TK - Transport Organizer

The following messages are stored in message class TK: Transport Organizer.
It is part of development package SCTS_REQ in software component BC-CTS-ORG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CTS: Request Editing".
Message Nr
Message Text
Sief/Schmidtj/Wichm: SE01 corrections B20K014168
001Object locked in request &2, however request cannot be used
002&1 is locked in request/task &2, display only
003Object function K is not possible with direct key entry
004Action &1 is not supported
005Some of the passed function module names were known globally
006Request type &1 is not supported here
007Use requests from this system only
008Package in non-original system only modifiable with Organizer Tools
009You cannot modify central Basis objects
010Transport target &2 from request &1 is not standard consolidation target
011No requests found
012Local request &1 are not transported
013Could not determine transport target &1 &2 &3 in class &4
014Transport of customizing changes is not configured
015Make repairs in the non-original system only if they are urgent
016Make repairs in foreign namespaces only if they are urgent
017You are processing generated objects -> you can make changes
018Object component &1 &2 &3 can only be edited using full object &4
019Specify the name of a variant for report &1
020Transport object & & does not exist
021Could not release request &1, check the request
022Object &1 &2 &3 cannot be locked
023The selected request does not belong to your current project
024In the specified request & user & does not have a task
025Maintenance only allowed by user & or authorized user
026Objects can only be edited under &
027Request/task &1 does not contain any objects
028Cannot delete (request locks still exist)
029You cannot enter "&1"
030Error saving request texts &1
031Error saving request header for &1
032Error saving the objects for request/task &1
033Error saving the object keys for request/task &1
034Original language set to logon language
035You cannot edit object &1 &2 &3 with the standard editor
036Error deleting documentation for request/task &1
037Error deleting object keys
038Activate the inactive objects
039Error saving request texts for &1
040Error saving request header for &1
041Error saving objects for request/task &1
042Error saving the object keys for request/task &1
043Error saving objects for request/task &1
044Edit the object &1 &2 &3
045Object &1 &2 &3 already exists in this system, you cannot create it again
046You cannot change locked objects in request/task &1
047Request number is empty
048Could not edit lock entry in TLOCKCIO for &1 &2 &3
049*** New messages for trint_delete_comm *******************************
050Deleting released request/task &1 not allowed
051Request/task & has been locked by another user
052Deletion only allowed in tasks
053Request/task &1 locked by user &2
054Request/task &1 does not exist
055Error saving nametab information for request/task &1
056Request/task &1 can only be changed in client &2
057Source client can only be modified in the logon client
058& does not exist in this system
059Release with change lists currently not possible
060No target request specified
061Target request &1 does not exist
062Request contains nonexistent table &1 without delete flag
063Object &1 cannot be edited in &2, no request for &2
064Task/request &1 has already been released
065Tasks in request &1 cannot be reassigned
066Cannot edit object &1, lock conflict
067Cannot edit object, it is locked in different requests
068Cannot record changes
069Select the end of the block
070Cannot record changes in &1. Lock conflict.
071& / & was included in key table
072Key must have & places
073Enter an object name
074Comment may not be located at beginning of field
075Enter a table key
076Entry &1 &2 &3 cannot be created manually
077& keys of object & were deleted
078Object & & has object function "K", but no key
079Request has a different project assignment. You cannot edit it.
