THMHR_ADMIN - Messages for managing hedge relationships
The following messages are stored in message class THMHR_ADMIN: Messages for managing hedge relationships.
It is part of development package FTHM_HEDGE in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Central objects for the hedge and hedge relationship admin.".
It is part of development package FTHM_HEDGE in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Central objects for the hedge and hedge relationship admin.".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
004 | Derivative &1 in company code &2 is not available |
005 | Transaction &1 in company code &2 is not supported as hedging instrument |
006 | Market risk interface is not active |
007 | Internal error in persistence service |
008 | Error when writing hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 |
010 | Derivative &1, company code &2 cannot be used to hedge interest rate risk |
011 | Cap/floor &1 in company code &2 can only hedge int. rate risk in cat. CF |
012 | Swap &1 in company code &2 can only hedge interest rate risk |
013 | FRA &1 in company code &2 can only hedge interest rate risk |
014 | Option on cap/floor &1, company code &2 can only hedge interest rate risk |
015 | Option on swap &1 in company code &2 can only hedge interest rate risk |
016 | FX option &1 in company code &2 can only hedge FX risk |
017 | Hedge strategy must be the same for all hedging relationships |
018 | Commodity forward &1 in company code &2 can only hedge price risk |
019 | Commodity future &1 in company code &2 can only hedge price risk |
020 | Option &1 in company code &2 has an inconsistent initial transaction |
021 | Commodity &1 of derivative is different to commodity &2 of hedged item |
022 | Derivative &1, comp. code &2 cannot be used to hedge commodity price risk |
023 | Commodity swap &1 in company code &2 can only hedge price risk |
024 | Internal error: Instrumant is not a commodity swap |
025 | Commodity swap cannot be used as hedging instrument |
030 | Rollover of hedge relationship &1 not possible: due date of exposure |
031 | Rollover of hedge relationship &1 not possible: overhedged item |
032 | Rollover of hedge relationship &1 not possible: overhedged deal |
050 | Error while reading HR for hedge &1 &2; dedesig. reversal will be deleted |
100 | Inconsistent hedge |
101 | Hedging relationship cannot be created - key available in database |
102 | Derivative transaction &1 in company code &2 is not available |
103 | Transaction activity category &1 is not supported |
108 | An initial value already exists for transaction &1 - &2 |
109 | Automatic calculation of start value is not activated |
110 | Internal error when calculating NPV for transaction &1 - &2 |
120 | Hedge &1 in company code &2 is being edited by user &3 |
121 | You are already maintaining hedge &1 in company code &2 |
122 | System error while attempting to block the hedge |
123 | Hedge key is not complete for company &1, hedge ID &2 |
124 | No hedging relationship transferred |
125 | Hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 is currently being maintained by user &4 |
126 | You are already maintaining hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 |
127 | System error while attempting to block the hedging relationship |
128 | Derivative ID is not complete for company &1, transaction &2 |
129 | No hedging strategy has been transferred |
130 | There is no volume for hedged item &1-&2 (check exposure) |
200 | Missing transaction date |
201 | Inconsistent hedging instrument |
202 | Inconsistent company code |
203 | Error when updating database table |
204 | Error when reading hedging instrument data for & |
300 | Specify the initial transaction for an OTC option |
301 | Financial instrument is not a financial derivative |
302 | Product cat. &1 does not correspond to hedge cat. &2 and calc. type &3 |
303 | Calculation cat. not available for derivative &1 and hedge category &3 |
304 | Security price type has not been maintained for evaluation type &1 |
305 | Calculation type missing; cannot determine market price for security & |
306 | No price for security &1 with price type &2 for &3 less than &4 days |
307 | No rate type maintained for calculation type & |
308 | No evaluation type maintained for calculation type &1 |
309 | Yield curve type for bid rates not maintained for calculation type &1 |
310 | Yield curve type for ask rates not maintained for calculation type &1 |
