TE - Market Risk Management

The following messages are stored in message class TE: Market Risk Management.
It is part of development package FTB in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-MR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Applic. development R/3 Treasury risk simulation analysis".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Error when loading &
002No active check tables for the specified characteristics
003Table with generation template does not exist
004Parameters that were transferred are incorrect
005No analysis structure was specified
006Analysis structure already exists
007Analysis structure does not exist
008You can only display attributes here
009Unable to save the analysis structure
010Unable to save the text for the analysis structure
011Unable to update the analysis structure
012Unable to activate the analysis structure
013Unable to generate the maintenance modules; analysis structure is missing
014Unable to generate the maintenance modules; structure is not active
015Unable to generate the maintenance modules; field catalog contains errors
016No program exists for the analysis structure
017Unable to generate the maintenance modules; reorganize the field catalog
018No maintenance modules were generated
019No write authorizations for this function
020Dataset was stored with key &
021You cannot delete an active analysis structure
022You do not have authorization for this function
023No active analysis structure available
024Incorrect generation - see long text
025Incorrect generation - see long text
026Incorrect generation - see long text
027Incorrect generation - see long text
028The maintenance modules have already been generated
029Base portfolios already exist for this view
030Syntax error in generated BP generation program
031Unable to create number range object for view &
032Unable to delete number range object for view &
033Unable to carry out initialization
034Unable to carry out check
035Unable to carry out complete
036Unable to carry out update
037Data transfer terminated at step &
038The check found & incorrect financial objects
039The complete found & incorrect financial objects
040Processing was terminated after complete
041In total, & errors occurred in the financial objects
042No active and relevant financ�al objects were found
043View does not belong to the specified analysis structure
044Table &1 is locked by user &2
045Base portfolio & was generated for view &
046Unable to generate the base portfolio; error number &
047Characteristic & does not have a value &
048Error & when testing the characteristic values against the check table
049Incorrect generation of service programs by &
050Service program &1 successfully generated for analysis structure &2
051Service program &2 from &3 exists for analysis structure &1
052No service program exists for analysis structure &
053Program error &
054Program error occurred while processing portfolio hierarchy &
055Unable to create a reduced portfolio hierarchy
056The generation of a base portfolio for object no. & was cancelled
057Object already exists in view & of another analysis structure
058Deleting fields that are no longer required from tables TKES/TKESD
059Unable to delete field & from table TKES/TKEF
060& entries out of 40 possible entries were deleted
061No analysis structure entered for view &
062Error occurred in module &
063No analysis structure is assigned to view &
064The characteristic 'company code' (BUKRS) is not assigned to view &
065View & is assigned to the wrong analysis structure
066Characteristic & does not belong to view &
067No cash flow type exists for view &
068No balance type exists for view &
069No portfolio hierarchy has been generated for view &
070No service programs have been generated for analysis structure &
071Specified dataset does not exist; use the input help
072Unable to find any base portfolios; base portfolios were not checked
073Unable to read catalog table for datasets
074Unable to read the dataset
075Dataset does not exist
076The parameters in the standard versions are not compatible
077Unclassified program error; inform your system administrator
078Unable to save catalog table for datasets
079Unable to save the dataset
080Unable to save the DB catalog table
081Unable to determine the required base portfolios
082Selected view still contains transactions
083Transactions in view &1, PHID &2 (node &3) successfully saved:dataset &4
084Error while checking authorization
085Unknown reference currency &
086Unknown calendar &
087Unknown planning currency &
088Navigation not possible for this data record
089Data record was changed manually after calculation run
090Enter the market data for bid and ask rates (use market data pushbutton)
091Entry &1: Fill all required fields
092Entry &1: Enter either a transaction or a contract number
093Entry &1: Risk-free NPV, NPV, CVA and DVA do not fit together
094Snapshot time definition is not maintained for the PH/Node combination
095Portfolio Hierarchy Node &1 could not be locked
096SAVE for EndOfDay Snapshot has already been created
100Record does not have a valid object number
101Account balance (object no.&) does not have a valid currency
102Summarization rule & for view & not correctly maintained
103Account balance (object no. &) has no valid account number
104Mode field for single transaction & is inconsistent
105Mode field for account object & inconsistent
106Variable characteristics not maintained
107Error during program generation -> see long text
108Unable to save & block
109Unable to delete & block
110Unable to modify & block