080Error when creating operating system command
081Repair &1 does not exist (function canceled)
082Only repairs of type &K* can be edited in this system
083Request/task &1 is not a repair; function canceled
084Repair &1 not yet released; function canceled
085&1 &2 has added objects
086Error when changing the object directory entry &1 &2 &3
087User &1 has no authorization for the selected function
088Error occurred when calling operating system &1
089Unknown error at SYSTEM command &
090Request/task &1 does not exist in the system
091Error & received from the operating system
092Combination of objects with and without Transport Organizer monitoring
093Profile parameter & unknown
094Test call of transport control program (tp) ended with return code &3
095Entries cannot be created in local packages in non-original system
096Define table keys for entry &1 &2
097Attribute not changed
098& task type changed to &
099Specified request type or task type & is unknown
100Object &1 &2 &3 is already locked in current request/task
101Do not use user '&'
102SAP system has status 'not modifiable'
103This syntax cannot be used for an object name
104& is not locked
105System type cannot be determined
106Object &1 is already being edited by &2
107Objects could not be added to request/task &1
108Only make repairs in client &
109No object directory entry for object & (only display allowed)
110Package &2 missing for object &1 (only display allowed)
111Mixed objects with and without change recording
112Edit objects separately since they belong to different original systems
113Edit objects separately since they cannot be transported together
114Object locks in different requests (no common request)
115Objects refer to different tasks
116Objects for the changed object keys are missing
117Request lock on nonexistent task/request &
118Internal error (editing of object & & & failed)
119Object editing canceled by user
120System & is invalid target system (see Entry help)
121&1 is not a request in this system
122Links to repaired objects not allowed
123Repaired objects cannot be locked in correction &
124Repair & may only contain repaired objects
125Internal error (editing lock key &1 &2 failed)
126Request/task &1 has already been released
127Changes to objects are only allowed in correction/repair
128Request number is empty
129Request data was used from request &1
130Object &3 locked for request/task &1 (owner &2)
131& is not a request in this system
132Request with this type cannot be created
133Request &1 is currently being edited by user &2
134Correction lock cannot be transferred (request & locked)
135Error deleting object from request
136Specify a request
137& is not a valid request number
138User &1 may not create or edit requests/tasks
139Package cannot be changed from &3 to &4
140Request with status &1 cannot be created
141& & & cannot be cut out
142& objects and & keys were cut out
143& objects and & keys were copied
144& objects and & keys were inserted
145No header entry for & &
146No previous object with keys exists
147No next object exists with keys
148Object and key entries were sorted and compressed
149All selected entries were deleted
150Not all selected entries could be deleted
151Table key is longer than & characters
152Enter table key generically
153Goto line & not possible
154Scrolling not possible here (end or start of list reached)
155Enter complete object names
156Table & has no key fields
157Key cannot be entered for table &
158Table & is a data structure
159You cannot transport the contents of the table &1
160Task &1 is unclassified and cannot be edited
161Source system = target system not possible for relocation transports
162Object &1 &2 &3 is not entered in the object directory
163Dependencies between switches not fulfilled (see long text)
164Internal error: Request &1 is locked; action canceled
165Source client = target client not possible for transports
167Release of task &1 without a request is not allowed
168Create documentation for task &1
169You can no longer change request &1 of task &2
170New request target does not match the objects
171Client &1 of the object does not match the current client &2
173Target request &1 is being edited by user &2
174Error while saving the object directory entry &1 &2 &3
175Error occurred when saving the entry for the original of object & & &
176&1 is part of a system object; only this object can be edited
177Data inconsistency in request data for &1
178The content of this table can only be modified by SAP
180Repaired objects cannot be included in dev./correction &1
181Repair &1 may only contain repaired objects
182Not all objects in request/task &1 were locked
183&1 &2 split the customizing request &3 from the workbench request &4
184& & has reassigned task & to request &
185& & has created the new request/task
186& & new owner, changed by &, previously &
187& & has unlocked the request/task
188& & deleted following object &3&4
189& & has deleted the request/task
190& & has released the request/task
191& action log for request &
192& & has confirmed the repair
193& & owner, linked by & to &
194&1 &2 appended the customizing request &3 to the workbench request &4
195& action log for task &
196& relocation transport was reset by &
197Navigation for &1 is not supported
198& & owner, task & deleted by user &
199Repaired objects still exist in other repairs: Import protection active
201Generation flag '&' invalid (allowed values are "X", "0", and " ")
202Operational error in &; for further information see syslog in & system
203Object &1 &2 is in reserved namespace for package &3
204Package &1 invalid for customer object &2 &3
205Object &1 &2 cannot be in customer package &3
206The original of the object is in &1
207Package & is invalid
208TADIR key cannot be included in the object directory
209Generation flag "&" invalid (only "X", "0", and " " are allowed)
