The following messages are stored in message class TPDA_SCRIPT: TPDA: Skript.
It is part of development package STPDA_SCRIPT in software component BC-ABA-LA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Debugger Script".
It is part of development package STPDA_SCRIPT in software component BC-ABA-LA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Debugger Script".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | The template report &1 for script generation does not exist |
001 | The template report &1 contains syntax errors: &2 (line &3) |
002 | Script contains syntax errors: &1 (line &2) |
003 | Enter the name of the script |
004 | Script &1 does not exist (TRDIR) |
005 | Enter the name of the file |
006 | Either &1 is not a debugger script or the attributes are inconsistent |
007 | The script class of the debugger script is not complete |
008 | Choose at least one trigger point of your script |
009 | Script change: Execution cannot be continued |
010 | Script &1 already exists and will be completely overwritten |
011 | Create breakpoints for the breakpoint trigger |
012 | Create watchpoints for the watchpoint trigger |
013 | Internal error: Error during the generation of the script |
014 | Internal error: Error during the creation of the script |
015 | The data could not be unpacked |
016 | Error during the loading of the trace file |
017 | Error during the loading of script &1 |
018 | Internal error: Script &1 already exists |
019 | Action canceled by user |
020 | Scriptname &1 is not permitted |
021 | You do not have authorization to change/create ABAP programs |
022 | Internal error during the saving of scripts &1. |
023 | Internal error: Script &1 does not exist yet |
024 | Internal error: Script template (RSTPDA_SCRIPT) is inconsistent |
025 | Script &1 was successfully saved |
026 | Standalone trace analysis will be started in a parallel session |
027 | Script &1 was successfully created |
028 | The script was successfully downloaded |
030 | Internal Error: Inconsistent envirnoment (RSTPDA_SCRIPT): &1 is missing |
031 | Internal Error: Inconsistent envirnoment (RSTPDA_SCRIPT): Reason &1 |
032 | Either there is no debugger script or it is inconsistent: &1 is missing |
033 | Either there is no Debugger script or it is inconsistent: Reason &1 |
035 | Default Script &1 cannot be changed |
037 | PROLOG script method: The program data could not be retrieved |
038 | Error in debugger scripting |
039 | Only elementary data types may be used |
040 | Not all required entry fields have been filled |
041 | Error during upload of the script (RC = &1) |
042 | You are not authorized to upload scripts |
043 | Error during the uploading of the script (RC = &1) |
044 | The script could not be generated |
046 | Breakpoints/Watchpoints could not be saved |
048 | The problematic expression is in a macro. No detailed analysis possible |
049 | Internal scan error |
050 | SCAN: The statement cannot be uniquely assigned |