111Error during data aggregation of &
112Analyzer parameters: Error while writing/deleting cash flow mgmt table
113Securities orders are not transferred as financial objects for analysis
114DTB derivatives are not transferred as financial objects for analysis
115Forex positions are not transferred as financial objects for analysis
119Error during program generation
120Analysis parameters: Error while writing/deleting cash flows in table &
121Error while determining cash flow for object number &
122Payment does not fall within the capital commitment period; obj.no: &
123Analysis parameters: Error while reading cash flows from table &
124Security ID number & not found
125Currency positions are not supported; object number: &
126Cash flows for object number & not found on base portfolio level
127Wrong update type for existing object number &
128Transfer of master data &1 not supported for analysis; OBJNR &2
129Services not supported for analysis
130Positions not yet supported for analysis
131No CF type allocation: summarization rule &, in view &; obj.no.&
132Mode overridden; object number &
133Unable to find record you want to delete (object no. &)
134Unable to find analysis structure for data transfer
135Error while reading summarization rules
136Error while reading company codes
137No corresponding company code in client
138Analysis parameters: Error while locking/unlocking cash flow table &
139No base portfolio determination program exists for analysis structure
140Securities portfolios for object no. & not found on BP level
141Analysis parameters: Error while locking/unlocking position data
142Analysis parameters: Error while saving/deleting position data in DB
143No object number exists for this data record
144Unable to assign this data record to a base portfolio
145No asset/liability indicator entered
146Record with object number & already exists in the database
147Analysis parameters: Error while saving/deleting base portf. admin. data
148Unable to assign this data record to the total view &
149Summarization rule & does not exist
150& & & & &
151Entry & & & does not exist in VDARL
152Entry & & & does not exist in VZZKOKO
153No items exist for loan & & & &
154Flow type supplement is not maintained for flow type &
155Flow type & is not maintained
156No additional info. generated for updating object &
157No object transfer yet exists for finance object &
158Unable to determine cash flow type for flow type &
159Unable to generate program
160Generation program cannot be transported
161Portfolio hierarchy contains errors
162Syntax error during program generation
163Mode field for variable transaction & is filled inconsistently
164No cash flow indicator was assigned to update type &
165Select a row
166No P&L available; select a period that contains cash flows
167No delta/gamma position available; select a risk hierarchy leaf
170***** S E L E C T I O N S C R E E N S *****
171Enter the date and horizon of the evaluation
172The scenario you specified does not exist; check your entry
173Enter the date of the evaluation
174Risk hierarchy & does not exist; check your entry
175The confidence level you entered is outside the permitted range
176& is not a permitted VaR algorithm; use the input help
177Unable to create the date raster for maturity band &
178Risk node & in risk hierarchy & does not exist; check your entry
179Node & in the risk hierarchy is not an end node
180No detailed log exists for financial object &
181Enter a VaR Type or a VaR Key Figure
182VaR Type &1 does not exist
183VaR Key Figure &1 does not exist
184No BPs were found for the selected portfolio hierarchy &
185No view exists for the selected characteristics
186No base portfolios exist for view &1, portfolio hierarchy &2
187No base portfolios exist for the selected view &
188There is no error log
189The selected view/base portfolios do not contain any data
190Selection criteria are incomplete; check your entries
191View & does not exist
192Entered base portfolio IDs not known. Enter the IDs again.
193Enter the date of the evaluation
194No.of saved dataset is not known. Select a number with F4.
195Portfolio hierarchy is not known. Enter the hierarchy again.
196Enter a correct value for the portfolio node
197Unknown evaluation type &
198Unknown evaluation currency &
199Horizon must be later than, or the same as, the evaluation date
200***** R U L E B U F F E R *****
201Rule & not maintained for rule category & and scenario &
202Type of delta adjustment wrongly specified
203Rule category & not supported
204No shift transferred
205Historical currency pair &/& is not available on &
206Node number & can not be assigned to risk hierarchy &
207Rule filter: Node & not contained in risk hierarchy
208Shift rule: No currency specified for yield curve
209Risk factor & not included in risk hierarchy
210Rate types & and & on grid axes do not correspond
211No definition stored for yield curve &/&
212Risk factor rule number & is not a sub-node in the risk hierarchy
213Error while initializing rule buffer
214Too many price-forming factors to determine a risk hierarchy
215Unable to fully parameterize historical rule buffer
216No historical shifts for currency pair &/&
217No historical shifts for yield curve & &
218No historical shifts for index & price type &
219Base portfolio has no NPV
220Error in valuation of a transaction by shift rules and eval. parameters
221Error in function module ISB_PREPARE_RP_HS
222Error in accumulative modules
223Error during valuation
224Error in VaR calculator
225Base rate not found for & & on &
226Shift rule supplied does not exist
227Invalid definition for shift rule &!