210Object directory modification not possible in consolidation system
211Edit objects separately since they cannot be transported together
212&1 &2 already exists globally with the original in &3
213Global TADIR cannot currently be accessed
214Change request with customer objects is not possible at SAP
215Object & & does not exist in the global object directory (GTADIR)
216Global objects are not allowed in this package
217GTADIR changes can only be made in the original system
218Method & is not supported by &
219Uncaught RAISE EXCEPTION (code &)
220& & & &
221&1 &2 created and released test transport &3
222No differences found in the programs
223Internal error in routine &
224No entries found
225System & cannot be reached at present
226Request/task number is empty
227Object directory entry for & & & successfully deleted
228Only use package names with at least two characters
229Object has status "repaired"
230Only the author of the object (and DDIC) can reset the repair flag
231Modification of object directory entry canceled without saving
232Entry &1 &2 &3 not permitted in object directory
233The object &1 &2 &3 does not exist
234Assign a valid package
235Action may only be carried out by user DDIC
236Modification of object directory ended with errors
237Modification of object directory ended successfully
238Only user DDIC may reset the TADIR-GENFLAG
239Object not adequately specified
240*** Messages for TRINT_EDITOR_COMM
241Request number & does not exist
242Enter a request
243No transports allowed from application systems to Basis systems
244Object set cannot be edited consistently
245You can only change the person responsible for target package &
246Related object & & & already exists in &
247Object &3 locked for request/task &1 (owner &2)
248No matching task exists under request &2 for user &1
249You cannot switch to display mode
250& is not generic
251Expanding is not possible for object & &
252Object lists for upgrade could not be created
253Piece list for transport & already exists
254&1 client-specific key entries were converted
255Save changes first
256Save changes first
257The object entries from &1 were added to object list &2
258Object lists can only be added to requests and not to tasks
259Repaired objects still in other requests: Import protection still active
260There are no objects corresponding to generic entry &
261& is not a transport request in this system
262Invalid function & when calling request maintenance
263You are already editing change request &
264You cannot switch to maintenance mode
265Repair &1 confirmed
266Object function & for object & not allowed
267Switched to display mode
268Switched to change mode
269Cross-system locks (CSOL) exist (see long text)
270Object function & not possible with this object
271Object function "&" not possible
273Define the original entry for object & & &
274Selected function is not possible
275Lockability check performed successfully
276& is an application table
277Table & contains temporary data (transport not possible)
278Table key (class &3) is in the customer namespace
280System & is not defined
281Note: & is an application table
282Note: & is a table for temporary data
283Request lock for object type & cannot be mirrored
284Global information was updated for user &
285Create documentation for task &
287Special character "&" in generic key
288Only the specified table keys are transported
289Empty key lines were deleted before saving
290Adjustment of the key entries may be necessary, however has not happened
291Adjustment of the key entries necessary, however has not been done
292Client & does not correspond to the logon client
293Language & does not correspond to the logon language
294& is not a valid client
295& is not a valid language
296Only a final asterisk can be used as a generic entry
297Cannot access global object directory (GTADIR)
298Comparison with the & system is currently locked
299Object directory entry could not be deleted
300Object must belong to package &1
301&1 cannot be added to request/task
302Changes to deployment target of tables requires SDDIC authorization
303Deployment target cannot be reset to SPACE
304Object &3 is not original in this system
305Relocations cannot contain subobjects
306Transport objects from package &2 to target &1 only
307No conversion for object type &1 &2 possible
308Do not enter test objects in transportable workbench requests
309Request lock for &1 is in invalid task/request &2
310&1 is locked in request/task &2
311Unknown syntax "&1" "&2" "&3"
312Incorrect internal lock argument: &1 &2 &3
313Object &1 &2 &3 requires a directory entry
314Table &1 has no fields
315Table &1 does not exist or is not activated
316Object &1 is not a database table
317Table keys of table &1 contradict the data type
318No key fields are defined for table &1
319Fill table key for table &1 only up to position &2 only
320Key entry for table &1 may only be generic
321&1: Object &2 &3 &4 could not be converted
322Lock for & applies to a request that does not exist or is empty
323&1 is a table, it cannot be accessed as a view
324&1 is a view, it cannot be accessed as a table
326Choose a correction
327Choose a repair
328Object prepared for display only
329Object directory entries are only displayed and may not be changed
330Selected changes to object directory entry only in original system
331User "&1" does not exist in this system
332Only edit objects from package &2 in local requests
333& Perforce release has been started asynchronously
334& Perforce test release has been started
335& Perforce test release has been stopped
336Number of keys entered (&1) greater than table definition &2
337Field value &1 is longer than &2 in the table definition
338Length of input parameter IV_KEY_LENS &1 must be divisible by five
339Was the performance of the function measured with SQL trace + ABAP trace?
