THM_EXPOSURE - E-Hedge Accounting: Exposure

The following messages are stored in message class THM_EXPOSURE: E-Hedge Accounting: Exposure.
It is part of development package FTHM_EXPOSURE in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Hedge Management - Package Exposure Management".
Message Nr
Message Text
000****************** Messages for Package: Exposure **********************
001Exposure is already assigned to hedged item &
002Exposure & not found
003Assignment of exposure &1 to hedged item &2 cannot be reset
004Hedge plan &1 (company code &2) not found
005Exposure & already exits
006Exposure & cannot be deleted
007Hedge plan & cannot be updated
008Transaction & was not created due to database errors
009The transaction due date must correspond to the exposure due date
010The transaction currency must correspond to the exposure currency
011Missing due date in transaction &
012Missing currency in transaction &
013Transaction tables are inconsistent
014Transaction & cannot be deleted
015No transaction found
016No exposures were found for hedged item &
017Exposure & cannot be updated
018The hedging relationship was not updated (internal error)
019The hedged item cannot be changed (internal error)
020No transaction can be selected for date &
021Transaction & does not exist
022Transaction & cannot be updated due to database errors
023The system is unable to determine the +/- sign (internal error)
024Trans. &1 can't be deleted because exposure &2 linked to hedged item &3
025No exposures found
026No expiring exposures for date & found
027Different transaction categories are not permitted in one exposure
028Different transaction activities are not permitted in one exposure
029Exposure has an incorrect +/- sign
030No exposure selected; double-click on the list for selection
031No transaction selected; double-click on the list for selection
032No hedged item selected; double-click on the list for selection
033No derivative selected; double-click on the list for selection
034Select a hedge strategy
035Fill the exposure ID or check the 'Create New Exposure' checkbox
036Select an exposure
037No additional hedged item permitted in single hedge mode
038&1 &2 &3 &4
039You have entered a negative markup. Are you sure?
040Transaction & was created successfully
041Transaction & was changed successfully
042Transaction & was deleted successfully
043No additional transactions allowed (existing hedging relationship)
044Transaction &1 has product category &2 which is not supported here
045Transaction &1 in company code &2 does not exist
046No transaction to be updated was found
047The key figure is not within the permitted range
048Enter a markup
049Transaction activity &1 does not match transaction type &2
050Hedged item & created successfully
051Hedged item & changed successfully
052Hedged item & deleted successfully
053Internal error reading the exposure transaction
054Upper limit must be positive
055Lower limit must be positive
056Internal error in Persistence Service (table &1)
057Hedge accounting is not active in company code &1 in valuation area &2
058No leading valuation area for hedge accounting in company code &1
059Error when changing exposures
060Hedging relationship & created successfully
061Hedging relationship & changed successfully
062Hedging relationship & deleted successfully
063Hedging relationship & successfully cleared
064Hedging relationship & archived successfully for clearing at later date
065Error when assigning hedged item
066Hedge plan not unique for hedging instrument &1 &2
067Hedge plan &1 cannot contain interest rate exposure for currency risk
068Hedge plan &1 cannot contain foreign crcy exposure for interest rate risk
069Hedge transaction has a valuation after the key date (on &1)
070Exposure cannot be generated due to different reference interest rates
071Exposure cannot be generated due to different int. rate adjustment dates
072Exposure cannot be generated due to different calculation periods
073Exposure cannot be generated due to different calculation methods
074Cannot generate exposure because of different fixed interest rates
075Cannot generate exposure because of different interest signs
076Valid from date is not compatible w/ planned start date &1 / end date &2
077Valid From &1 > &2 Due Date
078Calculation start date isn't compatible with start date &1 / end date &2
079Calc. end date isn't compatible w/ planned start date &1 / end date &2
080& transactions were generated successfully
081Transaction was not updated: plan &1, due date &2, from &3 to &4
082No transaction was to be updated
083Valid From &1 > &2 Calculation Start
084Calculation Start &1 > &2 Calculation End
085Calculation Start &1 > &2 Due Date
086Fixing Date &1 > &2 End Date
087No plan was selected
088Plan &1 in company code &2 does not exist
089Plan &1 does not belong to risk category &2 (&3)
090Hedge plan & was created successfully
091Hedge plan & was changed successfully
092Hedge plan & was deleted successfully
093Hedge plan & does not exist
094Plan & cannot be created due to an internal DB error
095Plan & cannot be deleted due to an internal DB error
096Plan & cannot be changed due to an internal DB error
097Plan & already exists
098Plan & cannot be deleted due to preceding transactions
099Plan &1 is already assigned to transaction &2
100Enter a transaction category
101Enter a transaction activity
102Enter a transaction ID
103Enter a long text
104The due date must be between the start &1 / end &2 of the hedge plan
105Plan date &1 cannot be set to &2 due to past transactions
106Transaction & cannot be created due to an internal DB error
107Transaction & cannot be deleted due to an internal DB error
108Transaction & cannot be changed due to an internal DB error
109Transaction & already exists
110Enter an amount
111Enter a transaction currency
112Enter a transaction date
113Hedged item & cannot be created due to an internal DB error