230Node does not exist
231Risk hierarchy contains errors; program will be run anyway
232Risk hierarchy & does not exist
233Statistics type does not exist in the database
234Absolute price changes are not supported
235Volatility type is not maintained
236Correlation type is not maintained
237Risk hierarchy does not have matching grid points in interest area
238Statistics type not maintained
239Preselect either volatilities or correlations or both
240Rule not found in rule database
241Correlation & & / & & not found
242Negative quadratic form on risk hierarchy node &
243Error in RFC callup: &
244Confidence level is outside permitted area
245Selection of volatilities and correlations not possible in background run
246Position was created for reverse repurchase agreements only
247Correlation &1 / &2 used on &3 found on &4
248Correlation &1 / &2 not found in matrix
249No correlation found for term &1 days; setting correlation to zero
250Matrix could be used for Monte Carlo Simulation
251Stored correlations found between &1 and &2
252Correlations &1, &2, and &3 do not fit together
253Cholesky decomposition cannot be processed due to negative square root
254Cholesky decomposition cannot be processed due to zero denominator
255Cholesky decomposition is successful after adding &1 to diagonal elements
256Cholesky decomposition fails, despite adding &1 to diagonal elements
257Correlation &1 / &2: Ambiguous correlations on date &3
258Term of &3 calendar day(s) and annualization factor &4 determined
259Triples of correlations are checked for consistency; see long text
260Market risk key figure set &1 cannot be used to process statistical data
261Specify all required parameters
262Error occurred in module &
263MR key figure set &1 does not support the calculation of value at risk
270Enter a CFaR type or a CFaR key figure
271CFaR type &1 does not exist
272CFaR key figure &1 does not exist
280*.......Further Messages Concerning Market Data Buffer...................
281Securities class & not found in scenario &
282Commodity ID &1 not found in scenario &2
300Unable to find default values for evaluation &
301Unable to find the transaction number (RFHA) for the object
302Unable to find the loan number (RANL) for the object
303Maturity scenario & is incorrect
304Unable to find the securities order number for object &
305Unable to load the class table
306Condition header for WPKNR & not found
307No class found for WPKNR &
308Product type & in company code & not found
309Condition items for WPKNR & not found
310Error when determining the cash flow for WPKNR &
311Unable to find local currency for company code
312Unable to fill out flow data
313Condition header for WPKNR & on & not found; table &
314No base portfolios found for portfolio hierarchy &
315Unable to load stock exchange table
316Unable to load table for interest-bearing securities
317Stock exchange for WPKNR & not found
318Unable to find term for WPKNR &
319Unable to generate the internal shift rules without errors
320Error while valuing security &
321Error while valuing forward exchange transaction &
322Error while valuing cap/floor &
323Unable to find reference interest rate &
324Error while valuing swap &
325Error while valuing FRA &
326Error while valuing currency option transaction &
327Unable to value security &
328Error while valuing money market transaction &
329Unable to value product type &
330Unable to apply internal shift rules
331Error in currency translation
332Object & is not a forward security transaction
333Error while translating currency & to &.
334Error while valuing loan &
335Error while valuing future &
336Error while reading yield curve type &
337Error while reading yield curve &
338Error in valuation while mapping to index &
339No company code found for BP & in view &
340Position for object number & not found
341Unable to display master data for this entry
342Unable to calculate the effective rate for ID number &
343Valuation of bonds with negative interest rate is not fully supported
345No shift rules for & &
400******** Net present value accumulation *********
401General error while accumulating net present values
402Unable to assign rule & to a pair of coordinates
403Unable to assign rule & to node of risk hierarchy/historical day
404Used disturbance date: &
405Enter a date between & and &
410******** Formatting of result objects for reporting ******************
411Portfolio hierarchy & not consistent. No P+L calculation possible.
412Tree structure not found for portfolio hierarchy &
413BP & (view &) not assigned to a node in portfolio hierarchy &
414Current NPV is 0. No relative shift available.