340CILTS lock conflict exists
341Was each table assigned to the correct delivery class ?
342No namespace assignment per object naming convention for object type &2
343Cannot assign namespace using package for object &1 &2 &3
344Namespace is reserved for partner development (partner project &2)
345Cannot delete &1: Referenced packages exist
346There is currently no check function for object type & &
347Namespace is reserved (generated objects or internal use only)
348Enter the full object name
349Objects with target "on-premise only" are deleted in cloud systems
350Export & performed successfully (see log)
351Export & performed with warnings (see log)
352& export ended with errors (request is modifiable again, see log)
353System name length for object type &1 not defined in this function
354Specified object type &1 is not known in this function
355Objects locked for other requests
356Not all objects can be edited as requested
357Object "&1" "&2" "&3" cannot be transported
358Choose a different name for namespace &1
359No valid license exists for namespace &1
360No suitable namespace exists
361Object type &1 &2 is unknown or does not have an object directory entry
362Namespace &1 is unknown, check syntax
363Dictionary objects with long names are not relocated to Basis systems
364Request contains corrupt (non-ASCII) table key
365Exception: SAP object although customer name range
366Object already exists globally in system &
367Objects in SAP namespace cannot be included in local packages
368Cannot display where-used list
369Call only for objects of SAP partners (J in the first position)
370Namespace conflict between object &1 and target package &3
371&1 &2 has tested the change request; &3
372&1 &2 eliminated the error in the request; &3
373Extended syntax check (SLIN) is missing for certain ABAP sources
374Menu Painter standards check is missing for certain CUA interfaces
375Not all ABAP/4 Dictionary elements are free of errors and activated
376No table keys exist in request/task &2 for table &1
377Invalid E071K entry &1 &2 &3 for request &4
378Not all language-specific texts in ABAP sources are translatable
379Performance measurements (SQL/ABAP trace) missing for certain functions
380More tables entries than necessary are transported
381Tables may be in the wrong delivery class
382No objects with post-import methods found
383Adjustment (request function was not carried out in the group)
384Requests with archived key are not copied
385GSODIR updates only possible if old and new main objects are original
386Log overview updated
387Object already exists as a subobject of &1 &2 &3
388Associated main object &1 &2 &3 missing in table GTADIR
389Documentation of object & has status '&'
390No documentation found
391Documentation cannot be edited
392Object &1 &2 &3 does not exist
393Enter a different value for parameter &1
394No subobjects exist for object type &1 &2
395Enter maximum length for object type &1 &2 in syntax table
396Object name &3 is too long (for object type &1 &2: Maximum length &4)
397Object name &3 is too short (for object type &1 &2: Minimum length &4)
398Object &1 &2 already exists (but is an orphan object)
399*** Only long text is used in FM TR_CHECKS_FOR_CLIENT_DELETION ***
400*** Messages from the utility programs ***
401Use only as user '&'
402Request/task & was unlocked
403& & & &
404Transport Organizer deactivated
405Transport Organizer activated
406No system entry for the Workbench Organizer (in TADIR)
408System change option: &
409Error setting system change option
410System change option saved (does not apply to parallel sessions)
411No keys for the object exist
412Request &1 (&2) is not assigned to a client
414Request &1 (&2) belongs to a different client
415Request/task &1 has the incorrect type for an object with type &2 &3
416Request/task &1 (&2) is not assigned to a client
417Request/task &1 (&2) is assigned to a different client
419Request/task &1 (&2) is assigned to a different client
420Request/task &1 (&2) is assigned to a different client
424Transporting &1 is not allowed in this client
425Invalid call stack for interfaces when recording changes
426Edit objects separately since they belong to different categories