114Hedged item & cannot be deleted due to an internal DB error
115Hedged item & cannot be changed due to an internal DB error
116Hedging relationship cannot be created due to an internal DB error
117The hedging relationship cannot be settled due to an internal DB error
118The hedging relationship cannot be changed due to an internal DB error
119The exposure cannot be calculated due to difference markups
120Exposure cannot be generated due to different interest amount indicator
121Enter an amount
122Transaction &1 is already assigned to plan &2
123Transaction &1, start date &2, is not in hedge plan &3 to &4
124Transaction &1, end date &2, is not in hedge plan &3 to &4
125Hedge plan end date is before transaction due date
126Flow with due date &1: nom. currency &2 differs from payment currency &3
127Assignment of interest reference rate to flow is not
128Interest flow with due date &1, calculation from &2 to &3 is not unique
129Transactions were saved
130No flows were found for transaction &1 in company code &2
131Hedging plan &1 was already assigned to loan contract &2
132No flows were found for loan &1 in company code &2
133Loan &1 start date &2 not in hedging plan &3 to &4
134Loan &1 end date &2 not in hedging plan &3 to &4
135Due date &1 (calc. from &2 to &3): calculation base has changed
136Due date &1 (calc. from &2 to &3): the flow no longer exists
137Due date &1 (calc. from &2 to &3): several new flows were found
138Due date &1 (calc. from &2 to &3): chg. not allowed bef. valuation on &4
139E-Hedge Accounting transactions created
140Database tables THMEXT_TRANS and THMEXT_TRANS_IR are not consistent
141The individual hedged item field must be selected in the hedge plan
142Nominal amount &1 &2 in hedge plan is not equal to nominal HA trans &3 &4
143&1 transactions created
144&1 transactions are being deleted
145&1 transactions are being changed
146Hedge plan &1: nominal is set to &2 &3
147The single hedged item field is selected in the hedge plan
148You have canceled hedging
149Error when inserting in table THAEXT_EXP_HDG:&1 &2 &3 &4
150Enter a reference interest rate
151Enter an adjustment date
152Enter a calculation start date
153Enter a calculation end date
154Enter a calculation method
155Enter a company code
156Reclassification date after runtime end &1 of hedge transaction &2
157Key date must not be before current start date &1
158Key date does not fall in the exposure validity period
159CoCode &1, hedge plan &2, exposure &3: Internal error nec. reclass
160Enter a plan ID
161Enter a risk category
162Enter a date for the start and a date for the end of the term
163The end of the term is before the start of the term
164Enter a nominal amount and currency for an individual hedged item
165Risk class FX is not permitted in individual hedge mode
166Financial transaction & does not belong to product category 550
167Financial transaction &1 &2 does not exist
168Start date &1 is after due date &2 of exposure &3
169End date &1 is before due date &2 of exposure &3
170Currency nominal &1 must match currency interest amount &2
171Exposure &1 does not exist with transaction &2
172Nominal, currency and single hedge only permitted for interest rate risk
173Risk category &1 is not permitted
174Nominal amount must not be negative
175Interest amount must not be negative
176Interest days and base days must not be negative
177Transaction activity &1 only permitted for exchange rate risk
178All FX transactions must have activity net investment
179Do not enter exposure ID and transaction group simultaneously
180Transaction &1 to be newly created and updated simultaneously
181Selection not found for transaction &1 to be changed
182Transaction &1 created more than once
183Transaction &1 updated more than once
184You cannot view hedge plans in company code &1
185Reclassification end date must be after start date
186Reclassification start date must be after exposure date (deprec. area &1)
187You cannot change hedge plans in company code &1
188You cannot create hedge plans in company code &1
189You cannot delete hedge plans in company code &1
190Amount to be reclassified has incorrect plus/minus sign
191You can reclassify maximum &1 &2
192Reclassification not possible for hedge transaction &1 &2
193Check the proposed amounts
194Internal error: Hedge accounting data is not available
195Strategy &1 (hedge item &2, plan &3) has other setting reg. start value
196Interest rate 0%: The transferred interest amount of &1 &2 is reset
197Reducing transaction &1-&2-&3 leads to overhedging
198You cannot change the currency of the hedge plan since exposures exist
199Changing transaction &1 was tested successfully
200Enter the assigned hedge volume
201Enter the assigned derivative volume
202Determine a hedge volume within the available volume
203Define a derivative volume that is within the available volume
204Assigned hedge volume must have the same sign as the available volume
205Assigned derivative vol. must have the same sign as the available volume
206The sum of assigned hedge volumes is greater than the nominal amount
207The adjustment of assigned hedge volumes was unsuccessful
208The changed start date must be greater than or equal to &1
209Start date of hedging relationship &1 must be >= valid from date &2
210Contract Type must be Money Market or Derivatives
211Product category &1 is not permitted
212Transaction &1 in company code &2 is not defined
213Flow type &1 is not defined
214Hedged item currency &1 does not match derivative currency &2
215Valid from date &1 does not match current transaction valid from date &2
216No benchmark interest rate data found for given date & or previous 4 mnts
217Benchmark interest rate found for reference date &
218Start date of HR &1 must be >= End of Term &2 of hedging instrument &3
219Hypothetical deriv. has a different product category to hedging instr.
