THMHR_ADMIN - Messages for managing hedge relationships

The following messages are stored in message class THMHR_ADMIN: Messages for managing hedge relationships.
It is part of development package FTHM_HEDGE in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Central objects for the hedge and hedge relationship admin.".
Message Nr
Message Text
004Derivative &1 in company code &2 is not available
005Transaction &1 in company code &2 is not supported as hedging instrument
006Market risk interface is not active
007Internal error in persistence service
008Error when writing hedging relationship &1 &2 &3
010Derivative &1, company code &2 cannot be used to hedge interest rate risk
011Cap/floor &1 in company code &2 can only hedge int. rate risk in cat. CF
012Swap &1 in company code &2 can only hedge interest rate risk
013FRA &1 in company code &2 can only hedge interest rate risk
014Option on cap/floor &1, company code &2 can only hedge interest rate risk
015Option on swap &1 in company code &2 can only hedge interest rate risk
016FX option &1 in company code &2 can only hedge FX risk
017Hedge strategy must be the same for all hedging relationships
018Commodity forward &1 in company code &2 can only hedge price risk
019Commodity future &1 in company code &2 can only hedge price risk
020Option &1 in company code &2 has an inconsistent initial transaction
021Commodity &1 of derivative is different to commodity &2 of hedged item
022Derivative &1, comp. code &2 cannot be used to hedge commodity price risk
023Commodity swap &1 in company code &2 can only hedge price risk
024Internal error: Instrumant is not a commodity swap
025Commodity swap cannot be used as hedging instrument
030Rollover of hedge relationship &1 not possible: due date of exposure
031Rollover of hedge relationship &1 not possible: overhedged item
032Rollover of hedge relationship &1 not possible: overhedged deal
050Error while reading HR for hedge &1 &2; dedesig. reversal will be deleted
100Inconsistent hedge
101Hedging relationship cannot be created - key available in database
102Derivative transaction &1 in company code &2 is not available
103Transaction activity category &1 is not supported
108An initial value already exists for transaction &1 - &2
109Automatic calculation of start value is not activated
110Internal error when calculating NPV for transaction &1 - &2
120Hedge &1 in company code &2 is being edited by user &3
121You are already maintaining hedge &1 in company code &2
122System error while attempting to block the hedge
123Hedge key is not complete for company &1, hedge ID &2
124No hedging relationship transferred
125Hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 is currently being maintained by user &4
126You are already maintaining hedging relationship &1 &2 &3
127System error while attempting to block the hedging relationship
128Derivative ID is not complete for company &1, transaction &2
129No hedging strategy has been transferred
130There is no volume for hedged item &1-&2 (check exposure)
200Missing transaction date
201Inconsistent hedging instrument
202Inconsistent company code
203Error when updating database table
204Error when reading hedging instrument data for &
300Specify the initial transaction for an OTC option
301Financial instrument is not a financial derivative
302Product cat. &1 does not correspond to hedge cat. &2 and calc. type &3
303Calculation cat. not available for derivative &1 and hedge category &3
304Security price type has not been maintained for evaluation type &1
305Calculation type missing; cannot determine market price for security &
306No price for security &1 with price type &2 for &3 less than &4 days
307No rate type maintained for calculation type &
308No evaluation type maintained for calculation type &1
309Yield curve type for bid rates not maintained for calculation type &1
310Yield curve type for ask rates not maintained for calculation type &1
311Quotation type has not been maintained for calculation type &1
312Commodity maximum age has not been maintained for evaluation type &1
313Hedge strategy is not available for derivative &1 and hedge category &2
314Calculation types for the calculation categories have not been customized
350Hedging relationship cannot be updated due to missing company code
351Hedge relationship cannot be updated; assign a derivative first
352Hedging relationship cannot be updated due to missing hedge ID
353Hedge relationship cannot be updated; old hedge rel. is not available
354Hedge relationship cannot be updated; reclassification was reversed
355Hedge relationship cannot be updated; no hedge found
360Commodity Price can not be processed: too many digits
400Hedge relationship &1 &2 cannot be reversed; inconsistent database status
401Attempt to reverse valuations of a dissolved hedging relationship &1 &2
402Attempt to reverse valuation of dedesignated hedging relationship &1 &2
403Hedging relationship &1 &2 is not assigned to a valuation
404Versions of hedging relationship &1 - &2 - &3 are inconsistent
405No dissolved hedging relationships found for specified criteria
406Classification &1 &2 not possible - first reverse dissolve on &3
407Classification &1 &2 not possible - first reverse dedesignation on &3
410Status of the hedged item valuation could not be updated
411You cannot delete the valuation entry
412Valuation history table cannot be updated; error when accessing database
413Settlement cannot be reversed; database inconsistency
414Hedging relationship &1 &2 dissolved due to proven ineffectiveness
420Cash flows for effectiveness of HR &1 &2 could not be updated
421Retrospective effectiveness result for HR &1 &2 could not be updated
422Cannot update result of prospective assessment for hedging rel. &1 &2
430Cannot change market value of hedged item; database error
450Reversal functions have not yet been implemented
451Select an entry
452Select a field or a row (not a column)
453System can only reverse the current version of the hedging relationship
454Select a dissolved or dedesignated hedging relationship
455Error when reading hedging relationship
456Error when updating data display