415Portfolio hierarchy & not assigned any base portfolios
416No current NPV available for base portfolio & (view &)
417No previous node available for portfolio node & (PHID &, view &)
420******** Value at Risk Determination **********************************
421Invalid confidence level
422VaR determination algorithm not recognized
423User-specific VaR determination algorithm does not exist
424Current NPV is 0. No Value at Risk available.
425Historical period / Confidence level too low, VaR = 0
426Field overrun occurred; check the market data
427Low confidence level: CFaR = 0
451'Put' or 'Call' not transferred
457Strike is negative or was not transferred
458Residual term is negative or was not transferred
500********** Hierarchy maintenance tools *******************************
501Select a valid function
502Error while deleting hierarchy. Activity cancelled.
503Unable to delete risk hierarchy &
504Risk hierarchy & successfully deleted
505Error while creating hierarchy. Activity cancelled.
506Unable to create risk hierarchy &
507Risk hierarchy & successfully created
508Maintain texts before creating hierarchy
509Risk hierarchy & does not exist
510Error while saving hierarchy. Activity cancelled.
511Unable to save risk hierarchy &
512Risk hierarchy & successfully saved
513Risk hierarchy maintenance exited without saving
514Only display possible. Edit function blocked by another user.
515Enter risk type
516Risk type does not exist. Enter it again.
517Choose a risk node
518Maintain texts before saving hierarchy
519Error. Risk hierarchy cannot be edited.
520Risk hierarchy locked by another user. Save not possible
521Risk hierarchy & already exists
522Tree structure for risk hierarchy & does not exist. Choose "Create"
523Deleting the root node destroys the tree structure. Not permitted.
524Error when copying the hierarchy. Activity cancelled.
525Risk hierarchy & successfully copied to &
526Action canceled
527Risk hierarchies successfully transferred to new structures
528Hierarchy tree contains no root nodes. Tree will be newly determined.
529Hierarchy tree contains no root nodes, display not possible.
530Risk hierarchy & not saved
531Risk hierarchy maintenance is currently locked by another user
532Risk hierarchy & is consistent
533Risk hierarchy & is inconsistent
534Error occurred during hierarchy check
535Choose end node
536Choose summarization node
537"Create node" is not permitted for generated reference int.rate nodes
538No risk hierarchy with aggregation category "&" found
539Aggregation category of all "non-specified" RHs successfully changed
540No ref. int. rates are available for yield curve type &1 and currency &2
541Risk hierarchy &1 is too big and can not be saved
542No authorization for &1 of risk hierarchy &2 (authorization group &3)
543The 'valid from' date must be after &1
544Risk hierarchy &2 is currently being processed by user &1
545Enter a short text
546The selected end node is not empty
547Reference interest rates are not permitted directly below the root node
548To use this function, select a node in the risk hierarchy
549Fill the following fields for risk factor &1: &2 &3 &4
550***** Error log messages from hierarchy check ***************************
551Root node of risk hierarchy & has the wrong ID (default: 000001)
552Root node of risk hierarchy & is on the wrong level (default: 01)
553Risk hierarchy & contains no root node
554Risk hierarchy & contains & root nodes
555Risk hierarchy & contains & nodes on level 01 (reserved for root)
556Risk hierarchy &, bottom node &: not marked as end node
557Risk hierarchy &, bottom node & is inconsistent
558Risk hierarchy &, bottom node &: risk factor does not exist
559Risk hierarchy &, end node &: Predecessor node does not exist
560Risk hierarchy &, bottom node &: Wrong node category
561Risk hierarchy &, bottom node &: Wrong level
562Risk hierarchy &: Node & marked as end node
563Risk hierarchy &, node &: predecessor node does not exist
564Risk hierarchy &, node &: Wrong node category (category &)
565Risk hierarchy &, node &: wrong level
566Risk hierarchy &, node &: Successor node does not exist
567Risk hierarchy &, Risk factor & exists, but not as bottom node
568Risk hierarchy &: Risk factor & does not exist as node
569Risk hierarchy &, Risk factor &, Risk type &
570No short description for risk hierarchy &
571Risk hierarchy &: Short descriptions of nodes are incomplete
572Risk hierarchy &, node &: no end node, but no partial tree exists
573Risk hierarchy &, risk factor &: allocated node is not an end node
574Risk hierarchy &: Contains a circular reference at node &
575Risk hierarchy &: Path from node & does not lead to root
576Risk hierarchy & is consistent
577Risk hierarchy &: Short descriptions of nodes do not exist in lang.&
578Risk hierarchy &: No RH short description exists in language &
579Aggregation indicator of risk hierarchy & is not specified