220Financial asset is not supported
221Financial liability is not supported
222Entry was not created in log table & due to an internal DB error
223Entry was not deleted in log table & due to an internal DB error
224Entry was not changed in log table & due to an internal DB error
225Field XTEXT is initial
226Field TEXT50 is initial
227Current values in field 'CFART' are not supported
228The start and end of term dates are not uniform
229The amount is less than zero
230The plan end date has been extended
231Line item error
232No risk object cash flow matches the hedge accounting transaction
233The risk object currency is not equal to the transaction currency
234The plan start date has been extended
235Start and/or end of term dates are not uniform
236Designated hedge volume greater than available volume on &
237Cashflow indicator &1 not allowed for risk category &2
238"Exposures from multiple RO" not possible for interest rate risk
239Indicator "individual hedged item" cannot be changed
240No risk object found in company code &1
241Field 'only hedged item' will be deleted in hedge plan &1
242Field 'only hedged item' cannot be changed in hedge plan &
243Nominal amount and currency will be deleted in hedged item &1
244Nominal amount and currency must be initial for hedge plan &1
245Risk object &1 is being checked for hedge plan &2
246Due date &1 (calculated from &2 to &3): Valid-from date set to &4
247Due date &1 (calculated from &2 to &3): Valid-from date &4 isn't allowed
248There are flows that cannot be loaded because of their due date
249Data inconsistency: Exposure not found for hedged item
250Exposure &1 is assigned to hedge transaction &3 in valuation area &2
251You do not have the necessary authorization in any selected company code
252You have not selected a valid company code
253Risk object &1 is incorrect
254Data was not saved because errors occurred
255Data has been saved.
256Interest rates and currency risks exist simultaneously for risk object &1
257Company code currency corresponds to financial transaction currency
258Valuation area &1 does not exist
259Valuation area &1 is not available
260Position currency amount to be reclassified has incorrect plus/minus sign
261In position currency you can reclassify a maximum of &1 &2
262Reclass. in position currency not possible for hedging instrument &1 &2
263No text found for transaction activity &1 in language &2 or &3
264The validity date is after the end date &1 of the hedge plan
265A note does not exist
266Start date of hedging rel. &1 must be on or before due date &2
267Target ratio must be between 0 and 100
268Start date of hedge rel. (&1) is after the end date &2 of the plan
269Contract date &1 for the financial transaction is in the future
270Assigned hedge volume has the wrong plus or minus sign
271Transaction &1 contains invalid characters
272Hedge plan &1 is not suitable for commodity price risk
273Different commodities are not permitted in an exposure
274Commodity & does not exist
275You cannot use different units of measure in an exposure
276Exposure and hedging instrument have different units of measure
277Specify the assigned quantity
278Cannot reverse rollover; Select an active rollover period
279Cannot reverse rollover;Valuations available for new hedging relationship
280Hedging relationship (rollover) & was reversed successfully
281Hedging relationship & was rolled over successfully
282Rollover date must be after the start date of the preceding hedging rel.
283Enter a unit of measure
284Enter a commodity ID
285Unable to distinguish node: &
286Unable to expand node: &
287No available derivative volume to allocate
288Entry has incorrect plus/minus sign
289Input value is greater than the permitted value &
290Reclassification date is not within the transaction validity period
291Start date is after the derivative end date &
292Start date is after the exposure end date &
293Dedesignation/change in volume is on or before the valuation date &
294Hedging rel. with existing amount already exists for financial instrument
295Dedesignation date on or before valuation key date &1
296Start of term has not been defined
297End of term has not been defined
298Hypothetical derivative must be a commodity forward
299Enter a quantity
300****************** Messages for Package: FTR Integration ****************
301Hdg Acc.: Change of contract date forbidden. Trans. linked to hdg. acctng
302Hedge Acctng.: Change of due date forbidden. Trans. linked to hdg. acctng
303All trans. of a commodity exposure must have the same unit of valuation
304Error updating the exposure tables
305There were no database changes made
306Processing of hedge relation &4 not possible
307Exposure cannot be changed in Hedge Accounting
308Total of nominals of hedged items exceeds nominal of exposure
309Derivative &1 not suitable for hedge strategy &2
310Hedging instruments may not be changed for display dates in the past
311Hedging instrument is designated to &1 bucket hedged item &2
312Designation date must not be before transaction start date
313Commodity Price Risk is not supported
330Hedge Accounting: adjustment for item-level test not supported
331Mix of Item-level and Instrument-Level assessment test not possible
332Mix of Item-level and Instrument-Level assessment test not possible
351Evaluation type is missing for derivative &1
352Error in creating Hypo. Derivative from Exposure
401The money market currency does not match the hedge plan currency
402Calculation periods and/or due dates have changed
403Transaction start date &1 and end date &2 outside hedge plan dates
404No log exists
405Exposure cannot be generated due to different frequencies
406No available hedged item volume to allocate on &1
407Configuration is inconsistant, see long text
899Internal error; contact SAP
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