427No object definition exists for customizing object &1
428Table &1 is not part of the customizing object &2
430Client &1 has status 'not modifiable'
432&1 cannot be added to a request/task
433Object &1 cannot be changed
435Local request &1 released (objects no longer locked)
437Request &1 is assigned to a different client
438&1 cannot be added to a request/task
439Customizing request &1 released to workbench request &2
440Customizing tasks can only be appended to customizing requests
441You can only add a workbench task to a workbench request
443Requests/tasks were linked
445Task &1 and request &2 require different request types
446Release of request/task &1 simulated
448Target not modifiable since request &1 is part of correction measure &2
450& only specifies part of the client
451Data has been reset
452Last entry canceled
453Enter a numeric value into field for accounting period
454Enter a numeric value in the date field
455Enter numeric values only
456Enter a numeric value in the time field
457Table contents cannot be displayed for object type & &
458No authorization to display table &
459No table entries are selected by the specified key
460No table entries are selected by the specified request
461Table & does not contain any entries
462Key has no header entry
463No object functions can be defined for object type "&" "&"
464Deletion of request/task &1 was canceled
465This type of request cannot be released
466&1 &2 has reset request &3 to the status 'Modifiable'
467& & has removed the protection from the request/task
468& & has protected the request/task
469Request/task & protected
470Request/task & already protected
471Protection for request & has already been removed
472This request type may not be protected.
473You may not remove protection from this request type.
474Object function has not been changed
475Request &1 is consistent
476Unclassified task cannot contain objects
477Request objects are consistent
478Request keys are consistent
479Request objects and keys are consistent
480Request with name that is too long cannot be released
481Local object is edited without a request
482Error while saving the task header for &
483Selected request/task was changed while the program was running
484Object does not have an object directory entry
485Specify a complete object key
486Package & does not exist
487Package & has an invalid name
488User &1 is not involved in request &2
489Chosen request/task was deleted while program was running
490Creating a new request for the specified task
491No new task was created for request &1
492Recursive request query call
493Only the categories CUST and SYST are allowed here
494Task &1 is unclassified (it cannot be released)
495Action was canceled
496Switched to display mode
497Request/task &1 has invalid source client &2
498Change request &1 cannot be used
499Task &1 cannot be used
500Object &1 &2 is also contained in other tasks of the request
501Specify a task
502Request & is not a workbench request or customizing request
503Task & cannot be reassigned
504Objects for task & are also contained in other parts of the request
505Task & successfully reassigned
506Comparison with the & system is currently locked
507Cannot access global object directory (GTADIR)
508RFC access to & failed (server cannot be reached)
509Task & cannot be assigned to request &
510You cannot merge a request with itself
511Choose a change request with target system &2
512You cannot use request &1
513& requests and tasks deleted
514Internal error occurred when calling a CTS interface
515Target client has not been changed
516Target client has been changed to &
517Request &1 can only be edited in its source client &2
518Source client has been changed to &
519You cannot use request &
520&1 &2 has changed the source client from &3 to &4
521Source client has not been changed
522&1 &2 owner, added to request &4 by user &3
523Requests have been merged (remaining request: &)
525Choose a request or task
526Only release to transportable change request is allowed
527Invalid object &1 for transportable workbench request
528In the original system no object may be set as repaired.