457Derivative was assigned too high on hedge inception date
458Error while reversing dissolution
459Error when accessing valuation data
460Derivative &1 was valued after dissolution date &2
461Error while reversing dedesignation of derivative &1 on &2
462EC reclassification from & was reversed successfully
463Error when reversing reclassification
464Reversal error
465Deriv. & was reassigned to another hedging rel. after dissolution date
466No equity reclassifications found for hedging relationship
467Posted market value changes for &1 &2 &3 &4 must be reversed
468Dissolution of hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 was reversed successfully
469Dedesignation of hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 was reversed successfully
470No hedging relationships transferred to function module
500Select underlying cash flows for hedge ID &1 in company code &2
525Hedging relationship &1 &2 does not have dissolved status
526Hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 does not correspond with current version
527Invalid hedging relationship &1 &2
528Error reading derivative &1 &2
529Valuation of derivative &1 &2 is available after dissolution date
530Derivative &1 &2 is assigned too high at start of hedging relationship
531Derivative &1 &2 was assigned to another hedging rel. after dissolution
532Error when reversing dissolved hedging relationship &1 &2
533Error while reversing reclassification flows of hedge relationship &1 &2
534Hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 does not have dedesignated status
535Update error while reversing dedesignated hedging relationship &1 &2
536Change date must be before valuation date &1
537Hedging relationship &1 &2 &3: new start date &4 is before the old one
538Derivative &1 &2 was assigned to another hedging rel. after dedesignation
539Designated volume exceeds available volume for hedged item &1 on &2
540Derivative &1 already assigned to hedging rel. &2 on &3
550Accounting document must be assigned to a company code
551Enter a document number
552Enter a fiscal year for the accounting document
553Accounting document & is not available in this system
554Error when updating table THMHRT_HI_MEAS
555Select a field or a row (not a column)
560No hedging relationship found for derivative &1 in company code &2
561No hedging relationship found for derivative &1 and hedged item &2
562Error when determining latest version of hedging relationship &1 &2
563Error when reading hedge strategy from &1 &2 &3 &4
564Error when reading hedged item &1 &2
565Error when reading hedge plan &1 &2
566Error when reading transactions for hedge plan &1 &2
567Error when reading exposures for hedge &1 &2 &3
568No hedging relationship found for hedge &1 in company code &2
569Error when updating hedge strategy for hedging relationship &1 &2 &3
570No hedging relationship found for derivative &1 hedged item &2 version &3
571Hedge plan &1 in company code &2 is being edited by user &3
575No hedging relationships found for selection criteria
576ALV Grid control error
580Dedesignation of this hedging relationship has already been reversed
600Hedge with key company code &1 and hedge ID &2 is not in the database
601More than one HR exists for &; hedge accounting rollover is not executed
602More than one HR available for hedge &; HA rollover is not executed
603Volume of orig. exposure &1 &2 not equal to volume of new exposure &3 &4
604New exposure period overlaps the original exposure
625Fin. tr. &1 with different incept. date (&2) to hedge &3 already assigned
626Start redesign. by RFC for fin. tr. &1, source &2, target &3, &4 unit(s)
627Start rephasing by RFC for fin. tr. &1, source &2, target &3, &4 unit(s)
628Change reason is not defined
629Number of units &1 greater than available quantity in source hedge &2
630Number of to be reassigned units is higher than available units
631Source and Target Hedged Item are identical
632Inception date of the target hedge relationship is empty
633Number of Units is not delivered
634Redesignation successfully completed
635Rephasing successfully completed
636Switch FTRMO_SFWS_C10S02_COMM_RM is off; activate related bus. function
650No strategy found for hedging relationship &1 &2 &3
651Strategy & is not available
652Error when updating hedging relationship (THMHRT_HR)
653Error when updating hedging relationship valuation (THMHRT_HR_VAL)
654Error when updating the hedging relationship strategy (THMHRT_HR_STRAT)
655Error when updating the external prosp. assessment (THMHRT_HR_EXPROS)
700Hedging relationship has not been dissolved or changed
701Transaction for displaying derivative is not defined for menu TIMN(AT02A)
702Transaction type for displaying a derivative is not permitted
800Valuations avail. w. key date after dissolution date; inconsistent status
801Hedging relationship is available with start date after current date
810Derivative & included in more than one HR; manual HA rollover required
811Hedge & included in more than one HR; manual HA rollover required
812Derivative & included in more than one HR; manual HA reversal required
813Hedging relationship has been valued; reversal cannot be processed
814More than one transaction exists for this exposure; reversal terminated
820No position found for transaction &1
821Hedging relationship successfully created
822Designation quantity is 0
823Designation quantity is not covered by fin. transaction quantity
824Start date of hedging relationship must be before exposure due date (&1)
825Designation quantity is greater than available hedge quantity
826Hedging relationship successfully updated
827Provided financial transaction is not a future transaction
828Internal error when getting last valuation date
829Redesignation date is before or equal to last valuation date
830No 'Valid From Date' available since no exposure transaction found
831Hedging quantity must not be negative
832Provide only transactions used in hedging rel. with same designation date
833Process first the HRs with lower design. date as &1 (HP &2, Hedge Id &3)
834Class &1 (CoCo &1) is for bucket processing and can not be matched here
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