Price quotation &1 not valid |
011 | Delete from table &1 failed |
012 | Price quotations not provided |
013 | Missing data for mandatory field |
014 | Number of requested price quotations missing |
015 | Price date range provided, but initial |
016 | Price time range provided, but initial |
017 | Price quotation not found |
018 | Commodity master data for DCS ID &1 and MIC &2 not found |
019 | Shifting price date &1 by time to maturity &2 failed |
020 | Determination of forward price from commodity curve failed |
021 | Price quotation unit of measure &1 not valid |
022 | Price quotation currency &1 not valid |
023 | Conversion from currency &1 to currency &2 failed |
024 | Conversion from unit of measure &1 to unit of measure &2 failed |
025 | Derivative contract specification ID &1 not released |
026 | Market identifier code &1 not active |
027 | Combination of derivative contract spec. ID &1 and MIC &2 not valid |
028 | Unit of measure &1 not equal to quotation unit of measure &2 of DCS ID &3 |
029 | Currency &1 not equal to quotation currency &2 of DCS ID &3 |
030 | Key date &1 not valid for DCS ID &2 on price date &3 |
031 | Price quotation for derivative contract specification ID &1 inconsistent |
032 | Key date and time to maturity not provided |
033 | Price quotations not consistent |
034 | Price quotation with time to maturity &1 already exists on price date &2 |
035 | Evaluation of calendar &1 assigned to MIC &2 failed |
036 | Put/Call indicator &1 not valid |
037 | Key date &1 of underlying derivative contract specification not valid |
038 | Strike amount &1 not valid |
039 | Maximum no. of rows &1 is invalid; it cannot be negative |
040 | Determination of time to maturity for DCS ID &1 and price date &2 failed |
041 | Time to maturity &1 not suitable for key date &2 on price date &3 |
042 | Commodity curve for commodity &1 and commodity curve type &2 not found |
043 | Usage of time to maturity &1 (&2, &3) could not be determined |
044 | Time to maturity &1 is not allowed for MIC &2 and price type &3 |
045 | Commodity forward index curve not supported for derivative category &1 |
046 | Timing &1 not valid |
047 | Key date &1 and timing &2 not valid for DCS ID &4 on price date &3 |
048 | Price must be less than &1 |
049 | Evaluation of calendar &1 assigned to DCS ID &2 failed |