529Object directory entry already exists
530*** For TRINT_TASK_HANDLING and caller
531First set a current request
532Specify a package
533Validity date &1 has expired
534Internal error (call TRINT_TASK_HANDLING with invalid function &1)
535Enter a user name
536The chosen function may only be executed by user &1
537Invalid request type &1 for repository objects
538Invalid request type &1 for customizing objects
539Enter a client
540Specify a valid request category
541Specify a suitable validity period
542Package &1 does not exist
543You cannot use request &1
545Change request/task &1 does not have the required request category
546Request/task &1 has incorrect type
547Change request/task &1 has no or incorrect source client &2
548Task &1 does not belong to change request &2
549Change request/task &1 has already been released
550Could not save changes
551No valid delivery class for table &
552Table & belongs to delivery class "W" (system table)
553Repair & is already confirmed
554View & has delivery class "W" (system table)
555Key entry was deleted
556Object entry was deleted
559Object list & is empty
560Repair & is already released
561Request &1 not released: Confirmation of &2 when request is released
566Manual profiles (R3TR TDAT SUSPR) cannot be transported with roles
567Release has been canceled
569Changes cannot be recorded and forwarded
570Release canceled because of objects with errors
571&1 is not a change request
572Object components locked in different requests
573Object components locked in request and separate task
574Object components locked in request and separate task
575Object components locked in different tasks
576Objects locked in different requests
577Objects locked in request and separate task
578Objects locked in different tasks
579Objects locked in different tasks
580Object components locked in different tasks
581Object has original in system &1
582Object locked in inconsistent task
583Object locked in task &1
584Cannot change task type to "Unclassified"
585Objects passed from &1 (&2) to &3
586No objects in request &1 or tasks
587Request/task &1 contains objects
588Request/task &1 has already been released
589Current request: &1
590Current package: &1; request: &3
591Current package: &1
592Language &1 is not valid original language, changed to logon language
593Not all tasks for request &1 released
594Combination of objects with and without Transport Organizer monitoring
595Existing object lock is invalid
596Object is locked for repair &1 (&2)
597System variants have to start with "SAP&&" or "CUS&&"
598Application variants may not begin with "SAP&&" or "CUS&&"
599No task for editing objects can be determined
600*** Authorizations in Change and Transport System ***********************
601No authorization to create a change request or task
602No authorization to make changes
603You are not authorized to display requests or tasks
605You are not authorized to lock requests or tasks
606No delete authorization
608You are not authorized to release requests or tasks
610You are not authorized to import transport requests
612You are not authorized to reorganize requests of this type
613No authorization to edit transport requests
615You are not authorized to change the user name
617No authorization to transport & & &
618Error modifying the object directory TADIR
619No authorization for maintenance of table &
620No administration authorization in Change and Transport System
621No authorization for transferring files in Change and Transport System
623No authorization to enter request &
624No authorization to delete empty tasks
625No authorization to delete empty tasks
626Authorization check incorrectly called
627No authorization to release requests of other users
628Transport Organizer (extended view)
629Object(s) to be edited without object directory entry
630Objects locked in various separate tasks
631No suitable task exists under request &1
633You are not authorized to make changes in the object list editor
634You are not authorized to change the client assignment
635User & is not authorized to create requests of this type
636User & is not authorized to change requests of this type
637User & is not authorized to display requests
638User & is not authorized to lock requests of this type
639User & is not authorized to delete requests of this type
640User & is not authorized to make changes in the object list editor
641User & does not have a release authorization
642User & is not authorized to change the client assignment
643User & does not have an import authorization
644User & is not authorized to merge requests
645User & is not authorized to change the owner
646User & has no authorization to edit transport requests
647No authorization for calling transaction &1
648No authorization to change package to another transport layer &1 - &2
650*** Organizer ***********************************************************
651Select a change document ID
652Enter a user name
653Action canceled by user
654Action canceled by user, changes not saved
655Specify at least one request status
656Specify at least one request attribute
657Position the cursor on a request
658&1 is not a consolidation target
659Object &1 &2 &3 is not assigned to the same repository as request &4
660Request &1 is assigned to a different repository
661Action canceled by system-specific BAdI object check
662Position the cursor on a tool
663Position cursor correctly
664Use target system &1 for your request
665System settings do not allow transport of change requests
666Changes were saved
667No changes were made
668Changes not possible (task displayed)
669User & is already involved in working on the change request
670Request created
671Request & is already set as the current request
672System settings only allow &1 as target system
673Specify at least one request type
674Please use the Workbench Organizer for development coordination
675Transport requests with no transport target, and piece lists
676Local change requests
677Request/task &1 cannot be used since it is not assigned to repository &2
678Request/task &1 cannot be used since it is assigned to repository &2
679Request/task &1 belongs to user &2
680&1 &2 &3 is an external index; transport it as LIMU XIND
681Task &1 is not assigned to a request
682Enter a short text
683Request &1 can only include client-specific customizing
684You cannot use a request &. It has the wrong type.
