TIMERULE - Fehlermeldungen zu den Terminregeln

The following messages are stored in message class TIMERULE: Fehlermeldungen zu den Terminregeln.
It is part of development package SZTI in software component BC-SRV-TIM-TR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Central Basis Development: Time ('Time/Event')".
Message Nr
Message Text
000XML syntax error: &1 (row &2, column &3)
001Expression &1 unknown
002Expression &1 incomplete
003Expression &1 cannot find context
004Date rule is empty
005Variable &1 cannot be determined
006Variable &2 cannot be used in statement &1
007Expression &1 cannot create calendar
008<TimeRuleSource> not allowed if <ABAPTimeRule> does not exist
010Expression &1 is missing expression for type of duration
011Expression &1 is missing expression for type of date
012Expression &1 is missing expression for type of reference
013Expression &1 does not know time unit &2
014Expression &1 does not know item &2
015Expression &1 does not know reference &2
016CONVERT command unsuccessful in expression &1
020No context given
021XML element <TimeRuleSource> does not exist
022XML document does not exist for date rule
023XML element <&1> does not exist
026Date &1 does not exist in profile &2
039*** Editor ***
040Select a date rule
041Date rule cannot be changed
042ID for date rule &1 does not exist
043Serious error during evaluation of rule
044Date rule &1 not known
045Date rule &1 does not exist
046Customizing cannot be changed
047Edit control cannot be displayed
048Date rule &1 included in transport request
049Date rule copied
050Date rule saved
051Changes not saved
052Date rule evaluated
053Error during evaluation of date rule
054Context deleted
055Date rule can only be checked in edit mode
056Save your data before displaying the details screen
057No errors found
058Errors occurred
061Change to date rule only allowed in the original system
065Date rule &1 already exists in request &2
100&1 cannot be interpreted as weekday, command, or time zone
101&1 cannot be interpreted as command or time zone
102&1 cannot be interpreted as date
103&1 cannot be interpreted as time
104Error occurred in command &1 during time entry
260No date profile specified when calling F4 help
275Cannot calculate time; enter a system time zone
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