311 | Quotation type has not been maintained for calculation type &1 |
312 | Commodity maximum age has not been maintained for evaluation type &1 |
313 | Hedge strategy is not available for derivative &1 and hedge category &2 |
314 | Calculation types for the calculation categories have not been customized |
350 | Hedging relationship cannot be updated due to missing company code |
351 | Hedge relationship cannot be updated; assign a derivative first |
352 | Hedging relationship cannot be updated due to missing hedge ID |
353 | Hedge relationship cannot be updated; old hedge rel. is not available |
354 | Hedge relationship cannot be updated; reclassification was reversed |
355 | Hedge relationship cannot be updated; no hedge found |
360 | Commodity Price can not be processed: too many digits |
400 | Hedge relationship &1 &2 cannot be reversed; inconsistent database status |
401 | Attempt to reverse valuations of a dissolved hedging relationship &1 &2 |
402 | Attempt to reverse valuation of dedesignated hedging relationship &1 &2 |
403 | Hedging relationship &1 &2 is not assigned to a valuation |
404 | Versions of hedging relationship &1 - &2 - &3 are inconsistent |
405 | No dissolved hedging relationships found for specified criteria |
406 | Classification &1 &2 not possible - first reverse dissolve on &3 |
407 | Classification &1 &2 not possible - first reverse dedesignation on &3 |
410 | Status of the hedged item valuation could not be updated |
411 | You cannot delete the valuation entry |
412 | Valuation history table cannot be updated; error when accessing database |
413 | Settlement cannot be reversed; database inconsistency |
414 | Hedging relationship &1 &2 dissolved due to proven ineffectiveness |
420 | Cash flows for effectiveness of HR &1 &2 could not be updated |
421 | Retrospective effectiveness result for HR &1 &2 could not be updated |
422 | Cannot update result of prospective assessment for hedging rel. &1 &2 |
430 | Cannot change market value of hedged item; database error |
450 | Reversal functions have not yet been implemented |
451 | Select an entry |
452 | Select a field or a row (not a column) |
453 | System can only reverse the current version of the hedging relationship |
454 | Select a dissolved or dedesignated hedging relationship |
455 | Error when reading hedging relationship |
456 | Error when updating data display |
457 | Derivative was assigned too high on hedge inception date |
458 | Error while reversing dissolution |
459 | Error when accessing valuation data |
460 | Derivative &1 was valued after dissolution date &2 |
461 | Error while reversing dedesignation of derivative &1 on &2 |
462 | EC reclassification from & was reversed successfully |
463 | Error when reversing reclassification |
464 | Reversal error |
465 | Deriv. & was reassigned to another hedging rel. after dissolution date |
466 | No equity reclassifications found for hedging relationship |
467 | Posted market value changes for &1 &2 &3 &4 must be reversed |
468 | Dissolution of hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 was reversed successfully |
469 | Dedesignation of hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 was reversed successfully |
470 | No hedging relationships transferred to function module |
500 | Select underlying cash flows for hedge ID &1 in company code &2 |
525 | Hedging relationship &1 &2 does not have dissolved status |
526 | Hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 does not correspond with current version |
527 | Invalid hedging relationship &1 &2 |
528 | Error reading derivative &1 &2 |
529 | Valuation of derivative &1 &2 is available after dissolution date |
530 | Derivative &1 &2 is assigned too high at start of hedging relationship |
531 | Derivative &1 &2 was assigned to another hedging rel. after dissolution |
532 | Error when reversing dissolved hedging relationship &1 &2 |
533 | Error while reversing reclassification flows of hedge relationship &1 &2 |
534 | Hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 does not have dedesignated status |
535 | Update error while reversing dedesignated hedging relationship &1 &2 |
536 | Change date must be before valuation date &1 |
537 | Hedging relationship &1 &2 &3: new start date &4 is before the old one |
538 | Derivative &1 &2 was assigned to another hedging rel. after dedesignation |
539 | Designated volume exceeds available volume for hedged item &1 on &2 |
540 | Derivative &1 already assigned to hedging rel. &2 on &3 |