685&1 &2 &3 is not an external index; transport it as LIMU INDX
686Object name missing for entry "&1" "&2"; check your entry
687Changes only allowed to originals -> Display
688SAP objects can only be changed in the original system -> display
689Check only makes sense for requests or tasks that can be changed
690No changes for user &1 allowed
691User &1 may not make changes in customer systems
692Object name "&1" has invalid format
693& changed to "&"
694The object is not subject to request lock management
695The object is not locked
696Invalid structure of object request locks (system error)
697Parameter value for &1 invalid (internal error)
698Task &1 has the status "Release started"
699Repair &1 is already released
700Position the cursor on a modifiable request
701Position the cursor on a request
702Position the cursor on a request or task
703Position the cursor on a request, task, or object
704Position the cursor on a request or task
705Position the cursor on a request, task, or object
706Position the cursor on a task
707Position the cursor on the user of a request...
708Position the cursor on an object in a request or task
709Position the cursor on a request or task
710Position the cursor on an unconfirmed repair
711Position the cursor on the request that is to be protected
712Position the cursor on a request where protection is to be removed
713Request &1 is assigned to repository &2 and task &3 is released
714Position the cursor on a request
715Function only possible for modifiable requests
716Position the cursor on a request or task
717Position the cursor on a request
718Position the cursor on an object in a request or task
719Position the cursor on a request or task
720Position the cursor on an object in a request or task
721Position the cursor on an object in a request or task
722Request &1 and request &2 are assigned to different repositories
723& & changed the properties of the request (current target: &)
724Position the cursor on a request or task
725Position the cursor on a request or task
726Position the cursor on a request or task
727Position the cursor on a request or task
728Position the cursor on a request or task
729Changes to repository objects are not permitted in this client
730Changes to repository or cross-client customizing are not permitted
731Cross-client customizing cannot be modified
732Change and Transport System not configured
733Object cannot be modified in this system -> display
734Object &1 is not permitted in the Customizing request
735Application objects (category APPL) not allowed
736You cannot modify central Basis objects
737Request with this request type cannot be created
738Request cannot be created with this name
739Request already exists
740Request &1 was set as standard request
741Object belongs to function group with customer exit
742Address function group &1 as normal function group
743Position the cursor on a set standard request
744Request &1 set as standard request up to &2
745Position the cursor on a set standard request
746Manual ADO transport collides with automatic ADO export
747Manual ADO transport collided with automatic ADO export
748Function not valid for this request type
749Standard request was reset
750No authorization to change package
751No authorization for a package change into another layer
752Object &1 &2 &3 is not a transportable DDL source
753Object directory entry &1 &2 &3 does not exist
754Error when creating object directory entry &1 &2 &3
755Object &1 &2 &3 already created globally
756Error when changing the object directory entry &1 &2 &3
757Error when deleting object directory entry &1 &2 &3
758Object &1 &2 &3 is from a DDL source; no transports possible
759You can only change the type of tasks in workbench requests
760Object directory entry &1 &2 &3 locked for request/task &4
761Customizing request &1 was appended to workbench request &2
762Specify a customizing request
763Specify a workbench request
764Customizing request &1 was already appended to workbench request &2
765Customizing request &1 was split from the workbench request
766Customizing request &1 was not appended to a workbench request
767Position the cursor on the request/task to be sorted
768Deletion of object entry canceled by user
769Position the cursor on an object, request, or task
770Position the cursor on a request or task
771Position the cursor on the object to be checked
772Position the cursor on a request or task
773Choose an existing request
774Request/task &1 already assigned; merge function cannot be performed
775Requests &1 and &2 are not the same type
776Requests &1 and &2 have different transport targets
777&1 is a task, merge function cannot be performed
778Position the cursor on a modifiable request
779Relocation requests &1 and &2 have different target packages
780Object directory entry &1 &2 &3 changed successfully
781Position the cursor on a modifiable request
782Requests and tasks were reselected
783You can only select complete requests or tasks
784Position the cursor on a request
785Release canceled by user
786Object list included without necessary adjustment
787Not all key entries could be adjusted
788Request cannot be created with this name
789Namespace & does not exist
790Namespace & cannot be used