580Root node of risk hierarchy & has wrong node category (Def:ROOT)
581Root node of risk hierarchy & assigned a predecessor
582Root node of risk hierarchy & assigned a sister node
583Risk hierarchy & contains no nodes of category ROOT (Default: 1)
584Risk hierarchy & contains & nodes of category ROOT (Default: 1)
585Risk hierarchy & contains no nodes on uppermost level (Default: 1)
586Risk hierarchy & contains & nodes on uppermost level (Default: 1)
587Risk hierarchy & contains no nodes without predecessor nodes (Default: 1)
588Risk hierarchy & contains & nodes without predecessor nodes (Default: 1)
589Risk hierarchy &, node & has no successor node
590Check risk hierarchy &:
591You cannot change historical versions of a risk hierarchy
592You are not authorized to represent risk hierarchy &1
600****** Messages for GAP 600-699 *****************************************
601Security with ID no. & is not a bond
602Inconsistent data for security &
603Unable to read condition date for security &
604Error in cash flow for security &
605Interest or redemption payment for calculation category & not identified
606Cash flow with key & is not an account
607Inconsistent data for account &
608Unable to read account information
609Unable to read maturity scenarios
610Unable to read balance types
611Evaluation date before last balance determination date for accounts
612Maturity scenario & not maintained correctly
613Maturity band & does not exist
614No further currencies can be displayed
615No error messages exist
616Unable to analyze transaction &
617No transactions for evaluation exist
618Unable to process forward securities transactions
619Flow type not found
620Error during the initializations for gap analysis
621No settings found for evaluation type &
622No data could be selected
623No base portfolios found
624Data selection: serious error (see long text)
625Error in the gap analysis of finance object &
626You cannot display a gap for CF type & in currency & yet
627You cannot yet display a GAP for product category &
628You cannot display a gap for contract type & yet
629Error occurred when displaying portfolio hierarchy. Output terminated.
630Call GAP analysis via drilldown reporting
631Cash flow with key & is no stock
632Inconsistent data for stock &
633Error during GAP analysis for security ID number &
634Error while dereferencing a variable interest rate
635Unable to carry out interest rate fixing
636Flow type & is not assigned to a calculation category
639Changes locked due to zero downtime maintenance
642You can only enter the term if the currency pair is fully specified
643Term &1 days in FX swap rate curve of currency pair &2
644FX swap rate curve of currency pair &1
645All FX swap rate curves with to-currency &1
646Commodity &1 with commodity type &2
647*************** (Error) Messages for Market Data Shifts *****************
648This transaction is no longer provided; use transaction JBR0
649Market data shift & was saved
650*************** (Error) Messages for Market Data Shifts *****************
651Market data shift & does not exist
652Market data shift & does not exist. Activity terminated
653Market data shift & does not exist. Choose create.
654Market data shift & already exists in system
655Market data shift & already exists in system. Creation not possible
656Market data shift & is not permitted. Activity terminated.
657Market data shift & is just being created. Activity terminated.
658Market data shift & successfully deleted
659Unable to delete market data shift &
660Market data shift & not deleted
661Error during delete. Market data shift & does not exist
662Market data shift & : Error while reading from the database
663Market data shift & successfully copied.
664Enter either a relative shift or an absolute shift
665All exchange rates against &
666Exchange rate pair &1/&2
667Do you want to delete the relative shift '&1' with &2%?
668Do you want to delete the absolute shift '&1' with &2?
669Reference interest rate &1 in yield curve &2/&3
670Risk factor shift & does not exist
671Choose an existing risk factor shift
672Risk factor shift & successfully copied
673Risk factor shift & successfully deleted
674Risk factor shift & not deleted. Activity terminated.
675Yield curve &1/&2
676All yield curves in currency &1
677Index &1
678Security &1
679Enter a term together with the volatility type
680Change mode is locked by another user
681Change mode is locked by another user. Display only.
682System error occurred. Activity terminated.
683Error while writing to database. Activity terminated.
684Error while deleting. Activity terminated.
685Error while copying. Activity terminated.
686Activity terminated
687Transport request was generated
688Activity terminated as requested
689Error while translating object &1 &2 &3.
690Select at least one valid object
691No objects available for translation
692Please select at least one characteristic.