550 | Accounting document must be assigned to a company code |
551 | Enter a document number |
552 | Enter a fiscal year for the accounting document |
553 | Accounting document & is not available in this system |
554 | Error when updating table THMHRT_HI_MEAS |
555 | Select a field or a row (not a column) |
560 | No hedging relationship found for derivative &1 in company code &2 |
561 | No hedging relationship found for derivative &1 and hedged item &2 |
562 | Error when determining latest version of hedging relationship &1 &2 |
563 | Error when reading hedge strategy from &1 &2 &3 &4 |
564 | Error when reading hedged item &1 &2 |
565 | Error when reading hedge plan &1 &2 |
566 | Error when reading transactions for hedge plan &1 &2 |
567 | Error when reading exposures for hedge &1 &2 &3 |
568 | No hedging relationship found for hedge &1 in company code &2 |
569 | Error when updating hedge strategy for hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 |
570 | No hedging relationship found for derivative &1 hedged item &2 version &3 |
571 | Hedge plan &1 in company code &2 is being edited by user &3 |
575 | No hedging relationships found for selection criteria |
576 | ALV Grid control error |
580 | Dedesignation of this hedging relationship has already been reversed |
600 | Hedge with key company code &1 and hedge ID &2 is not in the database |
601 | More than one HR exists for &; hedge accounting rollover is not executed |
602 | More than one HR available for hedge &; HA rollover is not executed |
603 | Volume of orig. exposure &1 &2 not equal to volume of new exposure &3 &4 |
604 | New exposure period overlaps the original exposure |
625 | Fin. tr. &1 with different incept. date (&2) to hedge &3 already assigned |
626 | Start redesign. by RFC for fin. tr. &1, source &2, target &3, &4 unit(s) |
627 | Start rephasing by RFC for fin. tr. &1, source &2, target &3, &4 unit(s) |
628 | Change reason is not defined |
629 | Number of units &1 greater than available quantity in source hedge &2 |
630 | Number of to be reassigned units is higher than available units |
631 | Source and Target Hedged Item are identical |
632 | Inception date of the target hedge relationship is empty |
633 | Number of Units is not delivered |
634 | Redesignation successfully completed |
635 | Rephasing successfully completed |
636 | Switch FTRMO_SFWS_C10S02_COMM_RM is off; activate related bus. function |
650 | No strategy found for hedging relationship &1 &2 &3 |
651 | Strategy & is not available |
652 | Error when updating hedging relationship (THMHRT_HR) |
653 | Error when updating hedging relationship valuation (THMHRT_HR_VAL) |
654 | Error when updating the hedging relationship strategy (THMHRT_HR_STRAT) |
655 | Error when updating the external prosp. assessment (THMHRT_HR_EXPROS) |
700 | Hedging relationship has not been dissolved or changed |
701 | Transaction for displaying derivative is not defined for menu TIMN(AT02A) |
702 | Transaction type for displaying a derivative is not permitted |
800 | Valuations avail. w. key date after dissolution date; inconsistent status |
801 | Hedging relationship is available with start date after current date |
810 | Derivative & included in more than one HR; manual HA rollover required |
811 | Hedge & included in more than one HR; manual HA rollover required |
812 | Derivative & included in more than one HR; manual HA reversal required |
813 | Hedging relationship has been valued; reversal cannot be processed |
814 | More than one transaction exists for this exposure; reversal terminated |
820 | No position found for transaction &1 |
821 | Hedging relationship successfully created |
822 | Designation quantity is 0 |
823 | Designation quantity is not covered by fin. transaction quantity |
824 | Start date of hedging relationship must be before exposure due date (&1) |
825 | Designation quantity is greater than available hedge quantity |
826 | Hedging relationship successfully updated |
827 | Provided financial transaction is not a future transaction |
828 | Internal error when getting last valuation date |
829 | Redesignation date is before or equal to last valuation date |
830 | No 'Valid From Date' available since no exposure transaction found |
831 | Hedging quantity must not be negative |
832 | Provide only transactions used in hedging rel. with same designation date |
833 | Process first the HRs with lower design. date as &1 (HP &2, Hedge Id &3) |
834 | Class &1 (CoCo &1) is for bucket processing and can not be matched here |