791Request cannot be created with this name
792Request cannot be created with this name
793Target system of relocations cannot be a dummy system
794No target package was passed
795You can only relocate a customer package in a customer system
796You cannot relocate an application package in a Basis system
797You can only relocate objects in a customer package in a customer system
798You cannot relocate objects in an application package in a Basis system
799Enter a target package
800*** Miscellaneous Messages**********************************************
801System change option does not allow changes to SAP objects -> display
802This function is only active in an SAP development system
803The syntax of objects in & is correct
804No errors found in object checks
805Error found checking syntax of objects in &
806The chosen object is not a repository object
807Assign a local package to the object
808Assign a test package without a link to the Organizer to the object
809Assign a test package with an Organizer link to the object
810Assign a different package to the object
811Assign a transportable package to the object
812Assign a normal package to the object
813Too many recursive calls (> &1) in &2
814******* for RDDTLOCK (XPRA for TLOCK conversion) ***********************
815No lock key entries exist: No adjustment necessary
816Entry: &1 &2 &3 &4
817Object &1 &2 &3 can no longer be locked: Entry marked for deletion
818&1 lock key entries with old syntax require adjustment
819Error: Could not insert transformed lock key entries
820&1 lock keys with old syntax adjusted successfully
821No entries exist with old syntax: No adjustment required
822&1 entries exist with new syntax: Passed unchanged
823Internal error when passing existing lock keys with new syntax
824&1 entries exist with new syntax: Passed unchanged and saved
825Error: Could not delete lock key entries
826&1 lock key entries deleted successfully
827&1 unconvertible entries (with old syntax) found
828&1 lock keys with errors (with incorrect length) deleted
829Contents of lock key table at start of adjustment:
830No convertible entries (with old syntax) exist
831System not prepared for lock key adjustment: Not executed
832Error: Database could not back up the initial lock key table
833Database backup of initial &1 lock keys successful
834Duplicate request assignment to lock key &1 &2:
835 Use more recent request &1
836Internal error initializing or writing log
837Relocation from application system to Basis system not allowed
838A relocation with package change cannot contain a package
839Relocations from Basis system to application system not allowed
840System not prepared for adjusting data elements
841Name of data element &1 too long (longer than &2)
842Error when accessing database (for table &1)
843Client transports cannot be created manually
844Choose objects using the object type and object name
845Inactive Smart Forms exist (e.g. R3TR SSFO &)
846Caution: Changes are made without using the transport interface
847Enter a request
848Position the cursor on an object with a directory entry
849System not prepared for lock key adjustment: Not executed
850No objects were selected
851Choose an object from the list
852Choose a valid line
853Uncheck the tabkey
854Enter the RFC connection to the central system
855Select modifiable objects
856Person responsible changed correctly
857SAP system cannot access the global object directory
858Start time must be in the future
859Choose at least one check
860This is an internal SAP check
861This check is only possible in a Basis system
862Object is not yet used outside Basis
863Object & & & cannot be edited (object error)
864Object & & & could not be locked (enqueue locks)
865The original system of package &1 is system &2, not &3
866Package &1 does not contain any objects
867No package specified
868Cannot check target transport layer
869Cannot check target package &1
870Select a valid object type (lockable objects only)
871Restrict the object selection further
872Your selections according to object type and object name will be lost
873Position the cursor on an object
874Position the cursor on a node
875&1 objects selected
876Selection restricted to &1 hits
877Settings could not be changed (database error)
878Settings changed successfully
879Special characters are not allowed in names
880Request &1 does not exist
881You cannot use request &1
882Request &1 cannot be locked
883Request header does not exist completely
884No request type/task type passed
885No request was sent
886Request type is not allowed
887You specified an invalid target package
888You specified an invalid target transport layer
889Invalid package specified
890Invalid client specified
891Transport layer of target system and target transport layer different
892Transport layers of target system and target package are different
893Specify a transport target
894Object is used in system &1. This system cannot be accessed with RFC.
895Transport workflow is active; could not release request &1
896You cannot use request &1
897You cannot use request &1
898Name of request "&" contains invalid character "&"
899No request created
900User &1 has no authorization for the selected function
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