693The selected object is invalid
694Choose different source and target languages
695Select at least one risk hierarchy
696Select at least one market data shift
697No authorization for &1 for market data shift &2 (auth. group &3)
698Volatiltity type &1
699Term &1 in volatility type &2
700** S T O C K /- D E R I V A T I V E S / - I N D I C E S No. 700-749 **
701Unable to determine securities index from key & (rkey1)
702No index level determined for index &, index type &, date: &
703Currency translation not possible from & to & for securities index &
704Error during aggregation of stocks or stock derivatives to sec.index
705Currency translation from & to & not possible
706Error while reading settings (&) for &
707Error during valuation of stocks/stock derivatives not shown in index
708No rate found to match the position table rate in &
709Error while determining rkey1 from index & and index type &
710No price determined for stock class &, price type &, date: &
711No beta factor determined for index &, stock class &, date &
712There is no position data record belonging to the flow data record
713Error while reading securities volatility for option aggregation
714OTC stock option transaction & is due before evaluation date
715No stock exch. defined for underlying (sec.ID no.&) of OTC stock trans.
716Error in NPV calculation of stocks/stock derivatives shown in index
717Error in NPV calculation of stocks/deriv. which cannot be shown in index
718Error while calculating risk-free interest rate (&)
719Error while calculating the volatility of an underlying (&)
720Error while calculating the price of an European option (&)
721Error while calculating the price of an American option (&)
722Error: Division by zero while calculating difference quotas (&)
723Stock forward transaction due before evaluation date
724Error while adding accrued interest to current stock exchange price (&)
725Error when getting yield curve definitions (&)
726No price read for stock class &, price type &, stock exchange &
727Error when reading default settings for market valuation
728Unable to value stock position of class &
729Unable to value stock option (order number &)
730 No beta factor maintained for index & and WPKNR &
731Position values are too large; check the data for the position and class
732Overflow when processign financial object &1
750*** 750 - 799 Authorization checks **************************************
751No authorization for creating objects with auth. group &
752No authorization for changing objects with auth. group &
753No authorization for displaying objects with auth. group &
754No authorization for deleting objects with auth. group &
800*** Portfolio hierarchy creation and use no. 800-899 ********************
801Unable to determine the values for characteristic &
802Variant & for characteristic & not found. Check.
803Variant & for characteristic & contains bottom nodes which are not values
804Variant & for characteristic & contains values as summarization nodes
805Error occurred while saving portfolio hierarchy
806Portfolio hierarchy & for view & generated and saved
807Activity canceled
808Definition table has no entries. Maintain entries.
809Sorting of characteristics must be unique. Correct.
810Error while deleting the old portfolio hierarchy
811Structure definition for specified portfolio hierarchy not found
812Structure not found for specified portfolio hierarchy
813Maintain valid sort for characteristic &
814Unable to save portfolio hierarchy due to database lock
815Enter a view
816Enter a portfolio hierarchy
817Field length for characteristic & is too large
818Characteristic & has no check table
819Unable to determine check table field for characteristic &
820Error while generating portfolio hierarchy
821No base portfolios exist for portfolio hierarchy &
850No formula reference defined for the selected cash flow
851Last selected entry reached
852First selected entry reached
853***Basis Spreads and Credit Spreads Shifts ******************************
854Basis spread curve &1
855Basis spread shifts for all &1
857All &1 curves with curve type &2
858All basis spread curves
859Define basis spread curve and tenor
860Define currencies and tenors completely
861All credit spreads
862Credit spreads with ref. entity &1
863Ref. entity &1 with CS ID &2
864Ref. entity &1 with CS ID &2 and quot. type &3
865BSC type &1 and basis spread &2
866Define either a tenor spread or a cross-currency spread
867Invalid currency/tenor for spread ID &1
868Define reference entity
869Define credit spread ID
870Selected risk hierarchy uses an invalid commodity price risk category
871Do not change from-currency after designation
872&1: Only HD rate "Yield Curve" is allowed for component calc. "Complete"
873&1: Only HD rate "Financial Transaction" is allowed with HD fixing
874Do not change market value component calculation after designation
920Create a template first
921Choose a sample transaction
980Termination: & & & &
993Activation successfully completed. &
994Error occurred: &
995Error occurred: Domain & has no fixed values
996Error occurred while changing data record &
997Converter program & successfully completed
998Converter program & interrupted ( & & & )
999Converter program & successfully completed. No conversion necessary.
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